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Metroid Other M "story" trailer


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Can't wait for this game. It's getting sooner and sooner. But seriously, hopefully Iwata bulks up Sakamoto's meager in-house staff.

Tell me about it. Of all the people who deserve it, it's Sakamoto and co.


Mael said:
Metroid Other Thread | Official M?

Okay no need to show me the door
I loled.

Hmm, and I just realised I'll be overseas for the month of release, and will have to wait a month to play it. This is a real downer, as I've bought and played every Metroid game on release since Super Metroid.
Snytbaggen said:
You can't fool me! It's "metoroido" :D

Actually Metroid's name in Japan is Samus. All those 'stupid' kids saying that Metroid is a cool character, they were the ones who were really in the know...


question: has anyone gotten the preorder art book for the game? local stores have the same but here they charge almost $100 for a game, I don't know if its worth it.


mantidor said:
question: has anyone gotten the preorder art book for the game? local stores have the same but here they charge almost $100 for a game, I don't know if its worth it.

It's only like 15 pages so I'm sure it's not worth it.
Synless said:
I finally got a chance to look at the boxart for the U.S. and it is horrid.....
Is this the boxart everyone is talking about?

I was planning on making the OT earlier this summer, but realized I will be busy around the release of Other M.

But I have a folder full of various Hi-Rez Other M artwork and renders if you(OT makers) are gonna need them.


The box art is fine to me. I'd much rather have the japanese one but never expected it to happen.

supposedly things sell better if they have characters on the cover.

Davey Cakes

The box art isn't so bad, but it doesn't need the two different Samuses the way they are presented.

I think if the Samuses were placed back to back (sort of like the ones on the MP3 box) it'd be much better. But, considering that Adam is in the upper left just like Dark Samus was on the MP3 box, then it would just seem like a complete copy.

Even then, suited Samus is enough. People don't need to see unsuited Samus on the cover. They'll find out enough about her when they play the game itself. On the box, you just need an indication that this is a Metroid game, and suited Samus does the trick.
Metroid Killer said:
I was planning on making the OT earlier this summer, but realized I will be busy around the release of Other M.

But I have a folder full of various Hi-Rez Other M artwork and renders if you(OT makers) are gonna need them.

It would help us a lot! Thanks!

Rash said:
The box art isn't so bad, but it doesn't need the two different Samuses the way they are presented.

I think if the Samuses were placed back to back (sort of like the ones on the MP3 box) it'd be much better. But, considering that Adam is in the upper left just like Dark Samus was on the MP3 box, then it would just seem like a complete copy.

Even then, suited Samus is enough. People don't need to see unsuited Samus on the cover. They'll find out enough about her when they play the game itself. On the box, you just need an indication that this is a Metroid game, and suited Samus does the trick.

Or maybe the samus in the suit is not the original Samus! Chan, chan, chan!
we knoew there is something starnge with the two samus of the first trailer, bu im certain that the two in the boxart are the same person, although one is younger


Regulus Tera said:
"Confession time: Because I was so young when I lost both my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure."

Whoever's writing the script for this should get fired.

Alternatively: I'm starting to smell incest.
Yeah that's a pretty bad line.

Apparently Sakamoto wants Samus not have the ability to express herself correctly, and maybe works fine on Japanese, but in English, it's pretty cringeworthy.
Regulus Tera said:
"Confession time: Because I was so young when I lost both my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure."

Whoever's writing the script for this should get fired.

A man once said that some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Alas, this is my time of confession: one's person was somewhat juvenile when the latter of the trio occurred - as one previously described - in the wake of my doting parents' untimely cessation of existence. Such was the direct consequence of the circumstances, that the man named Adam adorned the role of an archetypical patriarch in an almost vulgar sense of unquestionableness.

Is it better or worse? I can't tell :lol


I'll have to wait until I get home, but any hint of Samus in a relationship makes me cry and die on the inside, what did you do to Samus, Sakamoto? :(
I HOPE this game ends with an spanish dub, because the english voice over is lol worthy.
I have to say that I laughed with the confession time quote. :lol

Its interesting to see people who thought adam and samus had a romantic relationship, I always thought it was more a tutoring figure and her other family were the Chozo.
But maybe is because is described like that in the manga and not all people have read it.

I'll have to wait until I get home, but any hint of Samus in a relationship makes me cry and die on the inside, what did you do to Samus, Sakamoto? :(

Dont worry, there seems to not be a romantic relationship.


The VA for Samus was finein the Comic Con video except for the "Confession time" line. I've heard much worse. Just play Arc Rise Fantasia :lol That shit is horrible.


Boney said:
Apparently Sakamoto wants Samus not have the ability to express herself correctly, and maybe works fine on Japanese, but in English, it's pretty cringeworthy.
So Metroid takes place.. in her head?

The problem with the voice-acting is that Samus is a narrator. I believe they should've picked a different character to tell the story. Samus recalls her own story without emotion but the CG movies show her in dramatic scenes.
Regulus Tera said:
"Confession time: Because I was so young when I lost both my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure."

Whoever's writing the script for this should get fired.
Bu-bu-bu don't judge a game before it comes out!!!11!one!11 :p

Anyone who hasn't expected a shitty narrative is deluding themselves, and I'm sure once it comes out plenty of people will rationalize why it doesn't actually suck, even though it totally will.

Again, Fusion spoilers:

They will hold tribunals and investigations. They will hold us responsible. Adam understood this, and he spoke to me in my anger...

"Do not worry. One of them will understand. One of them must."

I've reflected upon his words, and I see the wisdom in them. We are all bound by our experiences. They are the limits of our consciousness.

But in the end, the human soul will ever reach for the truth... This is what Adam taught me
This is the level of writing I am expecting, only with a larger cast of cheesy characters I don't give a fuck about thrown in. At least no one will be calling her "Sammy" I guess. I hope.


Hm.. The script isn't good and the voice acting is pretty average, but outside of CONFESSION TIME, I didn't find it all that bad.

I just wish Nintendo had picked a more skilled voice actress for this role. Hell, Jennifer Hale could have reprised her role as Samus and nailed Sakamoto's intentions perfectly.


I'm pretty sure the narrations are taking place after Fusion... just a hunch, so having Samus narrate should be a good idea.

But... whatever..

EDIT: I'm not saying it's gonna have good exposition, just typical videogame fare.
I hope there's a second quest where everyone's VA gets replaced with the digitised 'THE LAST METROID IS IN CAPTIVITY' line from Super Metroid.
Snytbaggen said:
Is this the boxart everyone is talking about?


What is going on with her suit on the bottom? Part of it is still there and the rest is being replaced by space stars. The left side is cut off sharply while the right side fades out. Trippy
and awful
EmCeeGramr said:

This just reminds me of 'There'SSSS been a kidnapping: it'SSSSSSSS Rachel, the daughter of the preSSident of SSSSSerSSSia. Get inSSSto the CaSSSSSStle and reSSSSScue RacSSShel'.

And then 'SSSSSSometime, SSSSSSomewhere...'

... 'Time CriSSSSiSSSSSS'


Anyway! I definitely prefer the JP art.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I really don't think the narrative is that bad. I have seen and heard MUCH worse in video games before.

Sadly Other M get's a lot of punishment in this area because it is in fact a game in the Metroid series that has been void of pretty much any voice acting. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is really unfair. You have been with this series (Metroid) and this character (Samus) for over 20 years, and thus your mind has formed this perfect voice for Samus that just can't be competed with. No matter the quality of the voice work or the actress they hire for Samus, the voice in your mind will always win out.

But when you think of Other M as a stand alone game and look at video game's general quality in the category of writing/voice acting, I definitely think Other M is (at least) serviceable.

Personally, I'm just happy that it is a step-up from Metroid Prime 3's voice acting. Yikes. :lol

And if you don't agree, please don't complain when Skyward Sword is void of voice acting (which Aonuma confirmed in the latest Nintendo Power).
MarshMellow96 said:
This just reminds me of 'There'SSSS been a kidnapping: it'SSSSSSSS Rachel, the daughter of the preSSident of SSSSSerSSSia. Get inSSSto the CaSSSSSStle and reSSSSScue RacSSShel'.

And then 'SSSSSSometime, SSSSSSomewhere...'

... 'Time CriSSSSiSSSSSS'


Oh god, Time Crisis games have the best voice work. ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION RELOADING ACTION


Skiesofwonder said:
I definitely think Other M is (at least) serviceable. Personally, I'm just happy that it is a step-up from Metroid Prime 3's voice acting. Yikes. :lol

"You can never trust strangers, SAMMY!"


Wow. Those cutscenes are really bad. They have a stink almost as bad as the cutscenes from Super Mario Sunshine.

The boxart is also awful.

The gameplay looks amazing however, but it's too bad they messed up the story and presentation. I know now this won't be a completely awesome package the series is used to getting.


hatchx said:
Wow. Those cutscenes are really bad. They have a stink almost as bad as the cutscenes from Super Mario Sunshine.

The boxart is also awful.

The gameplay looks amazing however, but it's too bad they messed up the story and presentation. I know now this won't be a completely awesome package the series is used to getting.
story maybe...

presentation? No way in hell.
I saw the pre-order box in stores and actually thought it looks pretty good. I dunno, I don't mind it, despite Nintendo's weird desire to have their Metroid boxarts as cluttered as possible.

Oh, and hatchx, how do you figure that the presentation looks poor? If anything it's one of the game's strengths. The cut-scenes, music and transitions are sublime.


There's something about that box art that annoys me... Shouldn't Samus have her hair back inside the Power Suit? Getting hair in your eye is not something you want to happen during a firefight. Especially if you're inside an environmentally sealed suit of armor and opening it up would be fatal.

Yeah, it's a nitpick, but I couldn't help it.


_Alkaline_ said:
I saw the pre-order box in stores and actually thought it looks pretty good. I dunno, I don't mind it, despite Nintendo's weird desire to have their Metroid boxarts as cluttered as possible.

Oh, and hatchx, how do you figure that the presentation looks poor? If anything it's one of the game's strengths. The cut-scenes, music and transitions are sublime.

Sorry I guess I use the term 'presentation' in-line with cut-scenes, story, voice-acting, etc.

For visual and audio presentation WITHIN the gameplay, it looks amazing. I'll be there day one.

I suppose I'm just a bit disappointed. It looks like they had the right idea, but COMPLETELY botched the story, characters, and cut-scenes. This will probably hurt the overall atmosphere of the game.

You're talking to the guy whose favorite game ever is Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime and Super Metroid are two amazing titles in their entirety. I can't help but feel Other M won't come close to comparing, not with this cheesy anime emo storyline. Ugh.

....still excited.
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