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Microsoft cracks down on "unauthorized" Xbox 360 Storage Devices


Quasar said:
alr1ghtstart said:
there's an actual company (Datel) selling them at retail. The cloned HDDs are more of an online only thing that they can't really target, or fuck over.
I'm not sure why that would bother them given their experience with Windows Genuine Advantage.
I guess it's the 3rd party products that are taking significant income away from Microsoft. The HDD firmware hacks are done by a relatively small number of people, and most of the hacked HDDs are going into previously purchased official enclosures anyway. Not that MS would feel any better about that; but at least there's no competitor making money from it.

Am I right in saying that the hack is still only good for WD BEVS drives? Or have things progressed?


Korey said:
I wonder why they're specifically targeting memory cards, seems kind of random. Unless there's something I'm missing and memory cards are a large part of the piracy scene?

Because a 2GB memory card (that's upgradable to 16GB) for $39 is a lot better buy then a 512MB memory card (that's not upgradable) for $29.

Because it cuts into MS's sales and MS can't have that.

That's the only reason why these cards are being locked. Its got nothing to do with hacking save games (since that can be done with the standard transfer cable and Datel's software).


Dead Man Typing said:
I don't get why people are being so outraged about other users being able to see Microsoft's point of view. They aren't saying they like it, or agree with it, they're just saying that they can see why Microsoft wants to do it.
The trick for any company is to find a balance between pleasing it's audience and screwing them over. I think we can all relate to that.
Maybe because it obvious what Microsofts' point of view is to 99 percent of people reading it. A few people thinking they're the only ones who know that companies like to make profit doesn't mean the rest of us have to pretend it's some sort of revelation.

People obviously think Microsoft didn't find that balance as far as hard drives and accessories are concerned. Duh.
Kandrick said:

Microsoft ( just like any other company ) exists to make money. If they can get money by selling overpriced HDDs, meaning that people out there are buying them. Then they will.

confused said:
Unethically ? really? moreso than say Nike or McDonalds?

MS is alot of things but unethical because of inflated prices on accessories, really ?

Wasn't able to respond to these when it mattered but I was more challenging the idea that MS were being held up as an example of a noble corporation, rather than the specific accessory issue. There are actually companies out there that do hold themselves up to certain standards, but if people like yourselves find the alternative acceptable just because 'the others do it too' then fine. Luckily not everyone so happily does.
Sew said:
I guess it's the 3rd party products that are taking significant income away from Microsoft. The HDD firmware hacks are done by a relatively small number of people, and most of the hacked HDDs are going into previously purchased official enclosures anyway. Not that MS would feel any better about that; but at least there's no competitor making money from it.

Am I right in saying that the hack is still only good for WD BEVS drives? Or have things progressed?
dude. they make the bootleg enclosures in china.

you can buy just the enclosure online.

progressed? WD BEVS drives were initially chosen because they were plentiful and cheap... and still are.

there is no interest in making other drives work because the work involved (working on and testing the reflashing of the hard drive's internal firmware) is time consuming and completely different for each different type of drive that could be potentially used.


Oh, now I feel silly. I thought MS had stamped out stuff like that.

Re: HDD types, I certainly wasn't expecting wider model support, I understand how much work is involved. Just wondering because it's been over a year since I did mine, so I'm not up to date on it. Also, BEVS drives are getting that little bit harder to find where I am (Aus).


So despite what people have said...

Now that the update is out, has anyone tried logging in with an unofficial hard drive? I'm too afraid to try.


Got the message to update today and now my datel mu doesn't work. Bullshit, bought it just over a month ago and can't return it. $40 down the drain, thanks a lot MS.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Read that Datel already cracked the new security, so the next batch of cards should work again. Don't think they can do anything with the existing cards though.
Mejilan said:
Read that Datel already cracked the new security, so the next batch of cards should work again. Don't think they can do anything with the existing cards though.
$40 a/mo sounds like a KILLER deal, you also get to start your games fresh each time too!

In a way Datel only make these to grab impulse buyers, I bet the first wave of cheap memory units easily made them profit.


Junior Member
Not only is this hurting Datel it's hurting their consumer base in the process. Which is beyond fucked up. They should offer replacement Memory Units or something to compensate.


Mejilan said:
Read that Datel already cracked the new security, so the next batch of cards should work again. Don't think they can do anything with the existing cards though.
Good. Fuck you Microsoft. I don't even use Datel's stuff, 60GB HDD is more than enough for me atm, but I'm glad they are able to bring back competition... for the time being.


Dural said:
Got the message to update today and now my datel mu doesn't work. Bullshit, bought it just over a month ago and can't return it. $40 down the drain, thanks a lot MS.

Just moan and bitch at the store... might work


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Oh Microsoft, on the one hand you make Win 7, on the other you approve an absolutely stupid costumer-fucking policy like this.

Thank you, Microsoft, for protecting us from the evil off-brand memory cards that were working just fine. I hope those couple of extra million you so direly needed goes into R&D that will make equally amazing new policies. Maybe they'll render my non-Microsoft 360 battery charger worthless next.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Dural said:
Got the message to update today and now my datel mu doesn't work. Bullshit, bought it just over a month ago and can't return it. $40 down the drain, thanks a lot MS.

Well, you bought a non licensed product.


Running off of Custom Firmware
PSGames said:
Not only is this hurting Datel it's hurting their consumer base in the process. Which is beyond fucked up. They should offer replacement Memory Units or something to compensate.

It's all so early. They might do just that, for all we know.


Datel to fight back against MS unofficial memory card block!!!
We have just received exclusive word from a UK distributor of Datel that the company is to fight back against the block that MS induced on their pionerring memory card solutions for Xbox 360. We're told that an update for the product will be released shortly to enable the device once again!

Here is the EXCLUSIVE leaked letter that is being sent to retailers from Datel's UK distributors:

XB360 Memory Units

Datel manufacture 3rd party unauthorized console accessories. They are innovators in technology and have released the successful XB360 Memory 2GB and 4GB high capacity cards for the Xbox 360. These products offer customers a good value alternative to the original Memory Unit.

Due to recent actions by Microsoft, there is a possibility that these memory units will not fully function after the upcoming Microsoft Dashboard update.

Datel are aware of the changes that are required to remedy this problem and will shortly release a solution in readiness for this potential update. This will be made available to you and your retail / domestic customers shortly. In the meantime if you are holding any stock of this product you can, if you wish, return this to us and we will exchange / replace with new updated versions in readiness for the Microsoft Dashboard release.

These high capacity memory units were released in May 2009 and have continued to function well to date. These potential problems are entirely due to the actions of Microsoft and are beyond our control.

I apologize for the inconvenience this will inevitably cause and hope you understand this situation is not caused by Datel.

Keavy_Rain said:
While I feel bad for those who will be affected by this, I feel like this is a necessary move on Microsoft's part. Bitch and moan all you want about the price, those hard drives and memory units help Microsoft make money.
Yeah because they're not already making enough money by charging $50/year for P2P online gaming...


Well, since I actually install every single game I own on the 360(the system is loud as fuck). This is not good news and me and my brother refuse to pay a cent for those overpriced HDDs.

It's looking good to be a PS3/PC/Wii gamer.


Harddrives are ok though right? Im sorry for those with MU's by the way, not trying to be insensitive I just want to make sure the HDs will continue to work.


klee123 said:
Well, since I actually install every single game I own on the 360(the system is loud as fuck). This is not good news and me and my brother refuse to pay a cent for those overpriced HDDs.
You can't transfer game images to the memory units, but I understand what you mean. I really hope Datel offers an exchange program for my currently useless card. =/
Puncture said:
Harddrives are ok though right? Im sorry for those with MU's by the way, not trying to be insensitive I just want to make sure the HDs will continue to work.
yep, hard drives continue to work, and people are now even doing it with 250GB HDD's.


that datel memory SD card adapter product is trash i bought it for a temporary thing a few months ago for and promptly returned it; it lost a few saves as it wiped my card a few times in the course of a few hours not to mention it wouldn't download save the updates from xbox live.


Trucker Sexologist
Kandrick said:
Well, you bought a non licensed product.
It's still a dick move and it's not going to win MS any fans. If I ever lost my saves due to a dashboard update I would be trading in my 360 the same day, licensed product or not.
SapientWolf said:
It's still a dick move and it's not going to win MS any fans. If I ever lost my saves due to a dashboard update I would be trading in my 360 the same day, licensed product or not.

Losing your save files to cheap unlicensed memory cards have been around since the original memory card was ever created. They are unlicensed for a reason. No first party console maker ever has supported unlicensed memory cards.


is now taking requests
OldJadedGamer said:
Losing your save files to cheap unlicensed memory cards have been around since the original memory card was ever created. They are unlicensed for a reason. No first party console maker ever has supported unlicensed memory cards.

Not giving support to unlicensed third party hardware is one thing. Actively destroying their functionality is another.
I'm really surprised people are defending MS here with the standard 'they're just trying to protect their business' spiel.

Datel saw a business opportunity, and a specific niche to target, and did so using an alternative technology that is cheaper both to manufacture and to sell to an end consumer, and MS are actively trying to force them out of competition so that a consumer is reliant purely on their own over-priced solution instead.

Would you all be defending MS if they lock out anything other than official 360 WiFi adapters? Or if you are forced to buy MS charge and play kits instead of regular rechargeable batteries? Or if you are forced to purchase MS produced A/V / HDMI cables in future?

This isn't a competitive move by MS (giving their own memory units an implicit superior capability or quality to justify the price, or reducing the price to stay competitive), it is a purely anti-competitive one.
MrNyarlathotep said:
Or if you are forced to buy MS charge and play kits instead of regular rechargeable batteries? Or if you are forced to purchase MS produced A/V cables in future?


Should I tell him or will someone else?/


GAF's Ed McMahon
MrNyarlathotep said:
Datel saw a business opportunity, and a specific niche to target, and did so using an alternative technology that is cheaper both to manufacture and to sell to an end consumer, and MS are actively trying to force them out of competition so that a consumer is reliant purely on their own over-priced solution instead.

Its not a Microsoft thing. I bought a Datel freeloader for my Wii when the thing was released, and it was later blocked by Nintendo with a FW update, making the disc useles.

You give them internet and firmware updates on consoles and this is what happens. They never blocked anything before because they couldnt.


is now taking requests
MrNyarlathotep said:
I'm not saying they can enforce that, but if they could would people defend that?

You would at least be told that Sony has done much much worse in the past.
Kandrick said:
Its not a Microsoft thing. I bought a Datel freeloader for my Wii when the thing was released, and it was later blocked by Nintendo with a FW update, making the disc useles.

You give them internet and firmware updates on consoles and this is what happens. They never blocked anything before because they couldnt.

Absolutely, I agree.

But I've never seen people defending region-locking games in the first place.

There are people actively defending Ms here, which I genuinely don't understand from a consumer perspective.


Daigoro said:
wow. looks like Datel is fighting back.

this could get interesting...

Good for them I guess, but this is a battle they can't ever possibly win.

Even if Datel circumvents Microsoft and gets their memory units working again, they'll still have the possibility of breaking with the next firmware update. And knowing that, who on earth would continue using Datel memory units to store all their saves?


Keavy_Rain said:
Oh, NeoGAF. I love how you all went nuts over my little statement. Let me offer you all my point-of-view on this issue in greater detail.

You all seem to think that the Xbox 360 is an open platform and you are free to use any product you see fit on it. Microsoft sees it as a closed platform, so they feel you should only buy things that they make or approve of on their platform.

Its their right to do this as a company. Does it suck for you? Yes. Is there anything you can do about it? Well, there are ways around this, but you're not going to like them, as they involve you caving on buying official Microsoft products, not using Xbox Live, or selling your 360 and game collection so you can buy a PS3.

I'm not saying what Microsoft is doing is right; it sucks for the consumer and I hate to see us lose our rights, but its Microsoft's sandbox and they get to make the rules. Its a shame the only real options we have are ones that hurt us, but that's the world we helped create as consumers. We supported a Microsoft console, knowing full-well how they operate and now we're bitching and moaning because they're doing what we knew they were going to do as soon as a worthy competitor threatened their dominance.

I'm not fully blaming you guys, as Microsoft had the option to not be assholes, but previous behavior dictates future actions. Guess I'll be seeing a fair number of you on PSN here soon.

Keavy_Rain said:
You have nowhere else to go and no other options if you want to play their exclusive content and they know you want to play their exclusive content, so until you grow some balls, decide that Halo and Gears of War aren't worth this shit and support the competition they'll continue to do this.

You know, for a man being chased through this topic by torches and pitchforks, you speak an awful lot of sense.
Datel also make things sound like you can do something with the memory unit docked into a computer to change the software key or something, which is quite an awesome surprise :lol
I think that some of you are defending MS versus the other console fanboys in a way that you're forgiving any anti-customer measure of MS.

It's ok to fight the piracy. When a consumer piracy, deserve be banned. But the user don't make anything wrong if

Yeah, legally, MS can do it. They don't have to give support to third-party unlicensed hardware, so they force a little the law and, instead of not supporting then, they actively ban them. But the consumer only bought some third party

So, it's ok if Microsoft decide to ban in an update any third party controller?
It's ok if Activision or EA decide to ban in an update in their guitar games, not only the instruments of the competence, also the third party instruments?
It's ok if Sony decide to ban in an update the non-Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo from their PSP?
It's ok if Apple decide to ban, in the iphone, any charger or earphone that is not first party?
It's ok if Microsoft or Sony decides to take out the divx and mp3 capacities of their consoles in the next mandatory update, to save some royalties?

Yes, all them are in their right to do it. And some fanboys will say "better for them, because they will earn more money". But, the consumers shouldn't simply agree. They should reply and see that a company shouldn't be able to piss off their consumers only to do a little more money. As a consumer, we have the obligation to deny any limitation to the rights that we already have.


The Datel Memory cards allow people to modify their Gamer Profiles (achievement hacking, etc.) on a PC if said people so desire. This is why they're being blocked. That's all there is to it.


listen to the mad man
Droog said:
The Datel Memory cards allow people to modify their Gamer Profiles (achievement hacking, etc.) on a PC if said people so desire. This is why they're being blocked. That's all there is to it.

so does xsata *shrugs*
Droog said:
The Datel Memory cards allow people to modify their Gamer Profiles (achievement hacking, etc.) on a PC if said people so desire. This is why they're being blocked. That's all there is to it.
you can use lots of things to modify your profile

1) for free, you can just open the HDD shell and hook up the HDD to one of your PC's SATA ports

2) you could just make your own interface for the 360 Memory Unit or hdd

3) several companies (Xecuter, etc) sell connectivity kits for the HDD

4) Datel sells the XPORT and XSATA which work with the HDD (XPORT with Memory Units too)

5) Datel and Intec sell Transfer Kits that work with Memory Units

6) The Microsoft Brand HDD Transfer Cable works too

yes, look at #6. you can do all the hacking you want without opening or modifying anything and without using unlicensed peripherals.


The Faceless Master said:
yes, look at #6. you can do all the hacking you want without opening or modifying anything and without using unlicensed peripherals.

Umm, ok? Good for people with those cables?

MS can't stop people plugging whatever the heck they like into their computer but this they can control. Nintendo did the same thing with the Wii and Freeloader, Sony tried to fix holes in their PSP FW by updating it. MS doing something similar is not really a shock to me.

Fox Mulder

Droog said:
Umm, ok? Good for people with those cables?

MS can't stop people plugging whatever the heck they like into their computer but this they can control. Nintendo did the same thing with the Wii and Freeloader, Sony tried to fix holes in their PSP FW by updating it. MS doing something similar is not really a shock to me.

which is why saying MS is doing this for piracy and modding is bullshit, they're doing it to force consumers to buy their own products.
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