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LTTP: Sonic 06


Can't wait to hear impressions from Grabbity Squeeze.
They will be posititve, I bet

I've actually been keeping an eye out for this game myself. I'm feeling awfully suicidal these days.

I noticed you didn't have anything good to say about the gameplay.
Was gonna say the same thing :lol

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
- The desert stage wasn't too bad. Omega controls like a freaking tank, but the level design was aight. At one point I thought I got stuck in a wall. A GAME ENDING GLITCH IN SONIC 06?!? COULD IT BE? But nope, I regained control over Shadow after about 10 seconds :lol
Alright, Desert Stage wasn't too bad? D:

You know what? It isn't bad... when compared to the Silver version! Sand waves and driving the slow hovercraft still suck, though. I always found the camera in the desert ruins not good.

Man, I await what you think of gravity squeeze... and THIS:



Kammie said:
Didn't some gaffer say he was doing that in another thread? What came of that?
I can't remember... I know that a few people on GAF got the 1000G for this, though!
I'm thinking 06 is now officially a rite of passage for every
Sonic fan. A required reading if you will. Until you play it, you won't realize what an important, historic game it is for the franchise. It's like surviving a war.

"you get through 06?"
*silent acknowledgment and respect exchanged*
"That was incredible!" - I lol'd

I found this game to be more like the gaming equivalent of watching someone puke their guts up...

Most recent sonic game I found enjoyment in: Sonic and the Secret Rings


I'm thinking 06 is now officially a rite of passage for every
Sonic fan. A required reading if you will. Until you play it, you won't realize what an important, historic game it is for the franchise. It's like surviving a war.

"you get through 06?"
*silent acknowledgment and respect exchanged*

Pretty much. It's a horrible horrible game but I made it through and I'm a better man
Sonic fan
because of it.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
While playing another game, a thought occurred: I keep forgetting to ask how you're finding the narrative, Anth0ny.

I'm thinking 06 is now officially a rite of passage for every
Sonic fan. A required reading if you will. Until you play it, you won't realize what an important, historic game it is for the franchise. It's like surviving a war.

"you get through 06?"
*silent acknowledgment and respect exchanged*
It's a primer for bad level manipulation and design, bad controls, an awful fanfictiony narrative, glitches eeeeeveryyyywheeeerrrrrre, bad quest design, the longest load times in the world, and a low-poly/lifeless look.


Yeah, I feel like a stronger person for surviving this game. I think. Maybe even moreso than when I came out of Hoshi wo Miru Hito.

And oh man, this game DID go through QA (for EU localization)!
I worked in Sega's QA department when this one came in for European localization. It was assigned to one person with only two months left until release, and I remember a lot of head shaking and sad looks were coming from their direction.

There wasn't much they could do for it when management were adamant that it should be released in time for Sonic's 15th Anniversary.

Sega are in a much better place now.


While playing another game, a thought occurred: I keep forgetting to ask how you're finding the narrative, Anth0ny.

All I could say is it's really dumb and forgettable. At this point, I think we can all agree that 13 year old Sonic fans are wetting themselves over the story, but for anyone else... it's like watching a bad 4Kids dub. Awful writing, awful voice acting, shit don't make sense... I think you made a giant, point-by-point post earlier in the thread breaking down how complex the awfulness was. I generally agreed with that lol.

This is literally the only cutscene I remember.

Besides the ending, of course.
All I could say is it's really dumb and forgettable. At this point, I think we can all agree that 13 year old Sonic fans are wetting themselves over the story, but for anyone else... it's like watching a bad 4Kids dub. Awful writing, awful voice acting, shit don't make sense... I think you made a giant, point-by-point post earlier in the thread breaking down how complex the awfulness was. I generally agreed with that lol.

This is literally the only cutscene I remember.

Glorious cutscene.


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I was thinking
Shadow the Hedgehog.

I'll play them all eventually. I feel obligated now.
You know, outside of the camera making me dizzy and just overall not liking it, I think Shadow's better than 06. But not by much.

All I could say is it's really dumb and forgettable. At this point, I think we can all agree that 13 year old Sonic fans are wetting themselves over the story, but for anyone else... it's like watching a bad 4Kids dub. Awful writing, awful voice acting, shit don't make sense... I think you made a giant, point-by-point post earlier in the thread breaking down how complex the awfulness was. I generally agreed with that lol.

This is literally the only cutscene I remember.

Besides the ending, of course.
Didn't they use the 4Kids cast for this one? :lol

At least cutscenes are skippable. Kids would probably dig the story. But the rest of us wouldn't... not just for the obvious reasons, but because it's silly and the writing is pretty bad. Also, the character models don't look very good. :/

I can't believe that not once did the scenario writer and script/dialogue writers sit back and think, "Say, maybe this part of the story isn't a good idea," or, "maybe this probably doesn't make a lot of sense". *sigh* For crying out loud, the villain's first and basic motive in this game is stupid.
Anthony, I think all that bagged milk has gone to your head to make you like Sonic 06. No wonder there will never be another Wrestlemania in Canada.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So wait in Canada they whack eachother in the head with the bags of milk? That makes sense I guess.


Will this portion of the game finally make me admit that Sonic Colors is the superior game?

do you have a favorite or well-liked game? because i'm going to find it and i'm going to hurt it. and then i’m going to kill it in front of you.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
do you have a favorite or well-liked game? because i'm going to find it and i'm going to hurt it. and then i’m going to kill it in front of you.

sonic 06 lol

Or actually Sonic Adventure, ripping that game to shreds should be easy especially for you.


Green Scar said:
I would gladly watch a Plinkett-esque stripping down of Sonic Adventure 1 or 2. Those games get way too much leeway from fans.
The Adventure games did fuck a lot of things up. The reason pardon them (SA1 notably) at times is because it dreamt big. What it wanted to do, what it wanted to be, was something that I think a lot of people noticed and saw themselves, and liked what they saw.

What it was in reality, however, and all the different things gleaned from what people saw and what they ended up with are part of what complicated things.

In other words, I feel like people give the Adventure games get a pass because of the vision behind them making the reality better than what it was.
I got this game two separate times from Gamefly, thinking I would finally hunker down and play through it.

I could never get past the first couple levels in Sonic's story. It was just too fucking bad.

I would gladly watch a Plinkett-esque stripping down of Sonic Adventure 1 or 2. Those games get way too much leeway from fans.

I've been thinking about buying Sonic Adventure on XBLA and playing it purely for nostalgia's sake, but I know in my heart it's not gonna hold up at all.
Sonic Adventure, from an idea's perspective works well enough... for the Sonic parts. What you're doing is pretty cool- running through cities, being chased by orcas, that kind of stuff is fine. But the controls are such a let down. Everything outside of Sonic is pretty much a failure too. Likewise for Sonic Adventure 2, but that game embarrasses itself trying to be cool- it's most awesome with the Sega skies of City Escape.

I don't think SA was the beginning of the end for Sonic as far as the themes go- it's a pretty nifty reboot in that sense. It was SA2 where things went truly tits up in the style department. It took Unleashed to fix that stuff... almost. (Colours finished the job.)
I think back when Sonic Adventure came out, a lot of its problems were forgivable. Nobody but Nintendo had really figured out 3D camera and controls in platformers yet, so its faults there could be overlooked in light of what it did well.

Then, with every subsequent game that didn't fix the fundamental problems, it got less and less acceptable.


That plays like Sonic Heroes, just not as a good.

I consider Secret Rings worse than 06.

I dont really see how beyond not liking the gameplay style. 06 is extremely busted at worst, and an amazingly bland take on the adventure formula at best. Its like saying House of the Dead 2 is worse than Daikatana.

Saying that Shadow plays like Heroes but not as good is doing Heroes a disservice, and that game was already mediocre. Shadow is Sonic Heroes on ice stuffed to the brim with halfbaked gameplay ideas that no one should have ever let in a finished product.

Hell its also graphically one of the weakest games in the series. You know how reviews liked to complain that Sonic Team games of the era looked like ported over dreamcast titles? Shadow is the one game that actually consistently looks like that. Terribly compressed textures, low poly enviroments, poor animation in the in-engine cutscenes. Hell, theres even an enemy type late in the game thats just Shadow but as if he was rendered for the Sega Saturn:

Shadow the Hedgehog is an embarrassment only eclipsed by the fact 2006 exists and is way worse.


I still say that Sonic Adventure is the only bad game I ever liked.

And I still don't know why.

I couldn't even bring myself to finish SA2.

I did like Secret Rings, EVENTUALLY. The dumbest thing about that game is that you have to unlock the good controls. The second dumbest thing is that the mission structure is dumb and it's occasionally hard to figure out what mission you have to run to progress. the third dumbest thing is they expect you to go backwards sometimes (game is essentially on rails) and that they put in 2D sections.

Otherwise, Secret Rings was a lot of fun.


I still say that Sonic Adventure is the only bad game I ever liked.

And I still don't know why.

I couldn't even bring myself to finish SA2.

I did like Secret Rings, EVENTUALLY. The dumbest thing about that game is that you have to unlock the good controls. The second dumbest thing is that the mission structure is dumb and it's occasionally hard to figure out what mission you have to run to progress. the third dumbest thing is they expect you to go backwards sometimes (game is essentially on rails) and that they put in 2D sections.

Otherwise, Secret Rings was a lot of fun.

You mean there are controls, besides tilting the wiimote only forward?


I've been thinking about buying Sonic Adventure on XBLA and playing it purely for nostalgia's sake, but I know in my heart it's not gonna hold up at all.

The XBLA version is a port of the shitty PC version of DX. (There is actually a fan-mod in the works to fix all of the problems in the PC version, plus a number of other glitches inherent to the game besides.)

To be honest, I think the Dreamcast original is more forgivable. The chunkier art style and more saturated palette betray the starry-eyed innocence of The Old Sega.

I would gladly watch a Plinkett-esque stripping down of Sonic Adventure 1 or 2. Those games get way too much leeway from fans.

The problem with those games is that they MEAN well. A lot of the Plinkett stuff works because it is directed at that which is hollow and creatively bankrupt. The first two Sonic Adventure games, while they haven't held up well, are full of Big Dreams and Blue Skies. If anything, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 06, and StH4 are more deserving of such scorn.

SEGA really got thrown for a loop after the Dreamcast bit the dust. I would go as far as to say that they really didn't start figuring out how to make "games with soul" again until Sonic Unleashed, and even that was a rough start on the road to recovery.


I was playing this a bit ago, and I glitched through the floor, and fell off the sage in Crisis City with Shadow. As I fell off, I glitched into the wall this time, rose back to where I was at previously, and saved myself.


My return key is broken.
What a nightmare of a game sonic 06 was. They managed to take Sonic Adventure and
remake it into a pile of garbage with some interesting ideas but terrible execution.
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