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Microsoft Exec Acknowledges Setting “Wrong Expectations” With Recent Inside Xbox

Good on MS for the apology. I'm a PC xbox fan but even I was ripping them for not being clear about the gameplay.

I realize that everyone is trying to do all of this within a lockdown situation but I think this was really hard to miss... Hopefully they can actually set up some hard line protocols to follow in terms of transparency and clarity when it comes to reviewing material for release and when it comes to being on the same page with their third parties... I feel like they where on the right track as last E3 and some of the other events where a big step up in that area in my book.

On the tech side. People just also need to temper the fuck out of their expectations for a while. We will get a very few amazing titles that showcase changes and MANY that don't. Power doesn't magically equal improved looks, better asset creation and otherwise.
People should also realize that "next gen" as always, is a scale. Where it starts is not going to be as obvious as where it ends up later. Especially with AA and indie games and smaller studios. I wholeheartedly believe that what we saw was next gen since they had gone through the new dev environment and where taking advantage of the new hardware however the devs saw fit. Just not anywhere near the upper end of the scale.
I'm excited for the next generation consoles. Mistakes will be made leading up to the launch regardless of the company. It's good to hear the XB Series X's team admitting their mistakes so quickly. I'll give them a pass on this one, and hope to see if they will learn from this mistake going forward.

What if Ubisoft told Microsoft that they will be providing a trailer with some gameplay for AC: Valhalla, and just didn't at the last minute? Could be a miscommunication as well. I don't think Microsoft was the one putting that AC: Valhalla trailer together. It's a Ubisoft game, and the trailer was theirs and they deserve at least 50% of the blame!
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
I'm glad they are out there and trying to show us some stuff as early as possible, the wait for real PS5 announcements is torturous, especially when we're all bored at home and looking for something to get hyped about.

But the negative response does show how careful they have to be, announcing stuff before your rival might get you more attention, but it's still possible to shoot yourself in the foot even when you don't have any competition yet which is what MS has demonstrated with it's last two terrible "shows".

It's all well and good for them to say they messed up, but the scary thing is we don't know if they fucked up by not showing the good stuff, or if this was the good stuff; If it's the latter, then fucking hell MS, sort your shit out.

They cannot afford for the first-party stuff next month to be anything less than mindblowing, if it's just another generic looking Halo and Gears announcement, oof.
Ultimately they can't control what people think or how they'll react. These guys do the best they can and put the works out in I wild. After that, its up to the audience. That's why people shouldn't go in with expectations. The games will speak for themselves. All they can do is hope for the best. I applaud anyone with the balls to put their shit out there for the world to see.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I really hope they show the sequel to Horizon soon. In my opinion it should be one of the first next gen open world games that we will see. It should be a good indication of what next gen visuals will be lack for openworld games.
That would be freaking awesome. Horizon 2 with the new Decima engine after Kojima's improvements, PS5's fast GPU and the SSD for asset streaming. That game is going to look ridiculously good


What's you guy's definition of "gameplay"? Ubi Soft may think that this includes in-game cinematics or in game assets. We define it as a HUD of some sort on screen.

I think Ubi screwed MS and it was too late to back out.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Had they hyped this up as "World Exclusive Reveals From 3rd Party Partners" it would have landed very differently. They should have left off the gameplay comments entirely because obviously they did not show actual gameplay. They showed in-engine footage which they know full well the general public does not consider "gameplay".

After having time to digest the event I would give it a C+ overall, but it certainly did not help build any hype for the system. It didn't hurt hype I would say either.
There was gameplay. That's false. Just wasn't a shit load.


My first reaction to the presentation was "Don't they focus group test this sort of shit anymore?".
MS could save themselves a lot of trouble if they did, instead of just listening to "social media experts".
Are you listening to yourself? How are they supposed to do that now?


I was ready to buy a next gen console but if that's the pile of :poop: games developers are putting out in the coming year I will just pass. After yesterdays showing Phil will be doing damage control so I have a hard time believing MS will wait until July to show us game play now.
No thanks Microsoft. During the video "gameplay" was everything that was talked about and it was the thing that was less shown. So don't go highlighting words on twitter now.

PR has and will always be trash lying through their teeth people. And the event was a complete snoozefest.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Microsoft is taking accountability for this hot mess and these apologists out here still making excuses when even the company itself acknowledged the blunder. No wonder Xbox continues to remain a shit show their fans don't demand excellence.

Microsoft can't control what third parties do, but they can control their own damn messaging.


Actually Microsoft didn't know if it would be a fuck up until people chimed in and started complaining. Its because of the feedback that their even apologizing. Those who chime in afterward are just those who liked what they saw. Completely normal string of events. It'll pass. Get a grip. Jesus Christ...
Its great that they owned up and apologized, but what did they think would happen when they announce GAMEPLAY REVEALS, and half of the trailers are bullshot CG target renders. And the ONE guarantee we had for true gameplay footage with Valhalla was squandered for a 90 second in-engine video with a few scenes of the character doing things. The rest of it were time of day lapses and facial close ups.. I wasn't as irritated when it happened, but the more I think about it, the more it sucked.


No, MS worded it poorly they weren't just copy pasting the video title.


wow is that in game? That NPC looks real, must be 12 Tflop + Ray Tracking...
I'm glad they are out there and trying to show us some stuff as early as possible, the wait for real PS5 announcements is torturous, especially when we're all bored at home and looking for something to get hyped about.

But the negative response does show how careful they have to be, announcing stuff before your rival might get you more attention, but it's still possible to shoot yourself in the foot even when you don't have any competition yet which is what MS has demonstrated with it's last two terrible "shows".

It's all well and good for them to say they messed up, but the scary thing is we don't know if they fucked up by not showing the good stuff, or if this was the good stuff; If it's the latter, then fucking hell MS, sort your shit out.

They cannot afford for the first-party stuff next month to be anything less than mindblowing, if it's just another generic looking Halo and Gears announcement, oof.
Torturous, haha....lol, I've heard it all now. waiting for console news isn't torturous. Even if they gave it we still have to wait months for release.

Also, We are all not all home and bored. I am working 50+ hours a week doing desktop/network support and my volumne has tripled with all the people working from home who are idiots about tech. These people don't know the first thing about computers or software and throwing in vpn and rsa ssid into the mix is hair pulling.

I'm am sure nurses, doctors, grocery store people, fast food workers, postal/ups workers, coroners, morgue workers etc... aren't bored either. The others at home are worried about paying bills and wondering if they will have a job to go back to, or if some politicians/governors will keep there state in perpetual lockdowns and suspend our freedoms. Or worse death of family. Maybe kids living at home in their teens are bored.

Bottom line this console business is first world problems. Are we that petty that we lash out about no gameplay shown? Is it really that important, especially when more videos and announcements will follow.

I am not team xbox, never had and never will be, and even I say they are getting too much crap for a none issue.

That said people need to relax. So tired of these videos "when is Nintendo going to release their next direct? When is ms going to show games? when is sony going to show the console?"..... People slow down, and have patience. These youtubers spouting this shit are just looking for video material to make money on and get people riled up with bs. We are in uncertain times and patience is needed. All 3 companies I am sure will release more information when they are ready.
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You better hope they have something up their sleeve before the PS5 event, because if Sony comes up with a Killzone 2 kinda deal but it's actually in-game, they're screwed especially if the price is not the same or higher.
The first impression is the last impression.
Who knows, maybe they want to see whatever Sony is hiding and then go to their bunch and say "see that? Give me something better".
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perm warning for starting troll/bait threads
You better hope they have something up their sleeve before the PS5 event, because if Sony comes up with a Killzone 2 kinda deal but it's actually in-game, they're screwed especially if the price is not the same or higher.
The first impression is the last impression.
Who knows, maybe they want to see whatever Sony is hiding and then go to their bunch and say "see that? Give me something better".


So what about godfall ? And Road to PS5 video ?

In 2 weeks we will forget, as for the bad buzz of road to PS5, there will be lots of big AAA thirds party show on PS5 / XSX who will be showing since
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You better hope they have something up their sleeve before the PS5 event, because if Sony comes up with a Killzone 2 kinda deal but it's actually in-game, they're screwed especially if the price is not the same or higher.
The first impression is the last impression.
Well, since the first impression was Hellblade 2 I suppose they're more than fine.
Unless you want to change your narrative.


I'm am sure nurses, doctors, grocery store people, fast food workers, postal/ups workers, coroners, morgue workers etc... aren't bored either.

And? Folks want real next gen news, and being stuck at home means a lot of people are looking to the web for entertainment.

What a strange counter argument from someone doing 50 hour weeks to spend so much time writing

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
As much as I prefer their approach to PR compared to what it was before (being allowed to be somewhat candid and so on), ultimately their decision to not have first party exclusives is going to bite them in the ass. Next month Sony will show first party wow-tier stuff instead of crossgen games and they'll floor everyone.


Gold Member
As much as I prefer their approach to PR compared to what it was before (being allowed to be somewhat candid and so on), ultimately their decision to not have first party exclusives is going to bite them in the ass. Next month Sony will show first party wow-tier stuff instead of crossgen games and they'll floor everyone.
You really think the PS5 first party games shown soon will not be cross gen with PS4?

That's possible. But won't be for any games launched in the first few years. Maybe for games down the line when everyone is done with PS4 gaming.


A few PlayStation guys have commented here.... I didn't watch the stream live, I had no expectations...it didn't impress me HOWEVER....

What did impress me is the apology above and the candidness, open and honest way of communicating with their customers, the respect and undertone of humbleness.

I would love if PlayStation adopted this more human and understanding approach and actually learned anything from their customers feedback...

If Xbox produce the games this gen, they deserve to win because their management is way beyond PlayStation at the moment.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You really think the PS5 first party games shown soon will not be cross gen with PS4?

That's possible. But won't be for any games launched in the first few years. Maybe for games down the line when everyone is done with PS4 gaming.

I believe they will have actual ps5 exclusive first parties launching in 2021..

Hell, make it an avatar bet! 3 months! (are avatar bets still a thing here?)
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You really think the PS5 first party games shown soon will not be cross gen with PS4?

That's possible. But won't be for any games launched in the first few years. Maybe for games down the line when everyone is done with PS4 gaming.
Sony first-party will deliver some games that are cross-gen and some games that are PS5 only. At launch.
Not everything is a "line in the sand" console war. Dial back the console war theatrics, or the next stop is an all exclusive 2 week vacation.
What's MS got to say sorry for ! Other than pathetic comments from the SONY Defence Force. If they're unhappy with the GFX., GOD help them, when games are shown off on the lesser GPU *rollseyes*


Soon companies are going to start dropping info without any type of announcement.

Once that happens gamers will complain that they didn't know about the event and couldn't get excited as a result. It is a never ending cycle, nothing will ever be good enough because companies spend too much time listening to cry babies.

This. #gamers are the worst, neediest fanbase ever. Even worse than the most insufferable of hard sports fans simply because they never got the girl in high school. *sigh*

Codes 208

What's MS got to say sorry for ! Other than pathetic comments from the SONY Defence Force. If they're unhappy with the GFX., GOD help them, when games are shown off on the lesser GPU *rollseyes*
I consider myself a pretty big xbox fan and i found yesterday’s showcase to be a bore. They led on with next gen gameplay and we got a handful of snippets followed with 90% heavily scripted scenery. And mainly from indies and B-AA developers at that.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
You fucking think?
It's really discouraging how out of touch all of these companies seem to be with gamers.

We are sick of trailers that tell us nothing about the game other than it's setting.
Sick of pandering to crowds that dont care about games.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
A few PlayStation guys have commented here.... I didn't watch the stream live, I had no expectations...it didn't impress me HOWEVER....

What did impress me is the apology above and the candidness, open and honest way of communicating with their customers, the respect and undertone of humbleness.

I would love if PlayStation adopted this more human and understanding approach and actually learned anything from their customers feedback...

If Xbox produce the games this gen, they deserve to win because their management is way beyond PlayStation at the moment.

Just want to say I have great respect for you in making this post. I appreciate when hardcore fans of something are able to say something positive about the competition. It's far too rare in both camps in the Great Console War of 2020.


It was just a dumb plan in general. They definitely made some comments that inflated expectations, but it's a dumb idea to have the first glimpse of next gen footage to mostly be AA and indie stuff that isn't pushing the hardware. That's not the stuff that gets people to upgrade to next gen. That's stuff you show toward the end of a blow out reveal event after you showed all the big AAA games and exclusives, announced the price and release date etc. to show that there's a lot of games in the pipeline. Not what you use in an event touted as the first look at next gen gameplay.

I get times are hard and they're having to think about how to reveal things with no E3 or other trade shows happening. But it's best to save things for a big blow out and then have smaller streaming events there after for the smaller stuff as we head toward launch IMO.
Sony first-party will deliver some games that are cross-gen and some games that are PS5 only. At launch.

How do you know this? Did you mentioned it somewhere recently? I don't recall Sony having stated anything at all about their launch titles. Only Phil Spencer of had mentioned that all games released for the XSX in the next 18 months to 2 years will be cross-gen.
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Sometimes, Microsoft should not talk. They've been told this god knows how many times over this generation and at the end of the 360 gen.

The biggest PR wins MS have had are through Brevity. GTA 4 tattoo, surprise launch of 360 S, Halo reveal trailers. Any time they hype up anything, it backfires


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
If you meant myself, my defense is that no Inside Xbox was good, ever.

This. Have we already forgotten the last Inside Xbox with the 'Deep Dive' into the XsX? :pie_roffles:

Based on it being Inside Xbox, it greatly exceeded my expectations. We got more games than I expected and I liked a lot more of them than I thought I would. I also didn't think there would be nearly as many exclusive games shown as there was. Overall I was quite happy with it.

AssCreed was the only thing that disappointed me. I'm looking forward to that game and both Xbox and Ubi said we'd get gameplay.


It was just a dumb plan in general. They definitely made some comments that inflated expectations, but it's a dumb idea to have the first glimpse of next gen footage to mostly be AA and indie stuff that isn't pushing the hardware. That's not the stuff that gets people to upgrade to next gen. That's stuff you show toward the end of a blow out reveal event after you showed all the big AAA games and exclusives, announced the price and release date etc. to show that there's a lot of games in the pipeline. Not what you use in an event touted as the first look at next gen gameplay.

I get times are hard and they're having to think about how to reveal things with no E3 or other trade shows happening. But it's best to save things for a big blow out and then have smaller streaming events there after for the smaller stuff as we head toward launch IMO.

My uneducated guess here is that Ubisoft forced the situation by announcing gameplay for AC Valhalla. That was going to be the first glimpse of ANY next gen gameplay and Microsoft might have wanted next gen gameplay to be a bigger deal so they created the event.

They could have also simply asked Ubisoft to not show XsX gameplay but that could hurt marketing of the game by attaching the gameplay to curren gen consoles or even show gameplay of the PS5 instead leaving out XsX entirely. None of those options would be good for Microsoft.


Great reaction from Aaron. It means they follow the reactions of the fans and they take the blame. But then, what else could they have done?

They shouldn't listen to "fans" that push for employees to be fired because a third party gameplay event didn't meet their expectations.

Some gamers are disgusting with their sense of entitlement

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
They shouldn't listen to "fans" that push for employees to be fired because a third party gameplay event didn't meet their expectations.

Some gamers are disgusting with their sense of entitlement

Obviously they aren't listening to those specific demands. Just that the overall reaction was disappointment due to inflated expectations that resulted from poorly worded hype from Microsoft.


Obviously they aren't listening to those specific demands. Just that the overall reaction was disappointment due to inflated expectations that resulted from poorly worded hype from Microsoft.

I disagree and don't think there is anything that Xbox could have done to not have received some type of backlash.

Sony fans are generally upset because they know the PS5 is not exactly what they want it to be. We can play word games about the SSD and other secret sauces but 99% of Sony fans know the truth. Some of those fans are DYING for a reason to throw shade at Microsoft and this situation was enough.

Now Sony fans have absolutely erupted like this is a giant scandal and Xbox just screwed them out of gameplay that they just wanted to shit on anyway. Some gamers are literally calling for people to lose their jobs. It is obscene and disgusting.

As an Xbox gamer I am perfectly happy with what they showed. It is fair to criticize not showing enough gameplay but not to the level we have seen here. It is forced and feels fake.
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