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May EGM review scores

All I can say is that for Nintendo coverage, NP is actually good now (reviews aren't batshit like EGM's are, and the articles/contests are great).

Can't help for general coverage.
wah wah wah wah....

If more time were spent PLAYING THE GAMES FOR YOURSELVES rather than complaining about reviews, there'd be less of this a nonsense.

Reviews are an OPINION.

Think for yourselves.

[rant over]


hyperbolically metafictive
oh lord. now shakespeare has been dragged into dyack's campaign of irrelevant namedropping. it must take a lot of discipline to transcribe those comments without sneering from the margins.


Console Market Analyst
SolidSnakex said:
Does he still try to describe his games by telling you to imagine certain mechanics from other games all put into 1 game? That's how he did with ED.

No. In this preview, it's more like... "This is everything God of War did wrong. Blah blah blah blah blah. We're going to fix that with Too Human."


Shoe's 2.0 review for Splinter Cell Essentials

Sam Fisher, superagent extraordinaire, is accused of a a few unpatriotic acts against his outfit. Is he working for th ebad guy, or is he being set up in this Tom Clancy world of political intrigue? I would give a crap... if this game weren't so god damn terrible.

Essentials is near impossible to control. The problem is, SC is as 3D a game as they get - you have to be constantly looking up, down, and all around at your surroundings, searing for paths and avoiding enemy peepers. The PSP is 100% not the platform for this style of stealth- action. You get a couple of control and camera options, and you will eventually get better at moving and looking, but you will never feel comfortable doing anything in this game. Ever. I'll jump when I meant to look down. I'll crouch when I meant to look right. I'll cry when I what I really want to do is snap my PSP in half. Oh, an dthe game has rough graphics, a fw crashes, hiccup pauses when something new is happening onscreen, long load times (load screens have load screens!), and an unfun, throwaway spy-versus-spy multiplayer mode (with only four maps)... Wait, all this just to play an SC that offers no gameplay innovations whatsoever?

It's official. SC is not meant to be a portable game. I think these other revieweers are too forgiving because SC's so great to begin with. But I'm a fan of the series, and I think this one stinks.


Gigglepoo said:
The 3.5 for Rumble Roses was Jared. No clue who that is. Might be a chick... with a beard.

No, but he got himself banned from our message board (TNL) for posting lolicon porn.

Equally creepy in my opinion.

(assuming this is Jared Rea we're talking about)


:lol :lol

I'll take gigglepoo's write up in the hopes that the game will turn out well. A much more positive angle. It makes mention of Shigs and Kojima. It must be true!
What the hell is up with Dyack and his ridiculous hyping of Too Human.

"It's gonna have no camera controls! It's gonna be better than God Of War! It's gonna make statements about technology! Complex mythology! 25 Hours! Huge bosses! Controls! Nintendo sucks! Jung! Freud! Nietzsche! Shakespeare! Shiggy! Kojima! Norse mythos! The Super Bowl! And then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House! YEAAAAAAAARGH!"


He's just aiming high and hoping that the dart actually hits something. I think it'll be a great game, although obviously nothing can live up to what he's suggesting.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
- "From my standpoint, the big failure with God of War was that I found the one combo that worked and just did it over and over," explains Sterchi. "In Too Human, you have to constantly be thinking about your enemies in order to succede"
I never quite get this particular dig at GoW - I found myself naturally using different combos with different enemies or groupings of enemies.

Somethingblah Cock said:
"It's gonna have no camera controls! It's gonna be better than God Of War! It's gonna make statements about technology! Complex mythology! 25 Hours! Huge bosses! Controls! Nintendo sucks! Jung! Freud! Nietzsche! Shakespeare! Shiggy! Kojima! Norse mythos! The Super Bowl! And then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House! YEAAAAAAAARGH!"


Console Market Analyst
Dr.Hadji said:
:lol :lol

I'll take gigglepoo's write up in the hopes that the game will turn out well. A much more positive angle. It makes mention of Shigs and Kojima. It must be true!

He brings up Shiggy when talking about a simplified control scheme.

He mentions Kojima when talking about the importance of story development and high production values during cinematics.

Unfortunately, being in close promixity to someone who is talented, and learning by osmosis, hasn't proven beneficial for a Silcon Knights project yet.


Will drop pants for Sony.
sleeveboy said:
No, but he got himself banned from our message board (TNL) for posting lolicon porn.

Equally creepy in my opinion.

(assuming this is Jared Rea we're talking about)

good i hate that bastard.
Goreomedy said:
No. In this preview, it's more like... "This is everything God of War did wrong. Blah blah blah blah blah. We're going to fix that with Too Human."

In a similar style then, taking a popular game at that time and saying his game will do things better. The guy seems to love hyping his games based on other people (Shigs, Kojima) and other games (FF, GoW).


hyperbolically metafictive
anyone who needs to invoke homer, socrates, plato, aristotle, dante, shakespeare, cervantes, mozart, rembrandt, goethe, baudelaire, nietzche, proust, joyce, and lawrence to describe his slash-em-up videogame is an idiot. there's no kind way to put it. bonus points if his last game was completely plagiarized from lovecraft, whose name he curiously neglects to drop.


I dunno why u guys are bashing him, it sounds like a really interesting game, jesus give him some credit, ED was an awesome game on Cube. Seriously alot of the complaints in this thread about Dyack seem very juvenile, a hint of jealousy perhaps? I do agree though that it would be better to show everyone what he means rather then all the talking he is doing.


Console Market Analyst
SolidSnakex said:
In a similar style then, taking a popular game at that time and saying his game will do things better. The guy seems to love hyping his games based on other people (Shigs, Kojima) and other games (FF, GoW).

Before God of War came out, Too Human was a cyber-punk detective story. Hell, let's be honest, it was Blade Runner. Now with the mythology angle, and a gameplay model and camera system that borrows so much from contemporary action games, there really doesn't seem to be anything unique about this project anymore.

I think the concept of character modification and related moral conflicts was a strong enough foundation without the injection of Norse Mythology. When will Dyack learn? To make a true AAA game, there comes a point where you must stop shoplifiting from other games, and evolve the genre on your own.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
funcojoe said:
I dunno why u guys are bashing him, it sounds like a really interesting game, jesus give him some credit, ED was an awesome game on Cube. Seriously alot of the complaints in this thread about Dyack seem very juvenile, a hint of jealousy perhaps? I do agree though that it would be better to show everyone what he means rather then all the talking he is doing.
when you make statements like these

- Creator (Dyack) says it just might change the world
when your games have barely sell... well you know. I'm interested in Too Human but saying it will change the world I dunno but that's Harry Knowles kind of nonsense.


- 25 hours is pushing the limits of how long a game should be... ergo, a trilogy

:lol WTF?

I hate this pretentious fuck.

p.s. I love how he rags on God of War but refuses to bring DMC3, a game that probably influenced this new Too Human much more. Same deal as with Lovecraft, I guess. Betcha DMC3(yeah, 3 not 4) ends up being more deep and technical than this. :p
Oblivion said:
As far as writing quality goes, I think Edge and Play beat out EGM, Gamepro, and GI in spades.
Play? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It has some bright spots, but its writing is pretty inconsistent, one of the many side effects of having Dave Halverson as your editor-in-chief and main contributor.


If 1up is anything to go by the people at EGM are cynical fucks who sit around and pick apart great games for no apparent reason. They dont seem capable of enjoying anything.
Goreomedy said:
Before God of War came out, Too Human was a cyber-punk detective story. Hell, let's be honest, it was Blade Runner. Now with the mythology angle, and a gameplay model and camera system that borrows so much from contemporary action games, there really doesn't seem to be anything unique about this project anymore.

That's what SK games are. I mean reading interviews from DD do you ever get the feeling that he's doing anything unique and not just taking from shit he's already played or read? I know every game takes from others in some way, but it just seems like Dyacks games are a combination of shit he's played or read in the last sever years. I pretty much accept the same reception for TH that his other games get, low sales and a small hardcore following.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I didn't read the last two pages so someone clue me in...which group of fanboys is most upset about these scores? At first glance, it looks like the 360 took a real beating. The PSP certainly didn't do very well in it's own right though. Then again, that Metroid score (despite being distinctly above average) surely has some Nintendo fanboys pissing in their Underoos. So, which one is it?

In all seriousness, all this bickering is so sad. What makes it worse is how people are constantly questioning EGM's integrity and coming up with payola conspiracy theories. All of a sudden, an issue comes out where all three consoles see major releases get relatively low scores and everyone whines about that. Jesus.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Somethingblah Cock said:
Consistency is when they give games I like good scores and games I hate bad scores.
Or you know, maybe just a consistent scale for all games. Oh wait I forgot they just have 3 random people review each game and since everyone has a different opinion it pretty much justifies why all the scores are all over the place... sort of like Famitsu.
Minotauro said:
I didn't read the last two pages so someone clue me in...which group of fanboys is most upset about these scores? At first glance, it looks like the 360 took a real beating. The PSP certainly didn't do very well in it's own right though. Then again, that Metroid score (despite being distinctly above average) surely has some Nintendo fanboys pissing in their Underoos. So, which one is it?

This topic is cool because everyone is pissed. It causes Nfans to express false sympathy for PSP, and Sony fans to do the same for DS. It's a cute little social microcosm.


Console Market Analyst
drohne said:
bonus points if his last game was completely plagiarized from lovecraft, whose name he curiously neglects to drop.


I think he pulled a Roger Corman. Steal from Lovecraft, but credit Poe.


LOL at dyacks crazy hype. I loved ED, but the guy seems almost insane

I think too human will be very awesome, but i doubt if it will change the world :lol

But seriously, it sounds like a cool concept for a game and i bet it delivers in a big way.
I'll agree with their Metroid score. It's the first one in the series that has received exceptionally mixed reviews. Not even Pinball was this mixed.


Console Market Analyst
SolidSnakex said:
That's what SK games are. I mean reading interviews from DD do you ever get the feeling that he's doing anything unique and not just taking from shit he's already played or read? I know every game takes from others in some way, but it just seems like Dyacks games are a combination of shit he's played or read in the last sever years. I pretty much accept the same reception for TH that his other games get, low sales and a small hardcore following.

He just doesn't know when to fly without the net.

Kojima is heavily influenced by Western cinema, but he adds his own sense of humor and style to make games distinctly "Metal Gear". It also helps to have a team made up of such incredibly talented/masochistic individuals.

You know... I think that might be why Nintendo chose SK for Twin Snakes. They're a game company that has been most comfortable with mimicry.

In the preview, Dyack says he hopes this game paints a picture of who they really are. So maybe he's trying to get away from that. I have yet to see the proof, though.
i'll give SK and Dyack some benefit, as i am one of the few that actually ENJOYED Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes (and going back, even Dark Legions!).

in fact, i think Konami should re-release or port over Twin Snakes and MGS2 with the new Subsistence 3rd person camera, but that is a tale for another thread.

i do think that they are just copying what is hot right now though. As i said in another thread, thats kind of disappointing because i was liking what Too Human was before. Now it just seems like another generic action game.


Amir0x said:
And as for their "elitist" view, it's much better to be ultra critical of games than ultra lenient.
Which is why the nigh-perfect Kingdom Hearts 2 scores make absolutely no sense in the context of everything else.


AdmiralViscen said:
This topic is cool because everyone is pissed. It causes Nfans to express false sympathy for PSP, and Sony fans to do the same for DS. It's a cute little social microcosm.

Nicely put.


Jiggy37 said:
Which is why the nigh-perfect Kingdom Hearts 2 scores make absolutely no sense in the context of everything else.
Why not? KH2 is really really really good.


Jiggy37 said:
Which is why the nigh-perfect Kingdom Hearts 2 scores make absolutely no sense in the context of everything else.

hello, it's the unique opinion of those three people. They think the game deserves it, others don't! I don't know how you fix something like that, except for EGM to say "Ok, guys, for this game you can write your opinion but based on our review policy you can give this no more than a 8.0 highest! Have fun!"

That's why three people do the review!
Man, this thread is insane. Practically no discussion about what is actually said in the reviews, just total fanboy clusterfucking rants.

I can't think of anyone who writes for EGM who's cynical about games. I certainly have a good time, even with games I really don't like (minus atrocities like Bulletproof).

EGM shouldn't be held to everyone else's 6-10 point scale. 7 is a great score, and there were a lot of great games reviewed in that issue.

Anyway, continue your ridiculous ranting....


Robert Ashley said:
Man, this thread is insane. Practically no discussion about what is actually said in the reviews, just total fanboy clusterfucking rants.

I can't think of anyone that writes for EGM that's cynical about games. I certainly have a good time, even with games I really don't like (minus atrocities like Bulletproof).

EGM shouldn't be held to everyone else's 6-10 point scale. 7 is a great score, and there were a lot of great games reviewed in that issue.

Anyway, continue your ridiculous ranting....


People fail to realize a 7.0 in EGM stands for "good", not "average" or "bad" like other magazines.
MGS fanboys have no right to ever call someone "pretentious" do you guys really want me quote some of the MGS2 and MGS 3 script?:lol


Kabuki Waq said:
MGS fanboys have no right to ever call someone "pretentious" do you guys really want me quote some of the MGS2 and MGS 3 script?:lol

please don't turn another thread into a rant for/against Metal Gear Solid. This is too human, the comments are pretentious but that doesn't say much about how the final product will be
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