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Mass Effect: Andromeda PAX Livestream



Well, never mind haha


If I take aside how the game looks and how terrible the animations/lip syncing are, I can see myself as a ME fan loving it to death but I feel like the general public won't give a damn about it, it's just too close to previous Mass Effect, it doesn't even looks like a proper sequel but more like a remake/reboot, I can see it bombed like Deus Ex MD.

I hope not but it's my feeling from all the footage I'm seeing, maybe Bioware need to take more risks.


If I take aside how the game looks and how terrible the animations/lip syncing are, I can see myself as a ME fan loving it to death but I feel like the general public won't give a damn about it, it's just too close to previous Mass Effect, it doesn't even looks like a proper sequel but more like a remake/reboot, I can see it bombed like Deus Ex MD.

I hope not but it's my feeling from all the footage I'm seeing, maybe Bioware need to take more risks.
I'm not quite following the logic here. It looks like the previous Mass Effect games, which were commercial and critical successes. Therefore it will only be popular with hardcore fans and could bomb?

You sure you're not letting the hyperbolic gaf air of pessimism around the game color your view?
I'm not quite following the logic here. It looks like the previous Mass Effect games, which were commercial and critical successes. Therefore it will only be popular with hardcore fans and could bomb?

You sure you're not letting the hyperbolic gaf air of pessimism around the game color your view?
To be fair I do think it's launching at a bad time with the amount of other games coming out. And mass effect isn't really the big name it was when 3 launched. I'm sure it'll do well, but I think it'll be a step down from what 3 did.


To be fair I do think it's launching at a bad time with the amount of other games coming out. And mass effect isn't really the big name it was when 3 launched. I'm sure it'll do well, but I think it'll be a step down from what 3 did.

Like Neir and Persona 5? Mass Effect series is bigger than those two series.


I'm excited to finally play it but I have to wonder why they keep showing footage with animation bugs. From the flappy lips and the punch that doesn't connect and now the gun firing backward I think there might be some truth to the "game is glitchy" argument.


Persona? Like I don't know man. I'm a huge Mass Effect guy but Persona is hard to beat, especially in Asian markets. There's a lot of Personal fans.

Persona series total sales is 6.9 million including Persona 5 up to the end of November and spin off titles. Mass Effect series is 14 million with three games.


Like Neir and Persona 5? Mass Effect series is bigger than those two series.
It's a bigger franchise than all but Zelda among this busy release period. Granted Horizon was very well received and had the full Sony marketing hype machine behind it. But to say Nier, Persona, and Nioh (all fairly niche games once you step outside the gaf bubble) will have a huge impact on ME:A sales doesn't seem that reasonable.


I'm excited to finally play it but I have to wonder why they keep showing footage with animation bugs. From the flappy lips and the punch that doesn't connect and now the gun firing backward I think there might be some truth to the "game is glitchy" argument.

Mass effect games were always glitchy, visually at least. From heads doing weird spin to the Illusive man smoking with his chin, animation bug is par for the course. And those were much smaller games than Andromeda, though this time they don't have UE3 packaging system preventing them from patching all that crap.

I'd be more worried about actual game breaking bugs. I don't want to wait 4 months before being able to finish the game like a I had to do with The Witcher 3
I much as I want this game to be amazing i'm so worried about these animation and cutscene bugs, makes me wonder what else might be faulty.

Yup don't preorder or day-one unless you're a hardcore fan.

I'm a hardcore ME1 fan but i'm not buying until winter at this point.



I'm sorry, but this is amateur hour for a AAA product. They're a week from EA Access and two weeks from full release and they still have these animation bugs?

The animation staff at Bioware's studios must be overworked as hell if this is what we are seeing in their public gameplay videos. Maybe it'll get patched, who knows, but that this has been par for the marketing and public dissemination of this product is incredibly worrying.


I much as I want this game to be amazing i'm so worried about these animation and cutscene bugs, makes me wonder what else might be faulty.

I'm a hardcore ME1 fan but i'm not buying until winter at this point.

I'm pretty sure Shinobi said that most of this footage is from the pre patch version of the game. He mentioned a 2GB day one patch that addresses a lot of the little bugs in the game.

I mean, its a huge open world RPG game so it's going to have a shit ton of bugs in it most likely (Look at Fallout, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Inquisition...etc). But hopefully the patch takes care of some of the crap we have seen for sure.
I'm sorry, but this is amateur hour for a AAA product. They're a week from EA Access and two weeks from full release and they still have these animation bugs?

The animation staff at Bioware's studios must be overworked as hell if this is what we are seeing in their public gameplay videos. Maybe it'll get patched, who knows, but that this has been par for the marketing and public dissemination of this product is incredibly worrying.
This would be QA's responsibility...
I'm sorry, but this is amateur hour for a AAA product. They're a week from EA Access and two weeks from full release and they still have these animation bugs?

The animation staff at Bioware's studios must be overworked as hell if this is what we are seeing in their public gameplay videos. Maybe it'll get patched, who knows, but that this has been par for the marketing and public dissemination of this product is incredibly worrying.
I just played through a sequence in Horizon where Aloy cracked open a door by sticking her pike thing into the door model. You're overselling the significance of this.


Neo Member
If true then: all you had to do Bioware is learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Ofcourse this reused art is not a big deal but it shows some detail on how the devs think about some things i.e "why make something new if we can google for something and alter it to fit our needs".
And there goes "artistic integrity" out of the window.

I don't think you understand what the phrase "artistic integrity" means, on a very basic level. It has nothing to do with not using assets others created, for starters.

It's also kind of funny because codex entries have often been illustrated with slightly modified stock art and what are basically screenshots. It's posts like yours that make me wonder if anyone even played the previous ME games.

I mean, I opened the menu at a bar in ME2 yesterday, and it literally had a photograph of food, clearly from the real world, at the top of the menu. Definitely stock art or googled art. But apparently this is all new and shocking.


Animation bugs aside, I thought the footage they showed looked great. In-combat the game is visually fantastic. It finally showed some of the tone and style of the game too, and it looks fun!


This would be QA's responsibility...
Fuck this shit with extreme nuclear diarrhea. I work in (non-gaming) QA and this attitude is the bane of my existence. Quality is everybody's responsibility at every link in the chain. A "throw it over the wall" mentality is toxic as fuck and makes EVERYBODY'S job harder. And you also have no clue how many defects are found by QA but deemed by management to be unimportant or otherwise not worth fixing.

So if that's your attitude, kindly get rekt.


I don't think you understand what the phrase "artistic integrity" means, on a very basic level. It has nothing to do with not using assets others created, for starters.

It's also kind of funny because codex entries have often been illustrated with slightly modified stock art and what are basically screenshots. It's posts like yours that make me wonder if anyone even played the previous ME games.

I mean, I opened the menu at a bar in ME2 yesterday, and it literally had a photograph of food, clearly from the real world, at the top of the menu. Definitely stock art or googled art. But apparently this is all new and shocking.

Of course i do not. I am just another "hater". /s
If true then: all you had to do Bioware is learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Ofcourse this reused art is not a big deal but it shows some detail on how the devs think about some things i.e "why make something new if we can google for something and alter it to fit our needs".
And there goes "artistic integrity" out of the window.

You must be joking. Not only does this kind of stuff happen all the damn time, to my knowledge, it's also an integral part of the development process. Temporary art is used in games pretty regularly, and sometimes temporary art just kind of doesn't get replaced, either because it doesn't get noticed, or because they thought it looked good. Case in point, that time people threw a shit-fit about that Uncharted 4 picture frame. Except in that case, they might have had a point, seeing as it was art from another game.

And even if this were to be as egregious you were pretending it to be, this in no way reflects on the developer as a whole. You realize that there are individuals working on these games right? Individuals under time constraint, who might from time to time cut corners, like every single person in existence? Besides, this is hardly a "Tali" situation, seeing as this is a screenshot from their own damned property.

Seriously, is no one else bothered by the fact that every single Bioware thread turns into a free-for-all where people take pot-shots at them over the most innocuous things ever. They're amateurs because a gun model is backwards. They're lazy because a picture in a codex about the Asari was made by a fan. I don't think that's fair.


Neo Member
Of course i do not. I am just another "hater". /s

Explain to me then, Mr /S, what artistic integrity means, and how using other people's assets is anathema to it. You will be sure to remember your art history of course, and not end up dissing basically half the greatest creators of the 20th century.

It's particularly interesting with this picture, because it looks so exactly like the game art of Liara, and the only thing even suggesting it's not is the outfit.

Currently the only source we have for it being from DeviantArt is the twitter of a fairly extreme GamerGate type. He doesn't even link to DeviantArt, either. Instead he's put a picture, claimed it's from DeviantArt, but carefully avoided actually committing libel, by saying "apparently" (showing even he has limited faith in his claim), and the text wants you to go to archive.is, not DeviantArt.


Explain to me then, Mr /S, what artistic integrity means, and how using other people's assets is anathema to it. You will be sure to remember your art history of course, and not end up dissing basically half the greatest creators of the 20th century.

I do not have to. You seem to be the expert. I ll agree to anything you ll say.
It is not an "artistic integrity" issue and i am totally wrong.
The reused art seems to be a trend in Bioware games though.
I do not have to. You seem to be the expert. I ll agree to anything you ll say.
It is not an "artistic integrity" issue and i am totally wrong.
The reused art seems to be a trend in Bioware games though.

3 cases over two games on which hundreds of people work for years constitutes a studio-wide trend these days?


It still bugs me how this is, presumably, a galaxy devoid of Reaper influence. So shouldn't the civilizations here be incredibly advanced? The only reason tech in the Milky Way is where it is is because the Reapers would kneecap any civilization that reached a certain point. That concept doesn't exist in Andromeda, yet it seems like the writers conveniently forgot about it entirely.
It still bugs me how this is, presumably, a galaxy devoid of Reaper influence. So shouldn't the civilizations here be incredibly advanced? The only reason tech in the Milky Way is where it is is because the Reapers would kneecap any civilization that reached a certain point. That concept doesn't exist in Andromeda, yet it seems like the writers conveniently forgot about it entirely.

We don't really know how advanced life in that galaxy is yet. Besides, why couldn't life in that galaxy just so happen to be a fledgling civilization, so to speak? Seems equally likely as "civilization with technology progress run so rampant that they'd be unrecognizable" or whatever, seeing as how we don't really have anything else to compare it to. Even in the Mass Effect universe, we don't really know how a civilization without reaper influence would behave, given the fact that all technological progress in the Milky Way as a whole, beyond a certain point, is entirely based on reaper tech.


It still bugs me how this is, presumably, a galaxy devoid of Reaper influence. So shouldn't the civilizations here be incredibly advanced? The only reason tech in the Milky Way is where it is is because the Reapers would kneecap any civilization that reached a certain point. That concept doesn't exist in Andromeda, yet it seems like the writers conveniently forgot about it entirely.

Well wouldn't that partly depend on how old the civilisation was?


Fuck Reapers. The absolute worst thing about the series. If we hear nothing about them, it will be too much.

This is on Frostbite, right? Wonder how terribad the loading will be.


This would be QA's responsibility...

That's not how QA works at all. Besides, Bioware is fine with using this segment for public showing despite the glaring error.

I just played through a sequence in Horizon where Aloy cracked open a door by sticking her pike thing into the door model. You're overselling the significance of this.

That's your playing a 40 hour AAA game, this is Bioware having a cutdown slice of gameplay for public dissemination that has an pretty glaring bug.

You seem pretty invested in this game, though. Don't take criticisms of multimillion companies and their consumer products too personal.
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