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MGSV in my opinion is a bad metal gear solid game.


okay guys i havent finish the game yet.
but as a huge metal gear fan i wanted to talk about a little bit of the game with you without spoiling.

ive playing for few hours and i dont like what ive being playing in fact i dont want to go back.

i think metal gear solid 5 is one of most boring open world games i ever played.
why that game went full open world? mgs4 and 3 have better level design than that.

the opening that a lot of people were praising its just boring. and to make it worst kiefer sucks at voice acting.

now the gameplay is a huge step up from the previous entries but pick up missions is just boring.
im glad that mgs brand is dead now, and will still love the old games

but notlikethis.gif
I agree. Fantastic game, but underwhelming as an entry in this franchise. Didn't care much for Peace Walker either.


Gold Member
Question: did you play Peace Walker or did you say you were a huge fan just because?


You're not gonna like every game out there.

The level design in an open world game will never match a linear well thought out labrinyth.


the open-world aspect was the primary reason why i didn't pick it up. all the previews showed the same, tired desert area. it looked so unappealing. coupled with quiet's laughable design and it was an easy choice for me to skip this game.


okay guys i havent finish the game yet.
but as a huge metal gear fan i wanted to talk about a little bit of the game with you without spoiling.

ive playing for few hours and i dont like what ive being playing in fact i dont want to go back.

i think metal gear solid 5 is one of most boring open world games i ever played.
why that game went full open world? mgs4 and 3 have better level design than that.

the opening that a lot of people were praising its just boring. and to make it worst kiefer sucks at voice acting.

now the gameplay is a huge step up from the previous entries but pick up missions is just boring.
im glad that mgs brand is dead now, and will still love the old games

but notlikethis.gif

Finish the game, or maybe play more than a few hours before you jump to saying it's a bad MGS game?
I've put 200 hours in and haven't finished it yet. It's endlessly fun for me. I'm thrilled that it wasn't just dozens of hours of boring cutscenes.
Finish the game and read the analysis (I think) Giant Bomb wrote up.

You understand everything.

It's a different type of MGS game.
The open world ruined whatever chance it had at feeling like a Metal gear.

I wish the same game was developed under a different name like if MGS V was a new IP people would have lost their beans.
There are periods in my life where I want to go back to the older MGS games. Nothing about TPP gave me that feeling by the time I was done with it. Konami can have all my Mother Base resources. Couldn't care less anymore.


Theres a good game somewhere hidden in it, but it's surrounded by poor or questionable design choices. The story is poor with the most characters being two dimensional.

Disappointing is the best description for it.
I agree. its a decent game but its not a very good metal gear game. It will probably be my last if this is where the series goes if it is actually maintained by konami which i doubt. Same thing with fire emblem awakening which is a good game but a bad fire emblem game in my eyes. Glad that both series have fans of the new direction it has aimed for.


I think it was time for a change... IMO it was a change for the better, a lot of the gameplay staples were well intact. Though I guess you could argue it shouldn't have been a main numbered game


It's your opinion, MGS is my favorite saga in videogames with Half Life, and i loved MGSV, it's definitely my game of the year so far and one of the best episodes of the serie
You don't dog my man kiefer. It was the script, the script I tell you! I think it was fine as a metal gear and more accessible than peace walker. It is lacking a bit in story.


It's the most fun I've ever had *playing* an MGS game (ignoring Revengeance), that's for sure. Unfortunately, I don't come to this series primarily because of the gameplay.

And Kiefer is lame, I agree. I don't think he sucks as Big Boss, but there was zero reason to replace Hayter. Sticking with Hayter might have made it so that Big Boss talked more throughout the game instead of being an awkward mute, too. Although...
I suppose the ending is a real convenient explanation for this.


The gameplay was amazing. Seriously special.

Everything around it? Barf. The more I played it the more I wished the core gameplay was in a better overall package.

Still boggles that they didn't opt for multiple GZ style mini sandboxes. The open world added literally nothing other than 5-7 mins of horse riding padding between outposts. Don't even get me STARTED on the story. Didn't like Kiefer either, doesn't matter how good he is that's not the voice I've listened to come out of Snake's gob for 5 games. Didn't even feel like the same character.


MGS isn't heralded for its gameplay?

Yes, but mostly because it's a gigantic departure from traditional metal gear gameplay.

I can see how people who wanted more of those games would be disappointed, but as someone who found the gameplay in those games to be painfully restricting, MGS5 was a god send.

Getting through mgs5 was a slog. I do not plan playing it ever again

I want a game with MGS5 gameplay and a dramatically superior story. The reasons why I don't want to go back to MGS5 have everything to do with the lack of an interesting story, the online implementations, and the cycle time for sending people on missions as well as developing weapons and gadgets. Once you've played through it all once, there's no reason to ever go back again. There's 0 replay factor, which is such a shame because the game is so much fun to actually play.

But yeah, when those credits rolled, I was done with this game forever. There's something wrong with that as I had a blast playing it.
See as good as the gameplay is, and it's very good, that's an entirely fair assessment.

I actually think would have enjoyed it with more structured levels rather than open world as well. And this is from someone who loves Far Cry 3/4 gameplay.

And yeah, the story was a big sparse unfinished mess. It has great moments for sure, but that's only when it bothers to show up.

Still, I enjoyed it. Like a bad Pixar movie still has some value, a bad Metal gear is still much better than other bad games.
I love every single Metal Gear Solid game for entirely different reasons. Like Bloodborne, it took me a little while to get the hooks in my skin and start getting inventive. Once I started really nailing the stealth and head shots and gadgets and gizmos I got hooked! Not only in the game, but in the meta games! Tape collecting, MB building, S ranking. It took me a bit but I got there in a big way.

Yes, it feels more different than any other game in the series... but tonal changes aren't really new. In fact, I hear huge divides between MGS 2 and 3 fans based on what they wanted from an MGS narrative. This happens every release... it woudln't be an MGS game without fervent opinions flying around.

At the end of the day I've just decided that Kojima tries such different things in every title that every game won't be for every one. Actually, every MGS game isn't for every MGS fan. In that... I have become content.

(for reference I really disliked 4 until recently, I just had to appreciate it in a light different than I appreciated any of the other ones. I learned to love it because it kept me smiling with it's silliness, while I'd still criticize it pretty heavily.)
Don't put "in my opinion" in your posts. You don't need to; we know it's your opinion. Own what you put forward. There's no shame in opinions.

I wouldn't say it's "a bad Metal Gear game", but I agree that the level design is lacking. I think the game would have benefited from having around twenty Ground Zeroes-style-and-size levels instead of two giant empty levels. The Ground Zeroes base had more personality than anything in The Phantom Pain.

Aside from that (and the story), the game is absolutely amazing.


It fails to be a good "MGS" game as does Peace Walker.

Compared to Peace walker though, The Phantom Pain is an absoultely incredible game.


I feel your pain OP.


MGSV is a disappointment imo. Boring story, flat characters, empty world, really blaringly bad tuning with the fulton and health regen, and it only gets worse. Not to mention that anything exciting or eventful happens either in tapes or outside of the game. Its dumb.

Sure, teh gameplay is awesome. But even then, i feel like it has some really deep cracks. Most missions are rinse and repeat, there are no interiors, outposts and bases are not intricate, you can run to the goal and be done, buddies break the gameplay experience making it much easier.Man.. i can keep going.

Its crazy to think how much money i threw at this game.

EDIT: oh yea. i forgot. THE GAME IS INCOMPLETE!


I can understand people's complaints about the story and mission diversity but it pulls off the stealth sand-box fundamentals too well for me to ever consider it a bad game.


It is a horrible game. Not kidding. I am a huge fan but the game is terrible. Hugely repetitive. It is the biggest flop of the year.
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