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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has changed my mind about HD Rumble

I don't want to come off as an asshole, but posts like this are blowing my mind. I mean, it certainly feels different (not better or worse than normal rumble though), but a game changer?

To be fair, MK8D has been my first and only experience with HD Rumble so who knows if I'll end up warming up to it.
No, it feels better. Waaaaaaaaaay better.

Have you not been reading this thread? Someone literally said it changed their life
LMAO. Ever heard of an expression? It obviously didn't "change my life".


even holding one joycon with both hands, it really FEELS so GREAT!!!
the boost, the rumble. it really feels next gen.


And contrary to splatoon testfire, I didn't have to focus to feel it, was accelerating and got surprised, "what is that", like a liquid moving forward inside the controllers.

I did a little test with one joy-con in each hand. It just vibrates like a smartphone. Doesn't really feel like something is moving inside the joy-con. Maybe its just me.
So what does it do other than you know, positional rumble with linear actuators instead of just vibration?

I don't see how this is in any way a big deal for a game like Mario Kart. But I could see it when you're high as a kite or something. Pencil tip erasers also feel miraculous when you're high, that doesn't mean they are all that special.

1-2 Switch shows it off better.. but yea, not worth the price.

$50 for 1 (not set, either left or right) joycon? Oh hell no!


I don't have MK8 yet, but am looking forward to feeling the HD rumble in the game. 1-2 Switch makes great use of it and it feels cool.

I find it funny people are saying its so crude etc. PS4 and XBox 1 rumble pale in comparison, the only other point of reference is in the VR controllers and to my knowledge its the same tech.

So why's it bad/not impressive exactly?
So why's it bad/not impressive exactly?
I think the reason people aren't impressed is because it's used very subtly/in a way you would expect it to be used. However, in my opinion that's what makes it great. It feels exactly how driving a car should feel. The only problem I have is that there's no rumble effect when you hop or when you in the middle of drifting (only during the drift boost or when you go from blue to yellow to pink drift).

I wasn't impressed *shrugs*

Ice cubes in a glass my ass.
Since when did Nintendo say you'd feel ice cubes in a glass in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Were you not impressed by the ball count game or the dice game in 1-2 Switch?


Somebody should make a game where your like a space bartender mixing drinks.

This would be a good use of hd rumble.

Sorry I'm tired.


I like it. It's not supposed to be in-your-face noticeable, but it subtly adds to the experience of playing the game. I can feel the difference between picking up coins, going over boosts, bumping into people, etc. It generally feels more precise and responsive to what's happening.


I havent really noticed it to be honest in Mario Kart and when I do its not at all impressive. I was looking forward to HD rumble but so far its been a huge let down. It just not strong enough to notice especially when concentrating on a race. Its the same for the pro pad and joycons for me.


I think the reason people aren't impressed is because it's used very subtly/in a way you would expect it to be used. However, in my opinion that's what makes it great. It feels exactly how driving a car should feel. The only problem I have is that there's no rumble effect when you hop or when you in the middle of drifting (only during the drift boost or when you go from blue to yellow to pink drift).

Since when did Nintendo say you'd feel ice cubes in a glass in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Were you not impressed by the ball count game or the dice game in 1-2 Switch?

It was the Nintendo direct that compared the feeling of HD rumble to ice cubes in glass. I was only referring to Mario Kart 8D. I haven't played anything else with HD rumble yet.


Just so we all know, this is clearly marketing and I didn't expect it. However I still am not impressed with MK8D's use of it.
I was on the fence about keeping my MK8D pre-order but decided to cancel it on the last second. I know this is going to sound stupid but if I knew about the HD Rumble support it would have pushed me over the edge to keep it. I only have BotW and still have to experience HD Rumble. Not interested in paying more than 10 bucks for 1 2 Switch and I didn't get to play the Splatoon 2 test (my Switch didn't arrive in time for it).

Speaking of rumble, some users mentioned the Steam Controller rumble and I have a question about it: does it need any kinda of special support or does it simply enhances the standard rumble effects in games?


I find the HD rumble effect too weak to really add to the immersion of the game. If it were twice as strong as it is, I could see it being a big deal, but as it is? Eh...

I know Nintendo likes to hype it up like it's the next big thing, but it's not even as good as the force feedback in my iPhone 7. That shit is some sorcery.
When I first came into this thread, I saw a lot of people saying it didn't feel any different and a lot of people calling those comments insane. How could people not feel HD Rumble? How can these people be numb to VR for your hands??

I didn't want to admit at the time, but I had played a little bit of MK8 and hadn't noticed any difference from traditional rumble. I decided to keep quiet and see how I felt after a few more hours of play.

And I have to admit that I don't feel anything unique or unusual regarding the new rumble feature. I don't notice it. And when I deliberately try to notice it, it just feels like normal vibration. I don't get it. It doesn't feel any different (or any good) to me at all.

I am "one of those people." I am damaged.
You really can't comment on HD Rumble until you play 1-2 Switch. It really shines there.

This may be true. But I feel weird that so many people are specifically enchanted by Mario Kart 8's implementation and I, on the other hand (or in the same hands!) feel nothing remarkable at all.

I do not have the gift. :(


This may be true. But I feel weird that so many people are specifically enchanted by Mario Kart 8's implementation and I, on the other hand (or in the same hands!) feel nothing remarkable at all.

I do not have the gift. :(

nah you're totally normal in thinking that there isn't anything remarkable about how it is used in MK8. 1,2S is the only game where I've actually noticed it without deliberately trying to notice


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I love the HD rumble in this game. I hate it in Fast RMX

It's easy to go overboard. You gotta be subtle and use it more granularly.

That's part of what makes it so great. Instead of regular rumble being like 1-10 in terms of different rumble levels this is more like 1-100. If you just crank it up though you lose the subtle differences.

That being said as I said before I'm not totally sure the extra cost to the joycons is worth it yet.
Was playing yesterday night handheld mode but connected to power supply and I felt it.
Like lots of stuff you can feel the subtle bumps in different ways, I found it really great and I would have loved to have it in zelda.


I don't really get it, like in MK8 yeah it feels very slightly better but it's not even something I really notice when concentrating on the game, it's just there. I don't think it feels like anything special or is something that is "wow" worthy. That's through using the joycons and the pro controller too.


always chasing the next thrill
Wtf are you on about OP.
All i noticed was bzzz bzzzzzrrt bzzt brzrrzrzrr
Boring ass rumble stuff.
Hell i am willing to go on record saying starfox had better rumble on n64

1 2 switch ball game??
That is the ONLY legit hd rumble demo.


This may be true. But I feel weird that so many people are specifically enchanted by Mario Kart 8's implementation and I, on the other hand (or in the same hands!) feel nothing remarkable at all.

I do not have the gift. :(
It's subtle, but it works well, IMO.

I actually found the HD Rumble in Mario Kart to be a tad irritating at first — the controllers feel so animated that it tickles my hands and makes my arm tingle, like there's a living creature squirming around inside the controller. (Pikmin, perhaps??)

But I almost find it addictive now. It just adds so much to the experience. Coins are more satisfying to pick up with their rattling plink effect, and boosts have this undulating sensation, like a torrent of energy is rippling through your vehicle and expelling out the exhaust.

It's like a more articulate form of rumble. I imagine it will really excel in certain contexts. I haven't tried 1-2 Switch ($50 is way too much for a game that seems to only thrive at parties), but I imagine it works really well there.
It's pretty neat, honestly. I've really only used it in MK8 but it makes boosting and collecting coins feel more satisfying. I'm definitely interested in other possible ways it can be used.


I have never noticed the difference compared to "normal" rumble in these HD games
Seems like snake oil to me


The one thing that has impressed me has been when you grab a coin and it almost sounds as if the HD rumble acts as a tinny speaker. It's hard to describe, but impressive nonetheless.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The one thing that has impressed me has been when you grab a coin and it almost sounds as if the HD rumble acts as a tinny speaker. It's hard to describe, but impressive nonetheless.
They will reuse it in Mario Odyssey.
people who takes the phrase "changed my life" literally, i wonder if you've ever said "i can't wait"...

Anyway, it feels good, better, certainly feels great when both joy cons are separated


formerly nacire
I've been playing with the Pro Controller only and while I know it has HD Rumble built in, I have yet to notice anything that actually made me pay specific attention to the rumble. If anything, I've completely not noticed it or even thought about it to try and notice it. Maybe I will pay attention to it today to see if anything stands out.

I've only played Mario Kart, as far as HD rumble is concerned.


I find the HD rumble effect too weak to really add to the immersion of the game. If it were twice as strong as it is, I could see it being a big deal, but as it is? Eh...

I know Nintendo likes to hype it up like it's the next big thing, but it's not even as good as the force feedback in my iPhone 7. That shit is some sorcery.
I agree that it's to weak in MK8. I don't know why they held back so much... I know from Blaster Master Zero that the rumble can feel insanely strong. So the tech is there. They just didn't utilise it in MK8.


I agree that it's to weak in MK8. I don't know why they held back so much... I know from Blaster Master Zero that the rumble can feel insanely strong. So the tech is there. They just didn't utilise it in MK8.

I think Blaster Master vs. Mario Kart is a good comparison on how to fuck up vs. how to properly utilize hd rumble. Mario Kart's implementation is subtle and unobtrusive. it enhances the game feel without becoming a distraction. some people might not even notice it because of those factors. Blaster Master, by contrast, goes way too far overboard. it's way too intense and way too actually loud. it stands out in a negative way and detracts from the game.

in short, more Mario Kart less Blaster Master
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