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Marvels Avengers: Spiderman to be Exclusive to the Playstation version [Confirmed]


I find it interesting how it's specifically Spiderman.

as I said, he is the most popular hero, by far. and Sony threw money at Square Enix to have him exclusively on PlayStation. and of course they wanted him because they also currently have a game series with on they system.

i don't know how anyone can justify defending this. how other people getting the worst game than you a good thing?

this site is filled with fanboys, that's how. just like they defend Sony for making DualShock 4 controllers incompatible with PS5 games. and if you give them reasons why that's anti consumer and they can't rebuttal them they just resort to saying dumb shit like "BUT I LIKE IT THAT WAY" or "BUT COMPANY XYZ DID IT TOO IN THE PAST" as if that's making it any less anti cosnsumer
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as I said, he is the most popular hero, by far. and Sony threw money at Square Enix to have him exclusively on PlayStation. and of course they wanted him because they also currently have a game series with on they system.

What's curious is that nobody else attempted to make a Spiderman game. Maybe Sony has some sort of exclusive rights over then?

Not the character the Spiderman games themselves I mean.


I'm still surprised this type of thing isn't happening a lot more. I would have figured it was the best way to get folks to buy your version of the game if you have exclusive content. I'll just buy whatever version has the content I want on it even if isn't my preferred device.


What's curious is that nobody else attempted to make a Spiderman game. Maybe Sony has some sort of exclusive rights over then?

Not the character the Spiderman games themselves I mean.

this isn't a Spider-Man game tho. he is just a character in it. just like he was in the Nintendo exclusive Ultimate Alliance 3 last year. so they obviously have no deal in place preventing him from being a character in a game.
this isn't a Spider-Man game tho. he is just a character in it. just like he was in the Nintendo exclusive Ultimate Alliance 3 last year. so they obviously have no deal in place preventing him from being a character in a game.

Unless it was something that was done recently and we don't know about it yet.

What im trying to say is that it can go alot further than just one game.
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i don't know how anyone can justify defending this. how other people getting the worst game than you a good thing?
I don't think people are defending it perse, I think the people not being dramatic about it frankly don't care. I'm in that camp. Not affected by this shit.


I don't think people are defending it perse, I think the people not being dramatic about it frankly don't care. I'm in that camp. Not affected by this shit.
i'm not affected either, i wasn't going to be buying this game regardless, but i do care because if (sony/se) are not met with a giant push back, this can be happening to your favorite game next time. also it's wrong to treat some of your customers like second hand citizens and give them less for the same amount of money.
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I'm playing the game but i'm defintely not paying more than 10$ now. It's simply not worth it anymore to pay full price on PC or Xbox.

These morons are pulling the same tactics that ruined the Ultimate Alliance games back in the ps3/360 era.


This game popularity just exploded after this announcement.
Nobody was giving a shit until few days ago
Fanboys. But also IT'S FREAKING SPIDEY! Just shows how popular that character is. Ppl are ready to bite even this half assed effort lol.

Now imagine a proper AAA Avengers game or better yet, a proper R-rated AAA XMEN game featuring Wolverine / Spidey / Venom. A man can dream... ;(


Just shows that Kamala Khan is a nothing burger, really. Nobody gives a shit about her lol I'm glad that Sony's marketing strategy will be centered around good old Spidey instead if that SJW Mr Fantastic wannabe.


PC and Xbox guys must feel like Mikey Joe, when he lost 50 sheep....

Here he is,

I think he sums up the feelings really eloquently.
You didn't link to the source (and you know it is a wall of text). Also, didn't someone else already address that as being old?

I won't claim to know the full details but I highly doubt that they "money-hatted" it. What makes your claim [money-hatted] more reliable than the claim that Sony has rights to use Spiderman exclusively in video games? Trying to equate Spiderman to what they did with Iron Man isn't the same and you know it. The deal that Sony had originally struck with Marvel to allow them to introduce Spiderman into the MCU was about to fall apart; that ended up not happening and they confirmed they "worked it out" and not too long after Sony announced Spiderman PS4 as an exclusive.

I don't care either way but you haven't done a good job proving your point either.


Anyhow, what ever way Sony did it to get exclusivity to Spiderman, they had the upper hand so I doubt any money was exchanged (which most likely would have been the case under any other circumstance). For example, Marvel, with the rights to Spiderman in video games and Sony with the movie rights which Marvel wanted so they could have him in MCU - what was it that changed both Sony's and Marvel's mind?

Since I doubt there will be any agreement as to what actually happened, I think it is safe to say it is some kind of partnership between the two that allows Marvel to keep using Spiderman in their movies and Sony in video games. I am sure there is an expiry date attached, anyway, what we all know and hopefully can agree on without question, is that Sony's movie business does not want to let go of the Spiderman movie rights.

It's very very clear you don't know what you are talking about. You don't have to tell us that. The contract is old. It's nothing new. It's still valid. It's not my fault you are choosing to remain ignorant by refusing to read it and say "it's a wall of text" and then try to rebuff with mental gymnastics. As for the source, I already said it was leaked, so go through this and look for it. If you still can't find it ask me and I'll make the contract I have saved available for you to read. But I know you won't because it's a "wall of text" and you will choose to continue spreading BS.

Whether or not Sony had the upper hand is debatable. They did bend the knee and gave up 25% of the movie's profits to stay in the MCU afterall. SPE and SIE are very separate entities as is Marvel Games and Marvel Studios. It's unlikely that the deal between Marvel Studios and SPE had any weight in this deal, but few people will know the answer to that. I will agree on your last two statements though. 1) SPE and Sony do not want to let go of the SM movie rights and 2) If there's a deal in place for the rights to the VG rights, it'll have an expiration date like EA - SW.
Pretty sure insomniac games have a standard for spider man model polygons, shaders and animation.
saying that, after halo video we know Xbox can achieve the minimum required quality, that’s why spider man is PlayStation only.
Sorry, but all is fair in console wars. Sony is going for MS throat and MS has no answers yet. Companies run businesses, and in order to gain wider adoption, exclusivity deals are done from time to time. Sony was smart to gobble up Spiderman rights years ago and is using him to maximum gain.

If you are a Xbox or PC gamer with no PS4/PS5, you should be frustrated by this, but you can't say it's not fair. Sony paid for it.

Microsoft has deep pockets so we are told and since they are having trouble creating more franchises, why don't they use their war chest and buy some?

20 years ago the big new kid on the block was feared as almost everyone thought eventually Microsoft would just buy Nintendo or EA or Square etc.

What is stopping them from making these purchases and gaining exclusive rights?


Speak for yourself
Who does it benefit then? If You can play a game or some content in a game explain to me how you benefit if someone else can’t play it. Wait..... is this you?


It's very very clear you don't know what you are talking about. You don't have to tell us that. The contract is old. It's nothing new. It's still valid. It's not my fault you are choosing to remain ignorant by refusing to read it and say "it's a wall of text" and then try to rebuff with mental gymnastics. As for the source, I already said it was leaked, so go through this and look for it. If you still can't find it ask me and I'll make the contract I have saved available for you to read. But I know you won't because it's a "wall of text" and you will choose to continue spreading BS.

Whether or not Sony had the upper hand is debatable. They did bend the knee and gave up 25% of the movie's profits to stay in the MCU afterall. SPE and SIE are very separate entities as is Marvel Games and Marvel Studios. It's unlikely that the deal between Marvel Studios and SPE had any weight in this deal, but few people will know the answer to that. I will agree on your last two statements though. 1) SPE and Sony do not want to let go of the SM movie rights and 2) If there's a deal in place for the rights to the VG rights, it'll have an expiration date like EA - SW.

It's funny you say that when I was never claiming to know anything; you have been and I only pointed out that what you're saying is just as much true as what the others are saying. Anyway, I do think Sony had the upper hand in the discussions (even if you don't want to admit it) because Marvel created Spiderman and if they had the upper hand, they would have had no trouble getting the movie rights back. They don't have the movie rights to use Spiderman in the MCU as they please and so they had to do what they had to do.
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It's funny you say that when I was never claiming to know anything; you have been and I only pointed out that what you're saying is just as much true as what the others are saying. Anyway, I do think Sony had the upper hand in the discussions (even if you don't want to admit it) because Marvel created Spiderman and if they had the upper hand, they would have had no trouble getting the movie rights back. They don't have the movie rights to use Spiderman in the MCU as they please and so they had to do what they had to do.

I'm pointing you to a credible source and you are choosing to ignore it because reasons.

What do I have to admit to? I don't really give two shits or three fucks who had the upper hand. Based on what we do know though (i.e. Sony gave up 25% of the profits) the one who bent the knee was, indeed, Sony. You can ignore it like you are ignoring the contract that I pointed you to and keep spouting ignorance.


Look at all these Sony ponies defending these anti-consumer practices for their own selfish benefit.
Lol anti consumer. Look if you want to buy the game with Spider-Man you can. Nothing anti consumer about that. If Microsoft wanted it they have the money believe me.

People sound like fucking babies over this crying to mommy they can’t have another scoop of ice cream. Lol grow the fuck up.

Look maybe you are the type that goes to McDonalds and screams because they won’t sell you a pizza. Don’t know what to tell you man. life must just be an endless series of crisis for you
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So did everyone in the world just forget that the last Spider-Man game can only be played on a Somy device? I mean where was the “anti consumer!” hysteria when everyone was praising that game to high heaven?


i don't know how anyone can justify defending this. how other people getting the worst game than you a good thing?

I am seeing so many braindead takes about how '' hurr durr but Halo is a Xbox exclusive '' and people talking about what Microsoft did during the 360 days.
Like holy shit guys... Some people are really this stupid?

It's almost like this is a cycle that benefits no one except for these big companies who really don't give a shit about any of us.
If you're a PS player you don't even benefit from it at all, being happy that someone else doesn't get to play what you play is just peak immature.

I read an article on Forbes too that did mention something that I haven't seen others talk about and I didn't think about myself either, but this might actually have hurt PS players too in the end.
Spiderman was obviously planned to be an exclusive way back this isn't something that happened recently, which means that he might have been cut out of the story specifically for that reason.
Because if he's going to be a PS exclusive then having him in the story doesn't make sense when the game will also be on PC and Xbox.
Which means that if he wasn't an exclusive then he might've been part of the story which would've been cooler for everyone in the end.

So did everyone in the world just forget that the last Spider-Man game can only be played on a Somy device? I mean where was the “anti consumer!” hysteria when everyone was praising that game to high heaven?

You're missing the whole point.
Cmon you can do it, think.
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This game looks kinda meh anyway so idc. Disappointed by how linear It seems to be 😢 Good visuals though just not what i wanted from a AAA avengers game.
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So did everyone in the world just forget that the last Spider-Man game can only be played on a Somy device? I mean where was the “anti consumer!” hysteria when everyone was praising that game to high heaven?
The last game with Spiderman in it was Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and it was a Switch exclusive.


This game popularity just exploded after this announcement.
Nobody was giving a shit until few days ago

I know right, it's like people think that Spidey will make the game a million times better than it was.
I was always on the hype train for this game, just didn't know whether to buy it on PS4 or PC (hardware reason) but now the decision has been made for me.


I love marvel stuff but when I watch gameplay on this I don't make it to the end of the video before turning it off.

Hoping the game bombs as these types of things are awful for kids who will have an xbox and this game.

Completely unnecessary to allow it from square Enix just to earn a few quid.
Sony gave the signal. Playstation gamers know what to do.

Top PS4 seller in the U.S/UK Amazon charts. Game revived from the dead. It's what it's.
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kinda pathetic by sony but it's war times i guess

its just such a cheap way to "add value" to your console... not by creating but by stopping others
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Did I hit a nerve?

Or was I right? Haha, I guess you would be doing exactly the opposite if the situation was reversed. Good to know!

I remember entire PS3 gen, PlayStation 3 only consumers had to go through the same with COD and several other franchises, where the devs working on the games would just talk about xbox 360 and leave ps3 players in the dirt. I am not here defending Sony nor Microsoft, but this is how business works. Sony's trying to make their platform the definitive platform to play. No one's stopping Microsoft from moneyhatting exclusives like they did with Xbox One(TitanFall)


I'm pointing you to a credible source and you are choosing to ignore it because reasons.

What do I have to admit to? I don't really give two shits or three fucks who had the upper hand. Based on what we do know though (i.e. Sony gave up 25% of the profits) the one who bent the knee was, indeed, Sony. You can ignore it like you are ignoring the contract that I pointed you to and keep spouting ignorance.

Hmm, yeah, I don't know about that. If Sony had created Spiderman, I would agree with you 100% (that they "bent the knee" - I see you like Game of Thrones 👍). However, Marvel created Spiderman, Marvel wanted more control over Spiderman in the MCU. Sony was willing to walk away and take Spiderman out of the MCU (you don't do this if you are the one who "bends the knee") - how and what they both did to settle that? I have no clue, it had to have been something mutually beneficial.......all I know is, the game was announced as exclusive after that. I don't think that was a coincidence. It could have been unrelated, but I am doubtful.
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Just shows that Kamala Khan is a nothing burger, really. Nobody gives a shit about her lol I'm glad that Sony's marketing strategy will be centered around good old Spidey instead if that SJW Mr Fantastic wannabe.

What makes her sjw?

From what I've heard from people who have played the game, she's probably the best character in it lmao. Spidey's probably going to be an irrelevant side character, at least in terms of the story. They're not going to dedicate a large amount of time and content to a character that most of the audience isn't going to see.

Pedro Motta

Hey guys, first post here.

Just to say that all this talk about exclusivity goes to hell until PC gaming isn't exclusive to Microsoft Windows. Especially anti-consumer claims from Microsoft. Bring PC Gaming to Linux and Mac, and give us real alternatives, not exclusivity masked as freedom.


Look at all these Sony ponies defending these anti-consumer practices for their own selfish benefit.
Keep defending Sony capitalism extortion boot licker.

When you want to say 'Anti-Consumerism' as a defence, then you need to do your homework on who you're defending.
If you're trying to say that Microsoft isn't Anti-Consumerism then you really need to look at the history of 'Windows' and 'Internet Explorer' before you even squeak a syllable.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Look at all these Sony ponies defending these anti-consumer practices for their own selfish benefit.

I suppose you are against MS buying all those 3rd party developers like Ninja Theory and Obsidian? Thought not.


Gold Member
This game is pretty linear, so I don't really understand how putting Spider-Man would work? Web slinging and sticking to walls is either out, or gimped. Guess it worked in Marvel Ultimate Alliance (which on a side note, this game just seems like a crappier version of that).


I preordered the game last year at BB and I don't remember Spiderman was mentioned anywhere in the marketing until now so this controversy/outrage makes no sense?

Xbox gamers are now cancelling their preorders because of something they didn't know existed? Then why were you getting it in the first place?

All of this is the usual manufactured outrage from angry gamers/youtubers who were not even interested in this game at all. Just for Console Wars and "anti-consumer" BS lol
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