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MacGruber is hilarious.

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it's 4th of July in my asshole
Hot Rod sucked

Funny. I just watched this on Cinemax.

Some funny parts but by the climax it runs out of steam. I LOLed hard at MacGruber's notepad though.


I'm glad some people found enjoyment with this one.

Personally, I'll go see anything at the theater, which means I've sat through some terrible films (Rollerball, Queen of the Damned, Transformers 2, several superhero flicks, and so on). No film has brought me closer to walking out than MacGruber did.
The premise seemed funny enough.

There was so much wasted potential. It should have been much funnier, but I think there were maybe two genuinely funny scenes in the movie.

The biggest problem is that there were about a dozen jokes in the movie that were repeated between two to twenty times with minor variation at best. The less funny a joke/gag was, the more often it was repeated.

It wasn't the most horrible movie I had ever seen, but it was probably the most horrible movie I saw in the theater that year.
I just watched this and thought it hilarious. My sides hurt, I swear. Yes, the movie is stupid, but good lord I laughed a lot.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I just watched this and thought it hilarious. My sides hurt, I swear. Yes, the movie is stupid, but good lord I laughed a lot.

Definitely. I am glad you agree. I havent laughed this hard at a movie since Anchorman, I think. So bad, but so so good at the same time.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hot Rod and MacGruber are hilarious to me. I must have watched Hot Rod like 10 times already, never missing an opportunity to show it to someone who never saw it.

I get that they aren't for everyone, but a lot of the bits just work with me.
MacGruber blew donkey dick. I can't believe people would find this shit funny.

I love immature humor like the next person but this movie was just fucking stupid. I saw it twice (sober) so maybe that's where I went wrong.

To prove how shitty this movie was, get the DVD and look at the bloopers. Will Forte was trying to improvise on a messed up take during a scene and all he could think of saying was variations of "fuck", "shit", and "dick". If your main actor's style of improv comedy is akin to a 7th grader on Xbox Live the movie is going to probably suck even harder.

One of the other very few bloopers on the DVD was when a car in a scene was rolling near a cliff and the crew ran to stop it. It wasn't even a fucking funny blooper. Fuck that movie
I think OP is hyperbole, but the movie definitely has its moments. The cemetery scene had me literally in tears. The accidental explosion was hilarious, too.
Love this movie. Ripping throats and pounding Cunth.

I love the part when he's going to disarm the missile and he's like "what the fuck is this? I'm more of a 3 wire guy." The way he says it is just perfect.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Val Kilmer screaming "Weeeeaak" got a chuckle out of me.


I click on this thread and at the top of this page I see people actually saying hot rod was good, ugh. That's by far the worst movie I've ever seen.


I loved it!
Then again I have bad taste in movies so perhaps I'm not the one you should listen to.

Still loving it though.
One of the worst movies I have seen. I ciould even get into the so bad it's good.

Exactly. It's THAT bad.

Of course there were some funny moments... but thirty seconds of humor in a hour and a half long movie is not worth it. If anything, it'd be hard NOT to have a few funny scenes in an entire movie that calls itself a comedy

I click on this thread and at the top of this page I see people actually saying hot rod was good, ugh. That's by far the worst movie I've ever seen.

Obviously you've never seen this pile of steaming shit


I think MacGruber is hilarious. I don't know if I've ever laughed harder in a movie theater. However, I can understand why some don't get it. I think you need a certain sense of humor to laugh at it.

The humor is so amazingly stupid but the movie knows how stupid it is, which is why it is funny (if that makes sense).
I think MacGruber is hilarious. I don't know if I've ever laughed harder in a movie theater. However, I can understand why some don't get it. I think you need a certain sense of humor to laugh at it.

The humor is so amazingly stupid but the movie knows how stupid it is, which is why it is funny (if that makes sense).

There's stupid funny and there's a pile of shit stupid.

This movie sucks so bad that it's making me hostile over the internet
I think MacGruber is hilarious. I don't know if I've ever laughed harder in a movie theater. However, I can understand why some don't get it. I think you need a certain sense of humor to laugh at it.

The humor is so amazingly stupid but the movie knows how stupid it is, which is why it is funny (if that makes sense).
Total sense 100% agree with you.

This movie is awesome really really funny and I love this scene :D



The gratuitous swearing was actually funny, whereas in Step-Brothers, it was a crutch the director and writers relied on that became less and less funny as the movie wore on.
Though I'm not the biggest fan of MacGruber (and I'm a big fan of both the SNL skit and Will Forte in general), I completely agree with what you said about Step-Brothers. There is one moment in the movie where the mom goes "what the fucking fuck!!?!?" and it was like... did anyone write any actual jokes in this film?


I have never come closer to walking out of a theater than when I went to see this with my roommate. He was a fan of the SNL skits, and thought it was just as unfunny as I did. Even then, it did have a couple of memorable scenes, although that wasn't nearly enough to excuse the rest.

That being said, I can totally see what people like about it. Like, it's a potentially funny movie for me IN THEORY, but nothing actually clicked.


I saw this a few months ago and was shocked at how much I loved it. I'm never going to try to convince anyone it's a "great" movie, but certain scenes made me crack up so hard I'm more than willing to forgive anything sub-par that surrounds them. The scene where MacGruber is telling Ryan Phillippe's character about his relationship with Cunth fits so well with my dark sense of humor that it kills me every time I see the scene.

Lt. Dixon Piper: Why did he do it? Why did Cunth kill your wife?
MacGruber: To this day, I have no idea. We actually all went to college together. Believe it or not, we were very close friends. Then after graduation, he got engaged to her. He asked me to be his best man and right about that time, I started banging her and mowing her box. She was actually the first person I felt comfortable enough around to let eat out my butt. Anyway, shortly thereafter, she left him for me. She was actually carrying his child at the time. I asked her to terminate it, obviously, so we could start fresh. And she agreed. We were so in love. And he took that from me.
Lt. Dixon Piper: That's really fucked up.
MacGruber: Thanks.

No matter how hard I try though, I still haven't been able to convince any of my friends to watch it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
eh, it was ok.

I think of it as a series snl skits they wanted to do, but could not on national tv, strung together with some sort of "plot".

It had a few legitimately funny moments, but too many gross-out humor scenes for me.


I saw this a few months ago and was shocked at how much I loved it. I'm never going to try to convince anyone it's a "great" movie, but certain scenes made me crack up so hard I'm more than willing to forgive anything sub-par that surrounds them. The scene where MacGruber is telling Ryan Phillippe's character about his relationship with Cunth fits so well with my dark sense of humor that it kills me every time I see the scene.

Lt. Dixon Piper: Why did he do it? Why did Cunth kill your wife?
MacGruber: To this day, I have no idea. We actually all went to college together. Believe it or not, we were very close friends. Then after graduation, he got engaged to her. He asked me to be his best man and right about that time, I started banging her and mowing her box. She was actually the first person I felt comfortable enough around to let eat out my butt. Anyway, shortly thereafter, she left him for me. She was actually carrying his child at the time. I asked her to terminate it, obviously, so we could start fresh. And she agreed. We were so in love. And he took that from me.
Lt. Dixon Piper: That's really fucked up.
MacGruber: Thanks.

No matter how hard I try though, I still haven't been able to convince any of my friends to watch it.

Their loss haha.


MacGruber: I will suck your dick, I will suck your fucking dick, just join my team. I'll suck your dick, you can fuck me, you can get fucked by me. You can watch me fuck something? Just point at something in the room and I'll fuck it for you! Just tell me what you want me to fuck!
Lt. Dixon Piper: Jesus Christ, MacGruber!
MacGruber: Just tell me what you want me to fuck!



I loved it but it's not something you should watch in theaters. Much better to sit down and watch it at home, maybe with some friends who watch SNL
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