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Miyamoto: VR is one person putting on some goggles, playing by themselves in a corner


The Birthday Skeleton
All Miyamoto is saying is that the way Nintendo is designing their games doesn't really fit the VR concept from gameplay to control. That doesn't mean that VR is bad or it will be unsuccessful, just it doesn't really fit Nintendo now.

Edit: I think this is also a lesson learned from Wii U to not jump into the boat without paddles again.


He's right but wrong? I think? I don't know how else to put it.

I get what he's saying, but I don't agree with it completely.


He's not wrong when the hold point of VR is strapping a screen to someone's head. You can tell by watching a VR demo that seeing what they are seeing is still not the same as having it on, in fact, that is the biggest defense of the tech that comes up when someone isn't impressed by it, it seems. Add to it that Sony talked about Project Morpheus at E3 and chose to not show anything on stage and you can see why this very much is a product that works better by experiencing it.

That is not to say that people won't find gameplay ideas where outside observers "watching you play" could be part of a gaming experience, but as it's main selling point, it's all about immersing one person into a world by shutting out the outside world. Nothing about that is a social experience, or should I say a local social experience. Playing with people online is one thing, interacting with others in your house is another and as we all know, Nintendo doesn't want a living room experience that is about shutting yourself off from everyone else, at least not as it's main focus.


I understand where he's going with this. The Wii and Wii U are very much social consoles, as was the GCN and N64 (which pioneered the built-in 4 player ports). What he would probably be satisfied with is a console with VR that simultaneously outputs gameplay onto a TV that others can either watch or interact with.

And I suppose he's right about the price point, if the Wii U tablet drives up the price per console, I can just imagine how much head gear would raise it. I personally long for the future of simple, small, VR goggles like Hiro's from Snow Crash.


I agree and I dont think its VR's time yet either. I think AR integration will come to gaming before VR goes mainstream partly because of this reason.

AR has to be very specifically coded for.

Other than tying into a head tracking API and maybe an FOV tweak VR just "works" for most 3D first person games.

It works "better" for games where you are controlling a machine (racers, mech) but we already have loads of games like that.

As far as having loads of games to play, VR is certainly going to get more support than AR in the bear future.

It's a tech that doesn't require a massive user base to justify support.

I do agree that said user base won't be "mainstream" right away, maybe never.. But mainstream games will support VR soon.. Many already do on PC.

What AR glasses are anything but marketing PDF's at this point even for gamin?


I think the bottom line is you had an overly emotional reaction to a reasonable quote but don't want to explain why.

There's nothing overly emotional about disliking what he and Reggie are saying nowadays about VR. This is all coming from the company who basically robbed it's own customers by releasing the awful Virtual Boy twenty years ago. A company who has all but bowed out of the hardware race in the last decade. The company who completely missed the online gaming boat (and still don't seem to grasp the implications of it). They have no room to speak on the matter as far as I'm concerned, let alone criticize the real pioneers in the field(in my opinion of course).


There's nothing overly emotional about disliking what he and Reggie are saying nowadays about VR. This is all coming from the company who basically robbed it's own customers by releasing the awful Virtual Boy twenty years ago. A company who has all but bowed out of the hardware race in the last decade. The company who completely missed the online gaming boat (and still don't seem to grasp the implications of it). They have no room to speak on the matter as far as I'm concerned, let alone criticize the real pioneers in the field(in my opinion of course).

Who did they criticize?


I don't think he's holding the industry back like some people have said, not everyone should adopt VR.

I kind of dislike the idea of couch co-op slowly disappearing for online multiplayer, so I'm down with Nintendo never picking it up and evolving local multiplayer in a different direction. VR has it's own place, but I do not think that it should be a big part of Nintendo's future.


There's nothing overly emotional about disliking what he and Reggie are saying nowadays about VR. This is all coming from the company who basically robbed it's own customers by releasing the awful Virtual Boy twenty years ago. A company who has all but bowed out of the hardware race in the last decade. The company who completely missed the online gaming boat (and still don't seem to grasp the implications of it). They have no room to speak on the matter as far as I'm concerned, let alone criticize the real pioneers in the field(in my opinion of course).
The tone and words of all your posts definitely read like someone who is having an overly emotional, irrational response to a reasonable quote.

I still believe.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I don't think he's holding the industry back, not everyone should adopt VR.

I kind of dislike the idea of couch co-op slowly disappearing for online multiplayer, so I'm down with Nintendo never picking it up and evolving local multiplayer in a different direction. VR has it's own place, and I do not think that it should be a big part of Nintendo's future.

Couch co-op is getting a resurgence with indies on the PS4 at least (and of course with Nintendo consoles usually).


I consider myself very pro-VR and I'm optimistic about what it could do for the medium, but he's not entirely wrong.

Nintendo's always been very big on in-person multiplayer experiences, and VR really isn't their bag.


Couch co-op is getting a resurgence with indies on the PS4 at least.
Which makes me extremely excited. So much fun with Sportsfriends the other day. I personally don't have as much fun playing alone even when I'm with friends online. It's just not for me.


Nintendo isn't doing anything interesting.

They need to stop acting like they are and being stubborn.

Nintendo, please in the purest sense of the word, change.


I've got a DK2 preorder in, but he's correct. It doesn't mean he's saying VR is bad though, it just doesn't tie in with the experiences Nintendo is interested in right now. This is a lot of fuss over very little.


Nintendo saw the writing on the wall a couple generations ago and if it wasn't for them taking steps to make sure local multiplayer was still a priority to them, it might have almost been completely done away with with the rise of online gaming. In fact, if you look at how many games have chosen online multiplayer over local, even when local still makes sense, you can see that Nintendo had a reason to embrace that philosophy of creating a social gaming experience when playing with others.

VR is promoting escapism, and that's fine if that's what you want the technology for, but Nintendo has made it a point to create technology and experiences that helps take down walls with gaming rather than put them up. No point in getting offended by one soundbite taken out of context when what he is saying is inline with Nintendo's whole philosophy.
Well, playing Mario Kart 8 right now on my Wii-U.

Nintendo if anything is the king of rehashing; their major launch exclusive was a 2D Mario game.

I didn't say Nintendo didn't release sequels, but Nintendo's range of products is broad diverse and in many cases very creative or innovative. You can't say the same about most of the AAA industry.


Beat me to it. The Wii-U is just one person holding a tablet and sitting in a corner.

That's one argument you can bring. But the Wii-U is still a step backwards in multiplayer experience when compared to the Wii.

How so? Wii U can literally do everything that a Wii can (save playing GameCube games). Have you ever played a Wii U?


I've got a DK2 preorder in, but he's correct. It doesn't mean he's saying VR is bad though, it just doesn't tie in with the experiences Nintendo is interested in right now. This is a lot of fuss over very little.

This is pretty much exactly what he said. I'm still struggling over here to see what all the big deal is. I'm guessing it's mostly people just reading the thread title and not the entire quote in the OP.


The tone and words of all your posts definitely read like someone who is having an overly emotional, irrational response to a reasonable quote.

Who the fuck cares? I told you it annoyed me. That's why I posted in the first place. What are you my psychologist?
I see what he's trying to say. To the people who are saying that the Wii U is just one person playing on the gamepad hasn't played Nintendo Land, Mario 3D World, or Mario Kart 8. These games are so much fun playing local multiplayer, especially when the gamepad player has a unique ability and is trying to manipulate the people on the TV.

Online multiplayer is so huge now, but sometimes its just fun to unwind and play a game with your friends or significant other on the TV together. Hopefully some neat multiplayer ideas come to the VR scene


eh, miyamoto loves to poo-poo technology until they do it. as revered as he is, he lacks perspective in an enormous way and likes to tow the company line of "we're fine, this new thing we're not doing has x y z wrong with it"

Metal B

I also don't get the negative in this thread (Well,i actually i get it. Most people only read the title of thread, which is hyperbole). Miyamoto isn't dissing VR. He onlys says, that the idea behind it all, completely escaping into a virtual realty, isn't there philosophy. They want to bring people together and have fun playing in one room.

Videogames are big enough to have different aspect of them self. Playing on a TV, playing on the go, playing in augmented reality, playing in virtual realty, etc. Not every company needs to be part of everything and they can all co-exist.


There's tons of local multiplayer games out there... Lots of shooters have it.

Being that I don't play a ton of shooters, I wouldn't know. I just know that I bought 4 controllers for the 360 last gen and 4 controllers for my Wii and when I have people over and we are trying to play games, the Wii gets play while I have 2 wired Xbox360 controllers I have never even used (and I wanted people to play Scott Pilgrim with me).


eh, miyamoto loves to poo-poo technology until they do it. as revered as he is, he lacks perspective in an enormous way and likes to tow the company line of "we're fine, this new thing we're not doing has x y z wrong with it"

Show me where he poo-pooed VR in his quote.


VR Benefits the most from first person style games.

Nintendo does not do many FPS games, Metroid being the only one I can think of. I can't believe he didn't think of StarFox being incredible in VR.
This. I don't see a lot of variations of gameplay experiences with VR. I will get tired of it. Maybe even develop motion sickness.

P.s. miyamoto's response is actually a bit longer than the thread title. Read the whole first post. He sounds like he enjoys VR, just doesn't fit in line with Nintendo thinking right now. I think posters just read the title and posted. Gamefaq style.


Well obviously Nintendo thinks CV1 won't be good enough because they are doing no active development towards a 2015-2016 release like Oculus and Sony.

The Wii U wouldn't be capable of doing it with decent graphics. They might well support it after that, we've no way of knowing.


I didn't say Nintendo didn't release sequels, but Nintendo's range of products is broad diverse and in many cases very creative or innovative. You can't say the same about most of the AAA industry.
Hmmm... Guess I'm just not seeing it. Or perhaps it's a matter of opinion.

I like my Wii-U for instance despite their failed attempt at innovation (IMO obviously but the gamepad is an awful idea.). But I'm playing games that are barely different than what Nintendo released on the N64 gameplay wise. Innovation is about a better way to do things, and most of what I use from Nintendo feels like a step backwards from existing tech and experiences.

And I find tons of creativity and innovation in the AAA industry.
I'm not on board with VR just yet. Haven't tried Morpheus, but I have tried Oculus Dev kits and I wasn't overly impressed (The dev screen was anti-aliased while the head set was granier for instance) but Nintendo would need to have their own revolutionary take for things to happen and be different to catch the masses.
Well, VR is inherently isolating by design, as your sight (and sound) is supposed to be completely dominated by the device. Achieving that also means that it is difficult to share the experience with others when only one person can view the display at any given time. So I can see why Miyamoto would be somewhat uneasy with it given Nintendo's focus on local multiplayer experiences.

Although judging from this thread it sounds like Miyamoto took a flamethrower to the Oculus Rift display at E3.


I think he is right from a consumer standpoint. The lack of social interaction with those around you will be a major limitation of the mass appeal of VR. 3DTV had some of the same issues with the glasses requirement but no where near as bad as shutting out the outside world entirely inside a VR headset.

CAR105 3

Well, he has a point inagine playing Mario Party or Mario Kart on a VR headset. That would handicap severely handicap the local MP.


Show me where he poo-pooed VR in his quote.

one person putting on some goggles and playing by themselves kind of over in a corner

hello, this is a quote where miyamoto completely ignores the fact that this is effectively the description for the entire single player experience in all video games since the beginning of the medium in order to poo-poo vr
Yeah, it looks like a pretty isolated experience, but saying negative things about VR is like kicking a hornets nest these days.
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