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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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forget the score. the Eurogamer review is not that bad people. What is annoying is that just like plenty of us predicted when konami showed of MGS4 last year, The A.I has hardly improved!!


"Oli Welsh" has that sort of tone on all his articles if you look at what he has written, I wouldn't worry about it. And they all seem to be PC specific.. so why did he even do this review? Like
So how do you review a new Metal Gear Solid? Do you assess it on its own terms, ones that its legion of fans will understand? Do you play the sceptic, and take Hideo Kojma and his team to task for their stubborn refusal to catch up with what the rest of the world expects of a videogame? Or do you walk the path of compromise, down the middle?
That's just unnecessary to say, just review the game and be done with it.


BeeDog said:
:lol :lol At people getting all riled up. You guys KNOW that this is a game you'll love to death and play to death, so why does the score matter so much? The same shit is going on with Ninja Gaiden II, those fanboys sure are like this too.

Same thing happen for a game called GTA IV? ^^

Guess Eurogamer think a lot more people will wisit their site based on this score = more space to sell ads = MONEY MONEY.

But im not surprised at all for them giving the game this kind of score though , know for a fact that the MGS franchise always have been this "man i must find things to complain about so i can lower the score" , rather then something a bit more commercial that always gets max scores.

Well anyway im sure i will love MGS4 :)


Edit: As for the closing line, I find it totally appropriate. I view this game, specifically, and the series, generally, as perfect remnants of what games were. Non-sensical story, over-the-top emotion, thrilling, if unbalanced, action, and bizarrely intriguing design. Kojima managed to wrangle the yen to spruce up the music, sound, and graphics, but your children will probably detest the series, just like some people are too dumb to enjoy movie dialogue pre-'60's. Granted, this should apply to quite a few games (and they WERE awfully tough on Gears Of War).

Yoboman said:
Clueless about what though? I read the whole review, and the gist of it seemed to be that they think cutscenes detract from everything else/ And how's this for a beauty:

"Its involved, conspiratorial plotting, its arch sense of humour, its demanding stealth gameplay, its sprawling cinematic ambition, its preposterous stylishness and pretensions toward artistic weightMillions hate it for exactly the same reasons."

MILLIONS hate it?:lol

1. For someone so in love with Hollywood, Kojima is terrible at pacing his games (gameplay- and story-wise).
2. Apparently, the game keeps the same gameplay for a long period (totally fine by me, and apparently by them), but then it doesn't give you a compelling place or things to do with the gameplay.
3. I have no way of knowing, but Eurogamer says that the levels aren't sufficiently squad shooter-like. I'll likely disagree.
4. Generally, a feeling like all that money went into pushing the hardware and story (the latter remaining ridiculous, despite the dollars) and not into inventing gameplay. For some people, that's a big criticism.


SolidSnakex said:
I'll say this again, people aren't attacking the score.

Yeh but they are. The article isn't that bad, it's quite critical that's all. The score is pissing people off (which it shouldn't) but it is and now Eurogamer is the enemy all of a sudden and their writing is blasphemy.
Bearillusion said:
If IGN gave it an 8 I'd be a little concerned. Eurogamer, not so much.
i agree but i think the consensus is that europeans love the MGS series much more than JP/NA, and to see this review from eurogamer is quite puzzling.........unless the reviewer had a grudge against MGS in the first place (which judging from the last line in the review, is damn obvious)


Eurogamer's review reads more like a huge ass rant than it does an actual review. The text does not justify the score.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Yoboman said:
I think an 8/10 is good, but from what I read of the review, it sounded like a typical "look how we can poke holes in a great game, all whilst being smarmy about it"

Sounds like a fresh point of view, unlike the usual adorations good games get from most sites.

On the other hand; they gave GTAIV 10/10 while it's just as much a very, very polished repetition of the older games.


Look on the bright side; if you can live with the stuff that Eurogamer whines about, then you're set to fucking love this game.


GhaleonQ said:
Edit: As for the closing line, I find it totally appropriate. I view this game, specifically, and the series, generally, as perfect remnants of what games were. Non-sensical story, over-the-top emotion, thrilling, if unbalanced, action, and bizarrely intriguing design. Kojima managed to wrangle the yen to spruce up the music, sound, and graphics, but your children will probably detest the series, just like some people are too dumb to enjoy movie dialogue pre-'60's. Granted, this should apply to quite a few games (and they WERE awfully tough on Gears Of War).

1. For someone so in love with Hollywood, Kojima is terrible at pacing his games (gameplay- and story-wise).
2. Apparently, the game keeps the same gameplay for a long period (totally fine by me, and apparently by them), but then it doesn't give you a compelling place or things to do with the gameplay.
3. I have no way of knowing, but Eurogamer says that the levels aren't sufficiently squad shooter-like. I'll likely disagree.
4. Generally, a feeling like all that money went into pushing the hardware and story (the latter remaining ridiculous, despite the dollars) and not into inventing gameplay. For some people, that's a big criticism.

Hi, what you posted was complete and utter shit, get back to us if you've played the game and not lived by Eurogamer's every word.
Mash said:
Yeh but they are. The article isn't that bad, it's quite critical that's all. The score is pissing people off (which it shouldn't) but it is and now Eurogamer is the enemy all of a sudden and their writing is blasphemy.

It's the text that people don't like. Nor should as it reads like a bitter rant more than a review.


Gold Member
So how do you review a new Metal Gear Solid? Do you assess it on its own terms, ones that its legion of fans will understand? Do you play the sceptic, and take Hideo Kojma and his team to task for their stubborn refusal to catch up with what the rest of the world expects of a videogame? Or do you walk the path of compromise, down the middle?

Okay, I read the whole review. A lot of bloated criticism, but no real substance. I'm still trying to figure out where Kojima has stubbornly refused to catch up? Cause that review certainly didn't explain it


DieH@rd said:
eurogamer review closing comments:

You're sorry to see Snake go. But should you be? Guns of the Patriots is a frustrating, fractured game that turns Metal Gear Solid's world upside down several times over, but never changes it. It just burrows deeper into what fans love and detractors hate than ever before, and it will make few converts. It's a crying shame, given how many genuinely classic gaming moments there are here, given the countless exquisite creative touches, but Metal Gear Solid 4 is its own worst enemy. You could not ask for a funnier, cleverer, more ambitious or inspired or over-the-top conclusion to the Metal Gear Solid series, but it's definitely time to move on.

We love you, Snake. Don't come back.


Ok it doesn't sound THAT bad in this context.

MILLIONS hate it?:lol

You'd be surprised how many people can't stand the series's cinematics. I have friends who skip the demos and this one guy said the scenes in Snake Eater felt embarrassing.

Now I don't really agree, but I can easily understand their viewpoint. For many people the story is batshit insane.
Daante said:
Same thing happen for a game called GTA IV? ^^

Guess Eurogamer think a lot more people will wisit their site based on this score = more space to sell ads = MONEY MONEY.

hello! did you know the sky is blue????

im not being mean, but cmon....thats a given!


Yoboman said:
Okay, I read the whole review. A lot of bloated criticism, but no real substance. I'm still trying to figure out where Kojima has stubbornly refused to catch up? Cause that review certainly didn't explain it



Just woke up, clicked on thread, HEAD EXPLODED!!!

Best Official Thread Ever to grace NeoGaf. God knows this game deserves it!
Absolutely awesome job by everyone involved. *BOW*

Now I'm gonna read it :lol



wow - split personality gaf!

one minute reviewers suck for dolling out 10's to less than perfect games
the next we are draggin EUROGAMER over the coals!

Eurogamer... seriously, i thought they were on the "decent reviewers" list?

Delisting them now prior to people playing the game seems like stepping into the GTA trap ALL OVER AGAIN.
Yoboman said:
I'm still trying to figure out where Kojima has stubbornly refused to catch up? Cause that review certainly didn't explain it

You can tell from the tone of the review that it's the cutscenes.


Master of the Google Search
DCharlie said:
wow - split personality gaf!

one minute reviewers suck for dolling out 10's to less than perfect games
the next we are draggin EUROGAMER over the coals!

Eurogamer... seriously, i thought they were on the "decent reviewers" list?

Delisting them now prior to people playing the game seems like stepping into the GTA trap ALL OVER AGAIN.

bububububut my preconceptions!
zoukka said:
For many people the story is batshit insane.
isnt more batshit insane than a chainsaw/machinegun wielding space marine or an italian plumber who fights giant turtles and eats mushrooms.....

like paramedic said in MGS3, you need to go into these games with a suspension of belief and just enjoy it instead of taking it seriously like a history course. its entertaining. its anime-caliber drama


Lakitu said:
Hi, what you posted was complete and utter shit, get back to us if you've played the game and not lived by Eurogamer's every word.

He asked what Eurogamer criticized, saying that the only big thing was weird cutscenes. I was specifying what the criticisms were. Stop being daft. In any case, the 1st point has been true for every Metal Gear game, so I'm willing to throw myself behind that argument. I even added caveats to avoid stupid reactions like yours. Achieve reading comprehension, please.


frAntic_Frog said:
isnt more batshit insane than a chainsaw/machinegun wielding space marine or an italian plumber who fights giant turtles and eats mushrooms.....

like paramedic said in MGS3, you need to go into these games with a suspension of belief and just enjoy it instead of taking it seriously like a history course. its entertaining. its anime-caliber drama

And your point? :)
the eurogamer review, does read like a rant...very poorly structured...its the case of having somewhat of a negative feeling on completing the game, unable to define it meaningfully (the writing in the review is all over the place) and writing in a review while attempting reconcile his own feelings.....

this seems as ridiculous as their resistance review


Eurogamer said:
We love you, Snake. Don't come back.



GhaleonQ said:
He asked what Eurogamer criticized, saying that the only big thing was weird cutscenes. I was specifying what the criticisms were. Stop being daft. In any case, the 1st point has been true for every Metal Gear game, so I'm willing to throw myself behind that argument. I even added caveats to avoid stupid reactions like yours. Achieve reading comprehension, please.

Oh, I apologize. I only got 2 hours sleep last night so I'm not in the best of moods.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
All I know is that GTAIV is the highest rated game of all time and, if reviewing it, I'd give it no higher than a 6.5/10 (with a very long list of justifications). As long as the reviews for MGS4 are mostly positive so as not to negatively impact sales (i.e. MGS4 was very expensive and I want more kojipro games), I don't particularly care what anyone thinks of it.

Eurogamer is typically harsh, and utilizes the full 1-10 scale. That MGS3 also got an 8 from them is pretty telling. *shrug*
Daante said:
im not surprised at all for them giving the game this kind of score though , know for a fact that the MGS franchise always have been this "man i must find things to complain about so i can lower the score" , rather then something a bit more commercial that always gets max scores.
Yeah pretty much, I'm always a bit shocked whenever I go back to look at reviews for older games and keep finding MGS2 and 3 peppered with 8's from various sites and magazines. Especially when it's nearly impossible to find games with the same ambition and polish as the MGS franchise in the videogame world.

It's mind-boggling I tell you! But I guess it’s just the way it goes.

zoukka said:
You'd be surprised how many people can't stand the series's cinematics. I have friends who skip the demos and this one guy said the scenes in Snake Eater felt embarrassing.

Now I don't really agree, but I can easily understand their viewpoint. For many people the story is batshit insane.
I'm not surprised, a buddy of mine stopped playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. after around 20 minutes because he thought there was too much text to it. -_-


Gold Member
SolidSnakex said:
You can tell from the tone of the review that it's the cutscenes.
I can tell from reading the review he's on about cutscenes, but he plays it up to be much more - right down to the gameplay. Yet he doesn't explain it. Now, the question I have, was what did he expect?

He talked about the gameplay, and that just confused me more. It's as if he was expecting it to turn into a sandbox game or not be a stealth game any more - or something of the sort. Where exactly has this genre gone gameplay-wise that MGS4 is not surpassing, is what I want to know


Yoboman said:
Okay, I read the whole review. A lot of bloated criticism, but no real substance. I'm still trying to figure out where Kojima has stubbornly refused to catch up? Cause that review certainly didn't explain it

I will say that there's quite a fissure between that point and the review. It seems to me that it's a 9/10 - 1 for story and pacing. But then the gameplay criticisms aren't about the gameplay ("refusing to catch up"), but about the situations in which it's used. He mentions that it's evolved, but that you don't do much fun stuff in the 2nd act apart from boss fights. Your point on that, I think, is totally valid.


Lakitu said:
Oh, I apologize. I only got 2 hours sleep last night so I'm not in the best of moods.

No problem. I was being careful, since I realize people are awfully touchy on this subject. Sorry for being overly harsh. NOW, GET SOME SLEEP.
That last line irks me so much. I can't believe this is me, seriously. I was one of the people that just scoffed at gamespots 8.7 review and just continued enjoying the game.


EviLore said:
All I know is that GTAIV is the highest rated game of all time and, if reviewing it, I'd give it no higher than a 6.5/10 (with a very long list of justifications). As long as the reviews for MGS4 are mostly positive so as not to negatively impact sales (i.e. MGS4 was very expensive and I want more kojipro games), I don't particularly care what anyone thinks of it.

Eurogamer is typically harsh, and utilizes the full 1-10 scale. That MGS3 also got an 8 from them is pretty telling. *shrug*

this is why I think there is something broken about the review system...reviewers on big games seem to either envolope themselves in the hype or react to the hype, rarely are they anything close to objective.

I agree on GTA IV though, I enjoyed the game, more than predecessors, but I never been a huge fan of the series....its not even close to my top 20 favourite games


EviLore said:
All I know is that GTAIV is the highest rated game of all time and, if reviewing it, I'd give it no higher than a 6.5/10 (with a very long list of justifications). As long as the reviews for MGS4 are mostly positive so as not to negatively impact sales (i.e. MGS4 was very expensive and I want more kojipro games), I don't particularly care what anyone thinks of it.

Eurogamer is typically harsh, and utilizes the full 1-10 scale. That MGS3 also got an 8 from them is pretty telling. *shrug*
It's pretty clear from the review anyone who loved MGS3 will love MGS4 as well. Snake Eater was not get perfect reviews either, why would anyone expect otherwise for the sequel.


Mromson said:
8/10 is downgrading for the awesomeness of MGS4! They change it to 9/10 and I'll reconsider banning that site from my PC.

:lol You think they care about it?

I think they have the undoubted right to score MGS4 with an 8/10......
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