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Media Create Sales: 21 -27 August CONFIRMED NUMBERS!


DCharlie said:
dood - that would be revenue.

you need to take out a whole host of costs - i'm not sure how much each copy makes for the company but it IS NOT 100% of the sales value.

then minus the various costs for the game (including the wages of the people who spent 1-2 years working on this , advertising, etc) and you can see why 40-50 million profit might be a bit of a stretch.

What. Have you played DoC? If they spent over 8 months developing that game (CG aside) I would be very surprised.

And yeah, I estimated REVENUE is likely around 70 million, so I was guessing profit was 40. Which seems about right.
How much exactly does the publisher get for the sale of videogame after taking out what goes to the retailer? I doubt it's much more than 30%-40%, if that much.


listen to the mad man
Bebpo said:
What. Have you played DoC? If they spent over 8 months developing that game (CG aside) I would be very surprised. And yeah, I estimated REVENUE is likely around 70 million, so I was guessing profit was 40. Which seems about right.

Assuming 50% of end-retail cost goes to the publisher, and a million copies at fifty bucks a pop that's 1 million * $25 = 25 million in revenue, and I figure that'd be being generous. Taking into account the stupidly huge ad campaign I'm seeing for the game (I've never heard so much Gackt in my life!) and CG/dev costs, I'd say they'll probably only make a few million dollars off the game.


What. Have you played DoC? If they spent over 8 months developing that game (CG aside) I would be very surprised.

And yeah, I estimated REVENUE is likely around 70 million, so I was guessing profit was 40. Which seems about right.

DoC was revealed well over a year before it came out i believe - it was in development for some time. The quality of the game is irrelevant to how long it was in development.

40 million profit off 70 million revenue after subtracting all the costs, including retailers take ?
hmm... you'd need to convince me! $40 going to square per game? I don't see it.


Sucks at viral marketing
What's the DS, PSP, and PS2 release schedule for the next month?

Stumpokapow said:
Given that the DS Lite is at 3.97 million in that picture, and it's been 4 days since that data, I guess the DS Lite has hit 4 million in Japan.

Also, DS Lite surpassed PSP LTD. Ouch.

(edit: whoops, missed by a million)
You only missed by 25%. Close enough.


Famitsu 2 week report:



Hardware GIF shows only one week's worth of sales though. DSL for the two week period was 249,000.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Btw guys...updated hardware numbers from Enterbrain (famitsu)...


Ichigo, do you have the original picture from famitsu url ? It looks like that picture is taken by handphone or digital camera.


Bebpo said:
What. Have you played DoC? If they spent over 8 months developing that game (CG aside) I would be very surprised.

And yeah, I estimated REVENUE is likely around 70 million, so I was guessing profit was 40. Which seems about right.

you need to learn more about profit and revenue.

read this :

As you can see, Retail $ 39 = (Gross) Profit $25. So, if DoC has retail of 50 - 70 $, most probably, the (gross) profit is probably around $ 40 - 45.

However, the most important thing is not Gross Profit. It is net profit. (If you need to learn more, please see income statement of any public company, and find the income statement).
Net Profit = Gross Profit - Development Cost - marketing Cost - Overhead Cost.

Development Cost : how much do you think it cost SE to develop DoC ?
Marketing Cost : how much do you think SE spent to advertise DoC ?
Overhead Cost : How much do you think SE overhead cost are (overhead usually refer to the salary they paid their other non-developer worker, like the CEO, CIO, CTO, PR, secretary, or electricity, phone)

Edit : Remark about Overhead Cost : Overhead cost are usually divided by all software created in a certain period. The Overhead Cost allocation can be based on several things :
-Head Count
-Man-month of development (if developed internally)
-Division (or development team)
-Flat (just divided by # of game)


Brain Training 2 at its lowest point ever.
Brain Training 1 at its lowest point since late November 2005.
Lowest sales for New Super Mario Bros ever.
DS sales at the second lowest total in the past 6 weeks (lowest was last week).

Doom and gloom for Nintendo, I guess. Square-Enix picked a bad time to jump on the DS train (i.e. as its breaking down). :( Pokemon can't come soon enough to save this train wreck.

DS: 4,898,098/10,545,050
PSP: 1,228,844/3,911,806

DS Lead: 3,669,254/6,633,244

DS '06 vs. DS '05: +3,377,800
PSP '06 vs. PSP '05: +58,368

Average weekly sales since their respective launches:
DS: 115,880
PSP: 43,465

DS > 5 million YTD next week.


Notable from 31 - 50:

32. Big Brain Academy
33. Loco Roco
34. Star Fox Command
35. biohazard 4 (PlayStation 2 The Best)
37. Sudoku
38. Gyakuten Saiban
49. Children of Mana

Bundle sales: 18,432


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
:lol. I knew that if a thread goes past 6 pages there's bound to be a "non-game"/real game argument going on.


These numbers have to be worrisome to Sony. This is not some momentary blip, nor is it just a return of the competition. This is sheer, and utter domination on a level that hasn't been seen in Japan since the Famicom.

I cannot wait to see how the consoles fair when they are released. Sony hasnt really repsonded to this absolute slaughter on thier home turf, at the hands of the DS.

I wonder how they would respond if the Wii/PS3 follow a similar trend? Would Sony do an about face and try and release thier own version of the wiimote, complete with a cheaper stripped down PS3 model? One would think that they would have to respond in some fashion, and not just let Nintendo pummle them on both fronts.

It's understandable to not come out with a PSP/Touchscreen becuase that was Nintendo's ground, and any in-roads can be seen as a minor victory, but if Nintendo makes the same strides with the Wii, the alarm bells have to go off at some point.

Any comments on what Sony would do?


Aft Dread Pressure said:
1) Fire Kaz
2) Hire Mono
3) ????
4) Profit
Nice. I know people have speculated on how well the Wii will do, but I dont think anyone has even touched on what Sony will do if the Wii is a huge success.

I just wonder how they would respond.


Amir0x said:
This is something that keeps being said 'if it brings in new gamers, then it's good for US! If devs can take more risks thanks to it, why not!"

It's not bringing in new gamers. It's bringing in people who play brain training. And then, on the side, they may buy Mario Bros (tee hee) and a fifty billionth Pokemon and Final Fantasy.

The money made from that is not going to be used to take risks. Why the hell would any company go 'oh yeah I just made a 500% profit on a game that cost me 100,000 to make. NOW let me risk it all by making an elaborate, 20million dollar production. It can't go wrong!" What kind of idiot business would that be?

This is my take. Until the games that are legitimately good start making money, that's why I personally see no reason to celebrate even though I like DS more than PSP. I used to participate in sales threads a lot because I thought, wow, these two competing handhelds are so great they offer these unique things and it's gonna benefit all the games I love. And I see, so far (it's early), the precise opposite effect.

Just because they are buying games thaty ou (or we) do not enjoy, doesn't make them any less of a gamer than you are. If we want to expand gaming, it's going to mean that there are going to be games that you do not like selling a ton of copies. Not everyone wants whatever gritty scifi shooter that is big this year. Expanding the market doesn't mean you're going to sell more copies of Gears of War, it means you're going to sell more games.


DSL 163,274
DS 410

Wow. Is Nintendo still actively selling the DS phat in Japan? They may have a hard time getting rid of them without a price drop.


I would bang a hot farmer!
radjago said:
DSL 163,274
DS 410

Wow. Is Nintendo still actively selling the DS phat in Japan? They may have a hard time getting rid of them without a price drop.
I thought they stopped manufacturing them already.


moku said:
Nice. I know people have speculated on how well the Wii will do, but I dont think anyone has even touched on what Sony will do if the Wii is a huge success.

I just wonder how they would respond.

They probably won't respond in any meaningful way. The inertia is so great that a real response probably won't be crafted for a good 3-5 years.

It's part of the pitfalls of strategy. When you commit to one, you can only have so much latitude to respond to competitive pressures . Short of the top guy reorganizing everything and throwing out the current strategy, sticking to the original plan usually means 'believing' your strategy will pan out in the end. It's kind of ironic that GAF's tag line is so appropriate to this issue.

Not talking of Wii/PS3 but the PSP debacle in Japan is a perfect example. Nintendo is at their throats and Sony if off releasing signature series PSPs that look like Zebra hides on a portable and digicams /GPS devices.

These were things that were probably in the pipeline for a while and they aren't responding at all, just following their original strategy. Attempts to emulate Nintendo's software success by releasing titles such as LocoRoco are as much as Sony can do at the moment. They're certainly not agile enough to do more, and a fairly agile company like Nintendo believed on their vision so much it took them two hardware generations to turn things around. So inertia, and the corporate culture behind it are big variables.

But you know there's TGS and lots of people here have so much hope pinned on that single event. Who knows, Sony might come out swinging. I personally doubt it though/ Outside of a few expected big announcements, I think it will be business as usual. I'm prepared to eat my hat again.
moku said:
I just wonder how they would respond.

Seriously though, I don't think Sony themselves are envisaging that right now. But it depends on what you meant, next next-gen (after PS3), or during PS3's lifetime. Wii's success would probably make the Wiimote a standard : nothing prevents Sony from fully embracing that type of controls for their next system then. As far as the games are concerned, we know that merely replicating Nintendo's strategy when the hardware wasn't originally designed with that in mind isn't enough though (cf. PSP Brain Training numbers).
Unless Sony tries the Blue Ocean thing to expand the market again, but if by Wii's success you mean Nintendo achieving their goal ("All access gaming"), as they seem to be going for everyone, I fail to see how Sony could replicate that.


Deku said:
They probably won't respond in any meaningful way. The inertia is so great that a real response probably won't be crafted for a good 3-5 years.

It's part of the pitfalls of strategy. When you commit to one, you can only have so much latitude to respond to competitive pressures . Short of the top guy reorganizing everything and throwing out the current strategy, sticking to the original plan usually means 'believing' your strategy will pan out in the end. It's kind of ironic that GAF's tag line is so appropriate to this issue.

Not talking of Wii/PS3 but the PSP debacle in Japan is a perfect example. Nintendo is at their throats and Sony if off releasing signature series PSPs that look like Zebra hides on a portable and digicams /GPS devices.

These were things that were probably in the pipeline for a while and they aren't responding at all, just following their original strategy. Attempts to emulate Nintendo's software success by releasing titles such as LocoRoco are as much as Sony can do at the moment. They're certainly not agile enough to do more, and a fairly agile company like Nintendo believed on their vision so much it took them two hardware generations to turn things around. So inertia, and the corporate culture behind it are big variables.

But you know there's TGS and lots of people here have so much hope pinned on that single event. Who knows, Sony might come out swinging. I personally doubt it though/ Outside of a few expected big announcements, I think it will be business as usual. I'm prepared to eat my hat again.
So your saying that Sony will wait, take thier lumps and rework it for next, next-gen? Interesting take. It's hard to argue with your take, as its the most likely if the scenerio played itself out.

I just wonder if Sony would go into full damage controll and try to respond quickly. Either that or just write Japan off, and concentrate on the Americas, and Europe.
Impressive sales no doubt

What's more impressive to me is that fact that the top ten lists four DS games developed by third parties. A game like Rune Factory, for instance, seems to cater directly to the type of people who have made the DS such a success. I hope Capcom and other Japanese developers are taking notes.


moku said:
So your saying that Sony will wait, take thier lumps and rework it for next, next-gen? Interesting take. It's hard to argue with your take, as its the most likely if the scenerio played itself out.

I just wonder if Sony would go into full damage controll and try to respond quickly. Either that or just write Japan off, and concentrate on the Americas, and Europe.

No, what I am saying is, if any company is committed to a strategic plan, they can't change right away short of throwing out their strategy and starting from scratch. There is lag, inertia and corporate culture at play before a response on a corporate level can be formulated.

That's not to say parts of the strategy may be alterted to respond to what is happening or in other words parts of the orgnaization may alter its strategy to respond to the market (ie: marketing department alters marketing and or demand more resources) that is possible but it occurs within the framework of the strategic plan already in place.
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