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Matt Booty: "We are in a unique position to spend Sony out of business"

Agreed, except that their ambition was always bigger than Xbox.

My point is that Xbox doesn't get them that future they were looking for.

They're looking to be the netflix of gaming and it's clear they're going to fail at that, especially if they can't get ABK, especially given this e-mail is going to be stapled with any future acquisitions they try to make.

This e-mail could be an absolute killer for Microsoft. It can't be overstated how bad this e-mail is.

Way bigger than the promise of not foreclosing Bethesda games that was cited earlier.


So in 2013, or a couple years ago when Sony went on the 3rd party exclusive rampage (including an attempt at Starfield exclusivity) you don't think any of the execs were talking about "ending the Xbox gaming division" in a similar vein to this? Because if you don't then you are very gullible or very biased (or both)

This email will be damaging if it’s not just a zealous, one time sentiment, but backed by repeated talks of putting Sony out of business as well as specific plans to do so.

Keeping Minecraft on PS and also not making a Minecraft 2 that is Xbox exclusive was a missed opportunity if that was their plan.
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The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
My point is that Xbox doesn't get them that future they were looking for.
No. And, on its own, it was never intended to. Xbox was a gateway, not the endgame. TVTVTV / Kinect / spending billions on companies with high user counts that they can transfer over to Xbox Live accounts, each of which is attached to a Microsoft account (Mojang, Zenimax/Bethesda, Activision + Battle.net) reveal those ambitions.
No. And, on its own, it was never intended to. Xbox was a gateway, not the endgame. TVTVTV / Kinect / spending billions on companies with high user counts that they can transfer over to Xbox Live accounts, each of which is attached to a Microsoft account (Mojang, Zenimax/Bethesda, Activision + Battle.net) reveal those ambitions.

Microsoft wants to be the platform in which all gaming entertainment is consumed. That is Azure. That is the end game.


So in 2013, or a couple years ago when Sony went on the 3rd party exclusive rampage (including an attempt at Starfield exclusivity) you don't think any of the execs were talking about "ending the Xbox gaming division" in a similar vein to this? Because if you don't then you are very gullible or very biased (or both)
The difference is that Sony was able to favorably negotiate those third-party exclusivity deals because of the hugh player base they had cultivated throughout the late PS3 and PS4 eras due to them doing things right and releasing amazing exclusive games. It is their reward to be in such a dominant position that, for instance, it wouldn't hurt (and it might actually benefit) Square Enix to make Final Fantasy XVI a PlayStation console exclusive due to them not leaving much (or any) money on the table by not releasing the game on Xbox, if the price is right.

That's very different to being in last place because of your own decisions and mismanagement of your own company, and suddenly beginning to buy your way back to the top through the endless pockets of your parent company. Had Xbox been an independent console maker such as Nintendo or formerly Sega, they would have organically disappeared from the market because that's the only possible ending for a creatively bankrupt company that constantly makes poor decisions and offers very little value to their consumers.


And that, right there, is exactly why I’m against this merger and why everyone who can think critically should be as well.

Straight from the horse’s mouth: It’s never been about expanding gaming, it’s never been about better experiences for gamers, it’s ALWAYS been about Microsoft leveraging their vast finances to SHUT DOWN competitors.

Which is the absolute reason anti-trust laws exist.
But people here and Phil were adamant they were making more choices for gamers!*

*As long as those choices were owned by Microsoft.


Yeeuck. I would rather see Valve make some kind of console. They already have the huge library andton.
30 percent of everybody's else's money is Gold for Valve. The Steam Deck (if you want to refer to it as a console) is just another way for Valve to make that 30 percent. Heck, when one buys a Rouge Ally it's a win for Valve, most likely you are going to be using Steam. Asus probably has to scramble to get another handheld out as soon as possible because nobody is buying games from them directly.
Valve is in a sweet position, they can make a game because they want to make it, when they want to make it. I'm sure because of the VR not many have played Half-Life Alyx and it doesn't even matter to Valve.
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The difference is that Sony was able to favorably negotiate those third-party exclusivity deals because of the hugh player base they had cultivated throughout the late PS3 and PS4 eras due to them doing things right and releasing amazing exclusive games. It is their reward to be in such a dominant position that, for instance, it wouldn't hurt (and it might actually benefit) Square Enix to make Final Fantasy XVI a PlayStation console exclusive due to them not leaving much (or any) money on the table by not releasing the game on Xbox, if the price is right.

That's very different to being in last place because of your own decisions and mismanagement of your own company, and suddenly beginning to buy your way back to the top through the endless pockets of your parent company. Had Xbox been an independent console maker such as Nintendo or formerly Sega, they would have organically disappeared from the market because that's the only possible ending for a creatively bankrupt company that constantly makes poor decisions and offers very little value to their consumers.
I have the impression that Microsoft acts like a kind of student who didn't study throughout their entire undergraduate degree (20+ years) and now wants to compete for an internship position and feels "obligated" to buy other people's work to meet the required grade. It also seems to me that people root for them to succeed because "It's important to have more people here in the lab."

Would it be nice to have multiple companies competing? Obviously, it would be. However, can we say that Microsoft deserves it? That's the question to ponder.


They could keep gamepass and grow their service and kill the hardware division. If they weren't making a competing console they could probably get a version of gamepass running on Playstation and maybe even Nintendo.
Because other than PC, they won't be able to put game pass on consoles without taking extreme hit on profit splits with console makers (Sony).
Who are you arguing against?

No-one is saying this isn’t good for Microsoft. They’re saying it isn’t good for the industry.

Come on indeed.

Activision is the best?! That must be why their Spider-Man games sold gang bust.... Oh wait.
It's one of the biggest and best (to have). You know what I mean...
You're forgetting the IPs.

It is all about IPs, you are not wrong. The industry is already inclined to one side, I think you are a little late to use it as an argument.
Both companies buy studios, MS happens to have more money. In my opinion, there's no real harm in it as Sony would still have an enormous loyal player base across the globe.
Oh, and if this means MS will revive those IPs collecting dust for more than 20-25 years, so be it.
The CMA were right all along and all the corporate shills and fanboys that were saying Phil was only buying Activision and Bethesda to bring more games to more gamers were absolutely full of shit.

Phil is a snake-oil sales man and they’ve bought out a large piece of the western gaming media and influencers and have been pedaling this bullshit Kumbaya propaganda about being “for the gamers” and stopping “evil Sony” from getting timed exclusives while themselves consolidating the entire industry.

I’m not surprised one bit by this email, you’d have to willfully ignorant or stupid to believe MS was buying Activision and Bethesda to spread their games everywhere. It’s all about control for MS. They can’t get Activision and Bethesda games normally on GP but if they own these companies they can force them to release their games day one on GP while forcing out their competition like Sony.

I’m just sitting back here and watching the clown show progress. It’s hilarious because I don’t give a shit about MS or Sony, I just hate mega corporation consolidations because they are ultimately bad for me as a consumer. Some people here would rather gaming suffer as long as their favorite trillion dollar company gets to “win”. It’s pathetic.
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Gold Member
Oh, and if this means MS will revive those IPs collecting dust for more than 20-25 years, so be it.
Considering a recurring theme around Microsoft is that they stay “very hands off” (see Redfall, see recent Perfect Dark news), hoping they revive IPs that are in mothballs seems like wishful thinking.

It’s more likely they’d give Kotick the boot, promote someone less controversial in his place, then maintain the status quo.


If Microsoft leaves, someone will step up.

I could see Nintendo buying Sega and putting out a more competitive system. I could see Apple or Tencent throwing their name in the ring. I could see Amazon.

There will be competitors to Sony regardless of whether Microsoft stays in or not.

Sony completely dominated with the PS2 and gaming was strong as can be. We've never had a more dominant and one-sided generation.

I think it would be bad for at least a generation, but I don't think people would lose interest just because of Microsoft's absence. They're already absent in Europe and Asia.
Hoping for tencent or apple to enter the console market if Microsoft leave is impossible in my mind. Tencent? Maybe. But there is no way for apple to bother with console market. They are will satisfied with how much they make in mobile gaming with it's higher margins than selling consoles in a loss and getting low profits with higher risks and operating costs.
So in 2013, or a couple years ago when Sony went on the 3rd party exclusive rampage (including an attempt at Starfield exclusivity) you don't think any of the execs were talking about "ending the Xbox gaming division" in a similar vein to this? Because if you don't then you are very gullible or very biased (or both)

Sony doesn't have the ability to end Xbox, so it's a ridiculous talking point.

Microsoft is actively trying to create a monopoly by shutting down Sony and have the money/assets to do it
Sony doesn't have the ability to end Xbox, so it's a ridiculous talking point.

Microsoft is actively trying to create a monopoly by shutting down Sony and have the money/assets to do it
Sony already tried that

"We targeted Microsoft from day one -- we were ruthless," he says. "I'm not of this mentality anymore, but at the time it was life or death as far as I was concerned. We had this expression in our business meetings: 'Kill them right at the start and take no prisoners' when it came to Microsoft. It worked at least for PS2, and it continued to work on PS3 and PS4, and it'll probably continue to work on PS5 because we drove piles under the strength of the PlayStation equals games concept at that stage when we were getting ready to take Microsoft on."



I’ve been gaming since colleco, intelivision etc. if some of you clowns can’t see what Microsoft are doing you are delusional. I called it from the second they got into consoles. They want to rule it all, just like they did with windows and shut everyone else out. They just need to figure out the way to weasel themselves in but so far they have failed. I’m to the point now, I want Microsoft to succeed so I can sit back and laugh as gaming goes down the shitter. I’m damn near 50 so I’ve had a good video game run.
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I’ve been gaming since colleco, intelivision etc. if some of you clowns can’t see what Microsoft is doing you are delusional. I called it from the second they got into consoles. They want to rule it all, just like they did with windows and shut everyone else out. They just need to figure out the way to weasel themself in buy so far they have failed. I’m to the point now, I want Microsoft to succeed so I can sit back and laugh as gaming goes down the shitter. I’m damn near 50 so I’ve had a good video game run.
at this rate you will be 80 and MS still would not be able to "rule it all".


And that, right there, is exactly why I’m against this merger and why everyone who can think critically should be as well.

Straight from the horse’s mouth: It’s never been about expanding gaming, it’s never been about better experiences for gamers, it’s ALWAYS been about Microsoft leveraging their vast finances to SHUT DOWN competitors.

Which is the absolute reason anti-trust laws exist.


So in 2013, or a couple years ago when Sony went on the 3rd party exclusive rampage (including an attempt at Starfield exclusivity) you don't think any of the execs were talking about "ending the Xbox gaming division" in a similar vein to this? Because if you don't then you are very gullible or very biased (or both)
Both companies are clearly going to try and compete. And the goal of both competing is to win. And winning means you have a bigger market share.

The difference between the two of them is that one company is able to spend $80B in the space of 18 months acquiring IPs. The other is not.

The difference is that one company's strategy to win, is to make content and get timed exclusives. The other is skipping the whole timed exclusive thing and just trying to buy content away. Because they are in a unique position where they can outspend sony. Make no mistake, MS most powerful asset as far as gaming goes is not their talent or their IPs.... its their money.

I have been saying this forever... and this is why I don't trust MS.
You a few days ago :
But those mails are from 2019 so they don't count.
You now:
So sony was ruthless with the ps2 so totally the same ....That was 23 years ago.
So 2019 is too far but 2000 is just right to justify anything.

What’s here to justify? They’re just usual comments taken from internal business meetings/emails about the competition for most companies, if you think Amazon and Google haven’t said the same things about Microsoft when it comes to cloud service providers, Nvidia about ATI, Apple about Blackberry, or Pepsi about Coca Cola, then you would be naive. Also I bet Sony said the same about SEGA back in the day

Are you aware companies have specific Compete teams analyzing the competition and building content to identify the competition flaws and how to win opportunities against them? Believe me you would listen/read these types of comments when it comes to win against their rivals, business-wise
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It's one of the biggest and best (to have). You know what I mean...

It is all about IPs, you are not wrong. The industry is already inclined to one side, I think you are a little late to use it as an argument.
Both companies buy studios, MS happens to have more money. In my opinion, there's no real harm in it as Sony would still have an enormous loyal player base across the globe.
Oh, and if this means MS will revive those IPs collecting dust for more than 20-25 years, so be it.
Just let Microsoft gobble publishers because they don’t try outside the US and Uk.


Hard to Kill
What’s here to justify? They’re just usual comments taken from internal business meetings/emails about the competition for most companies, if you think Amazon and Google haven’t said the same things about Microsoft when it comes to cloud service providers, Nvidia about ATI, Apple about Blackberry, or Pepsi about Coca Cola, then you would be naive.

Are you aware companies have specific Compete teams analyzing the competition and building content to identify the competition flaws and how to win opportunities against them? Believe me you would listen/read these types of comments when it comes to win against their rivals, business-wise
My mùain point was the hypocrisy about how somehow mails from 2019 wouldn't explain current strategy but an introspection about their strategy from 20 years ago is relevant about today.I mean based on this we could just quote Ms launching the xbox saying they want a monopol in the living room and that's it.I mean the first Xbox is from 2001 so same timeframe but yet you'll find people that will argue without any form or self consciousness that one is totally valid today and not the other.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You a few days ago :
But those mails are from 2019 so they don't count.
You now:
So sony was ruthless with the ps2 so totally the same ....That was 23 years ago.
So 2019 is too far but 2000 is just right to justify anything.

You a few days ago

Ah yes the famous scenario that is happenning in your head...Do you have any proof like an internal mail that will be used in court confirming it or something ?

Alright, quick question for the team Sonytoo™ can any of you provide an example or a sentence that is similar ?


My mùain point was the hypocrisy about how somehow mails from 2019 wouldn't explain current strategy but an introspection about their strategy from 20 years ago is relevant about today.I mean based on this we could just quote Ms launching the xbox saying they want a monopol in the living room and that's it.I mean the first Xbox is from 2001 so same timeframe but yet you'll find people that will argue without any form or self consciousness that one is totally valid today and not the other.

The article is from 2020 and covers their strategy up to PS4 "and continue to work on PS5". You should read it.
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What’s here to justify? They’re just usual comments taken from internal business meetings/emails about the competition for most companies, if you think Amazon and Google haven’t said the same things about Microsoft when it comes to cloud service providers, Nvidia about ATI, Apple about Blackberry, or Pepsi about Coca Cola, then you would be naive. Also I bet Sony said the same about SEGA back in the day

Are you aware companies have specific Compete teams analyzing the competition and building content to identify the competition flaws and how to win opportunities against them? Believe me you would listen/read these types of comments when it comes to win against their rivals, business-wise

I am literally speechless.
My mùain point was the hypocrisy about how somehow mails from 2019 wouldn't explain current strategy but an introspection about their strategy from 20 years ago is relevant about today.I mean based on this we could just quote Ms launching the xbox saying they want a monopol in the living room and that's it.I mean the first Xbox is from 2001 so same timeframe but yet you'll find people that will argue without any form or self consciousness that one is totally valid today and not the other.

Mine is take these types of comments as the usual jargon when it comes to business competition, there’s nothing more to that
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What’s here to justify? They’re just usual comments taken from internal business meetings/emails about the competition for most companies, if you think Amazon and Google haven’t said the same things about Microsoft when it comes to cloud service providers, Nvidia about ATI, Apple about Blackberry, or Pepsi about Coca Cola, then you would be naive. Also I bet Sony said the same about SEGA back in the day
"We are in a unique position to spend MS out of business" yeah I very much doubt Amazon and Google have uttered those words with respect to anything.
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Hard to Kill
You a few days ago


The article is from 2020 and covers their strategy up to PS4. You should read it.
This specifically mentions the ps2 hence the past so what you have is basically nothing.But as always when sony does something bad it can be used against them for over 20 years but when MS does there's always excuses.My main point that you conveniently forgot to quote but that's common with you was that sure sony was like that but no longer is.I can even tell you that I talked about it with ZehDon ZehDon .
So maybe try to read the a&rticle because right after the ruithless part he says that it is no longer his mentality but let's skip that part since you like to skip what's convenient to you.So they had the kill them right at the start mentality...That somehow still applies to a company that has been making consoles for over 20 years...That's a hell of a long start then.
This specifically mentions the ps2 hence the past so what you have is basically nothing.But as always when sony does something bad it can be used against them for over 20 years but when MS does there's always excuses.My main point that you conveniently forgot to quote but that's common with you was that sure sony was like that but no longer is.I can even tell you that I talked about it with ZehDon ZehDon .
So maybe try to read the a&rticle because right after the ruithless part he says that it is no longer his mentality but let's skip that part since you like to skip what's convenient to you.So they had the kill them right at the start mentality...That somehow still applies to a company that has been making consoles for over 20 years...That's a hell of a long start then.

Have you forgotten their attitude with PS3 and even PS4? Don’t you remember that DRM video or the amount of social media posts mocking some decisions taken by Microsoft?

Sure this gen they seem to behave much nicer but that’s just because they’re the leaders of the industry so they don’t need to be that aggressive with competition
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Talk me through what you believe the strategy is.

When they say be ruthless, I'm gonna take a wild swing and say they're not talking about being ruthless with kindness.

This specifically mentions the ps2 hence the past so what you have is basically nothing.But as always when sony does something bad it can be used against them for over 20 years but when MS does there's always excuses.My main point that you conveniently forgot to quote but that's common with you was that sure sony was like that but no longer is.I can even tell you that I talked about it with ZehDon ZehDon .
So maybe try to read the a&rticle because right after the ruithless part he says that it is no longer his mentality but let's skip that part since you like to skip what's convenient to you.So they had the kill them right at the start mentality...That somehow still applies to a company that has been making consoles for over 20 years...That's a hell of a long start then.

Doesn't matter if the persons mentality isn't the same now, that's their business ethics and a core part of their expression in their business meetings for the unit.

can't criticize the 'old strategy' of one party and dismiss the others, no both ways broski.

"We targeted Microsoft from day one -- we were ruthless," he says. "I'm not of this mentality anymore, but at the time it was life or death as far as I was concerned. We had this expression in our business meetings: 'Kill them right at the start and take no prisoners' when it came to Microsoft. It worked at least for PS2, and it continued to work on PS3 and PS4, and it'll probably continue to work on PS5 because we drove piles under the strength of the PlayStation equals games concept at that stage when we were getting ready to take Microsoft on."

Have you forgotten their attitude with PS3 and even PS4? Don’t you remember that DRM video or the amount of social media posts mocking some decisions taken by Microsoft?

Sure this gen they seem to behave much nicer but that’s just because their the leaders of the industry so they don’t need to be that aggressive with competition

Imran Khan, who was 100% right about the Sony wanting Starfield exclusively thing also said this around the same window, he's no doubt right about this as well.

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Hero of Spielberg

Gold Member
The absolute hysterics. If this deal goes through, the world doesn’t end. Regulators continue to exist and the video games industry doesn’t implode.


Hard to Kill
Have you forgotten their attitude with PS3 and even PS4? Don’t you remember that DRM video or the amount of social media posts mocking some decisions taken by Microsoft?

Sure this gen they seem to behave much nicer but that’s just because their the leaders of the industry so they don’t need to be that aggressive with competition
Oh sorry so 2013 count but 2019 still doesn't according to some....
like him
When they say be ruthless, I'm gonna take a wild swing and say they're not talking about being ruthless with kindness.

Doesn't matter if the persons mentality isn't the same now, that's their business ethics and a core part of their expression in their business meetings for the unit.

can't criticize the 'old strategy' of one party and dismiss the others, no both ways broski.
So who cares about the from the start part then since apparently MS is still starting, by the way which competion have they killed in the last 10 or even 15 years ?The Ouya?Stadia? Oh no right Stadia mentionned MS a one of the reason they closed.
And would anybody says that it was their strategy for ps5?
It really shows how you can hold sony accountable for old shit but you can't for MS because according to you they "changed their mind since '19 but sony hasn't since 2000.Blatant display of hypocrisy.


Have you forgotten their attitude with PS3 and even PS4? Don’t you remember that DRM video or the amount of social media posts mocking some decisions taken by Microsoft?

Sure this gen they seem to behave much nicer but that’s just because they’re the leaders of the industry so they don’t need to be that aggressive with competition
Oh no, a youtube video showing how to share games on PS4 due to all the SonyToo? What a ruthless business! Downright savage.

Hero of Spielberg

Gold Member
So from "it isn't an attempt to create a monopoly and put Sony out of business" to "world doesn't end if this deal goes through." 🤡
It doesn’t result in a monopoly tho. All these hysterical responses based on the assumption that MS is 100% right and the cloud is the future and they somehow buy every game publisher… someone should tell Sony quick as they don’t seem too concerned by the cloud 🤷‍♂️


Gold Journalism
It doesn’t result in a monopoly tho. All these hysterical responses based on the assumption that MS is 100% right and the cloud is the future and they somehow buy every game publisher… someone should tell Sony quick as they don’t seem too concerned by the cloud 🤷‍♂️
What part of "we in a unique position to spend Sony out of business" did you miss?

There are only 2 companies in the high-end console market: Sony and Microsoft. And if you "spend Sony out of business" that literally leads to only solution: a Microsoft monopoly.
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