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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22


LJ11 said:
Do you trust Forbes? Just add the Short and Long term Debt, which equals the same number as Yahoo's. I bet they're lying too. Sony's liabilities may be around 60B, but not their debt load.

:lol @ ADR data not being reliable, you are an idiot.

Don't be mean to him, he does make some quality posts - like this one in that other thread:

gcfan2k5 said:
VERY NICE, hey folks monolith is also responsible i believe for the graphics engine behind FEAR and Condemned, its lithtech 3.x i think, these guys have long been EXPERT graphics guys.


I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...
PantherLotus said:
I could make some more graphs or something. Any requests?

Is there any way we can have something comparing 3rd party software sales between the 3 next-gen systems in Japan. Or is that too much to ask?


The Autumn Wind
mabuza said:
i remmember people saying square enix needs to make more catridges to cope with the insane demand for revenant wings:lol
It sold over 1/3 of its shipment in one day. Do you really think what's left will be enough to get through next week? You are familiar with Golden Week, right? I'm not sure it will be enough.


gcfan2k5 said:
The market cap for SNE is listed at what? 50 billion for the ADR? the actual market cap is hovering around 64bln currently


Do you know what an arbitrage play is? You're losing billions by divulging your strategy.


Did you convert the "64bln" from Yen to Dollars?

Sony trading in Japan

If you convert the Japanese Market Cap into dollars you will get:


Sony ADR

Pretty close aren't they?


LJ11 said:

Do you know what an arbitrage play is? You're losibillions by divulging your strategy.


Did you convert the "64bln" from Yen to Dollars?

Sony trading in Japan

If you convert the Japanese Market Cap into dollars you will get:


Sony ADR

Pretty close aren't they?

um, im talking about 64bln DOLLARS http://www.marketwatch.com/quotes/jp/6758 market cap, thats in USD and current. try again! Unless at current exchange rate, sony stock is only worth 50 cents a share, then thats US dollars, and the market cap is 64bln USD.
gcfan2k5 said:
The market cap for SNE is listed at what? 50 billion for the ADR? the actual market cap is hovering around 64bln currently, and as for whether the debt stands at 11bln or 60bln, it doesnt matter when sony as a whole is bleeding money, and they are getting trashed in every market from every direction. I still believe they owe 60bln, unless bloomberg are liars, which they arent.

Well first off, clinging to a 3 year old article is still kind of silly. Regardless of who is or isn't a liar (and so far none of the sources linked are), you can get the most recent releases right on Sony's website.

Second, you're being so highly selective with the information that you either have to be deliberately misleading, or simply don't understand what you're talking about.You mix liabilities and debt, but distinguish between assets and cash reserves.

In broad simplistic terms, Sony has over $60 billion in liabilities, though that figure is about as useful as the fact that in broad simplistic terms, they have over $90 billion in assets.

Though of course by the very nature of Sony also being an insurance company, the largest single protion of their liabilities is earmarked for future insurance benefits. So even though there is no date set, or even a guarantee that they will ever have to pay, they have to be accounted for. So to a certain degree, the success of Sony Life (which right now is very successful - they generated $1.6 billion in operating income last year) is actually tied to growing Sony's liabilities, which is why it's so silly the way you treat debt and liabilities the same.

The idea that Sony has a creditor actively seeking $60 billion is as erroneous as the idea that they could easily afford to pay off such a debt and have $30 billion to spare with all of their assets.


Professional Schmuck
Cheesemeister said:
Aww, I was hoping the request would compel you to gather the data. I can make graphs too, if I have data. Just too lazy.

well you have the links to all your threads right there at the beginning, don't ya? That would be a start.
Well this one should go over 1000, which will make it one of the higher weeks. For some reason I actually found that graph pretty interesting, thanks panther.

There was a big low during New Years/Xmas.


Professional Schmuck
Datschge said:
I can't see any trend in that.

Well you can kinda see that the week after Christmas GAF was pretty busy with other stuff. (Don't forget that each week's activity actually represents the activity of the following week in RL)

You can also see the interest in the launch - 12/04 - 12/10 The *HOLY ****ING CRAP* Edition (wasn't that the Week after the Wii Launch?), as well as the obvious interest in the post holiday results 01/08-01/28

I really should start the data from the Wii launch. Anybody have that?

Joe Molotov

PantherLotus said:

We should start a new weekly Media Create Meta-Thread with these number. :lol Total posts would be like our hardware numbers, and a list of posters with the most posts in each thread would like our software.


There's many outside factors to determine, such as the Jan numbers being inflated due to the disaster that was that month's NPD.



........I can't believe we're analyzing posts in MC threads. I think we just crossed a line or something. We might not be able to go back now.


Joe Molotov said:
We should start a new weekly Media Create Meta-Thread with these number. :lol Total posts would be like our hardware numbers, and a list of posters with the most posts in each thread would like our software.

That is so dumb
and yet I want to see the rankings. YTD, LTD, go go go! Starting from 2007.
Earlier on in this thread, we were so bored, some people asked to be banned. Now, we are at the point where we analyze not each other's posts, but the post count of MC Threads.

We can't get much more hardcore than this. Unless we start charts counting and comparing the amount of posts that mention which systems.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Earlier on in this thread, we were so bored, some people asked to be banned. Now, we are at the point where we analyze not each other's posts, but the post count of MC Threads.

We can't get much more hardcore than this. Unless we start charts counting and comparing the amount of posts that mention which systems.

Panther, get to work :lol
Gentlemen, where you are going, I cannot follow. My feeling is that you will infinitely regress until such a point where the entire universe is reduced to one chart. I cannot be a part of that.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Gentlemen, where you are going, I cannot follow. My feeling is that you will infinitely regress until such a point where the entire universe is reduced to one chart. I cannot be a part of that.

Sanshiro! Are you blinded by your faith? Look deep within you; you know what we seek is not the darkness of the abyss, but the light of truth! Join us, Sanshiro! Join us, 'o noble heart of Sega! *extends hand*

And I thought that fanfiction popping up in the MC threads was bad.

Clearly, things have progressed far rapidly than even I foresaw.

I shall have to begin the operation, it appears.


Dragona Akehi said:

And I thought that fanfiction popping up in the MC threads was bad.

Clearly, things have progressed far rapidly than even I foresaw.

I shall have to begin the operation, it appears.

Seeing Phoniex Wright makes me feel abit happy. I really like point and click adventure/puzzle games. I just hope this compels some development into the same genre with some higher quality production. A wii point and click adventure would be nice. Have any been announced yet?


Scalemail Ted said:
Seeing Phoniex Wright makes me feel abit happy. I really like point and click adventure/puzzle games. I just hope this compels some development into the same genre with some higher quality production. A wii point and click adventure would be nice. Have any been announced yet?
No, unfortunately not that I can think of. The interface would be a good fit for the genre.


Scalemail Ted said:
Seeing Phoniex Wright makes me feel abit happy. I really like point and click adventure/puzzle games. I just hope this compels some development into the same genre with some higher quality production. A wii point and click adventure would be nice. Have any been announced yet?

I wonder if "Project O" will be a point-and-click... that would be nice, considering how much I loved Hotel Dusk.

There are a couple, though, that are in development - they just escape me. I know the new Sam and Max will probably find a home on the Wii eventually.


Professional Schmuck
Dragona Akehi said:

And I thought that fanfiction popping up in the MC threads was bad.

Clearly, things have progressed far rapidly than even I foresaw.

I shall have to begin the operation, it appears.

I just want to clarify whether or not the last chart was inappropriate to the topic in your opinion. I don't want to get banned for something I believe that there is a genuine interest in. Thank you in advance for the clarification.
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