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Mad Max: Fury Road = Bourne Legacy

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Between this and the 10 Cloverfield Lane thing, this is schtick, ain't it?

Dude, why are you still on my case about that film? I gave you a long run-down about why I thought that story didn't make any sense.

Every time I have an opinion about a movie, some snob tells me "Well, uhh, if you took the time to see the movie from the PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHARACTER then you would understand why such and such did this or that."

Slim, I watch movies for entertainment, not to work myself into some kind of towering enlightenment.


I mean its still too recent for me to say its the greatest action movie ever made, its certainly top tier. Fury Road is one of those magical action movies that I didn't think could exist outside of the 80s. I don't see how you could like Road Warrior and not like Fury Road. Its more or less better Road Warrior.
Uh yeah, okay. I really don't see the comparisons between both films quite honestly, especially when FR continues Max's story specifically just with a different actor. Also personally I thought FR was great.

This is the first time I've seen someone assert that the Bourne Movies got better with the sequels and peaked at Ultimatum. What on earth...

Ultimatum is generally considered the best film in the series. It was also the most successful.
Also, is the OP inferring through so many words that Jason Bourne was a good movie? That Damon coming back to the series redeemed it after Legacy? Cause I cannot abide that opinion.


Max didnt even feel like he needed to be in the film honestly.
He did. Max's development represents Fury Road's central ideas. His humanity is taken from him by the Citadel and the wasteland to make him into a tool, and he regains his face, voice, and identity through his relationships with Furiosa's group.

Furiosa's an amazing character, but she doesn't undergo that sort of radical change.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I'm with you OP. We are few, but I thought Fury Road was mediocre (sorry) and actually quite boring.
Dude, why are you still on my case about that film?

I'm not on your case at all.

You just seem like a decently thought out joke poster, so I was wondering.

If you're serious, you're serious. Which is cool. I responded to you in that Cloverfield thread seriously as well, just in case you're not some sort of weird gimmick "persona" or whatever. You bounced immediately afterwards.

I mean, if you don't really wanna think about the shit you're saying or why you say it, that's on you, but it seems like you do? So I'm asking. It's a discussion board. If you're just gonna short-circuit the discussions you start with "I don't give a fuck, I'm not here for enlightenment" you're basically advertising that you're probably just here as a joke.

Anyway, comparing Renner's Bourne to Hardy's Max doesn't make sense for a couple reasons, most of which have already been pointed out. And the point you were trying to make was also addressed in that Damon came back for Bourne (with Greengrass) and amazingly, turned out a movie that was just as "eh" if not actually worse than Renner's Bourne.

Your personal favorite is Thunderdome. Bourne's last two movies are worse than Thunderdome. Both the Bourne's IN those "thunderdomes" are not as good as Hardy in Fury Road.

The idea that Fury Road would have made more money with Gibson in the lead really doesn't make any sense. It likely would have tanked, not only because Gibson isn't the draw he used to be, Gibson doesn't have the presence he used to have, but for a movie as unabashedly fucking feminist as Fury Road is, Gibson simply would have kneecapped a large part of why people enjoyed the film.

Mr. Sam

This is like a thread from an alternate universe where Fury Road is as bad as I thought it was going to be and not as incredible as it was.

Besides, it's not even Tom Hardy's movie - it's Charlize Theron's.


Dude, why are you still on my case about that film? I gave you a long run-down about why I thought that story didn't make any sense.

Every time I have an opinion about a movie, some snob tells me "Well, uhh, if you took the time to see the movie from the PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHARACTER then you would understand why such and such did this or that."

Slim, I watch movies for entertainment, not to work myself into some kind of towering enlightenment.

Perspective and context = towering enlightenment.

Well that explains that, then.


I agree with you OP that Fury Road would've been even better, and it is absolutely fantastic already, if Gibson had played an older Max.
He did. Max's development represents Fury Road's central ideas. His humanity is taken from him by the Citadel and the wasteland to make him into a tool, and he regains his face, voice, and identity through his relationships with Furiosa's group.

Furiosa's an amazing character, but she doesn't undergo that sort of radical change.

Ummm What? I've seen the movie twice. None of that rings a bell.
The Bourne Identity is the best one - what's wrong with you???

Nah Bourne Supremacy is by far the best one.

Also, what the fuck OP.

Ummm What? I've seen the movie twice. None of that rings a bell.

It's pretty clear...he starts out feral as hell,, only grunting, not trusting anyone, selfish, and literally has a muzzle and leash like a beast.

Through cooperation he regains trust in others, regains his moral center, and his humanity. Third act begins by him doing the ultimate selfless task of returning to thhe citadel to help Furiosa and her people.
I'm not on your case at all.

You just seem like a decently thought out joke poster, so I was wondering.

If you're serious, you're serious. Which is cool. I responded to you in that Cloverfield thread seriously as well, just in case you're not some sort of weird gimmick "persona" or whatever. You bounced immediately afterwards.

I mean, if you don't really wanna think about the shit you're saying or why you say it, that's on you, but it seems like you do? So I'm asking. It's a discussion board. If you're just gonna short-circuit the discussions you start with "I don't give a fuck, I'm not here for enlightenment" you're basically advertising that you're probably just here as a joke.

Anyway, comparing Renner's Bourne to Hardy's Max doesn't make sense for a couple reasons, most of which have already been pointed out. And the point you were trying to make was also addressed in that Damon came back for Bourne (with Greengrass) and amazingly, turned out a movie that was just as "eh" if not actually worse than Renner's Bourne.

Your personal favorite is Thunderdome. Bourne's last two movies are worse than Thunderdome. Both the Bourne's IN those "thunderdomes" are not as good as Hardy in Fury Road.

The idea that Fury Road would have made more money with Gibson in the lead really doesn't make any sense. It likely would have tanked, not only because Gibson isn't the draw he used to be, Gibson doesn't have the presence he used to have, but for a movie as unabashedly fucking feminist as Fury Road is, Gibson simply would have kneecapped a large part of why people enjoyed the film.

I bounced from that discussion because you wrote an essay about why I had to see things from the perspective of the character. The fault was in the script itself. There's no reason why she was so hell-bent in leaving the bunker and getting her buddy killed in the process. Goodman wasn't a threat to them at that point, aside from his outburst during boardgame night. What they should have done was this:

- Kill Goodman.
- Stay in the bunker for a good long while.
- Some unit fails, like the air filtration system, prompting them to leave.

That works better in many ways. One, it paints Goodman's character in a more favorable light and renders him a tragic hero because everything he said about the outside was true. His death would have been the culmination of his daughter's murder and his own mental hysteria, which would have been enough without making him seem like some pervert. If he was so annoyed by the other guy, why let him in the bunker? Goodman was so risk-averse and yet he brought him in...only to murder him? For what, because the girl touched his hand?

I don't need to understand things from a character's perspective to fully comprehend the flaws of a story. The movie would have worked better my way.
Ummm What? I've seen the movie twice. None of that rings a bell.

You don't remember Max literally being a bloodbag? Eating a lizard at the start like an animal? Grunting for like half of the movie? His face being trapped in that iron mask? Strapped to the hood of a War Boy car like an ornament? Regaining a sense of camaraderie and purpose with everyone he was helping? Finally saying his name toward the end?
What does it feel like to be so entirely wrong? Does it tingle? ;)

Who whoa whoa, breh. Are we bout to throw down over this? Because I'm all about dis.

Bourne Supremacy is better in every way. It has Bourne even more adrift, dealing with the emotional repercussions of his actions in a more direct and interesting way, the villains are better, the action is better, the cinematography is better, soundtrack is better. It basically cemented the entire idea of what people think of the Bourne franchise as, aesthetically and tonally. Bourne Identity, while solid, feels like a good TV movie in comparison to Supremacy.
I mean, you're entitled to your opinion and all, but I disagree with this almost as much as I do with your thoughts on Pikmin, OP. Especially with ranking Thunderdome over Fury Road.


Mad Max 1 = GOOD
Mad Max: The Road Warrior = GREAT
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome = CLASSIC
Mad Max: Fury Road = Average

Bourne Identity = GOOD
Bourne Supremacy = GREAT
Bourne Ultimatum = CLASSIC
Bourne Legacy = Mediocre
I'm afraid I can't allow this either. Would you please fix this Horror.
The Mad Max Saga is a perfect Quadrilogy, and can only be compared to other perfect Quadrilogies. It's more like:

Mad Max = Before Sunrise



Road Warrior = Before Sunset



Beyond Thunderdome = Before Midnight



Fury Road = Speed with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock



You could also compare it to Krzysztof Kieślowski's Trois Couleurs trilogy + Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
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