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Mass Effect 2 Hype Thread

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Davidion said:
Less sex scenes, more this, thank you. I feel like if there's anything to really amplify the ME experience, it would be more epic battles.

Choose the "not tonight" option when they want the Shepard pie. Man, Liara was pissed when I told her that :lol

And lord(???) had no problem using the glitch on any member. I even had a Sentinel with Heavy armor. Vanguard is where it's at y'all


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

I'll start working on a banner later today.


A morality system that isn't defined by binary opposites and a points based system is my wish. I loved Mass Effect, but having your conversational choices result in paragon or renegade points broke the illusion of this being a game about moral choice in any meaningful way.


Alucrid said:
I want better armor. The first game's armor was pretty meh, especially for humans. They need to add more sets like Wrex's Rage/Berzerker/Battlemaster and Garrus's Phantom armors. Those were badass.

*perking up*
Phantom armor?


demifiend said:
*perking up*
Phantom armor?

It's the armor that Nihilus wears at the start. I think it's from the serrice council license?


Sorry for the bad shot my camera isn't great. Garrus also looks out of proportion for some reason.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Suairyu said:
A morality system that isn't defined by binary opposites and a points based system is my wish. I loved Mass Effect, but having your conversational choices result in paragon or renegade points broke the illusion of this being a game about moral choice in any meaningful way.
It was deeper than that. The Cerberus and Sole Survivor side missions had at least 4 different outcomes and Noveria's hangar had multiple ways of being opened as well. There's more to it than just straight renegade or straight paragon. Leading like a good Samaritan and finishing like an asshole or vice versa opens up all kinds of shit.


DY_nasty said:
It was deeper than that. The Cerberus and Sole Survivor side missions had at least 4 different outcomes and Noveria's hangar had multiple ways of being opened as well. There's more to it than just straight renegade or straight paragon. Leading like a good Samaritan and finishing like an asshole or vice versa opens up all kinds of shit.

Yep. On my completely evil playthrough, I found that choosing the Renegade option oftentimes wasn't the most evil option. Sometimes you intimidate people into putting away their weapons and such, when you can just choose to blow them away by choosing a supposedly neutral option.

And on Noveria, if you play it right, you can get both the administrator and his assistant killed. That was the most fun way to do it :lol


Wrath2X said:
Seriously cannot freaking wait! Oh and if I transfer my save file from a hard disk to a memory card, will it work for Mass Effect 2?

Why does it seem like every time I ask for something on GAF I have to quote it till I finally get an answer?


Wrath2X said:

Why does it seem like every time I ask for something on GAF I have to quote it till I finally get an answer?

I have no clue what you mean. Transferring saves won't do anything to it, unless it's somehow corrupted in the process. So sure...it should work, but why not just leave it on the hard drive?

Asmodai said:
And on Noveria, if you play it right, you can get both the administrator and his assistant killed. That was the most fun way to do it :lol

Really...I must try this now.
Acid08 said:
ME2 is just....oh god....i can't even....I NEED THIS FUCKING GAME.

I know what you mean. It's amazing. I'm getting close to the end of Lost Odyssey and I've beaten ME1 once already, and I just popped it in to mess around with my characters and do a couple of things I didn't the first time around and I'm already almost at the end of my 2nd playthrough, putting my LO progress on indefinite hiatus :lol


Alucrid said:
Really...I must try this now.

It's pretty tricky, you won't get it by just selecting all of the Renegade answers or trying to do it the fastest way. You have to kind of think it through, and try talking to everyone involved before actually choosing what to do.

It's definitely worth it though, to see the outcome :lol
Somehow Mass Effect is still one of my favourite games this gen. I say somehow because I'm a huge bitch when it comes to performance issues... and ME was full of them.


Psychotext said:
Somehow Mass Effect is still one of my favourite games this gen. I say somehow because I'm a huge bitch when it comes to performance issues... and ME was full of them.

I know what you mean. I can't stand games that drop below 30 FPS, and ME did it all the time. (hell in combat it drops below 10 most of the time) That and the horrible texture pop-in that completely ruined some cutscenes and marred most others.

I'm willing to excuse it only because the game is so incredibly awesome, particularly the last 5 hours or so of the story. Best climax and ending of any game.


Little is the new Big
Man... I've sunk so much time into the first game for just like a few days and I can't believe I've been missing out for so long! Bring on ME2!! :D

Not to mention it looks awesome :)


Chinner said:
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e68/Wonder_Leone/Games/masseffect2_wallpaper_4_1280x102-1.jpg[/ IMG]
Yes, it looks like Omega, aka Sin City.

Btw thanks for the banner brandonh.


Mass Effect 2 for me is the best combination of art style and technical prowess I've seen in a videogame this gen. (Crysis is nice, but the art style is mostly photo realistic and doesn't deviate much.)


DY_nasty said:
It was deeper than that. The Cerberus and Sole Survivor side missions had at least 4 different outcomes and Noveria's hangar had multiple ways of being opened as well. There's more to it than just straight renegade or straight paragon. Leading like a good Samaritan and finishing like an asshole or vice versa opens up all kinds of shit.
Oh really? I must admit I didn't know. I'm on a third playthrough (just got the PC version) and I'll experiment a bit more.

My comment about the points still stands - even if some outcomes allow for more blurring of the sides, that is a game mechanic that spells out a pure juxtaposition, even if some cases allow for more moral exploration. A good example is the first thing you - responding to Joker's whining about Nihlus. In the first time through I told Joker to shut up, because that was in my mind the good thing to do. Certainly not friendly, but good for military standing. When it awarded me points on a morality slider going in the opposite way of my interpretation I was disappointed and spent most of the game anticipating having to hit the same direction on the conversation wheel.


Suairyu said:
Oh really? I must admit I didn't know. I'm on a third playthrough (just got the PC version) and I'll experiment a bit more.

My comment about the points still stands - even if some outcomes allow for more blurring of the sides, that is a game mechanic that spells out a pure juxtaposition, even if some cases allow for more moral exploration. A good example is the first thing you - responding to Joker's whining about Nihlus. In the first time through I told Joker to shut up, because that was in my mind the good thing to do. Certainly not friendly, but good for military standing. When it awarded me points on a morality slider going in the opposite way of my interpretation I was disappointed and spent most of the game anticipating having to hit the same direction on the conversation wheel.

It's tough to complain about ME's system when 99% of the games out there just funnel you down an ultra linear 10 metre wide corridor story wise.

While I'd like to see more choices and more potential outcomes, Mass Effect had plenty of them.


Rez said:
I made the extremely bad choice that was playing through the first ME as an Adept. It has kind of scarred me. I don't know if I'm ready to love again yet.
It was scarring to play through as the best class in the game?

Or was it the single-digit framerates you got?


Yasae said:
It was scarring to play through as the best class in the game?

Or was it the single-digit framerates you got?

Psh, Infiltrator with Commando sub class is the best class in the game. I'd like to see your adept take a Geth Colossus hit and survive on Insanity difficulty.

The framerate is a killer either way. Combat is always a slideshow.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Looks like you already got a banner but I'll dump these here anyway.

I made two versions but, couldn't decide between them.




NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Asmodai said:
Psh, Infiltrator with Commando sub class is the best class in the game. I'd like to see your adept take a Geth Colossus hit and survive on Insanity difficulty.

The sniper rifle was just absurdly powerful. Armatures getting dropped by 1 shot... just ridiculous
ly awesome


DY_nasty said:

The sniper rifle was just absurdly powerful. Armature's getting dropped by 1 shot.

You try high explosive rounds in it? It wipes out anything within a 10 foot radius with those?:D


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Asmodai said:
You try high explosive rounds in it? It wipes out anything within a 10 foot radius with those?:D
Exactly what I was talking about. I could spin around 3 times, go into a small room, and clear every hopper, juggernaut, and shock trooper out in one shot with that mod. HErounds + Rail Extenion x2 = supremacy. Add in the fact that you can blow the shields off of anything too? FUUUU


I remember being kind of pissed about being an infiltrator at the beginning cause of the sniper but damn at the end of the game it was so fucking awesome.



Asmodai said:
Psh, Infiltrator with Commando sub class is the best class in the game. I'd like to see your adept take a Geth Colossus hit and survive on Insanity difficulty.
Thats babby stuff compared to my gold standard soldier tank.


Asmodai said:
Psh, Infiltrator with Commando sub class is the best class in the game. I'd like to see your adept take a Geth Colossus hit and survive on Insanity difficulty.

The framerate is a killer either way. Combat is always a slideshow.
It's noticeably worse firing off biotics.


elrechazao said:
So ME didn't deliver on any of the promises they made, eh?

You obviously played the game, and your opinion is very well thought out.
Watch a early E3 trailer of the game, alot of the features that were shown there such as the conversation system, squad control etc. Didn't appear in the final game at all. Plus the promises of hundreds of planets being explorable laff, the choices part of the game was over-hyped too.
Anyway i'm really excited for mass effect 2 despite being disappointed with ME all i want is two things 1 - longer length like 25-30 hours for a story playthrough 2 - well-designed side-planets or bigger story planets filled with side-quests that on-par with KOTOR.


Chinner said:
Thats babby stuff compared to my gold standard soldier tank.

Soldier has the shotgun and AR which can be useful, but on higher difficulties sabotage and the like are better for killing the weapons of more powerful enemies.

Though since both soldier and infiltrator/commando have perma-immunity, they can't really die unless you're very unlucky.


I'm hoping that there's a questionaire at the beginning of the game asking us what our choices were in the first mass effect. I played and completed the 360 version of ME, but am looking to get the sequel on PC. As far as i know they've only talked about save files being used to transfer the options taken in the first game.


Pankaks said:
Looks like you already got a banner but I'll dump these here anyway.

I made two versions but, couldn't decide between them.

1.http://i25.tinypic.com/2v85qhk.jpg[/I MG]

2.[IMG]http://i25.tinypic.com/2rm9v2d.jpg[/I MG][/QUOTE]
Yeah sorry, I've included yours in post 2, though.
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