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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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A funny gif means I have "TDS"? Considering the amount of time you spend defending Trump at the slightest provocation, what would be the opposite of TDS that you would appear to be afflicted with?

Edit: I had to put "TDS" in scare quotes cause the thought of any sort of criticism being immediately labelled as "TDS" is hilariously childish.
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A funny gif means I have "TDS"? Considering the amount of time you spend defending Trump at the slightest provocation, what would be the opposite of TDS that you would appear to be afflicted with?

Edit: I had to put "TDS" in scare quotes cause the thought of any sort of criticism being immediately labelled as "TDS" is hilariously childish.

are u sure it's not da opposites, m8

nah dude, you are borderline afflicted


A select few recent faves








What? Are those the latest talking points? Who is making money?

Don't forget Trump owns 99$ worth of a mutual fund in a company that makes Hydrocholoquine. Thats a massive 10$'s he is making. He probably uses tax loopholes so when its all said and done he could make as much as 8 or 9$.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
edit: nevermind...
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Based on population size, you have more people dying than any similar countries, and while their cases will start dropping due to quarantine, Sweden's will continue to rise unless they do the same.
Sweden is a magical place, but it would take real magic for the amount of cases and deaths to come down without stricter measures in place.

People are still going to lose their jobs, and the economy will suffer either way. It might be a smaller immediate loss, but it will still be there.
You then have to consider that if Sweden's strategy is wrong (like every other country seems to believe), and the medical system gets overrun, the people are going to lose faith in their government.
Suicide and depression will go up when not only are people's loved ones dying, but they're often responsible for passing them the virus in the first place.

It's a massive risk, and there are only limited opportunities for success (if it somehow has spread way more than we know, if it slows down and doesn't come back in the winter, or if we get a good treatment in the next few months).
I wouldn't take that risk, but, all of the Swedes I've seen talk about it online seem fully supportive of this plan. Maybe yall know something that the rest of the world doesn't.
This is 100% bullshit speculation. This entire post. Sweden is acting rationally. It's EVERYONE ELSE who is conducting an unprecedented, dangerous experiment. I've been saying this from the start and as time goes on more and more evidence keeps rolling in indicating that this is the case. These large scale quarantines of almost entirely healthy populations HAVE NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. It has been a risky and reckless approach from the start.


In WW2 times, we were able to easily repurpose private industry and direct them to manufacturing goods in the service of national defense.

In the 80 years since then, we've outsourced much of that manufacturing capacity because it was better for business.
>Better for business
>By directly enriching your Communist enemy that spreads a virus to your country and tanks your economy

As it stands, WW2 America has the upperhand over modern America. At least they won a war, Xi Jinping is probably laughing behind America's back right now knowing he'll never be punished.
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I want to know what magic New Zealand are performing when it comes to keeping this under control. Sure, they have swathes of land uninhabited, except for sheep, but they only have a handful of deaths, and they still have major cities.


I want to know what magic New Zealand are performing when it comes to keeping this under control. Sure, they have swathes of land uninhabited, except for sheep, but they only have a handful of deaths, and they still have major cities.

All cities are not the same. Housing is different, public transportation is different, density is different. Greater Houston area has like 6 million people, but that is a huge landmass and most people are living in single family homes and commuting by themselves in a car. NYC is highrise living with shared elevators, and most people don't own a car and take mass transit.

One thing that has pissed me off about the statewide quarantines is how it is a solution for the most population dense areas but enforced on everyone. It would have made much more sense to target the strictest measures in the highest density areas, and once you identify an outbreak, impose travel restrictions. Instead states like NY and Louisiana let people flee from New Orleans and NYC and spread it everywhere, and then lock down the entire state even though the vast majority of the state would have had zero impact except for people traveling from the bigger cities. You have better social distancing in a small town if you just ban large gatherings than you can achieve in a stay at home quarantine in New York City.

These measures need to be targeted to the smallest geographical region possible, take into account the realities of the location and not one size fits all solutions, and just restrict travel from any hot spots. You don't need to kill the economy in a town of 20,000 that has no cases. Yet most states did exactly that.
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Kagey K

Alberta‘s numbers have been low the last few days due to reduced testing, and I think it’s going to make people think the worst has passed. Instead of continuing the trend I think people are going to go back to their old ways and we are going to get huge spikes.

If people would continue the course we could be out of this soon, but they won’t.
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A funny gif means I have "TDS"? Considering the amount of time you spend defending Trump at the slightest provocation, what would be the opposite of TDS that you would appear to be afflicted with?

Edit: I had to put "TDS" in scare quotes cause the thought of any sort of criticism being immediately labelled as "TDS" is hilariously childish.

IMHO TDS to me consists of both left criticizing Trump and right shouting "TDS".

It is to me like watching two groups of monkeys fight under lab conditions, where the scientists who controlled the lab appear to have factions, yet actually share common interests.

For example, anecdotally, my facebook friends (from my PhD-era) shared a video on twitter of Trump commenting on antibiotics. Since it was CNN's editing, I go to C-span to locate the original unedited piece (what question Trump responds to): https://www.c-span.org/video/?471115-1/white-house-coronavirus-curve-starting-level
starting 1:46:30 ish, it is highly likely that Trump does not know antibiotics does not work on virii. Yet, anecdotally, many of my scientifically well-trained friends failed to see that a good president does not have to this kind of common sense or having a scientific background to be a good president, as long as he knows people who are good at it (Dr. Fauci).

On the other hands, some of my facebook acquaintances from childhood (rural area of Canada, hating aboriginals, have never been in a place with diverse populations, like to make racist comments), avid supporters of Trump, defends everything Trump says. On contrary some of my academia friends who worked in national labs voted Trump acknowledged that "Trump says lots of bullshit and nonsense to make his voters happy, so do not take him literally, actions speak louder than words".

At the end of the day, due to existence of these two groups of people, many important and sensible discussions become "deranged". Due to all these scum politicians high above (Pelosi, McConnell, and many others who have been in the senate or congress for over too many years), lots of real world problems are still unsolved, like healthcare.

Hopefully out of the pandemic, the people in the US will realize the importance of a good hygiene and a healthy living, opposed to obesity, high-sugar diets caused diabetes, which give excessive pressure on the whole healthcare system.


Rodent Whores
>Better for business
>By directly enriching your Communist enemy that spreads a virus to your country and tanks your economy

As it stands, WW2 America has the upperhand over modern America. At least they won a war, Xi Jinping is probably laughing behind America's back right now knowing he'll never be punished.
That's better than going out of business because your competitors can afford to slash prices due to lower costs from outsourcing. It's comparative advantage and free market capitalism 101.


Unconfirmed Member
My lovely upstairs neighbours decided to have some kind of a lockdown party into the small hours of this morning.

I guess it's true that you cant take the cunt out of good friday.


These people are legit, Oxford University. My friend worked in her group when they did the malaria stuff.
Uh, there already are vaccines in trial on humans:

Clinical trials in progress
All these are "Phase I safety trials".

But note that one study found that between 2006 and 2015, the success rate of obtaining approval from Phase I to successful Phase III trials was 16.2% for vaccines.[78]

In late February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it did not expect a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the causative virus, to become available in less than 18 months
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Gold Member
Uh, there already are vaccines in trial on humans:

All these are "Phase I safety trials".

But note that one study found that between 2006 and 2015, the success rate of obtaining approval from Phase I to successful Phase III trials was 16.2% for vaccines.[78]

In late February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it did not expect a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the causative virus, to become available in less than 18 months

The more the better. Gates is backing manufacturing for 4 or 5 vaccines with the idea that if one of them work we’ll save precious months by premanufacturing.

I would not put much weight on WHO’s predictions, they just a couple of months ago told us there is no human-to-human transmission of the virus.


Back in 2007 MOTHERFUCKER:

I would not put much weight on WHO’s predictions, they just a couple of months ago told us there is no human-to-human transmission of the virus.
Yeah, my point was, there are vaccines way ahead of Oxford's and nobody is making "we'll have it this autumn" claims.


That's better than going out of business because your competitors can afford to slash prices due to lower costs from outsourcing. It's comparative advantage and free market capitalism 101.
Are we talking about the U.S here or the world?

If America only did manufacturing on its own soil, then it doesn't matter which company goes out of business. Because outsourcing is useless without the actual technical brilliance and innovation to go with it.

There's a reason why when you look at actual "made in China" products, they just tend to be ripoffs, not originals.


Back in 2007 MOTHERFUCKER:

Yeah, my point was, there are vaccines way ahead of Oxford's and nobody is making "we'll have it this autumn" claims.


Fret Runner

My grandad died to it this morning. His nursing home had the Virus there an they had the place in full lock down for like two weeks but sadly the old geezer didn’t avoid it. Family/nursing home set up a little Skype call with him the day before he passed so every one could get some form of goodbye in to him. He was constantly struggling to breath and Barely with it. Shit was hard to look at. He wasn’t deemed a priority for a ventilator, probably the wrong way of saying that but the doctors decided to just give him morphine an make him comfortable as he passed.

My mum is in tatters cause she can’t even have a full funeral for him. Something like only his daughters can attend something, think it’s a cremation, but either way, not being able to have proper send offs for love ones, especially older ones is a brutal reality pill to swallow.


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That is something that is actually not talked about, in the end, we all are told the death numbers will be about the same, percentage wise, but Sweden's method is aiming towards having a somewhat normal society left in the end, not having 20% unemployed due to this, will also help with alot of secondary deaths, ie, suicides, homicides, etc, due to people loosing their job, homes and such. If pragmatism was a invention, I am sure it would have been a Swedish one.
But Sweden is already seeing unemployment rise.
The global economy is shitty right now. There's no tourism. People aren't out and about shopping as much, lockdown or not.
Sweden can do its own thing, and they will get more deaths in exchange for, well, still a bad economy.
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