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MCV: Next Xbox AND PS4 at E3 2012

I predict Sony starts charging for online play next gen, but cheaper than XBL. They see MS getting that XBL money and want some of it.

I have no evidence to back this up.


Also Sony, MS, I dont care what console I buy at this point. BUT if one has a unified sign in to all MP games and the console account itself. This alone will win me over the other console even if the other has better graphics.

Nothing worse then having a freaking EA account, an Uncharted account, an MGO account - I gave up on that after I understood the mindfuck that was occurring... you get the picture. Just imagine if you lost all your auto sign ins, and you had to log in to all of them AGAIN.
Also Sony, MS, I dont care what console I buy at this point. BUT if one has a unified sign in to all MP games and the console account itself. This alone will win me over the other console even if the other has better graphics.

Nothing worse then having a freaking EA account, an Uncharted account, an MGO account - I gave up on that after I understood the mindfuck that was occurring... you get the picture. Just imagine if you lost all your auto sign ins, and you had to log in to all of them AGAIN.

that still happens?


Also Sony, MS, I dont care what console I buy at this point. BUT if one has a unified sign in to all MP games and the console account itself. This alone will win me over the other console even if the other has better graphics.

Nothing worse then having a freaking EA account, an Uncharted account, an MGO account - I gave up on that after I understood the mindfuck that was occurring... you get the picture. Just imagine if you lost all your auto sign ins, and you had to log in to all of them AGAIN.

I definitely feel your pain there. If websites can freakin' do it with Facebook (like logging into COD Elite and whatnot) Sony and MS should be able to do the same thing.

I have a lot of faith (misguided, perhaps) that MS will pull through and give us what we want for the next gen. I'm sure they'll still be on the Kinect train, but they seem to understand what we want at least in terms of hardware.
PLOT TWIST = PS4 and Xbox 720 are the same console


Sony sells it in the markets where they have strength: Japan/Asia/Europe.
Microsoft sells it in the markets where they have strength: the Americas/UK.


that still happens?

I dunno, I gave up playing games on the PS3 except for SP games. I play with my younger bro from time to time on online matches in uncharted so I avoid the sign up process. Its why I love steam but even on the PC we don't avoid that bullshit. I got an EA account then a Crysis2 account and a BF2 account and on top of that a BFBC2 account even though its the same publisher as I recall.

When shit like this happens I want to find the publisher who made these decisions and repeatedly punch them in the groin. When he finally apologises, I would threaten all other publishers with the same action until they all agreed on a unified API to login to online games with one account.

... or you know... you could just STEAM or the MS Xbox account or the SONY PS3 account.

GRRRR.... gonna go practice punching in the groin technique.
Also Sony, MS, I dont care what console I buy at this point. BUT if one has a unified sign in to all MP games and the console account itself. This alone will win me over the other console even if the other has better graphics.

Nothing worse then having a freaking EA account, an Uncharted account, an MGO account - I gave up on that after I understood the mindfuck that was occurring... you get the picture. Just imagine if you lost all your auto sign ins, and you had to log in to all of them AGAIN.

Your Uncharted account is your PSN account, there's no separate Uncharted account, it's not like they can do anything about it if EA forces people to have a separate EA account, same with Konami with MGO, EA wants their own list of players and metrics, EA can obviously not use steam and use their own service for PC.
And yet sadly you just ran smack dab into a fact of life. Sad but true.

This is great

PLOT TWIST = PS4 and Xbox 720 are the same console


The meltdown, the sheer anarchy, the crying and sobbing, would be incredible. On the other hand the gaming world has seen crazy shit before...nah nah that's just too out there.

Which fandom will cry and which will have a metdown is the question.
Nope, sorry don't have a favorite team. I enjoy whatever caters to me best, I don't owe these companies, they are in this business for my money. Currently my slight (and I mean slight) preference is the 360, but next gen it could be PS4 for all I know. I'm not rooting for any "team" when we don't know anything yet.

Console wars is stupid, pointless, and a waste of time. Edit: Someone put it best before, with gaming, I see games, not systems. (Or something along those lines).

Agreed. I find TEH KONSOLE WARZ so unbelievably idiotic.


I predict Sony starts charging for online play next gen, but cheaper than XBL. They see MS getting that XBL money and want some of it.

I have no evidence to back this up.

If Sony can implement the same type of profile system that the 360 uses, I might get suckered into paying for their online service as well. For some reason, I don't feel like I have as solid of an identity on the PSN as I do on LIVE. This might come from MGO, where you had a separate MGO tag that could be different from your PSN tag. (This is accurate, right?)


Which fandom will cry and which will have a metdown is the question.

It would be everyone hahahaha. Once the actual facts hit, there would be tears and cheers from the very same people. It would be like finding out the hot married chick at works actually has a crush on you.

Confusing but cool.
Can we see some links to anyone at Sony or MS saying they don't intend to sell at a loss anymore? IIRC Sony is selling PSV at a loss right now.

Personally MS can afford to sell at a loss with a monster machine that Sony can't afford to. It's a risk, but it's one worth taking. Even a year later Sony might not be able to gather enough money from a dead in the water Vita (very possible scenario) or 3rd place PS3 sales to get the funds needed to match or exceed the nextbox power. Plus if Sony waits more than a year it will give MS more than enough headstart to claim victory next gen before it's even begun. It's not like they're coming from 1st place into next gen this time either.

They released the PS3 at $600 at a loss, that was the confidence they had coming from the PS2 era. They lost alot of money this gen, they simply can't afford to lose that sort of money or take those sorts of risks anymore. Most of the bells and whistles in the PS3 were not needed to be successful/ Blu-ray did fuck-all for gaming (mandatory installs, slow read speeds). Blu-ray did more for the movie industry than anything. Then they had to remove usb ports, backwards compatibility etc. to remain competitive. They're even dropping using the much hyped Cell processor. If they want to stay in the game they want to release alongside the nextbox and just pray MS doesn't outspend them in horsepower that they can't afford.

MS is rumored in a previous thread on making two models the "monster" one and the casuals/kinect model.
Do you think for the next xbox we will be able to just use our gamertag and everything we have[GOD,XBLA,xbox 1] will load from there? Not sure if that is complicated but i remember xbox 1 tags and friends working on 360.


Also Sony, MS, I dont care what console I buy at this point. BUT if one has a unified sign in to all MP games and the console account itself. This alone will win me over the other console even if the other has better graphics.

Nothing worse then having a freaking EA account, an Uncharted account, an MGO account - I gave up on that after I understood the mindfuck that was occurring... you get the picture. Just imagine if you lost all your auto sign ins, and you had to log in to all of them AGAIN.

Say what? That's exactly how Xbox Live is right now...
You really believe that Apple TV will kill consoles? Also... what?

I assume he is making fun of the many threads recently about iOS killing these devices. Nevertheless, it isn't totally crazy to think that if Apple does release an Apple TV upgrade for apps and some type of controller that the three major companies would be immune to having their piece of the pie being shrunk.
Been thinking about this all day, and its makes no sense, NONE AT ALL, for Sony to match Microsoft in the next round, and replace the PS3 while its still on an upswing.
Ten year plan and all that.
They've only really matched the cycle on PS1/Saturn. They ignored the dreamcast launch and brought out PS2 when it was ready, and crushed it.
Ignored MS and brought out PS3 a year later, are set to beat it in worldwide sales regardless.

I'd bet my account, hell i'll bet money on this.
Best thing Sony can do is to completely ignore the usual cycle and introduce a 720 beater 2 years minimum after it launches. If the economy is recovering then they'll be perfectly placed to take advantage of it.
And they will, this is just the usual hit-seeking "we have the next gen info!" bullshit we'll be putting up with for the next year or two.

jesus, the 10 year plan doesn't mean 10 years until a successor, it means that they'll sell the ps3 for 10 years.

and no fucking way sony will introduce a console 2 years after their main competitor does.


Neo Member
This would indicate that they are taking the threat from Nintendo seriously. It has been a long time since Nintendo have had a system capable of allowing for easy ports of third party titles. Nintendo really stuffed up when they shied away from adopting optical discs back in the days when PS1 was released.

A lot of gamers last gen went for one of the HD consoles and the Wii for Nintendo first party games, but next time around they may be content to purchase Wii-U for first and third party titles. Nintendo still has some work ahead of them if they are going to convince gamers to stick with them for third party titles, their online needs work to say the least.
I assume he is making fun of the many threads recently about iOS killing these devices. Nevertheless, it isn't totally crazy to think that if Apple does release an Apple TV upgrade for apps and some type of controller that the three major companies would be immune to having their piece of the pie being shrunk.

The iphone and ipad already have huge marketshare which is why people think they could be killing handhelds, it's pretty crazy to think a hypothetical apple tv device is going to kill consoles.
Wait... that's right. Every day is crazy hyperbole day at GAFland!

You don't have to wait for E3! It's always here!

Well I slept on it, and this still makes too much sense. I'd also wager Nintex is right about the next Xbox. Microsoft seems to view Nintendo as their big competitor right now, and they very deftly seemed to have taken that "casual" market from Nintendo in their Kinect fueled resurgence.

I could also see the jump between the WiiU and Loop being relatively meager compared to expectations. It will likely have more effective power and be seen as a large enough jump to secure the "core" market, but cheap enough to keep parity with WiiU pricing. If the games are there hitting both segments of the market at launch securing the core and siphoning early adopting casuals at the same time. I expect both an upgraded Kinect and a more traditional controller to be packed in. And games that make use of both.
The iphone and ipad already have huge marketshare which is why people think they could be killing handhelds, it's pretty crazy to think a hypothetical apple tv device is going to kill consoles.

It won't kill consoles BUT it could eat a piece of the console pie.

I bought the 3DS day one and don't regret it at all (also bought the Zelda 3DS bundle too). I really REALLY wanted to like the Vita but after having the PSP for five years, I just can't see any software by Sony that I'd HAVE to have. The 3DS has Mario and Zelda which I need as a huge fan. I also needed to upgrade my iPhone 3GS as it is more than two years old and showing its age. I could've gone for a free Android phone and used the money I saved on buying a Vita but I bought a 4s instead, partially for games.

Now, I plan on buying a PS4 because the PS3 was my favorite console this gen (I've had all three). I really want to love the Wii U but E3 will be vital if I day one it. If the Apple TV is upgraded with the App Store enabled, I'd jump on it immediately and use it as a gaming option while at home. The money I would use for apps and the device itself would be less money I'd use for next gen.

So yes, I agree, the potential is there, BUT it won't kill the consoles, just lessen its share of the pie.

10 year life-span-plan my ass

Not this again. That doesn't have anything to do with how long between generations. That has to do with how long the console will be supported with games. There should've been new consoles released a year ago or more since the tech is ancient.


One console to rule them all!

Ima buy 720 and PS4 just like I went with 360/PS3 this gen.

Wii U have very little interest in it right now.


10 year life-span-plan my ass

Anybody who takes this seriously needs to rethink how he thinks things. PS3 will be supported until 2016-17 but there's no way it can last alone until then. Tech is moving too fast for Sony to stick to their 10yr cycles.


Neo Member
Only Nintendo needs to launch soon their next console.
Sony and Microsoft aren't in so much need to do, because their consoles can hold a longer time, but Wii cannot hold more than this year.


What really makes me excited about this generational leap is to finally push forward PC games graphically outside of exclusives. The majority of console ports from this gen didn't even come close to pushing a PC, and although it will remain that way indefinitely for the next gen, I still have to be dependent on console jumps for PC visuals.
PLOT TWIST = PS4 and Xbox 720 are the same console
I wish this was the case.

Also, this whole "Console Wars" thing is stupid and childish.

The only team I'm rooting for when it comes to gaming is myself.

Putting a company above your own enjoyment, not playing and bashing some games because they are made by company X and getting all angry due to pure fanboyism... that's retarded as hell.

I just want to have fun.


Say what? That's exactly how Xbox Live is right now...

I don't own an xbox 360, and damn at the uncharted account thingy, I wonder why I kept seeing my bro log into it when he wanted to play.

I hope Sony will follow suit or I will be much more partial to getting the next MS console if they are close and the game sets are close.

Sony had me this gen for the less of a dudebro shooter crowd that I felt the Xbox360 had and also the legacy of the PS2. I also felt the PS3 had more of a varied game base and as well as perceiving the PS3 game base more mature. Admittedly this was probably down to seeing the Halo and Gears of War ads on TV which were aimed at the American demographic. The only thing the 360 had that comes to mind right now is the Alan Wake series.

To be fair my biggest worry for next gen consoles and next gen gaming in general is more to do with the dev tools at hand. Will they have improved enough allowing devs to produce/iterate games at a matched or faster pace then they currently can?

If not waiting for your next sequel will be like waiting for Half Life Episode 3. :|

I also want to mention for me, PC gaming isn't all cracked up to be as it use to be. I think I am going to give up on PC gaming in June. Its a bit of a revelation for me. I will see what is on the horizon or I might go for the On Live service.


As expected. I still think the 720 will launch this fall, and the PS4 will drop next year.

Probably won't be grabbing either right away, but always love the launch shenanigans regardless.


The next generation of consoles could wait until 2014 for all I care. I'm pretty happy with the output of games right now and not having to pay $400 for a new console.
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