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Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Trailer


Machine Pistol and Launcher secondary weapons...kinda surprised they brought those back.

Strike Chains looks cool, though.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Quick scoping still in then.

Yeah, hopefully they tune it to be more like COD 4's so that you have to, you know, actually be somewhat accurate with a sniper in order to be successful with it.


TacticalFox88 said:
I predict everyone in this thread will either buy it or play it at some point. You can't resist. It's like a drug that you know it's bad for you, but you keep coming back.

It certainly helps that Activision isn't bothering with the dumb online pass thing and has a player base huge enough to be basically invulnerable to map packs killing the online community. I am 100% confident that I can rent the game, get my 2-3 week fix and send it back. I basically skipped Crysis 2 entirely because of the pass and I probably will never play Resistance 3 multi for the same reason.


Freezie KO said:
But c'mon. The first three guys get quickscoped, and then the last guy gets revenge with his own quickscope!

*sigh* quickscoping...

This, this shite ruins cod for me. Its a fucking sniper not a fucking running one shot shotgun/sniper. Trailer did nothing for me and they normally do a good job getting me hyped.


johnFkennedy said:
In what way?
In basically every way. Graphics are the same, animations are the same, sounds are the same, textures look worse at parts. I mean I get don't fix if it ain't broken but man this looks like a game from 4 years ago.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
johnFkennedy said:
Yeah, hopefully they tune it to be more like COD 4's so that you have to, you know, actually be somewhat accurate with a sniper in order to be successful with it.

Hopefully there's a feature where if the player does it 3 times in a row the console shoots the disc out and cuts their throat. We have the technology.
TacticalFox88 said:
I predict everyone in this thread will either buy it or play it at some point. You can't resist. It's like a drug that you know it's bad for you, but you keep coming back.

Oh I'll rent it for sure, crazy as it sounds I love the CoD campaigns and have really enjoyed the MW story arc.
I have zero interest in the online though. CoD4 was crack for me, but MW2 and BLOPs both bored me to tears.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Hopefully there's a feature where if the player does it 3 times in a row the console shoots the disc out and cuts their throat. We have the technology.

Chances are, if a player is good enough to consistently quick-scope, he could probably kill you with any other weapon.
A couple other things:

1. How come the streaks in the load out screens are listed by "kills", such as x "kills" to get your UAV? I thought they were points now?

2. The "Specialist" class where you get new Perks as your streaks will really, really, really encourage lone wolf gameplay. Forget about someone running around trying to get a chopper gunner. The more kills you get by running around, the more perks you get that help out only you to kill more people. You basically become a single super solider.
Dibbz said:
It looks so outdated.

"Outdated" isn't really the right word. It's Modern Warfare and it's gonna do the same thing it has been doing for a while now, chuck a couple new elements on top and tons of people will love it. I won't, I find it difficult to enjoy and can never get into it. Slagging it with "outdated" though is inaccurate. It's not, it has found its niche and good for those who play it constantly and get some fun out of it, I wish I could too.
Nice, meaty trailer :)

I know some people can't stand shooters, much less military oscar mike roger tango six spouting ones, but as a shooter fan myself, between this, Gears 3 and Battlefield 3 I'm going to be in fucking gaming bliss.

Good thing I'm a natural at multitasking... I'm going to need it.



TemplaerDude said:
"Outdated" isn't really the right word. It's Modern Warfare and it's gonna do the same thing it has been doing for a while now, chuck a couple new elements on top and tons of people will love it. I won't, I find it difficult to enjoy and can never get into it. Slagging it with "outdated" though is inaccurate. It's not, it has found its niche and good for those who play it constantly and get some fun out of it, I wish I could too.
Just because it's MW they can't get a new lighting solution in there? They have to reuse assets from CoD4? Not even talking about gameplay here but the game is not a 2011 game from what I've seen.
Dibbz said:
In basically every way. Graphics are the same, animations are the same, sounds are the same, textures look worse at parts. I mean I get don't fix if it ain't broken but man this looks like a game from 4 years ago.

The graphics are a dramatic step up from BO and marginally better than MW2. I definitely saw some new particle effects and the textures look sharper which isn't too shabby for a game that looks as great as it does while maintaining 60 FPS. Can't say much about the sound or animation since there wasn't anything substantial in the trailer to comment about either of those, but the sprint animation is definitely different and Infinity Ward sound effect and music have always been top notch.


Dibbz said:
Just because it's MW they can't get a new lighting solution in there? They have to reuse assets from CoD4? Not even talking about gameplay here but the game is not a 2011 game from what I've seen.

Have you even gone back to MW? I tried half a year ago and cried a little at how bad it looked in comparison to CODBLOPS...


Dibbz said:
In basically every way. Graphics are the same, animations are the same, sounds are the same, textures look worse at parts. I mean I get don't fix if it ain't broken but man this looks like a game from 4 years ago.

You are judging texture qulaity from a youtube video. Don't.

Every COD game has had visual updates, this will be no different.

Hanmik said:
this cannot be a PS3 player who wrote that.. no way..

The drop in resolution may be rough but you cannot ignore the large improvement in lighting and shading.

They did a siggraph presentation on it:



itsgreen said:
Have you even gone back to MW? I tried half a year ago and cried a little at how bad it looked in comparison to CODBLOPS...

this cannot be a PS3 player who wrote that.. no way..
Dibbz said:
Just because it's MW they can't get a new lighting solution in there? They have to reuse assets from CoD4? Not even talking about gameplay here but the game is not a 2011 game from what I've seen.
As much I harp about CoD's outdated engine, updating it now would be pointless as fuck, considering next gen is around the corner. They might as well just ride it out, and keep it consistent.


The Xtortionist said:
I don't snipe in CoD games; ARs and SMGs are simply way better.
Same here. I've gotten killed by quickscopers before but it's nothing compared to the number of times I've been able to get back at them with an AR.
Dibbz said:
Just because it's MW they can't get a new lighting solution in there? They have to reuse assets from CoD4? Not even talking about gameplay here but the game is not a 2011 game from what I've seen.

Man, you want to talk about graphics, that's cool and all. The game looks good. I'm not sure what mysterious measure you're using to judge whether a game is "TWENTY ELEVEN GAME" but as far as I and many other people are concerned, it looks perfectly fine.
itsgreen said:
Have you even gone back to MW? I tried half a year ago and cried a little at how bad it looked in comparison to CODBLOPS...

To each his own, but I played COD 4 tonight and thought it looked better than BLOPS. The picture quality, flat looking maps and uninspired character models ruin the look of that game for me.
MW3's graphics are fine and dandy considering that it runs at 60FPS.

johnFkennedy said:
To each his own, but I played COD 4 tonight and thought it looked better than BLOPS. The picture quality, flat looking maps and uninspired character models ruin the look of that game for me.

I always thought most of the CoD4 weapon models were pretty ass. Maybe it's just me. MW3's are amazing though...<3 M4
Dibbz said:
In basically every way. Graphics are the same, animations are the same, sounds are the same, textures look worse at parts. I mean I get don't fix if it ain't broken but man this looks like a game from 4 years ago.
Looks the same to me too, but that's not a problem. I already love the graphics and animations in Infinity Ward installments - All I want is for the gameplay formula to be tuned, the framerate to stay solid, the matches quick and easy to get into, and for any glitches and bugs to be fought tooth and nail and destroyed. An expanded Spec Ops mode sealed the deal for me a long time ago.

Simply put, it's the best at what it does: Small scale frantic battles with devestating support options.


Was that supposed to sell me on the game?

I believe I played that in MW2, absolutely will not buy this game no matter what.
Jakeh111 said:
Atleast they show what mp will be like, people just lone wolfing it and snipers

Excellent. I wish every game of CoD I play is against a team of 6 lone wolf snipers. They'll get utterly annihilated by my coordinated AR/SMG-wielding squad of death.

molekiller said:
ACR as primary weapon and a Dragunov as secondary xD, I'm so skipping this game...

He had Overkill. Dragunov is ass anyway.

wow john
molekiller said:
ACR as primary weapon and a Dragunov as secondary xD, I'm so skipping this game...

That guys is using the overkill perk which lets you carry two primaries. Why he would waste a slot on the dragunov is beyond me though.


Are they serious with that trailer? It's like Infinity Ward were trying to showcase amazing graphics with all the dramatic third person camera angles and the dude running around in slow-mo for 4 minutes long. But the game isn't a visual showpiece, looks exactly like all the other CoD games. ZzZzz..

Awful trailer (but I will buy the game anyway).
I have zero confidence this will be any good.

Nothing has been toned down. This is classic more is better philosophy. Others are welcome to it.


looks EXACTLY like MW2 with a new map pack I mean MW1 and 2 had slight differences (you know like MW2 being terrible and all) but this is the exact same.


The Xtortionist said:
Well, you've got new weapons, new perks, new attachments, proficiencies, an overhauled killstreak/pointstreak system and suite of new maps, and that's just multiplayer. Obviously the core gameplay isn't going to change...why change what's already perfect (or as close to perfect as you can get)?

Same reason even though I use to love Counter Strike I won't go near CS:GO. The core gameplay hasn't changed since the forth.
Yeah pretty shit trailer. But people want to see actual footage, and that's what we have here.

Although I enjoy the MW series, I really hope that this is the last and we get more interesting CoD's.
The Xtortionist said:
The killstreak system has been completely redone and there are more anti-air options than ever. I think we should maybe wait before jumping to conclusions.

I think a better balance is that if both sides call in air support (say 2 helicopter gunships for example) that those called-in killstreaks go toe-to-toe and ignore the players on the ground as an automatic balancing mechanic rather than forcing people to equip anti air killstreaks which very few of the CoD community do because zomg k/dr!!!.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
I think a better balance is that if both sides call in air support (say 2 helicopter gunships for example) that those called-in killstreaks go toe-to-toe and ignore the players on the ground as an automatic balancing mechanic rather than forcing people to equip anti air killstreaks which very few of the CoD community do because zomg k/dr!!!.

If shooting down air support contributes to your pointstreak, that might motivate some people to look up every once in a while.


The Xtortionist said:
The killstreak system has been completely redone and there are more anti-air options than ever. I think we should maybe wait before jumping to conclusions.

This is GAF. People jumped to their conclusions months ago.
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