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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)


Having been into the hobby for a little over a year now, I have done some reflection on what kind of a hobbyist I am, actually. Thus far I have collected, painted and played with three different armies in two games. Space Marines and Tyranids for Warhammer 40k and Circle Orboros for Warmachine / Hordes. What I have learned about myself is that:

On collecting and painting

I love collecting buying miniatures. Can't help it. I'm hooked on getting new plastic.

I love painting miniatures so much it has pretty much killed video games for me. I am still surprised how much this hobby took over my spare time. When I bought my first paints I thought I'll give this a try and maybe paint a mini or two.

I'm also surprised I could actually learn to paint something that arguably doesn't look like utter shit (the usual self esteem issues), and that I could improve my skills and that I continue to be willing to practice and slowly get better and better.

On wargaming

I am not a competitive player and generally don't care if I win or lose, if the game is fun and not terribly one-sided.

I don't get excited over rules and stats. When I think of what minis would be cool additions to let's say my Tyranid army, the codex entry is pretty much the last place I look at.

I love seeing the minis I have painted with my own hands go against someone else's army. I would not want to buy or play an army painted by someone else (even if it looked a lot better).

How about you Miniature-GAF? What kind of hobbyist you are?


Having been into the hobby for a little over a year now, I have done some reflection on what kind of a hobbyist I am, actually. Thus far I have collected, painted and played with three different armies in two games. Space Marines and Tyranids for Warhammer 40k and Circle Orboros for Warmachine / Hordes. What I have learned about myself is that:

On collecting and painting

I love collecting buying miniatures. Can't help it. I'm hooked on getting new plastic.

I love painting miniatures so much it has pretty much killed video games for me. I am still surprised how much this hobby took over my spare time. When I bought my first paints I thought I'll give this a try and maybe paint a mini or two.

I'm also surprised I could actually learn to paint something that arguably doesn't look like utter shit (the usual self esteem issues), and that I could improve my skills and that I continue to be willing to practice and slowly get better and better.

On wargaming

I am not a competitive player and generally don't care if I win or lose, if the game is fun and not terribly one-sided.

I don't get excited over rules and stats. When I think of what minis would be cool additions to let's say my Tyranid army, the codex entry is pretty much the last place I look at.

I love seeing the minis I have painted with my own hands go against someone else's army. I would not want to buy or play an army painted by someone else (even if it looked a lot better).

How about you Miniature-GAF? What kind of hobbyist you are?

helps that you're a great painter!

I'd say I'm similar to you - I enjoy the actual gaming, but collecting cool lookin' minis is more my thing.

I recently got The Walking Dead: All Out War and Imperial Assault, so I'm going to give painting another go. I just hope I can get a decent job on the skin, which is what caused me to give up on painting guild ball
I'm more into playing the games, so many unpainted minis. I've painted alot and do like it, just seems I got no time ever for it anymore, but still try to squeeze in games.

Li Kao

I don't know what happened, I got in town to get a Start Collecting Malignants box and to discover a new shop, and lo and behold, these fuckers have a contract with GW and can sell web exclusives too.
So I finally got Spire of Dawn and my day went super costly.

I think I may go a little overboard on the collecting front ( 'O_O)

In other news the little Necron fleas are finished and I think they look really good. Not bad for someone who generally isn't nearly satisfied with his work. Tonight the troopers should be good and I will be able to focus on the Overlord and the vehicle.
Please excuse the campy voice, but I uploaded a new video to my channel showing off my Lord Celestant :)

I hope you like it, if you like AoS please give my channel a subscribe :D

I don't know what happened, I got in town to get a Start Collecting Malignants box and to discover a new shop, and lo and behold, these fuckers have a contract with GW and can sell web exclusives too.
So I finally got Spire of Dawn and my day went super costly.

I think I may go a little overboard on the collecting front ( 'O_O)

In other news the little Necron fleas are finished and I think they look really good. Not bad for someone who generally isn't nearly satisfied with his work. Tonight the troopers should be good and I will be able to focus on the Overlord and the vehicle.

The Spire of Dawn kit is fantastic value for money. I've still got most of those minis unassembled from when it was the Warhammer starter set from like 2010/2011 or whenever it came out!
I am a painter first and foremost but do enjoy the gaming aspect whenever I can. I have always been drawn to smaller games like Space Hulk, Silver Tower, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, ect. instead of the larger scale tabletop battles. They are much cheaper and easier to organize/play and do not require huge amounts of space to store.

Something like my Zombicide project allows a bit of both though, which is a happy medium for me.


Some friends started picking up DC and Marvel minatures, and since Warmachine is currently disappointing me, I've picked up a few things to play as well. It will be interesting to paint since all the named heroes have quite distinct color schemes, and I can't really go off book.

I'll try to get some pics as I put stuff together tonight.

I think I'm going to start with Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing, and a few generic plant henchmen.
helps that you're a great painter!

I'd say I'm similar to you - I enjoy the actual gaming, but collecting cool lookin' minis is more my thing.

I recently got The Walking Dead: All Out War and Imperial Assault, so I'm going to give painting another go. I just hope I can get a decent job on the skin, which is what caused me to give up on painting guild ball

Thanks for the compliment! I feel like the person most amazed by my minis is I myself. This might sound a bit melodramatic and low self esteemish, but have never quite been "good" in anything that involves doing or making stuff with my hands. Quite the opposite, really. I'm also generally a nervous person and I get stressed easily, but I have found painting miniatures helps me feel calm. I often tell myself "I can't believe I painted this" when I manage to pull something off.

I'm more into playing the games, so many unpainted minis. I've painted alot and do like it, just seems I got no time ever for it anymore, but still try to squeeze in games.

I have tried to stick to buying more only when I have painted the stuff I have, but haven't succeeded 100% lol. When our baby arrives (very soon!) I'll probably be just buying stuff.

I don't know what happened, I got in town to get a Start Collecting Malignants box and to discover a new shop, and lo and behold, these fuckers have a contract with GW and can sell web exclusives too.
So I finally got Spire of Dawn and my day went super costly.

I think I may go a little overboard on the collecting front ( 'O_O)

In other news the little Necron fleas are finished and I think they look really good. Not bad for someone who generally isn't nearly satisfied with his work. Tonight the troopers should be good and I will be able to focus on the Overlord and the vehicle.

Post pics! I'm sure they look cool!

Please excuse the campy voice, but I uploaded a new video to my channel showing off my Lord Celestant :)

I hope you like it, if you like AoS please give my channel a subscribe :D

The Spire of Dawn kit is fantastic value for money. I've still got most of those minis unassembled from when it was the Warhammer starter set from like 2010/2011 or whenever it came out!

Oh, didn't know you had a channel. Subbed!

I've actually been looking at some Age of Sigmar minis lately, but the small group of people I play with are very soured on it. Don't know if I'd find anyone to play with. That being said, I feel like buying some Wood Elves and a few Sylvaneth to company them. (No idea about the rules and army compositions though.)

I am a painter first and foremost but do enjoy the gaming aspect whenever I can. I have always been drawn to smaller games like Space Hulk, Silver Tower, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, ect. instead of the larger scale tabletop battles. They are much cheaper and easier to organize/play and do not require huge amounts of space to store.

Something like my Zombicide project allows a bit of both though, which is a happy medium for me.

I can see myself going this route if the local meta dwindles when 8th edition comes.

Some friends started picking up DC and Marvel minatures, and since Warmachine is currently disappointing me, I've picked up a few things to play as well. It will be interesting to paint since all the named heroes have quite distinct color schemes, and I can't really go off book.

I'll try to get some pics as I put stuff together tonight.

I think I'm going to start with Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing, and a few generic plant henchmen.

How is Warmachine disappointing for you? I'm asking because I never got into it fully it seems. I made my 10 point list and then just repeatedly when "meh" when trying to order more minis. For me it seems like it is a game where (compared to 40k) you have to put much more effort in to find it enjoyable. The game just stressed me out and I found that's not what I want from this hobby. :(
How about you Miniature-GAF? What kind of hobbyist you are?

Collector > Painter > Player

I have amassed an enormous collection of miniatures from multiple board games, Reaper, Dwarven Forge, and GW. I love getting new minis. Sometimes they sit on my shelf untouched for years but I don't really care. I just enjoy having them and knowing that I have just about anything I need within reach for any game I want to play. Need a new D&D character, well I have about 100 different minis to choose from and I almost guarantee I have a decent looking one for whatever race/class combination you want. (And if not, I'm buying that fucker tomorrow!)

I also really enjoy painting but it's clearly second to collecting for me. I find it incredibly relaxing and satisfying when I finish a mini. There's something I don't get from other hobbies (i.e. video games) when I can look at a finished mini and say "I did that". Granted, there's a few of my early paint jobs that I've shamefully locked away in a drawer that I plan on eventually redoing. But that phase was pretty short lived after discovering some good Youtube painting guides and figuring out some good techniques (dry brushing, Citadel shade paints > most washes, painting in-to-out, wet palette, highlighting, etc.).

After that, I like playing Age of Sigmar and a handful of miniature-based board games and sometimes D&D. But that's about it. I can't stand competitive play for the most part. I don't play at my local shop even though I work there part time for the employee discount. There's too many assholes who want to win rather than have fun. I find it way more fun to throw two giant armies against each other and just see what happens rather than getting into the rules minutiae of squeezing each ounce of power out a points list to beat someone up with.


How is Warmachine disappointing for you? I'm asking because I never got into it fully it seems. I made my 10 point list and then just repeatedly when "meh" when trying to order more minis. For me it seems like it is a game where (compared to 40k) you have to put much more effort in to find it enjoyable. The game just stressed me out and I found that's not what I want from this hobby. :(

Not quite sure what you mean about putting effort in. I do(did?) think it's more competitive than Warhammer 40k, and naturally draws players who want a tighter ruleset, who are also somewhat more serious about playing.

As for why I'm personally disappointed, it's 75% that Privateer Press are terrible about how they communicate, and 25% annoyance with the actual changes they've made. They invalidated a large swath of models I owned, and keep in mind I had 3 and a half full factions. They also nerfed the main thing I enjoyed, which was recursion. I could get into specifics but that's the 25%.

The rest is that this entire edition change is super shady to me. They keep claiming they playtested this for like 3 years, but there were a ton of glaring errors that got through. Then they announced they were going to do more frequent "live" updates, instead of a yearly errata, and it just feels like this is a beta test, but they didn't want to announce it as such because it hurts sales when things are in flux. They are also misleading in how they phrase a lot of things, like they're trying to hype players so they keep playing, but it inevitably leads to more disappointments.

The recent thing was the Feb update where they changed the Scarsfell griffon. To put this in perspective for others who are reading, the Circle faction has 3 griffons that are similar in cost, but have different abilities. One of them had an ability that let it operate further away form it's army, which was more useful than what the other two griffons had. The last update removes that ability. It wasn't changed or replaced at all. Just flat out gone now, which makes that griffon less useful. This is problematic for a few reasons. One is that it was pretty popular, and a lot of people bought the maximum field allowance of them. That's all wasted money now. Their line of reasoning was also extremely aggravating. A balance pass was totally reasonable, but they tried to frame this nerf as making the other griffons more valuable, which is horseshit. They should have made the other two griffons a bit better instead. I really hate when they remove what makes something unique, instead of simply buffing the models that nobody uses.
I find it way more fun to throw two giant armies against each other and just see what happens rather than getting into the rules minutiae of squeezing each ounce of power out a points list to beat someone up with.


Not quite sure what you mean about putting effort in. I do(did?) think it's more competitive than Warhammer 40k, and naturally draws players who want a tighter ruleset, who are also somewhat more serious about playing.

I feel like all of the matches I played were resolved by me doing one early game mistake (activation order, not boosting in the right spot, attacking the wrong unit, miscalculating fury, etc.), which ended up the rest of the match me just playing along knowing I had already lost. Or I would just freeze when it was my turn because I was so afraid of making said mistakes. This lead to each every match being just me stressing out and not enjoying the game. It didn't help the guys I played against had way more matches behind them and would often want to use a timer.

Basically I found I enjoy more casual and forgiving games.

And yeah, I bought a Scarsfell too.
Regarding fun vs winning, I have two (well, three now) 40k armies for exactly that reason. Sometimes I want to have fun by writing up a really good list, optimised for a certain style of play and apply my tactics to a battle, so I play my Space Wolves. I run Wulfen and Arjac's formation and drop pod Wolf Guard and it is glorious, as long as my opponent is expecting a hard fight.

Other times I want to have fun by giving my opponent interesting obstacles to overcome, so I play Orks. Everyone loves sweeping my army off the board by the armful while at the same time shitting themselves at the green tide bearing down on them. I want to be rolling dice by the box full and having things going horribly wrong at every turn.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with wanting casual or "fun" games. It's just unfortunate if you have an inflexible meta when you're the outlier. I know there are some people locally who drove new players back out of the game because they just had to drop their super serious tournament list every time.

I always ask players if they want a game to be tournament practice, or just casual. I have a little trouble with casual cause I natually want to min/max, so I usually have to restrict my list-building somehow. Like an all Solo army, or all medium bases, or all Characters.

At this point, I'm just waiting for an opportunity to sell my Warmachine stuff, I think.
What would you guys like to see added to your armies/games of choice?

Orks really need a new release soon, I think all we had in the entirety of last year was the new flyer (which is ok) and a repackaged Grukk Facerippa/Nobz squad.

There's so much stuff dropped from old editions I'd love to see make a revamped return for the Orks. I'd love to see a return of the Snakebites, Boarboyz in particular. GW have come such a long way since the last miniatures were released that I think they'd look incredible. Hell chuck in Zodgrod Wartsnagga while giving the Snakebites some love and bring his Supa-Runts along.

(Which reminds me, I need to get back to making my Grot Renegade army - Killa Kans, Big Gunz, Grot Tanks, a few squads of Grots and a Warboss which totally isn't a bunch of Gretchin stood on top of each other.)

Then there's characters like Wazdakka who'd not only make a great model but would be a brilliant named character for biker-heavy armies.
What would you guys like to see added to your armies/games of choice?

Orks really need a new release soon, I think all we had in the entirety of last year was the new flyer (which is ok) and a repackaged Grukk Facerippa/Nobz squad.

There's so much stuff dropped from old editions I'd love to see make a revamped return for the Orks. I'd love to see a return of the Snakebites, Boarboyz in particular. GW have come such a long way since the last miniatures were released that I think they'd look incredible. Hell chuck in Zodgrod Wartsnagga while giving the Snakebites some love and bring his Supa-Runts along.

Then there's characters like Wazdakka who'd not only make a great model but would be a brilliant named character for biker-heavy armies.

I can't wait to see how the 8th edition will turn out.

For my Ultramarines, I'd want to see tactical marines and even more so terminators make a comeback (not talking about Gladius and stuff where tacts are run because formation bonuses) in favour of stuff I personally don't like, mainly bikes and centurions. I don't like Space Marine armies where the iconic tacticals are nowhere to be seen, and I love Terminators, but taking them means I am asking for trouble in the local meta. I'd also like to have a reason not to pick grav every time, because I like the more iconic guns plasma, melta and flamer. Oh, and I'd love for my Land Raider not to be a deathtrap poins sink that gets usually destroyed turn one, while other armies have whatever invu saves and it will not dies on their "monstrous creatures" that are clearly vehicles if you look at them.

For Tyranids, well I don't know. Some other options besides Flyrant for my HQ slots. Again, this has a lot to do with the semi competitive / competitive local meta.
Oh, and I'd love for my Land Raider not to be a deathtrap poins sink that gets usually destroyed turn one, while other armies have whatever invu saves and it will not dies on their "monstrous creatures" that are clearly vehicles if you look at them.

So much this. It makes me wonder if dreadnoughts and the likes will be going that way in the future, rolling against armour values is easy mode compared to rolling against toughness, then armour/cover/invulnerable saves, then Feel No Pain and even then having no chance of explosions/instant death.
I mainly collect and paint Blood Angels, Ultra Marines, Eldar, and Tyranids. Honestly, each one of these factions is spoiled for choice.

I have a few squads of the following as well:

Grey Knights
Genestealer Cult
Sisters Of Battle

I guess I would like new and improved plastic IG kits of the unique armies they used to have, or entirely new armies.

Li Kao

Just yesterday I bought a box of Judicators because it was definitely out of stock at GW. Today I read that next week they will put out a new box with 10 more Judicators for just a little more.
Saying I'm jelly would be underselling it.

PS. Necrons are advancing nicely, I'm now able to focus on the vehicle and overlord. Will definitely post a pic :)
It's just unfortunate if you have an inflexible meta when you're the outlier. I know there are some people locally who drove new players back out of the game because they just had to drop their super serious tournament list every time.

Apparently I accidentally did this today. We were supposed to have a 2v2, 850 pt each AoS match today but only one other guy showed up. I've played him before and he has a pretty good Dwarven army built around artillery (it wiped the floor with my Orruks last time).

Well, I actually just threw some stuff together like 5 minutes before going out the door. My list was:

5x Liberators w/ Grandhammer
5x Liberators w/ Grandblade
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur

840 points

It was a slaughter. Apparently this list is either really good and I got insanely lucky because by the end of the match I was up on points, had wiped out nearly all of his units, and only lost one unit of Liberators. I felt so bad while simultaneously doing a little dance because this is actually the first game I won at the shop (I'm like 1-11 now!).
Happened to me too. I know the local meta can also make you a bit speed blind. When I built my Tyranid army, I went two Flyrants without even thinking it's cheesy or even very strong. Then I was playing one newer guy at the store and one spectator said "oh, two fliers" with ice cold voice. It was bit of a one sided match too as the other guy had pretty soft list.

Now I'm playng the same guy tomorrow, but we have swiched sides. He's bringing Tyranids and I'm bringing Ultramarines. I don't know how to build my list lol.
Just yesterday I bought a box of Judicators because it was definitely out of stock at GW. Today I read that next week they will put out a new box with 10 more Judicators for just a little more.
Saying I'm jelly would be underselling it.

Ditto XD I bought a box of 5 too...


Painted these guys up this week, just finished 'em this morning.

Pre-ordered the limited edition Stormcast battletome and some Gryph-Hounds too :)


I just ordered some new bird chaos dudes and I am back in. Gonna have to set some pointing goals. I have the Silver Tower dudes and I got another unit of Tzangors and the 3 person elite unit on discs. Should be enough to put together a fun little army. Once I get them painted up I will get a Shaman on a disc and some more Tzangors cause I love the models. Eventually I want a big ol bird dude, but I am gonna try to get the meat of this painted up before throwing down the 100+$. So now I will have lots of unpainted Sigmarines, the chaos from the starter box, and the big ghoul box with some added stuff. Lord help me.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with wanting casual or "fun" games. It's just unfortunate if you have an inflexible meta when you're the outlier. I know there are some people locally who drove new players back out of the game because they just had to drop their super serious tournament list every time.

I always ask players if they want a game to be tournament practice, or just casual. I have a little trouble with casual cause I natually want to min/max, so I usually have to restrict my list-building somehow. Like an all Solo army, or all medium bases, or all Characters.

At this point, I'm just waiting for an opportunity to sell my Warmachine stuff, I think.

FWIW, I got chased out of Warmachine after playing it for a couple of years. It definitely attracts a very competitive crowd around here. Also the rules lend themselves to being competitive. Even when my brother and I would try to have fun casual games they would naturally turn into slugfests. I feel like it has the competitive spirit of something like Magic. They big issue is cost+time investment for assembling and painting, the time it takes to play a game, and the fact that you can totally know you are going to lose from pretty early on in a game. Card games usually take about 20-40 mins to play and all you have to do is shuffle your deck. Warmachine was 2-3 hours including set-up and that is a lot of time and effort to have a bad time.

This is most likely why I fully embraced the Age of Sigmar play for fun ruleset. Also I can play solo AoS for narrative fun and Warmachine just never seemed to work like that.

Keep in mind though I played Warmachine with dudes who actually won national tourneys and stuff. They were brutal.
The tournament scene is something to get used to for sure. Warhammer 40k tournaments were always a sight to behold watching grown men verbally tear each other apart over rule issues while trying to argue the greatness of their armies using fluff as gospel.

I miss competitive miniatures. The game I always played competitively was Flames of War.


The tournament scene is something to get used to for sure. Warhammer 40k tournaments were always a sight to behold watching grown men verbally tear each other apart over rule issues while trying to argue the greatness of their armies using fluff as gospel.

I miss competitive miniatures. The game I always played competitively was Flames of War.

The Flames of War dudes near me seem chill as all hell. Just some old dudes who want to watch dice blow things up. I don't think I have ever seen them get heated.
Spot the Seeker zombie!


All 16 finished today. No blood will be applied to any zombies until everything is finished.


When I have everything done, I'm going to do a little write up on what each one of these zombies does in terms of gameplay. These Seekers are unpredictable and dangerous.
Aaaand 4 more VIPs down. I still have 12 more of these to do. 4x each of punk rocker, butcher, and trench coat guy. But I liked these construction workers the best out of the rest.



FWIW, I got chased out of Warmachine after playing it for a couple of years. It definitely attracts a very competitive crowd around here. Also the rules lend themselves to being competitive. Even when my brother and I would try to have fun casual games they would naturally turn into slugfests. I feel like it has the competitive spirit of something like Magic. They big issue is cost+time investment for assembling and painting, the time it takes to play a game, and the fact that you can totally know you are going to lose from pretty early on in a game. Card games usually take about 20-40 mins to play and all you have to do is shuffle your deck. Warmachine was 2-3 hours including set-up and that is a lot of time and effort to have a bad time.

This is most likely why I fully embraced the Age of Sigmar play for fun ruleset. Also I can play solo AoS for narrative fun and Warmachine just never seemed to work like that.

Keep in mind though I played Warmachine with dudes who actually won national tourneys and stuff. They were brutal.

What? I've never heard of this!
I feel like this picture is missing way too many models

These are just the VIPs I have finished. There will be 40 total when all is said and done.

There are also:

Zombicide Numbers & Progress (painted)

Regular Zombies
Walkers - 68 (32)
Runners - 28 (20)
Fatties - 14 (10)
Abominations - 2 (2)

Toxic Zombies (All Painted)
Walkers - 16
Runners - 8
Fatties - 4
Abominations - 1

Berserker Zombies (All Painted)
Walkers - 16
Runners - 8
Fatties - 4
Abominations - 1

Skinner Zombies
Walkers - 40
Runners - 16
Fatties - 8
Crawlers - 15
Abominations - 1

Seeker Zombies - 18 (All Painted)

Zombie Birds - 15 (All Painted)

Zombie Dogs - 20

Zombivors - 33 (7)

Survivors - 33 (7)

Companions - 8

Dog Companions - 6

VIP Zombies - 40 (28)

Probably going to finish off the regular zombie runners and fatties, then move on to skinners. The zombie dogs will be my "break" from skinners. I'll also paint up more survivors/zombivors as the mood strikes me. Player dogs and companions are pretty high on my priority list as well.


Everyone has their own experience. That was mine. Warmachine certainly has the tightest rule set of any miniatures game I have played. Not sure about the new edition though, I only played during the original and mk.2.

nono, the bolded bit. Age of Sigmar solo.

Please tell me more, I'm itching to get some skaven/nurgle and some sylvaneth. Solo might push me over to build a couple of little skirmish armies


Unconfirmed Member
These are just the VIPs I have finished. There will be 40 total when all is said and done.

There are also:

Zombicide Numbers & Progress (painted)

Regular Zombies
Walkers - 68 (32)
Runners - 28 (20)
Fatties - 14 (10)
Abominations - 2 (2)

Toxic Zombies (All Painted)
Walkers - 16
Runners - 8
Fatties - 4
Abominations - 1

Berserker Zombies (All Painted)
Walkers - 16
Runners - 8
Fatties - 4
Abominations - 1

Skinner Zombies
Walkers - 40
Runners - 16
Fatties - 8
Crawlers - 15
Abominations - 1

Seeker Zombies - 18 (All Painted)

Zombie Birds - 15 (All Painted)

Zombie Dogs - 20

Zombivors - 33 (7)

Survivors - 33 (7)

Companions - 8

Dog Companions - 6

VIP Zombies - 40 (28)

Probably going to finish off the regular zombie runners and fatties, then move on to skinners. The zombie dogs will be my "break" from skinners. I'll also paint up more survivors/zombivors as the mood strikes me. Player dogs and companions are pretty high on my priority list as well.

Really impressive. Are you going to varnish all of them?
Love the stylistic choice you've made with your minis there Eskimo, they look awesome all together with that monochrome/vibrant look.

Everyone has their own experience. That was mine. Warmachine certainly has the tightest rule set of any miniatures game I have played. Not sure about the new edition though, I only played during the original and mk.2.

I think he was just talking about the part he bolded, about solo AoS.

I've decided that since my Tau are collected and assembled that my Orks and Imperial misc need some love, so I've just ordered another five Legion of the Damned to go with the five I already have and five Flash Gitz with Badrukk.

I'm planning on writing up a couple of ork lists absolutely rammed with dakka. The idea is I want to give the impression of a fairly standard ork force but have it stop short of charging and unleash an unbelievable amount of firepower. Lootas, flash gitz, shoota boyz etc, with some cheap battlewagons to clog up incoming fire with a bit of AV14.

As for Legion of the Damned, well who doesn't like deep striking, cover-ignoring, slow and purposeful, multi-melta carrying, rapid firing, fearless, fear-causing, 3+ invulnerable having ghost space marines?
Really impressive. Are you going to varnish all of them?

Sure thing!

It goes: Paint, matte varnish, then blood (Tamiya red x27 mixed with a spot of black wash = the best blood ever! Dab it out a bit, let it get sticky and gross then dab to apply with the shittiest brush you own). This way the blood stays glossy and looks extra gorey. Adding blood is my favorite part. It's just so satisfying and really makes the zombies pop. The red blood will also help further unify all the different zombie types.
Love the stylistic choice you've made with your minis there Eskimo, they look awesome all together with that monochrome/vibrant look

Thnk you for the compliment. It goes a long way. This is the only place I am sharing this project and a little encouragement goes a long way.

So far this project is going better than I could've hoped. Everything from concept, test models, to cohesion between all the seperate parts has been 100% on point. It has also been an exercise in divorcing my mind from painting "the perfect miniature", which is all I have really gone for in the past. This whole thing is all about style and functionality. I am going to apply this new thought process to many of my upcoming projects.

They look fantastic on the board. The end goal is a marathon Zombicide campaign played with the same 4-6 people with everything available in the game. It's the ultimate end goal!
So, I'm going ahead and moving into my second and third painting projects, after Last Night on Earth, which turned out to my liking..

Fury of Dracula, with 5 minis, will be a cinch..

And I think the 5 Adrenaline figures will work out alright with some slight difficulty, using the same methods..
.. But it's occurred to me that I might want to start using a different priming method for larger miniatures, particularly when they are assembled and tend to have deep recesses.

I like my Duplicolor Sandable White... I thought that'd be perfect for everything... But what the adrenaline figures show, is that I'm going to have a bit of trouble reaching the deeper recesses, so I'd have to spray like a madman to get every nook, and in doing that, I'd be at risk of losing detail and dealing with having sit through multiple coats.. Priming in black would be great for hiding the deeper recesses, but as long as I'm spraying, it's going to be just as hard to even cover those areas..

I've got some extremely difficult to reach areas that will be difficult to get paint into.. makes me think doing thin, black paint on primer would be a better choice for certain figures...

I've heard of this black gesso which is said to tighten as it dries?

Opened DOOM yesterday, and when I get around to painting these guys, I know the demon's should be primed black, maybe dry brushed white after.. .but I need to get into those deep demon mouths and such.

What do you guys think?

edit: All my paints are already vallejo, so I'm eyeing their Acrylic Black Primer
I've used white, grey, blue (for Ultramarines) and black primer sprays, depending on the mini. If the mini has hard to reach spots, I'd go with black because at least that way those spots will be shaded. Or you could go fancy and prime black from underneath and grey (or white) from above. I've also used black brush-on primer GW sells from missed spots and some small pieces here and there. Trying to get that into those difficult spots could work too I suppose.

Anyone making any progress for the challenge? I am still in waiting for the minis I am going to use, so looks like it's going to be tight again. Seems like the Finnish postal services are real hit and miss lately. Our town's store just got the February issue of White Dwarf last Tuesday!


I might be able to have something ready. I may end up using two miniatures I've already painted and making a double base for them.


nono, the bolded bit. Age of Sigmar solo.

Please tell me more, I'm itching to get some skaven/nurgle and some sylvaneth. Solo might push me over to build a couple of little skirmish armies

OH! Yeah I play AoS solo. There is no hidden information and the narrative of the action is a big part of the game. It gets just as much time in the rulebooks and stuff as the match play stuff. All of the things that can make it a little janky for competitive play make it exciting and amazing for narrative play. Some people are not interested in playing both sides solo but I have lots of experience playing board games solo and AoS really lends itself to it. You have to buy more of coarse but that never seems to be an issue for most people in the hobby, lol! 2 getting started boxes on their own can be a really fun time.
First 5 dogs down. I had to do the blood in order to tie everything together without it the model just looked like dabs of gray lol. I'm pretty happy with them!

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