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LTTP: The Office (US)

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So, I've actually slowed down my gaming to watch TV a bit, which led me to this show on Netflix. I have got to say: this show is probably one of my favorite TV shows of all time.

I watched seasons 2-9 (I couldn't take season 1, too cringe inducing), and I loved almost every minute of it.

Seasons 2-4 were the highlight of the show. Between the Michael and Jan's relationship, introducing the awesomeness that is Andy Bernard, and the Jim/Pam/Karen feud, that was the most I've ever watched TV in one session. There were so many great moments.

Seasons 5-7 were while not as great as the previous seasons, were still worth a watch. The Michael Scott Paper Company was handled really well. And the stress relief episodes are some of my favorite in the series. BOOM! Roasted! Clarice...

Seasons 8-first half of 9 were the low point of the series. There were times where I'm just thinking: "what the hell happened?" Some of plots of the episodes were just stupid. That Gettysburg episode was probably the lowest point, as was the episode where Andy found out he was related to Michelle Obama (no, I'm not making that up). I'm glad they gave Andy the screentime that he deserved, but it was just done the wrong way.

Thankfully the second half of season 9 was much better. It's quality was similar to that of seasons 2-3, especially the finale, my God that finale. So many tears were shed.

Now for the characters: Yes, Michael made the show and it was a shame when he left. But him leaving did give the rest of the cast more screentime. Dwight was consistently great for the entire series. Andy was awesome when he was first introduced, turned into a complete asshole, and then was awesome again. Pam was adorable, Jim was a douche, but a likable douche. Ryan and Kelly were insufferable. Robert California, while awesome, didn't quite fit the show. Hated Nellie at first but she grew on me a bit. Erin was probably one of the best characters in the series. Loved her so much.

My favorite characters: Dwight, Andy, Erin
Least favorite: Ryan, Kelly, Nellie (for a few episodes),Deangelo (how did they make me hate Will Ferrel?)

All around great show. Probably my second favorite sitcom of all time (nothing beats Fresh Prince). I just finished it and I already miss it.

So, what did you guys think of the series?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Great show that lasted too long. It should have ended when Steve Carell left.


I'm currently on season 6. I also started watching it for the first time on netflix. It's one of my favorite shows (so far). I tried watching the British version but to me, it wasn't as good. I know some people here prefer the British version though, and that's fine.

Dwight and Jim are the best characters. Sometimes I would fucking hate Michael, but I guess that may have been the point, in some episodes.

Edit: I have to say, it was difficult to watch at first. I would cringe way to much but I guess you get used to it.
Seasons 1-3, along with Lost, are my two favorite TV shows of all time.

Early seasons of The Office perfectly nail the balance of humor and drama. It really is expertly done.

I thought around S5 is when it seriously, seriously drops off. The characters become complete archetypes of themselves and you cannot relate to anyone any more.


You didn't watch Season 1? It's one of the best. 1-3 are great. The show takes a pretty steep dip in quality after season 4.


I loved season one. But, yeah, two and three were the best. Absolutely incredible television. Four was good to amazing depending on the episode, five was good, six was okay, seven was good, eight and nine were bad.

Still my favorite show though.
I'm currently in season 6 of my second rewatch this year, and every time I go through the series, I feel more and more like this might be my favorite television show ever.

It's got so many great moments, both in terms of comedy and "feels" for lack of a better word. And I really like that it never goes to any weird, dark places, and doesn't pull a cliche will they/won't thing either.

edit: I think part of my absolutely love for the show comes from that fact that aside from how their relationship begins, my wife and I could totally relate to Jim and Pam, and the various things they struggle with all sort of happened on the show right as they were happening in our lives too.


I'm going to be "that guy" and say that while I loved the US version of The Office, the UK version trumps it.


I'm going to be "that guy" and say that while I loved the US version of The Office, the UK version trumps it.

Ehh. UK version was a classic, but I can't compare them, if for no other reason than the fact that one had 12 episodes and one had over 100.
Tried to get into the UK version and was not feeling it.

Also, I still loved the Office even after Michael left. I felt the humor/comedy was still solid. Plus, if it had ended with Michael, then we wouldn't have gotten see Dwight become manager. Also, the fire opening is probably the best opening ever.


I stopped after Michaels departure, but really enjoyed the show until then. Great funny parts and it also delivered on emotional aspects
The show became waaaaaay too sappy the last few seasons. Characters always smiling, crying, and learning a moral to the story, when what made the earlier seasons so awesome was sometimes nobody learned anything, or they came to the wrong conclusion.

The early seasons were masterful. I think you can find a clear, slow jumping the shark sequence with Kevin's character deterioration.


Incredible show. I watched it as well not too long ago. Now I recommend you to check out Parks and Recreations which is similar in many ways. You will even see a familiar face from the office in it.


I didn't really like Andy Bernard that much, the character was not interesting. I recently started rewatching the show with my daughter and noticed the actor that plays Andy Bernard is in an episode or 2 in season 2 or 3 as an extra.


I've probably watched every episode a ton of times. Always watch a random episode when I'm eating at home or whatnot. Really hate Andy + Nelly but rest of the cast in fantastic. While the earlier seasons will always be my favorite, Gabe + Robert California episodes are really underrated.

Jim and Pam turn pretty annoying in the latter seasons. As does Andy when he gets the manager's job. But yeah, Email surveillance and Christmas Party are my favorite back to back episodes.


Great show that lasted too long. It should have ended when Steve Carell left.
I stopped after Michaels departure, but really enjoyed the show until then. Great funny parts and it also delivered on emotional aspects
It was still pretty good after Steve left.
You didn't watch Season 1? It's one of the best. 1-3 are great. The show takes a pretty steep dip in quality after season 4.
I skipped on it at first since the reception towards it wasn't great. I tried watching it before the finale and I just couldn't do it.
Dinner party is the episode of a TV show I've most laughed at. A masterpiece.

I didn't really like Andy Bernard that much, the character was not interesting. I recently started rewatching the show with my daughter and noticed the actor that plays Andy Bernard is in an episode or 2 in season 2 or 3 as an extra.
He improves so much between seasons 3-7

Incredible show. I watched it as well not too long ago. Now I recommend you to check out Parks and Recreations which is similar in many ways. You will even see a familiar face from the office in it.

I'm currently watching it. It's not grabbing me like The Office, but Leslie and Ron are amazing. And YES Rashida Jones <3
The latter seasons aren't as bad as people as everyone makes it out to be imo. Although, they almost did turn Pam into one of the worst characters of the show :/


I actually really liked season 8. It was a refreshing change after Michael Scott's shtick had seven seasons to become routine. I liked the shift away from having a single character's antics constantly driving events and towards embracing more of the ensemble cast that really made the series awesome to begin with.

Even the low points of the series had enough moments to be worth it.

I wish more comedy series would throw in the occasional hour long episode.

The Real Abed

Season 1 has some really good episodes. It's stupid to skip it. Hot Girl. Diversity Day. Basketball. Go back and watch it. Only the pilot is the worst and it's not that bad to start. It just tried too obviously to be the original show.

The Michael Scott Paper Company series of episodes is one of my favorie things ever.

Customer Survey is maybe my favorite single episode, though.

the last great arc on the show.. seasons 2-5 are some my favorite tv ever.. not discounting season 1 the last couple episodes are really good

it starts to get boring around season 6


I actually just finally got to watching season 9 after so long of putting it off. It was a lot better than I expected. The cameraman/Pam romance and everything surrounding Andy were really awful though.
The latter seasons aren't as bad as people as everyone makes it out to be imo. Although, they almost did turn Pam into one of the worst characters of the show :/

Yeah, Pam became such a complete bore the last two seasons. I agree the latter seasons aren't that bad, but it took me a few viewings to realise this. When you're watching them the first time, it just feels like the show is just going all over the place once Michael leaves. You just want it to get back to what it was.

also Kevin needs more love. After Michael and Dwight a strong third.
My favorite TV show comedy next to Seinfeld and Friends. The Office is great. Steve Carrell was perfect as Michael Scott. Actually the whole cast was awesome although I hated what they did with Andy as the season went on.


Started watching this about two months ago and am like half way through season 6. Put it off for a long time because I like the UK version so much. Really think that made season one a bore, but it picked up pretty good in seasons 2-4.

Micheal is really confusing to me, he usually send like a guy that just wants to be liked and really not aware when he hurts/offends some one. Yet there are times it seems he is just an asshole, and not just to Toby. Can't think of any examples right now, so that is good but there have been a few times when I watch and just think to myself that Micheal wouldn't act that way.

The show does a really good job at keeping all the characters consistent which makes the show work so well. Also like the way they've added people to the show, through a closure, transfer, Micheal Scott Paper Company allowing a new hire.
I really, really, really wish that they went with the original idea for the cold opening of the series finale in which Jim convinces Dwight that he's in the Matrix.
Andy became an asshole because the writers got mad that he was constantly absent filming the Hangover series. They redeemed him during the last half of season 9, thank goodness, but I felt they did a detriment to his character.

This is my all-time favorite show and it's become my comfort show whenever I need something to distract me. I struggle getting through season 8 and I'll typically watch through the end of 7 and then start back on "Basketball" in season 1. I'm really glad you liked the series, OP. The first few seasons were some of the best television ever in my opinion.

They lost steam towards the end but that 5 or 6 episode stretch to close out the series really did well in having everyone come together.

That's what she said.

T Dollarz

I'm on the brink of doing this myself, been meaning to for a long time. It and Seinfeld are the two comedies at the top of my list.

Right now Parks & Rec, followed by Arrested Development, are my GOAT comedies. Wanna see if The Office has something to say about that.

However, when I watch, I plan on stopping after the Michael Scott finale. I actually watched that season and the following one live as they aired, and man, the difference was huge. Not down for the show without him. Gonna pretend that didn't happen.

Loved how they ended it, always felt like Dwight and Jim were basically brothers and the ending showed that.

Yeah I agree. I feel like everyone got what they deserved/ended in the place they should be. And I think Jim and Dwight's relationship ended on a perfect note.
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