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Monster Hunter 3 Tri Official Site Updated


Went to the Gamestop nearby on lunch break and they had 2 MH Tri bins/displays on the counter with the demo discs in them (probably 100 all together sitting out). The display says "Ask an associate for details" and the discs all have a big "GAMESTOP: RESERVE NOW!" label on the cover. Looked like some people had grabbed a few already but they were still pretty full.

I went ahead and preordered the game + CC Pro bundle since GS has the best deal anyway and didn't even raise the "this is suppose to be free!" issue.


darkressurection said:
So I have been thinking of getting into Monster Hunter, I tried the PSP ones but would rather play it on a big screen with a real controller. My question is, does anyone know if Tri has a tutorial of some sort for new players to get into the game and learn the basics.

I can't imagine they wouldn't. I'm pretty sure all the Monster Hunter games have tutorials that, all together, can last a few hours.


I don't fully agree on Tenbatsu's description that it's more of a team weapon. All weapons have almost the same maximum damage output, few exceptions aside. The bowgun really isn't a team support weapon unless you shoot things like healing shots, but the amount of times I've shot those can be counted on 2 hands in my whole MHF(1,2,U) career. The thing with bowgun is that you have way more attack chances than melee weapons, so if you play well it's actually a much more aggressive play style than the wait&attack approach of melee weapons. Just remember that pierce is almost always better than normal shots, so shoot those first (at weak spots!).

My most used weapons in Unite are Sword 'n Shield, Heavy Bowgun, Hunting Horn and Gunlance, so I know what I'm talking about :p (underdog weapons)

Alex said:
Don't rely on the Spin Attack too much. Well, I'm not overly sure how parameters have changed, but in MHFU your main tour de force was the Super Pound, until you catch em trapped, in animation lock, etc then triple pound. Triple Pound is crazy damage, especially if the golf swing finale on it connects.

A great boon hammer has is that enough successive head connections will result in disorienting the monster, causing it to fall down and struggle for a few.
Super Pounders FTL! Really! Those who super pound more than triple pounding are not real hammer players. Don't learn from them, zomg! (in case people don't understand my reaction: super pound also hits a huge area that sends teammates flying away, annoying as hell)
I am so hyped for this game. All I want is a hammer, gold armor and a prayer.

I love the progression, grind, frustration, elation and research when playing monster hunter. Can't wait.


Light Bowgun is more solo, Heavy is more team.

You can make anything work for you in solo, but I would agree that the guns are a bit more structured for teamplay in general. You can provide a lot of support with various shot types (ie; sleep shot for (sleeping monster = +300% damage) a pal then he throws down a G.Sword charge on the monster) and in general do a lot more damage when you don't have to worry about the constant enmity of the monster.

But again, you can make anything work if you're a good player and it's no big disadvantage, just a bit of a lean (and just IMO)


Soneet said:
Super Pounders FTL! Really! Those who super pound more than triple pounding are not real hammer players. Don't learn from them, zomg! (in case people don't understand my reaction: super pound also hits a huge area that sends teammates flying away, annoying as hell)

You don't really focus on one or the other, but you shouldn't lean towards trying to Triple Pound on an active monster. That's just begging to be hit.

Land the Super Pounds on turns or transitions, then Triple Pound on taunts, roars, any type of disablement etc. Don't crowd any piece of a monster either, it swaps threat for a reason and you're not going to stack up any extra disorients by trying to have a bunch of people all hit the head (if you're talking about multi-hammer users)

It also always depends on your group. I only play 2-op, and the guy I play with doesn't use a hammer, ever so he has no business being up towards the head with me (when I do) in most cases. :p

Good players won't trip their team mates in any case though and even on new players it isn't such a big deal, you'll out grow it by the time you hit the ranks that matter.

Also, I want to see new players land Hammer unsheathe attacks on allies. I love that shit, into the horizon Team Rocket style


I see so many super-team-pounding in MHFU even in the final ranks that I'm pretttttty sure this super pound habit will show up in Tri, even in later ranks :p

Timing the 3rd strongest hit of the triple pound is a much better way to play hammer than using super pound as a filler. In MHFU, 70% of the time I use triple pound in team play, the remaining 30% are charged attacks and spins, but not the full charged super pound. Only in solo play I bother with the super pound. See it this way: risking 3 teammates constantly is reducing damage output much more than missing 1 super pound. You also strike fear into your teammates each time you use it (and them constantly avoiding that giant area of doom), which also reduces damage output.


I really like the long sword now. Ripped through the Qurupeco nicely, even after getting knocked off a cliff (which I didnt know was possible) :lol

The swimming controls work out nice too, but not sure how they'll handle in the middle of a fight.


Sorry if it's been answered, but how long is the demo? Going to head to Gamestop later when I'm free to pre-order the bundle, but I'm curious how meaty it is.
LaneDS said:
Sorry if it's been answered, but how long is the demo? Going to head to Gamestop later when I'm free to pre-order the bundle, but I'm curious how meaty it is.
You get a 20 min hunt for the 1 star hunt and id imagine the same ammount of time for the 3 star hunt. Ive already played it like 4 times trying to get used to the controls. Btw classic controller1 works nicely is there any difference in the CCP2 controls/button config


kafka rock opera said:
You get a 20 min hunt for the 1 star hunt and id imagine the same ammount of time for the 3 star hunt. Ive already played it like 4 times trying to get used to the controls. Btw classic controller1 works nicely is there any difference in the CCP2 controls/button config

Excellent, super excited to finally try this series (even in demo form) tonight. Also, thanks for the info.


Junior Member
First time monster hunter here I have few questions. How in the hell do you beat the Quapqroco bird monster he keeps calling in Great Jaggi? When using long sword which guage tells me when my spirit is max? And WTF does dung bombs do and how do use the large barrel bomb corretly sense they have no fuses to light? Any help is appreciated.
I thought the demo was free yet every gamestop in my area is telling me i have to preorder. How the fuck can they convince people to buy a game if they have to put money down just to try it?


Recorded my run after reading Ten's long sword advice, posting in abit.

EDIT: Didnt know that the battle took that long :lol Going to have to make 2 parts.

If you cant convince them by just informing em, just print out the blog page and go back.


Junior Member
The Wiimote and nunchuck control are intuitive and feel good, I am getting the bundle but may stick with Wiimote and Nunchuck . OK I still can't beat that Quropeco bird this time he called in some giant ass dragon . I threw the Dung bombs at it it seem to scare it off but the Qurapecco keeps calling. Just got playing with the Hammer that and the long sword are super strong. Monster Hunter vets how do you fight monster such as that dragon?
WOOT Quropeco down after my second try! Great sword is definitely gonna be my weapon of choice. Dung bomb is my best friend for this fight just hit the extra mob with it and you are GOOD. It seemed like my sharpness didnt last as long but what do i know. So yeah i should stop playing this demo so much.


If GameStop thinks the demo is suppose to be a pre-order bonus will they ask for it back if you cancel your pre-order and get your refund? After all you are suppose to get a full refund when you cancel your pre-order.


Junior Member
kafka rock opera said:
WOOT Quropeco down after my second try! Great sword is definitely gonna be my weapon of choice. Dung bomb is my best friend for this fight just hit the extra mob with it and you are GOOD. It seemed like my sharpness didnt last as long but what do i know. So yeah i should stop playing this demo so much.
So I take the dung bomb scares off the other monster it calls in? Did it call in that dragon rathlos like when I was fighting it?
PusherT said:
So I take the dung bomb scares off the other monster it calls in? Did it call in that dragon rathlos like when I was fighting it?
yeah thats my understanding. I think the dung bomb makes them smell bad or something so they run away. its a bit of a dick to aim it however. The quropeco's gimmick is that it calls out monsters.


Junior Member
I'm starting like the sword and shield especially using the backhand knuckle combo smacking the great jaggie in the face with my sheild. Tilt the wiimote and tap A twice:D


PusherT said:
The Wiimote and nunchuck control are intuitive and feel good, I am getting the bundle but may stick with Wiimote and Nunchuck . OK I still can't beat that Quropeco bird this time he called in some giant ass dragon . I threw the Dung bombs at it it seem to scare it off but the Qurapecco keeps calling. Just got playing with the Hammer that and the long sword are super strong. Monster Hunter vets how do you fight monster such as that dragon?

Doesnt it only call in a Great Jaggi? (raptor looking monster).


RoboGeorgeForeman said:
It can call a Rathian on that map on rare occasions.

Wow. Guess i'll have to keep messing with the demo until I run into one. I dont think you even be able to survive a surprise attack by that with the demo equip.
It's awesome to hear that the Rathian is rare. It happened on my first try. I just used its fireballs to hit the Quropeco. >_>

Btw, fighting the monsters is nothing special. You just learn the moves, how to evade them, when there are openings, and you have at it. If you're lameskies you can get some earplugs to make you invulnerable to their roars, basically turning a setup to potentially take a huge chunk of damage to a chance for a few free swats.


I thought I'd like the Hammer but I haven't clicked with it. I'm going with either the Long Sword or Switch axe for my preferred weapon.


force push the doodoo rock
Rathian and Jaggi are the only monsters it calls in the demo.

Full version he can call in some other monsters.


Alex said:
Don't rely on the Spin Attack too much. Well, I'm not overly sure how parameters have changed, but in MHFU your main tour de force was the Super Pound, until you catch em trapped, in animation lock, etc then triple pound. Triple Pound is crazy damage, especially if the golf swing finale on it connects.

A great boon hammer has is that enough successive head connections will result in disorienting the monster, causing it to fall down and struggle for a few.
lol Super pound spammers. If you continue to use your old Hammer tactics in MH3, you're going to be left in the dust by those who use it properly. lvl1 and lvl2 charge attacks can now chain into the triple pound (which itself is notably faster). You can't just use super pounds, you need to make use of all charge levels or else your DPS will suck balls. Actually that last statement is true for earlier MHs too but most hunters don't realise it.


Littlegator said:
It's awesome to hear that the Rathian is rare. It happened on my first try. I just used its fireballs to hit the Quropeco. >_>
It called in a Rathian on my first fight as well. Being the noob that I am, I just politely put down the controller and allowed the two to have their way with me. Guess that made me a Monster Ho...


ravien56 said:
Called another eb...same answer as before. We have no fucking clue. If it comes, it comes.

Capcom confirmed that it's coming to Canada. None of the stores around here have it yet, but that's no surprise. It's supposed to come out on the 8th and they will naturally give priority to the US.
Coming around to the Switch/Slash Axe. In Sword mode it seemed to be consuming something, which is probably for extra damage or effect I imagine?

Fucker called in a Rathian at one point which just ended in immediate death on my part. I guess console MonHun is going to be more about the numbers on screen which is gonna be hell :lol


Wow. Fighting is a lot harder then I thought. Tried Switch Axe 1, Sword and Shield, and Long Sword so far. Changing the camera to option two helped. Perhaps it's just the demo but do you have to take a more deliberate direction in how you fight due to how weapons swing?

Or would things be different based on past games when you can upgrade armor and weapons?

Do those upgrades allow you to move quicker, etc? Take more hits?

Swing to fast and you can't pull back. Next thing you know a tail is hitting you in the face as you watch your health drop. Never played a game like that before. Is this what it's like to play Demon Souls in a way?

I do seem to be living longer the more times I play. The remote and chuck controls are interesting. Feels like I'm actually putting in an effort to attack with certain moves. That can be frustrating but at the same time fun. However that is throwing me is that that my moves are so slow yet the creatures are so fast. Dashing around left and right. Can't say which I like better though the remote/chuck or the classic controller. Though I am questioning if I'll go through with the final purchase though. I guess it depends how good I become over the next few weeks.

Graphics however. Perhaps due the time limit and combat I haven't had to look around but I think I've seen better looking games on the Wii. The game isn't bad but I don't think it's pushing the system the way Capcom says it is. Though that could just be art direction.


Had the best time trying out all of the different weapons. It was pretty easy adjusting to all of them except for the bowgun, couldn't get a good shot with that before being interupted by the monsters. I found the Longsword to be the best, but someone here said that it was a weapon for noobs so I guess I have to find something else. Oh, well. :(


doomed1 said:
As a strategist, it's in my best interest to learn what would let me see the whole field, but still be able to do damage.
That's great as people usually tends to ignore gunnery. A good team usually will consist of a gunner. Almost all the speed kills videos I seen, the gunner is the key.

darkressurection said:
So I have been thinking of getting into Monster Hunter, I tried the PSP ones but would rather play it on a big screen with a real controller. My question is, does anyone know if Tri has a tutorial of some sort for new players to get into the game and learn the basics.
Yes in offline mode for the final build. A very well done tutorial to keep the new players going.

SecretBonusPoint said:
Coming around to the Switch/Slash Axe. In Sword mode it seemed to be consuming something, which is probably for extra damage or effect I imagine?
No, its just a gauge to tell you how long it can last in sword mode before switching back to axe.


PusherT said:
When using long sword which guage tells me when my spirit is max? And WTF does dung bombs do and how do use the large barrel bomb corretly sense they have no fuses to light? Any help is appreciated.
The gauge right below the sharpness at the top left hand corner. Dung bombs are use to help you escape from trap situation and to chase monsters away. You can ignite large barrel bomb by hitting or kicking it or throwing dungs ball/markers. There are small bombs for ignition too.

Effect said:
Wow. Fighting is a lot harder then I thought. Tried Switch Axe 1, Sword and Shield, and Long Sword so far. Changing the camera to option two helped. Perhaps it's just the demo but do you have to take a more deliberate direction in how you fight due to how weapons swing?

Or would things be different based on past games when you can upgrade armor and weapons?

Do those upgrades allow you to move quicker, etc? Take more hits?

Swing to fast and you can't pull back. Next thing you know a tail is hitting you in the face as you watch your health drop. Never played a game like that before. Is this what it's like to play Demon Souls in a way?

Graphics however. Perhaps due the time limit and combat I haven't had to look around but I think I've seen better looking games on the Wii. The game isn't bad but I don't think it's pushing the system the way Capcom says it is. Though that could just be art direction.
Yes, the direction you faced for your attack is pretty important. You have to anticipate the monster movement and time your attack well. Skill wise comes from armor and weapons combination. You can mix and match skills that suits the different weapons and monster in the final build of the game.

Eg. Great Sword - Shorten Charge time, Attack up etc

The game graphics is not technical, however its super detailed with superb art direction. Its a really beautiful game. Spend more time and you will see the beauty of it.


Tenbatsu said:
The game graphics is not technical, however its super detailed with superb art direction. Its a really beautiful game. Spend more time and you will see the beauty of it.
Yeah, playing it in Dolphin highlghts 2 facts about the graphics. 1) The game is all written in high level code, so it's not exactly juicing the Wii for all it's worth. 2) The texture resolution on the monsters and hunters is insane o_0.


My Gamestop wasn't doing a pre-order for the demo, so it sounds like some managers took it upon themselves to try to make an extra buck.

As for the game, I'm still getting the hang of it. Wasn't to thrilled with how the buttons were mapped for the Classic Controller (X to swing your weapon, WTF).


linkboy said:
My Gamestop wasn't doing a pre-order for the demo, so it sounds like some managers took it upon themselves to try to make an extra buck.

As for the game, I'm still getting the hang of it. Wasn't to thrilled with how the buttons were mapped for the Classic Controller (X to swing your weapon, WTF).
Try Classic Controller Type 2, but you got to 'claw' thou. Or wiichuk.
sprsk said:
Rathian and Jaggi are the only monsters it calls in the demo.

Full version he can call in some other monsters.

It does? I must have some crappy luck then. I've only gotten Rathian and Dos Jaggi in the Moga Forest. :/

Kuro Pekko did summon a Boruboros in the desert stage though.


Luigiv said:
lol Super pound spammers. If you continue to use your old Hammer tactics in MH3, you're going to be left in the dust by those who use it properly. lvl1 and lvl2 charge attacks can now chain into the triple pound (which itself is notably faster). You can't just use super pounds, you need to make use of all charge levels or else your DPS will suck balls. Actually that last statement is true for earlier MHs too but most hunters don't realise it.

It's amazing I keep getting told I spam super pound when I probably use it less than most Hammer users!

I was trying to preach variety if anything and FYI the school of "TRIPLE POUND IS MOST DAMAGE, ALWAYS DO IT" are the punks who always manage to fuck up our runs by taking so much damage they have to stop and heal (or die) a shit ton of times.*

Triple Pound as a primary means is very dangerous in the 2G footprint, but I'm unaware of most of Tri, so if there's some speed mods that's very different.

I know this because I still occasionally do it :(


sprsk said:
You have no idea, lol.
Yeah lol.

Did you see the video that they use only KICK to kill the last boss in Nico Nico?

RobbieNick said:
What's the best item to use against him?

Also, will this game use voice chat? If so, Endless Ocean here I come!!
Throw sound bomb at it when it is singing.
Yes WiiSpeak is supported in the final build.


Junior Member
Wiimote/Nunchuck combo works well for me. Being able to switch items while swinging your sword FTW! (Plus, I just like swinging the Wiimote to swing swords in Wii games, but that's just me.) Quropeco is a bitch. I use my long sword on him like crazy, but he won't go down. What's the best item to use against him?

Also, will this game use voice chat? If so, Endless Ocean here I come!!


Alex said:
It's amazing I keep getting told I spam super pound when I probably use it less than most Hammer users. I was trying to preach variety if anything and FYI the school of "TRIPLE POUND IS MOST DAMAGE, ALWAYS DO IT" are the punks who always manage to fuck up our runs by taking so much damage they have to stop and heal (or die) a shit ton of times.
Fair enough, it was just the way you worded it that made it sound like you were one.
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