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Microsoft is looking to acquire Obsidian Entertainment (CONFIRMED)


And how am I wrong? Because I forgot to throw Tomb Raider's year long exclusivity and Minecraft in there and some indie platformers they threw a couple hundred grand at to buy exclusivity deals, including Super Lucky's Tale, a game many fans of the first game can't play now? Don't forget Swery's game which wasn't a success until Microsoft didn't give a shit about exclusivity anymore and it made it's way to PC? It's no secret that Xbox users aren't buying Japanese games outside of Dark Souls and Final Fantasy. Go look at the last ten years of their lineup, army guys with chainsaws on their guns, space marines, racing, cancelled Japanese RPG, space marines, army guys with chainsaws on their guns, throw in 5 years of Kinect shovelware and back to the same old same old.

Also where did the Sony stuff come from? You're the one bringing them up. I'm not invested in console wars. I'm against gated ecosystems. The only reason I care is because Microsoft has a habit of acquiring studios instead of building their own and there's talk of acquiring Japanese studios (which again, Xbox users haven't supported worth a damn, IPs potentially going along with it) and one of the few studios still making role playing games with more depth than the depth of a puddle and for a variety of reasons, I couldn't think of a less fitting acquisition if I sat down and gave it more thought than it's worth.

I genuinely hope you're a stockholder or Bill Gates' son or something because I can't imagine what kind of thought process leads to advocating for a mega corporations acquiring studios left and right. At least if money was involved, I'd understand.

Except those are corporate interests and what kind of consumer gives a crap about their interests? They shouldn't. It's weird and delusional.
Also, I recall similar statements being made about Origin Systems/Bullfrog/rather than listing out all the companies that have been fucked over by acquisitions, I'll just post these


Seriously, people were saying that Origin being bought it by EA would allow Richard Garriott to secure Ultima's future. That Raven Software could make even better games. That Bullfrog could get a budget deserving of their awesome games for once. That Lionhead could get the time and money needed to expand on Peter's vision. Yeah, it really worked out well for all those companies. There's decades worth of precedent for this.

"real fans will see beyond that and support them" lol
Whenever I see this sketch, I laugh because it's so true, bittersweet really.....

So many great developers acquired that pushed gaming forward, were taken out and shot in the head. So many great developers where the life and creativity was suctioned out of them. So many decorated developers/soldiers, were not even given a fair fight. People must understand that companies like EA and MS has a history of many dead studios in their wake. It's either their vision or no more vision for said studio (gunshot...in a back alley), do or die are these companies policy.

Actually since Xbox 360 launched Sony has published far more PC exclusives than MS. That's how bad it has been. AoE IV is a step in right direction, but unless it's on Steam it will die in few weeks. THat's just reality. It's fine to push your own platform, but it has to make any sense. It it's guaranteed failure then it's just dumb. After AoE: Definitive Edition it's obvious IV needs to be on Steam. If it won't it will show that Microsoft still doesn't understand anything about PC market and is unwilling to learn from their mistakes.

MS used to be one of great PC publishing houses. They they literally made it self-destruct in silly attempt to switch their gaming audience to Xbox. MS has done nothing so far to win PC gamers trust and they sure as hell don't deserve getting it on credit.
Well, duh. Do I make money if Obsidian succeeds? Will Microsoft pay my retirement fund? Nope. So why would anyone care about those things? We are gamers. We care about games.

Indeed. But thanfully, no matter how much they try, all their crappy PC gaming initiatives, like Windows Store, will always fail. As long as MS remains tiny player in PC gaming market I don't think most pcgamers will care what they do. Even if they buyout some PC studios and screw them up those people will just leave and start from scratch again anyway.
It's funny too, because MS always props something that it's fans blow out of proportion. MS says they are all about PC gaming, their fans blow it out of proportion on forums as if MS is the bastion of PC gaming. Yet they publish a tonne less PC games than Sony in the last decade. MS talks a big game about crossplay, their fans blow it out of proportion everywhere, when Sony has more crossplay games than MS by a country mile and even some of MS's own games across Windows Store+XBOX (which they consider to be one platform now) don't even have crossplay.

MS acquired a few studios, most of them only made XBOX games anyway, 1 is not formed, we don't even know what type of talent they will acquire for that unformed studio, let alone know when they will release a game. Yet studio acquisitions is now the best thing in gaming, MS just needs to buy studios (to kill them right after?) The other studios have never done a great game. Even something like Crackdown has not been forthcoming for an entire gen, Remedy is out, Insomniac is gone, Bungie bailed, tonnes of games got cancelled, do poeple just think this is coincidence? So many dead studios by MS or once bought just dont shine anymore (RARE)......

I agree with the poster who said Studios like Ninja Theory and Obsidian don't need huge budgets, they thrive with creativity on lower budgets. If you dangle too much cash in their faces then they lose all sense of perspective.....I think too, Sony learnt their lesson with Heavenly Sword, though a good game, but Sony expected a 90+ game with more sales. Sony gave them everything to realize a great story, production values et al...but they still fell short in other aspects, which would have made the game great. They gave RAD 20 million for 1886, but perhaps they should have given them less, too much too early for such a studio, give them less and let them concentrate on gameplay first....It's why I say if Sony ought to give RAD a second chance they should give them 10 million max, all studios are not the same and you have to read this quite early, some studios should be built up to properly use a huge budget like ND, Santa Monica and PD or else they won't know how to properly utilize that cash...If anything, studios should be properly created with great leadership and direction. It's what ND and Santa Monica always had, it's how GG have grown from Killzone 1 etc....
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Are you talking about Steam or Windows store? They are exactly the same thing. If you want to blame different companies for wanting THEIR own products in THEIR own store blame Valve. Nearly every developer is about to start doing this if they aren't already I find it absolutely hilarious PC gamers whinged about never getting games now they get every xbox exclusive we'll that's not good enough because its not on Steam. How's Fortnite just as an example going on steam right now?

My face when Microsoft finally announce this purchase.

What an awful post. You should be embarrassed.


Neo Member
But in case of the development of Obsidian it's definitely for the best. Curious, will it really lose "personality" if it can be said like this.
Pot, meet kettle.
You should be embarrassed too.
I enjoy games on any platform, any other words of wisdom you want to share? That includes different storefronts for upcoming games like Fallout 76.

If a game is enjoyable it's enjoyable. Trolls don't post on forums to discuss the actual content, it's always something else with an agenda behind it.
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I enjoy games on any platform, any other words of wisdom you want to share? That includes different storefronts for upcoming games like Fallout 76.
If a game is enjoyable it's enjoyable. Too bad trolls have different agendas.
Yeah, I'm a trolling dipshit because I expect a comparable feature set from competing storefronts and I also want modding in games coming from a company deeply rooted in modding.
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Yeah, I'm a trolling dipshit because I expect a comparable feature set from competing storefronts and I also want modding in games coming from a company deeply rooted in modding.

Oh yes, there's that "something". Oh no, I can't enjoy a game unless I mod it! How embarrassing.

And if you bought one PS4 or Switch game then you're the biggest hypocrite there is.


Oh yes, there's that "something". Oh no, I can't enjoy a game unless I mod it! How embarrassing.

And if you bought one PS4 or Switch game then you're the biggest hypocrite there is.

You are being extremely disingenious and I suspect you know it.


Oh yes, there's that "something". Oh no, I can't enjoy a game unless I mod it! How embarrassing.

And if you bought one PS4 or Switch game then you're the biggest hypocrite there is.

What the fuck am i reading? How does ps4 and switch fit in with Steam vs UWP?
Got this as a PM. Found it amusing.
Look, MS fanboys have been suffering for the last few years because their favorite corporation didn't fool anyone in 2013.

Now that their propaganda is being backed by the press (have you noticed the amount of fluff pieces lately in preparation for next gen?), they feel enboldened and longing for payback against Sony for their 2013 PR stunt.

As a result, it's all going to be MS - good, Sony - bad leading to late 2019 from now on. And even people who don't care about Sony - like you - are going to be caught in the crossfire.

MS fanboys (and astroturfers) are consistently stirring up shit to convince people that MS are now saints and that sony are the devil, while trying to sound neutral in other threads.

Anybody with a working brain knows that a company like MS buying out development studios en masse is a bad thing for the industry. Just look at the damage their partners EA have already done...

I am not even going to post any of the above on that thread, because I know I would get piled on.

Just ignore these people and/or report posts.
What the fuck am i reading? How does ps4 and switch fit in with Steam vs UWP?

I see once again it went over your head. He is suggesting he can't enjoy a game unless it can have mod support and using that as a 'principle' as to why he can never enjoy a game sold on Windows. It's a joke how someone can just flip a switch and then just enjoy his games on a console. It ALWAYS something with these people who fester on forums. ALWAYS. They just love to bitch about something. If Spiderman is a good game it's a good game. If Octopath Traveler is a good game it's a good game. If Forza Horizon 4 is a good game it's a good game. If Obsidian's next game is good then it's good. So what's the fucking problem again? Oh that's right, now we can't enjoy their next game because it may not be multiplatform or because we can't have mod support or because...Blah blah blah blah.

The root of all of this is he just doesn't like Microsoft. Just like you and your nonsense. The games themselves are just collateral damage now. So this shitty attitude festers on the forums. One that you's can no longer be excited to see what Obsidian may do next. Nope, the world is now going to end dammit and everyone needs to hear me!

While this goes on page after page the real meat to all of this is the developer. One the trolls don't want to even entertain which is what do THEY want to do? Who gives a shit what we think, it's their livelihood so if they partner with Microsoft then you don't have a say in the matter. It's their decision and they, NOT YOU, know what's best for them. So if you are actually fans of Obsidian then you will support them and put your petty personal shit aside. But trolls can't do that, they refuse to do that.

Got this as a PM. Found it amusing.

Folks, this is what happens when you take a fun hobby and let it consume you.
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The reason why some people do not like MS is because MS did a lot of really stupid shit. There is nothing weird or wrong about that.

Now, MS is doing some stuff better now, finally. I like the fact that they finally, after 15 years of pretending otherwise, decided to consider Windows to be their second gaming platform and support it as well. Now, it would be nice if they could also make Windows Store into not being total diarrheic shit so anyone would actually like to use it, but baby steps.


Are you talking about Steam or Windows store? They are exactly the same thing.

No they aren't. Steam sells games as classic win32 programs, which can be modded, tweaked, fixed and improved by the community without the aid or permission of Microsoft and the developer.

This isn't true for WinStore games, which are sold as locked down encrypted UWP apps. This kills most of the perks that PC gaming has compared to console gaming.


I don't know why people act like dev acquisitions are so terrible. It's a voluntary business arrangement between two parties who view it as a means to help them to thrive in a competitive marketplace, by joining forces. Maybe it will work out and maybe it won't, but nobody has a gun up to their head here.

As a Game Pass subscriber I hope MS adds loads more devs to their team, so I can experience their content. There is nothing immoral about the devs deciding to move under MS's umbrella for financial protection and resources or my wanting them to so I can play their games on my platform of choice.

I get that it can be upsetting to "lose" a developer to another console manufacturer, because in some cases it means you won't be able to enjoy their creative output anymore (buying multiple consoles isn't financially feasible for everyone). But at the end of the day these are all businesses which must make profits and hedge their bets along the way.


Microsoft will not be interested to develop games like Pillars of Eternity, so I don't want them to buy Obsidian. There are plenty of other game studios that would fit Microsofts needs (and the Xbox fans needs too). For example Crytek it would be a lot more interesting buy for them.


Gold Member
I don't see why people bother responding to console warriors with anything but ridicule or lampooning. You know they're just baiting you, don't you? Don't waste your energy.
Microsoft will not be interested to develop games like Pillars of Eternity, so I don't want them to buy Obsidian. There are plenty of other game studios that would fit Microsofts needs (and the Xbox fans needs too). For example Crytek it would be a lot more interesting buy for them.

Crytek is likely going to be more expensive than they are worth. We have no idea if Obsidian will be doing more games like Pillars even without Microsoft being involved. Obviously if they are looking for an acquisition deal then maybe Pillars and the other games they do just isn't profitable enough and that's the predicament they are in. It's very easy to blame 'big money' for ruining their identity but we are seeing a different Microsoft, one that some obviously either don't believe or want to believe. Obsidian has already gone through many issues like cancelled games and people leaving. It's almost like some would rather they just stop making games completely rather than being with Microsoft. It's so bizarre. One of the main founders already left in 2015. So all is not well there.

I don't know why people act like dev acquisitions are so terrible. It's a voluntary business arrangement between two parties who view it as a means to help them to thrive in a competitive marketplace, by joining forces. Maybe it will work out and maybe it won't, but nobody has a gun up to their head here.

As a Game Pass subscriber I hope MS adds loads more devs to their team, so I can experience their content. There is nothing immoral about the devs deciding to move under MS's umbrella for financial protection and resources or my wanting them to so I can play their games on my platform of choice.

I get that it can be upsetting to "lose" a developer to another console manufacturer, because in some cases it means you won't be able to enjoy their creative output anymore (buying multiple consoles isn't financially feasible for everyone). But at the end of the day these are all businesses which must make profits and hedge their bets along the way.

At the end of the day this is a profit driven business and PC players, more so than console players I imagine, seem to sometimes forget that.


Microsoft will not be interested to develop games like Pillars of Eternity, so I don't want them to buy Obsidian. There are plenty of other game studios that would fit Microsofts needs (and the Xbox fans needs too). For example Crytek it would be a lot more interesting buy for them.

If MS is going to fully integrate PC support into Game Pass (which is inevitable right?), this might be an attempt to reach more traditionally PC oriented gamers and draw them into the service. Just pure speculation about a rumor, haha.


I hope not. Obsidian Entertainment should stay Independent. I fear for the out come if they dont. Great games like pillars of eternity and Tyranny will fall by the way side and never be heard from again in there original form. Stay with Fig. The market is there 4.4 mil to get POE released says it all.
Look mum, someone said I should be embarrassed on the internet because I don't agree with he's ideals!

You're letting this affect you way to much, and posting thelastwords PM was just the gold on top.
Not because you don't agree with me but the fact that you're going to be laughing at all the upset hardcore RPG/Obsidian fans (presumably not including you) when a mega corporation acquires them. The mental gymnastics that lead to someone applauding less choice, especially when we're talking about basically hijacking platform neutral studios and intellectual properties that used to be multiplatform, must be some sort of mental disorder.

Anyone that isn't a completely insane or 12 years old wanting to get a couple over Sony would be embarrassed of that kind of post and I hope one day, you will be too. I've said this earlier but I hope you lot are stockholders because at least I'd be able to understand the logic behind people actually applauding this shit and pushing for more (Japanese studios).
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Not because you don't agree with me but the fact that you're going to be laughing at all the upset hardcore RPG/Obsidian fans (presumably not including you) when a mega corporation acquires them. The mental gymnastics that lead to someone applauding less choice, especially when we're talking about basically hijacking platform neutral studios and intellectual properties that used to be multiplatform, must be some sort of mental disorder.

Anyone that isn't a completely insane or 12 years old wanting to get a couple over Sony would be embarrassed of that kind of post and I hope one day, you will be too. I've said this earlier but I hope you lot are stockholders because at least I'd be able to understand the logic behind people actually applauding this shit and pushing for more (Japanese studios).

And again with you and the dramatics. Some of the key members of the studio already left. Guess what, those that did went on to create another studio. Did the world end? What is it with people like you who seem to relish in negativity every day? There are HUNDREDS of games being made each year so stop acting like you're so hard done by. If you truly are a fan of Obsidian you will support them wherever they go. They are the ones trying to feed their families, not you. They know what's best for their future, not you. Did Microsoft force the acquisition with Ninja Theory? No they did not so if you are a fan of theirs you will keep supporting them too.

You need to relax pal and start enjoying the games and stop fixating on everything else. You've become an extremist who feels like you have to pollute the forums as much as possible to get the word out. Obsidian continuing to do what they love is what's important, not your history with Microsoft.


So getting back on topic, are there any new rumors as to who Microsoft might be interested in acquiring? Is Obsidian still believed to be at Target?
So getting back on topic, are there any new rumors as to who Microsoft might be interested in acquiring? Is Obsidian still believed to be at Target?

Why Microsoft bought Ninja Theory

"It's not about filling a spreadsheet by any means. We will, however, have an interest in studios right now that fit this criteria of 50 to 100 people, who are making games on a two to three year cadence, and have content that we think will be of interest to our Game Pass subscribers. That means content that is a little different to what our big AAA franchises can deliver."

That gives you an idea of who they want.


Well that was an intense read!

There's pros and cons to anything as in this case.

It's always sad when multiplatform ips get locked to a single console I.e Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Bayonetta etc.

Obsidian are a strong studio and will be an asset to whoever acquires them.
Sorry for the bump but this might be relevant:


Yeah, I know it's Kotaku but while Schreier's "non-investigative" content is ...mediocre at best, his "investigative" content seems pretty solid most of the time.

Can't wait for the official announcement from MS at their X018 event next month. Hopefully Obsidian is given a ton of cash and free reign to create their most epic RPG yet. That would be a Next Xbox system seller.


There is no question that Obsidian has lost a few steps, but with the right backing, they could get back on track.

This is good news!
This is practically a thing now, and I think that this is the largest studio acquisition of any first party. Hopefully people won't downplay this, this is huge!

Sorry for the bump but this might be relevant:


Yeah, I know it's Kotaku but while Schreier's "non-investigative" content is ...mediocre at best, his "investigative" content seems pretty solid most of the time.

Schreier may be an SJW hack but he gets his information correct most of the time. All but confirmed at this point.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
This is practically a thing now, and I think that this is the largest studio acquisition of any first party. Hopefully people won't downplay this, this is huge!

Schreier may be an SJW hack but he gets his information correct most of the time. All but confirmed at this point.

Buying Rare was bigger I would think 🤔.


I'm generally also in the camp of this being good news and Obsidian finally getting a proper budget. But I also realise why some might worry about Microsoft, even with their new (and seemingly reasonable) management.
Obsidian with good direction would be epic. Though I am a bit hesitant to celebrate yet since Microsoft has a history of buying a company in name but gutting the people who made that company special in the first place. Katrina Garsten and Chris Avellone already left this year. It could be another repeat of Rare.


How is it gonna be good ? They'll probably just force them to make some dumbed down awesome action RPG if they put a lot of $$ into it, as they'll need to recoup that money from all the sales to kiddies & casuals that wouldn't go near a proper cRPG.


How is it gonna be good ? They'll probably just force them to make some dumbed down awesome action RPG if they put a lot of $$ into it, as they'll need to recoup that money from all the sales to kiddies & casuals that wouldn't go near a proper cRPG.

Lot of speculations, nothing factual. We don’t know what they plan on developing but it seems Microsoft may be copying Sony’s model of success, by diversifying their library. Especially if they want gamepass to have a little bit of everything from various genres, Netflix does the same thing.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Glad to see MS is doing this. This will go a long way for their first party. No doubt this will give Obsidian a security blanket to allow for more creativity.

The only downside is that it likely means Obsidian won’t be able to develop another Fallout.
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While it's good for gamers that MS is continuing to bring the competitive heat, I just cannot figure why gaming still matters to them. It's a rounding error in their business.

Oh well.
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