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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC Version |OT| Violence Breeds Violence


Ok so I was playing the first level, having a good time and the game just kicked me back to the desktop. Is this related to the internet bug because my computer is hooked up to the net via powerline and its been dropping my connection at random times.


Ok so I was playing the first level, having a good time and the game just kicked me back to the desktop. Is this related to the internet bug because my computer is hooked up to the net via powerline and its been dropping my connection at random times.

Yeah, you are probably encountering the "DRM" bug :(


Man, played through the first two missions. I forgot how much I freaking love this game (though, it was after all 2nd on my GOTY list right after Wonderful 101).

That GRAD fight that took me hours to try to beat the first time around only took 3 min this time, hahaha. I guess it was that battle that really forced me to 'master' parry and evade (and when to use which)

1080p/60fps, definitive version! It's a perfect port performance-wise for me <3 <3


DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.


It's still a little bit blurry when I set it to enhance the ingame AA. Runs at 50ish FPS with 8x SGSSAA on a 780 though, really nice.

Set the negative LOD to -.500 for 2x, -1.000 for 4x and -1.500 for 8x.


DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.

i didn't use them much but heard they're much better after you upgrade them.


Where does the time go! I didn't realize how late it got :(

Will have to finish tomorrow and I have a looong work day tomorrow.

DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.

I found them useful for leading into aerial attacks. But yeah the polearm or whatever seems to be more useful in more situations since it seems to be great in crowds.
How do I go about dealing with Vodomerka's? They're so annoying to fight.

Those are probably my most hated regular enemy in the game. You eventually get some weapons/subweapons that help deal with them, but they can still be really annoying

Sai and pulse grenades help a lot

DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.

They're incredibly useful for certain enemies

Also relating to people talking about enemies appearing where they possibly didn't before, it's been a while but i've never seen this dude spawn over here - http://abload.de/img/235460_2014-01-10_0006iseu.png


Santa May Claus
DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.

They can be useful against certain enemy types like GRADs, and they have other utility like letting Raiden travel long distances with the pull, but ultimately they are one of the weaker subweapons.


DEAR LORD! The sai's are fucking garbage! Why even bother having them in the game? A 2 hit spacial weapon that has a CHANCE to stun? Get that shit out of here, that shit is useless.

All of the boss weapons you get have their uses, you just need to experiment on the different enemy types. Especially when they're fully upgraded.
started this up on hard... finally kicked the metal gear's ass.

combat is a bit... interesting? maybe i should drop to normal, it feels like raiden's basic combos barely do any damage :/

and how do you hit the head of that metal gear? It has a target on it so i assume you can wack it.
Did they change the name of the S Rank Revengeance achievement? I remember it being Lightning God

started this up on hard... finally kicked the metal gear's ass.

combat is a bit... interesting? maybe i should drop to normal, it feels like raiden's basic combos barely do any damage :/

and how do you hit the head of that metal gear? It has a target on it so i assume you can wack it.

With that fight just parry all of its physical attacks for massive damage


Same, but I'm so damn rusty with these type of games.

I know I need to parry, I know what direction, I know how to do it...the execution is just sloppy.
Me too. I just finished x-men origins: Wolverine this week and that game built some bad habits with parrying. My execution sucks too but man this game makes me feel like a badass.


Hey guys, thinking about picking this up from Nuuvem... One question: What is the process, preferably in a step-by-step order for ordering and redeeming on Steam? I figure since there are regional differences and whathaveyou that I would need to mask my IP or something.. correct? Never bought from them before...

I figure since my question pertains to how to acquire this game, it could pertain to the thread. But I can redirect myself over to the Steam thread if I need to.
If I had played it last year, it would have easily, EASILY made my Top 5.

Like a few other people, I'm reliving the first playthough through your commentary. I had no idea that you'd be into a game like MGR, and now I really want to see where in your top 5 it'll be after the main campaign is done.

I'm tempted to get through my copy in one shot (finally with Gray Fox armor now), even though I'm in the middle of another game now.


This might not be the way the game/tutorial describes it but to my eyeballs it seems you can parry anything unless:

1.) The whole enemy glows yellow.
2.) The attack is a flame/laser/blast of some sort.


Santa May Claus
you can parry those? fuuuuck was just wackin on the feet in blade mode T.T

Blade mode itself doesn't really do more damage than Raiden's regular combos. In fact, I believe it does far less. Its purpose is to cut enemies' limbs off when they're weaker (glowing green) or kill enemies straight away for a Zandatsu, but it's not a damage dealer.

should try that then lol. the tutorial russian man said 'you can parry some stuff but not others' so i didn't think about parrying the mg :/

As a general rule, if an enemy flashes red, you can parry. If they flash orange, it's unblockable (usually a throw). Raiden can't parry beams or explosives, but he can parry bullets.
The solution to the data size is a tough one, with optional encoding quality (and thus size) the only solution. And I don't know if Steam's pre-load and download framework supports that.

High quality encoded video is fucking huge. Always has been and, looking into the near future, will be for some time. It increases game data size by a significant amount, as evident by other games with 720p+ encoded video like Max Payne 3. In the case of Rising, they'd encoded the videos in two groups: PS3 and X360. The former is best, thanks to the size of bluray. The latter is worse, for obvious reasons.

They chose to go with the highest quality build available. Sucks that it means a shitload of data is just video, but without giving the option prior to download for encoding quality and data size there's not much that can be done.

And both this and Max Payne 3 should be a harsh warning to all PC gamers doing the digital for any future games with a lot of pre-rendered cinematics. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have the data size now to support 720/1080p native footage alongside game data, and thus PC ports should have them too. And that means game data size is going to explode.
I'd hope that if anything more games in the future go with rendering all cutscenes in-engine and in realtime, but with the size of physical media on consoles now I'm not expecting anything but more like this as far as multiplats go at least. It's certainly annoying having to download video files that end up being ten times the size of the game data itself though, especially given that they're only there to be skipped after the first viewing.
Yeah, they did, they patched it on consoles too -- around when I think the first DLC came out? So it's not exactly new.

I stopped playing before the DLC came out so I didn't know. This new name is lame as shit.

you can parry those? fuuuuck was just wackin on the feet in blade mode T.T

Parry the stomp from both feet then parry the tail (this gives an achievement). It's pretty much dead after that


For a year late port by an unproven Japanese developer? Seems about right.

Metal Gear Rising on Steam Stats:

Current Players 12,101
Peak today 12,205

Not bad, considering it's Thursday afternoon in the States.

Is 12,000 peak players good or not? It doesn't sound good...

It's actually pretty damn good numbers for a character action game.

Peak for DmC: 5731
Peak for Darksiders 2: 8745
Peak for MGR: 12205

And the thing is, PC versions of DmC and Darksiders 2 were released close to or alongside the console version.


Like a few other people, I'm reliving the first playthough through your commentary. I had no idea that you'd be into a game like MGR, and now I really want to see where in your top 5 it'll be after the main campaign is done.
It's honestly not a surprise to me, I've made no secret that Bayonetta and Vanquish are easily two of my favorite games of last generation.


Putting aside the resolution and offline issues, this is actually a pretty impressive port for their first attempt. I haven't had any issues with it yet, and the inclusion of MSAA is much appreciated. Those two things need to be addressed, though.


Just found a silver item box that gave me Endurance +1, are these on every level?

Putting aside the resolution and offline issues, this is actually a pretty impressive port for their first attempt. I haven't had any issues with it yet, and the inclusion of MSAA is much appreciated.

I agree. The few issues we actually have will most likely be fixed.


I ain't one to complain about all the movies in MGS4. I really ain't, I like that game. But 21GB of Rising's 24GB download being prerendered cutscenes is just too funny.


i didn't use them much but heard they're much better after you upgrade them.

They are. Stunned the hell out of everything on the PS3 version.

Anyway after hours of slashing:

Radeon 6870
Phenom II X4 955
4GB Ram
1920x1080 (with black bars on my monitor via HDMI unfortunately)

All settings maxed except for AA (left that at its default)

60FPS the majority of the time, with the only noticeable framedrops being blade mode attacks (drops to about 50-55 or so with tons of debris).

Im happy with the performance so far, but was the black bar issue confirmed to have something to do with specific monitors and HDMI? Doesnt show up on screenshots either.


Fucking hell the combat feels so good in this once you get the hang of it.

Made a "little" gif.


I have a question though, I can't get the dodge to work at all. I unlocked it and it does nothing? Press X+A together just doesn't do anything.
Set the negative LOD to -.500 for 2x, -1.000 for 4x and -1.500 for 8x.
LOD bias fixes texture blur, but not overall image / geometry blur. The latest drivers also have automatic LOD adjustment with SGSSAA.

I ended up fixing it for the most part with this AA compatibility bit: 0x084012C1

The UI has occasional distortion with the AA compatibility turned on though.


Santa May Claus
I have a question though, I can't get the dodge to work at all. I unlocked it and it does nothing? Press X+A together just doesn't do anything.

It does nothing at all? Like Raiden just stands still? That's odd. He should be doing a short hop and slash. It's available as soon as you buy it.


Fucking hell the combat feels so good in this once you get the hang of it.

Made a "little" gif.

poetry in motion.gif

I have a question though, I can't get the dodge to work at all. I unlocked it and it does nothing? Press X+A together just doesn't do anything.

I think you have to turn it on? II forget...its been awhile and I havent spent my BP yet.
Up to the
office building in Denver

So far, the game is really fun. But the numerous technical issues really need to be addressed

1080p and 60fps was expected (and dissapointing).


1. 60hz max makes no sense. Because of the cap, I can't get lightboost working
2. Window mode is useless because of the bug I mentioned earlier
3. I came across ANOTHER problem. The game minimizes every time I get a windows message but this time in fullscreen. This fucks things up when I snap back into gameplay. Because the game changes my refresh rate when snapping back (from 120hz+lightboost in the desktop to 60hz non light boost) my screen goes dark for about 2-3 seconds. Meanwhile, I get murdered offscreen.

The rest of the port is fine, and I get great performance on my rig.

I hope this turns out to be a learning experience for the companies involved.

Please don't pull a NCBI/From software your on next game Platinum/Konami.
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