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Metacritic: Best Games of 2016 (and platform comparisons)


Gold Member

They count if you like them and if you don't need or like them they don't count. Simply as that.

These games are not killer apps for me, but the AAA exclusives are. So my taste says that they don't count(i.e. for a hardware decision) because...taste.

Either way, a considerable amount of 75+ PC games, probably make it on Metacritic's with just 7 reviews or a few more. So many PC games have 2,3,4 or 5+ times fewer reviews than many PS4 games.
And we know that usually the more reviews a game takes the lower the score in Metacritic tends to be.

Even if we don't take into consideration the above, these numbers say nothing or much depending our needs in gaming.

PS. My Phone > PS4 in 75+ games I guess.

I don't understand how you can say you "don't like indie games". "Indie games" is not a genre, such a statement makes no sense.


for a ranking like this it hardly seems appropriate to list multiple platforms of a single title. probably best to just list the highest scoring version if there's a difference.


If your reality is that a game like TowerFall Ascension(87 Metascore) is as good as Batman: Arkham Knight(87 also) I am out of this reality for sure.

My friends and I have put almost 100 hours into Towerfall. Can't say the same about Batman. Definitely think Towerfall is a better game.


I don't understand how you can say you "don't like indie games". "Indie games" is not a genre, such a statement makes no sense.

people get hung up on this a lot, and sort of rightly so because indie is not a genre of game, but it is a type of game and it typically means low budget and more focused experiences.

People who say they don't like indie games really mean their preference is for big budget blockbusters, whatever form that takes.

(I say this as an indie game developer just trying to help everyone understand each other a little bit more).


Lol. There are valid criticisms of the Uncharted series, but these are ridiculous.
Well, don't ask me, ask the vocal minority on GAF that said Uncharted 4 is a shit game and put them to sleep. :p

I got tired of the hyperbole and stupid expectations of wanting a game to be something it's not from many posters on GAF and I decided to just compile it all into a satirical post. Best way to ridicule someone is to show them their ugly face on a mirror.


Well, don't ask me, ask the vocal minority on GAF that said Uncharted 4 is a shit game and put them to sleep. :p

I got tired of the hyperbole and stupid expectations of wanting a game to be something it's not from many posters on GAF and I decided to just compile it all into a satirical post. Best way to ridicule someone is to show them their ugly face on a mirror.

Your substandard bait has hooked several fish! Best thing in the thread so far.

Happy holidays Jav!
The only game in that top list that stands out as one I'd argue against is NBA. The rest all seem very deserving. Stephen's Sausage Roll being there is delightful.


A walking simulator with mediocre gameplay, average story telling, fucking shit pacing and the most generic white protagonist in gaming should not be the highest rated game this generation! ND's name is the only reason for such high scores!
I think the 90+ category is a more interesting stat, when you compare the number of games released on PC for any one year. Apart from the games that don't share a release with consoles in that category, how many of these games even inject into the mainstream or are known there?

This is an interesting argument and one that I've been dying to argue against. It is indicative of how easily the mainstream can be manipulated to get hyped over some products and how the game's actual quality or appeal often has little to do with mainstream awareness.

This year has given us the perfect example of what kind of difference marketing makes. No Man's Sky. No Man's Sky was a PC exclusive once and, had Sony not picked it up as a showpiece for its console, it would have likely become one of those unnamed and unheard PC exclusives that you and many others say they don't care about. It might have been one of those games on Steam with 70,000 concurent users that would make GAFers say "wtf, I've never heard of half of those games" when someone posted a Steam most played list.

But Sony did pick it up and gave it a huge marketing push. The result was that this niche PC exclusive suddenly became a reason for people to buy a PS4. People were hyped, one of the creators appeared on mainstream talk shows, the mainstream consumer learned about the game and its profile was raised through the roof.

So that is often the only real difference between a PC exclusive that you've never heard of and supposedly don't care about and a system seller that you have to buy day one. Marketing. Couple that with the bonus in score that console exclusives get from sites like PlaystationBros or XboxArmy or whatever and you'll also get an answer for why so many PC exclusives stay in the 75-89% range.


Uncharted 4
Zero Time Dilemma
The Last Guardian
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Ratchet and Clank
Rise of the Tomb Raider

2016 has been fantastic. Now 2015 on the other hand, was a really shitty year for videogames....
Oh, hyperbole from your part too despite trying to correct him!

On a more serious note, neither 2015 nor 2016 were shitty years. 2014, on the other hand, you could argue lacked generation defining titles, but was still good overall. Some great games released in 2015 (80+ Metacritic)

Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain
The Witcher 3
Life Is Strange
Batman Arkham Knight
Fallout 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider (yes, this was originally 2015)

For fuck's sakes, this is exactly why I think Metacritic scores are far more meaningful than what any part of GAF thinks. The rule of thumb for most posters here "I don't like it=shit game". I've played several games that I don't particularly enjoy but I've never called them shit or even bad. The worst I've said is "tedious", "mediocre" and "not my cup of tea".

If we really are a "dedicated hardcore gaming forum", is it too much to at least show some respect and appreciation to what the devs went through to finish the games? You can dislike it, you can leave constructive criticism, you can even suggest ways to make it better, but calling it "fucking shit" and "trash" serves no purpose than to exaggerate your feelings and show disdain and lack of appreciation for the devs.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone chat so much shit on this forum as I have with thelastword. At least he's consistent.

John Wick

So how is it that Overwatch scored 91 on XBONE and only 90 on PS4? I can understand the PC version being slightly ahead because pcmasterrace, etc but I just wondered why the discrepancy between the other two platforms. Was there something wrong with the PS4 version that the XBONE version didn't suffer from? It seems really bizarre.

Same with NBA 2K17. 88 on PS4 and 91 on X1. That's 2 titles in favour of X1 when they are essentially the same games on both consoles.
I don't understand how you can say you "don't like indie games". "Indie games" is not a genre, such a statement makes no sense.


My friends and I have put almost 100 hours into Towerfall. Can't say the same about Batman. Definitely think Towerfall is a better game.
In fact I am jealous and happy for you.
With a 200$ laptop and a mediocre smartphone you are complete as a gamer I suppose.

Aaron D.

In fact I am jealous and happy for you.
With a 200$ laptop and a mediocre smartphone you are complete as a gamer I suppose.

Pretentious tone aside, you'd be amazed how much quality, modern gaming can be enjoyed on budget hardware.

6 of the 10 games on my Top 10 list this year can be played on budget / non-gaming hardware.

With so much choice out there, it's a wonderful time to be gaming.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I'm late to the reply lol
That's just an updated DS game, so they wouldn't count it as a full exclusive.

But how many of those are exclusives that you could definitely see getting above 75 on the list?

I agree that it's a shame that some of those games aren't counted, but it might not even be a change for the Vita.

PC on the other hand...
By the way, that's not in the last 90 days, that's in the last week.

I don't care about scores and exclusivity, too many games i loved got low scores and too many hated games got high scores(GTA4 will never stop burning) so i don't care about all of this, but if in the last 90 days alone great games like Dragon Quest Builders,darkest dungeon, volgarr the viking, shantae and others are not even counted(counted, not 90+ or 75+), while on other platforms they were all counted, i wonder how many other big and/or good games weren't even counted in 365 days just because they were on vita.

Ok that people like to hate vita but don't you think that comparing a 5 years old handheld in a dying handheld market and platform that everyone have with a healthy market has no sense?

Guys let's not pretend that vita has a fair treatment, it's nowhere near treated as the other platforms.


Let's not forget that beyond indies the PC has several genres that simply don't exist (or are extremely fringe) on the consoles because they don't work so well with a controller. E.g. strategy and construction games are more limited on consoles (only the turn based ones really go anywhere), point & clicks only rarely make it to a console (especially the home consoles without a touchscreen) and many simulations don't go over either.
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