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Marvel's Iron Fist |OT| Hi-yahh - March 17th on Netflix


Jones really cannot sell half the clunky dialogue he's given. Every time he brings up something related to kun-dun it's comical and sounds like gobledygook.

It reminds me like Final Fantasy XIII and their use of world specific terms like Fal'cie and l'cie. If your actors can't make them seem natural, it is really jarring.

I mean, it's kind of a hard skill really, and often a thankless one, so I don't entirely blame him. But if he can't fight and can't sell the other aspects of the character, why was he cast?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

Madame Gao
makes everything better.

sweet Christmas

Permanently A

Junior Member
I don't know why people say they hate the second half of Luke Cage when it is so much better than Iron Fist. The first few episodes of iron fist felt so hmm "white". First Danny walking into the Rand building just expecting everyone to give him what's his. Smells of entitlement. There is due process but I guess living with monks for 15 years he might not know that so I guess I could give it a pass until the whole stalk the Asian girl until she likes him thing. Least in Luke Cage him and Misty kept crossing paths in Iron Fist Danny was determine to get Colleen or nothing. Smells funky.

The dialogue and story are quite bad. I'm not sure if Danny gives a damn about the company and his name when he goes out being Iron fist. The actor is bad and there is no point to the story or plot. Least in Daredevil it's about a blind man trying to be a hero, in Jessica Jones it's about life after rape and redemption and Luke Cage is about Black American issues. Iron Fist is directionless and the fight scenes are not as satisfying as the other marvel Netflix shows. I'm more interested in a punisher show than what I am watching Iron Fist.

Seeing Danny walk around trying to be more "Asian" than Colleen is so weird and yet get it wrong (shoes in the Dojo pic).

I'm not completely finished with the show but I'm also not completely compelled to want to watch more of it as I did with Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Luke Cage.

And why is it always Chinese New Year in Chinatown? I guess watching the sorcerers' apprentice earlier this week didn't help when they also had a Chinese New Year scene in the movie.

Just because something worse than the second half of Luke Cage exists doesn't mean that the second half isn't a drastic tone shift for the worse.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Guy who hits things hard
Woman who hits things hard
Guy who hits things hard with the help of chi/magic
Guy who has super senses and hit things kinda hard

Makes me want a marvel Netflix ghost rider/spirits of vengeance tv series. I'm pretty sure the defenders show will be about hitting things and the punisher tv show will be about shooting and hitting things.

Just because something worse than the second half of Luke Cage exists doesn't mean that the second half isn't a drastic tone shift for the worse.

The second half of Luke Cage didnt faze me or bore me. I liked Diamondback, Black Mariah and Shades.
Makes me want a marvel Netflix ghost rider/spirits of vengeance tv series. I'm pretty sure the defenders show will be about hitting things and the punisher tv show will be about shooting and hitting things.
Let's be realistic both Defenders and Punisher will be about hitting/shooting things occasionally whilst talking a lot about the situations they find themselves in.

I mean I'm fine with that, but yeah.

And oh my god if I hear the phrases "The Incident" or "The Green Guy" again I'll have an aneurysm. CALL IT THE CHITUARI INVASION AND THE HULK. OH MY GOD. JUST DO IT.


Eh, I can see the show's glaring flaws, but I'm enjoying this as much as some of the other shows.

It's better than JJ, but not as good as LC or DD S2.

It's on par with DD S1.

I don't know why, but I'm enjoying it so far despite itself. The fighting is really awful, though.

I don't know why people say they hate the second half of Luke Cage when it is so much better than Iron Fist. The first few episodes of iron fist felt so hmm "white". First Danny walking into the Rand building just expecting everyone to give him what's his. Smells of entitlement. There is due process but I guess living with monks for 15 years he might not know that so I guess I could give it a pass until the whole stalk the Asian girl until she likes him thing. Least in Luke Cage him and Misty kept crossing paths in Iron Fist Danny was determine to get Colleen or nothing. Smells funky.

He's naive, innocent, he truly believes "doing the right thing" is all that matters, and if intentions are good everything will work out.

That's not "white", that's naive and inexperienced in X.


4 episodes in. Not bad so far. Not bad at all. Find it funny how awful people make it sound yet they somehow were able to get through all the episodes. Come on now.

Something truly awful you'd be dropping after a few episodes tops. Not 13...and if you're forcing yourself to finish it just cuz it's Marvel then you probably need to get help with that. :p

Permanently A

Junior Member
The second half of Luke Cage didnt faze me or bore me. I liked Diamondback, Black Mariah and Shades.

I think the characters were alright, my issue was with the lazy padding. I just hate when stuff like
Diamondback shooting Luke into a garbage truck and watching it slowly drive away, and then the next episode Diamondback is going crazy looking for Luke.
I can't stand it when characters act stupid for the plot to move forwards, and this problem wasn't present for the first half.


Un Rama
4 episodes in. Not bad so far. Not bad at all. Find it funny how awful people make it sound yet they somehow were able to get through all the episodes. Come on now.

Something truly awful you'd be dropping after a few episodes tops. Not 13...and if you're watching it just cuz it's Marvel then you probably need to get help with that. :p

People managed to watch all of Dexter and Sons of Anarchy so binge watching bad things they hate isn't outside the realm of possibilities.


People managed to watch all of Dexter and Sons of Anarchy so binge watching bad things they hate isn't outside the realm if possibilities.

Never watched sons but dexter was critically praised at the start and seemed to be well liked through the first few seasons. So it's a bit different from hating something from the start. I can understand investing time in a show you liked and wanting to stick through it even though it drops in quality.

Truly bad shows I don't get why you would waste your time with.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I think the characters were alright, my issue was with the lazy padding. I just hate when stuff like
Diamondback shooting Luke into a garbage truck and watching it slowly drive away, and then the next episode Diamondback is going crazy looking for Luke.
I can't stand it when characters act stupid for the plot to move forwards, and this problem wasn't present for the first half.

I guess i gave it a pass because i see it a lot in movies and CW shows, however i see your point.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Finished it. A lot of needed subplots but I came around to Jones in the end. Coleen is definitely the more interesting character and I'd love to see more of her and Claire.

Finished it. They really want that second season. What I think? They should just scrap the story all together and make the Defenders ignoring the iron fist story entirely.

Very unsatisfying.

Fairly sure Defenders continues a big part of his story.


I don't know why people say they hate the second half of Luke Cage when it is so much better than Iron Fist.

Iron Fist being bad doesn't somehow retcon the later episodes of Luke Cage into magically being good.

Why is Danny so weak in this? It takes him so long to beat one goon, multiple times.

Yep. I kept thinking "Man, they must really have shitty training in K'un-Lun" since it always seemed like he would take extra long to get rid of just your run of the mill hired muscle.

I think the back half of Luke Cage might have actually retroactively upgraded my opinion of the final few episodes of Jessica Jones somehow. So at least it was good for something, I suppose...

Well, in comparison to Iron Fist, it was actually better. But that still doesn't bump up its quality to "good". It was way too campy and over the top.


Iron Fist being bad doesn't somehow retcon the later episodes of Luke Cage into magically being good.

I think the back half of Luke Cage might have actually retroactively upgraded my opinion of the final few episodes of Jessica Jones somehow. So at least it was good for something, I suppose...


1st episode wasn't good.

But 2-5 was okay, not terrible as I thought it'd be. But still choreography was really bad so far.
TLDR: Sweet Christmas. This is a good ass-show.

Finshed. Boy was that a good-ass show. It's my favourite of the marvel netflix shows so far except daredevil s2. This show started kinda rocky. It was campy and let you get to know the characters and who they are. Once the viewer had gained their bearings after the first few episodes, the pacing was turned up and maintained throughout. It didn't have that awkward time where the bad guy was just hanging around twiddling his thumbs waiting for Jessica to decide to kill him. The ending did feel a little rushed though probably because it didn't really change pace all that much. The marvel netflix shows definitely have problems with pacing towards the end and they all love to have "the episode where the hero is on the run or injured or both" so there is no plot progresdion for a whole episode. This one got it the most on point though because it cheated
it had the other characters doing their own thing progressing a side story and it introduced a new character right before the injured on the run episode started
I think critics were quite unfair on this and it's definitely not deserving of 18% on rotten tomatoes. The imdb score is much more what I'd agree with (8.6). I think the show delivers if you go into it wanting to see a superhero show. Suprisingly, you can get attached to the characters quite easily. The casting for everyone was perfect, especially Harold who was perfect for his role of (ep4 spoilers):
fucking evil rich guy
. Colleen is dope. Claire is dope. Madame Gao is dope. Actually, for a show that was getting slammed for cultural appropriation this sure does have tons of minority casting. I think everyone but 4 of the main cast were non-whites and between 2-3 (it's complicated) of them are baddies. There is definitely a debate to be had about cultural appropriation in this show but it needs to be praised for its minority casting. Anyone who thinks this is perpetuating the white saviour trope is vastly misinformed but that only becomes clear quite the way into the show after you realise some of the decisions he made to get where he is in the show.
The best part about the entire show, however, was the intro. It carried the show the whole way through. Okay the real best part of the show was Colleen. She carried the show for sure. 100% my fave character in this. The real mvp of marvel is Claire though. I feel like she needs more groundswell so we can actually discover her reasons for doing what she does (she's pretty cool and outgoing in the show and vital to the cast) or less groundswell (because she's doing too much for us to not have her get a plotline of her own)
Up to episode 3, loving it so far
It's more interesting than Jessica Jones and the fighting is better than Luke Cage (I just thought Luke was a boring fighter....Super boring)
I like that the hand is involved again because they have been the most interesting marvel villian in the whole marvel universe (to me...My opinion, more interesting than Loki, Thanos or any of that cosmic space stuff)

I haven't had an eye rolling moment yet, we will see what happens as I press on through the series.

Edit : lawyer lady from Jessica Jones, where does this take place time line wise? After JJ?


Up to episode 5. The fights are kind of cringey which makes me sad because the fights in all the other Netflix marvel shows have been great. But I'm enjoying it. Not sure what the critics were on about.
4 episodes in. Not bad so far. Not bad at all. Find it funny how awful people make it sound yet they somehow were able to get through all the episodes. Come on now.

Something truly awful you'd be dropping after a few episodes tops. Not 13...and if you're forcing yourself to finish it just cuz it's Marvel then you probably need to get help with that. :p

I have watched all of some truly bad seasons of TV.

Does this surprise you?
Watched an episode and a half and quit. Bad writing with dumb and clichéd decisions by characters. And the action was really bad.

I liked Luke Cage more than most (the 2nd half had issues for sure) but IF is several layers below the worst Marvel Netflix stuff.


Ep 7:
Did some other board members just fired three of the biggest shareholders of the company with the absence of those three at the meeting? Do they even know how companies work?


The bad guy:
Daredevil s2 had the problem of not defining a Black Sky, and here it seems like Harold is a Black Sky (even though they made a big deal out of Elekra being the only one even though there was one in season two), and it gets even murkier as to why this is a superweapon. And is the Iron Fist the only thing that can kill a Black Sky? If so, that's yet another retcon.

I pretty sure they hinted that in DD s2 that there is more then one black sky but i can't remember
4 episodes in and I love it. Hoping it keeps it up. It definitely has a different tone to the other shows as Danny is very whimsical and naive and I am loving that. Very well cast for that character. Also Colleen is realized perfectly so far continuing that Netflix flourish of having really excellent secondary characters (Misty, Trish, Foggy.) Really excited for when the baby goes to sleep tonight to try and squeeze 4 more in.
I love how every marvel show has a broken door at some point.

Up to episode 5 and pretty sure I put Danny right below Matt, defenders wise, if we count the whole tv universe I would still keep Matt at the top, followed by Punisher, Danny and then Elektra.

Dumb naive Danny is the best Danny
Rather I should say, out of place Danny is the best


The show is okayish, but i'm a huge martial arts movie nerd and the fight choreography in this show is really disappointing.
Just finished watching it. Can't say I hate it, but it is by far the most mediocre defender POV series I have ever watched. The character is ripe with creative possibilities but the story seems to waste their time into another revenge cliched drama fest. There are already multiple points of concerns people have already discussed but the show's no.1 crime is the consistency of the characters. All of them aside from Madam Gao just have motivational issues that has no flow or rhyme to the story. Also, he fact that Danny could
flip 5meters high above the taxi
and express no such skill beyond the first episode are one of the major examples of this nonsense.

The saddest part here is that there was is no build up leading to The Defenders. And now I feel Danny, as of now, could easily drag the potential of that show down.


I kept falling in and out of sleep through the episodes, and I still never really feel like going back.
I got the most of it (through the 10th or so episode), except (spoilers for those)...
The homeless guy being back. I just saw him randomly making the shuriken and stalking Danny or something. Is his appearance actually explained in those moments I was asleep?
......But that's Danny though lol

Yup. I feel like they got Danny right. I haven't read much Iron Fist though.

I am five episodes in and really enjoying it. Still haven't found an issue with fight choreography. I will say the siblings get too much screen time though.


Yeah, I don't know the character at all outside of his brief appearences in Ultimate Spider-Man. He is pretty unlikable so far. And I fucking hate "
trapped in a mental institution
" story lines.

It's especially baffling it's so early. Like this is usually a 5th season sort of storyline, not episode 2.
I feel like the need to tie it into Defenders and hurry it up to being in New York hurts it.

All that training Danny did sounds interesting... more interesting than Rich Sibling Sideplot No. 4



One thing I'll say about this show is it's very consistent with whatever the fuck it is.

Consistent mediocrity.
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