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Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Trailer


That was extremely underwhelming, seriously.

Some of the animations looked just straight out weird as well, an example being near the start when the guy jumps off the stairs. It's 0:26 in video, does anyone else agree?


Rubixcuba said:
Some of the animations looked just straight out weird as well, an example being near the start when the guy jumps off the stairs.

The recent CoDs never had the best animations in MP, in my opinion, so it's not surprising.


Rubixcuba said:
That was extremely underwhelming, seriously.

Some of the animations looked just straight out weird as well, an example being near the start when the guy jumps off the stairs. It's 0:26 in video, does anyone else agree?

It's multiplayer footage, animations are usually janky.


What's the word on partychat? If partychat is only allowed in Ground War again, i'll be skipping this one.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
I think a better balance is that if both sides call in air support (say 2 helicopter gunships for example) that those called-in killstreaks go toe-to-toe and ignore the players on the ground as an automatic balancing mechanic rather than forcing people to equip anti air killstreaks which very few of the CoD community do because zomg k/dr!!!.

But then it makes those gunships completely pointless doesn't it? What determines which gunship wins? Why shouldn't there be any anti air deployed from someone in the team?

Also, why are people getting quick scoping from that trailer? Although I'm sure quickscoping will be in, in some form
sigh :(
, but to think it has from that trailer?

What is it about CoD threads that just brings out completely pointless discussions? Why do so many people come in just to shit on it, not having a single clue on how it will play?


boris feinbrand said:
At least their Multiplayer works on day one though, unlike some other big franchise War shooters... *BF*cough

Unless you purchase it on any other platform that isn't X360...

MarkMclovin said:
Why do so many people come in just to shit on it, not having a single clue on how it will play?

You're serious? ..Lol.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Dibbz said:
In basically every way. Graphics are the same, animations are the same, sounds are the same, textures look worse at parts. I mean I get don't fix if it ain't broken but man this looks like a game from 4 years ago.

Arjen said:
What's the word on partychat? If partychat is only allowed in Ground War again, i'll be skipping this one.

402 said party chat would be available in every playlist except Search & Destroy.
MarkMclovin said:
Err yeah? So you've played the game then?

Yeah. I've played MW1 through Black Ops. I think it's fair to say, we all have a 'general' idea of what to expect in the gameplay department. If it ain't broken... you get the idea.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Unless you purchase it on any other platform that isn't X360...

Like BF2 on the PC on release... Dice has quite a track record of botched server launches that extends beyond the 360. Good thing that on PC at least you could use private servers from day one.

But enough of that. I must say that this trailer actually made me more interested. Maybe getting the game down the line or used.


Talk about underwhelming. Looks outdated and even they don't seem able to improve the MP formula. Except for a few new toys it looks like the same old shit.


Xater said:
Talk about underwhelming. Looks outdated and even they don't seem able to improve the MP formula. Except for a few new toys it looks like the same old shit.

I have trouble imagining what they could have done to satisfy you with this short video to guarantee your purchase. Seems to me that they've changed the "MP formula" a hell of a lot. Whether "changed" is "improved" will remain to be seen.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
You know, I'm genuinely disappointed because my conscience says "Activision is evil, don't support their shit. Plus, Black Ops made you mad more often than it made you happy."

But at the same time I'm thinking "That looks like fun, I think I want it."

Not sure what to do here GAF.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Yeah. I've played MW1 through Black Ops. I think it's fair to say, we all have a 'general' idea of what to expect in the gameplay department. If it ain't broken... you get the idea.

That's not what I'm saying. Of course it's going to feel like previous CoD's. It wouldn't be CoD if it didn't.

What I'm saying is that with the different weapons/kill streak rewards/maps and then any tweaks and differences from MW2, will make how it plays, different. The question is however, how much.


hiverbon said:
Looks like they nabbed the dog tag system from Crysis 2.
That's what I thought when I first saw the dog tags, but then realized that the dog tags never dropped in any other kills. It's probably specific to a perk(s).


Tomat said:
You know, I'm genuinely disappointed because my conscience says "Activision is evil, don't support their shit. Plus, Black Ops made you mad more often than it made you happy."

But at the same time I'm thinking "That looks like fun, I think I want it."

Not sure what to do here GAF.
If you enjoy a game then buy it, who cares about videogame politics.


I'm ready. Loved COD:BLOps for all the gameplay fixes/enhances to the other two MW games, but I tend to prefer the setting of MW. As usual, PC and Wii version for me.


So is this a £40 expansion or what?

Previous COD mp trailers got me to buy the games, this did absolutely nothing.



TacticalFox88 said:
As much I harp about CoD's outdated engine, updating it now would be pointless as fuck, considering next gen is around the corner. They might as well just ride it out, and keep it consistent.
No now was the time for a new engine. An engine that is made for next gen but scale back for this gens consoles. Doesn't take a genius to work out that is the best solution.

Hell just look at the updates for Cry Engine 3 and Frostbite 2 made for games this year. Designed for PC but work on consoles in a scaled back form. They will be ready for next gen consoles and will be way ahead of infinity ward which honestly I have no faith in them delivering a good engine next gen since the core team split.

Regarding the trailer someone did mention it but yeah at least IW acknowledge that the game is played as a run and gun where no one cares about anyone else.
Trailer was pretty bland tbh.

IW keep saying how they're trying to make MW3 similar to the tightness of Cod4 (constant firefights and less long corridors etc), if they manage to pull that off i might buy it, otherwise I'll just stick with Blops.


Xater said:
CODBLOPS did better with the wager stuff.

Wager match is a minuscule experiment in the grand scheme of online Call of Duty. It didn't exactly revolutionize online multiplayer. What matters in MW3 is how the main gametypes play.


That was a fucking awful trailer.

I guess they don't really need to sell the game because it will just sell itself, but still.

MarkMclovin said:
Which was taken from Bad Company.
Which in turn was taken from Battlefield 2142.


MarkMclovin said:
Which was taken from Bad Company.
Forgive my ignorance but isn't the dog tag system in BC for medals and collecting the names of people you knifed while in Crysis 2 you need dog tags to build up towards your kill streaks?


Ken said:
Forgive my ignorance but isn't the dog tag system in BC for medals and collecting the names of people you knifed while in Crysis 2 you need dog tags to build up towards your kill streaks?
That's right. The Crysis system is designed to reduce camping.


hiverbon said:
Looks like they nabbed the dog tag system from Crysis 2.

Only in the Kill Confirmed mode...

Run your imagination and you probably got what that mode means and why there are dog tags :)


Dibbz said:
No now was the time for a new engine. An engine that is made for next gen but scale back for this gens consoles. Doesn't take a genius to work out that is the best solution.

Hell just look at the updates for Cry Engine 3 and Frostbite 2 made for games this year. Designed for PC but work on consoles in a scaled back form. They will be ready for next gen consoles and will be way ahead of infinity ward which honestly I have no faith in them delivering a good engine next gen since the core team split.

Regarding the trailer someone did mention it but yeah at least IW acknowledge that the game is played as a run and gun where no one cares about anyone else.

Saying that now is the time for a new engine shows that you hold no appreciation for the feel of MW2 and Black Ops' gunplay. That's fine that you don't, but millions of people do, and a new engine would most likely alter that irrevocably. Who the fuck wants to be impressed with graphics in multiplayer on consoles from 05/06? Crysis 2 multiplayer looks great like it's singleplayer, but runs like 25fps dogshit and will never be intensely competitive for anyone.
omnomis said:
Saying that now is the time for a new engine shows that you hold no appreciation for the feel of MW2 and Black Ops' gunplay. That's fine that you don't, but millions of people do, and a new engine would most likely alter that irrevocably. Who the fuck wants to be impressed with graphics in multiplayer on consoles from 05/06? Crysis 2 multiplayer looks great like it's singleplayer, but runs like 25fps dogshit and will never be intensely competitive for anyone.

Whoa. Just... you sir are not only a gentlemen. But also a scholar.
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