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Mornin Joe claims Trump asked "If we have Nuclear Weapons why can't we use them?"

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It's over. There will be millions of people who will still vote for him through this, but between this and insulting US vets/their families, there's no way there will be enough to win the election.


He really shouldn't be privy to these briefings... -___-

I literally just woke up and Trump's already managed to top all his previous bullshit from yesterday.
Donald has already made it to 70. He has lived longer than a lot of people have. That's good and all for him. I need the world to still be here in 2060.


Could we get a Trump supporter in here to defend this? I'm curious how you can rationalize.
Not a Trump supporter, but just think of the sacrifices and hard work of the American people that went into developing these devices. How are we honouring their legacy by not using them for their intended purpose? And why haven't we developed anything larger than Tsar Bomba yet anyway? We're admitting our technology isn't as good as the glorious Russians from 50 years ago. Sad!


Trump is officially worse than Gandhi.

Damn I didn't know Ghandi was that hard.


Why does Isis get to chop heads off and we can't? Why do we have nukes if we never use them? Why do people pretend it's Hilary's fault for the race being close but not people supporting trump?
It really does seem like Trump waited until he was officially nominated and then just cranked up the absurdity.

How frustrating must it be to be a journalist right now? You write a piece on something dumb Trump said, and by the time it's published, it's old news because he's said half a dozen things that are way worse.


It really does seem like Trump waited until he was officially nominated and then just cranked up the absurdity.
It's always been this way but the media treated him as just another candidate. Thousands of American Muslims celebrating 9/11 in the streets, Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderes and some I assume are good people. I like the ones who don't get captured.

This week has been condensed crazy though.


The Birthday Skeleton
It really does seem like Trump waited until he was officially nominated and then just cranked up the absurdity.

He was always insane. But people treated him as not being serious and/or someone who does it only to pander to the republican base and who will switch to moderate once nominated.


How frustrating must it be to be a journalist right now? You write a piece on something dumb Trump said, and by the time it's published, it's old news because he's said half a dozen things that are way worse.

On the plus side websites get to make a lot of clickbait lists titled "10 Dumbest Things Trump Said Yesterday".


So not worth it
If the world ends like this, some aliens are gonna have a field day on their Wikipedia-page of humanity.

"On November 8th, 2016, the humans foolishly elected failed businessman Donald Trump to office of President of the United States of America and effectively handed him the launch codes to the most deadly arsenal of Earth. After Trump received the codes in January, he promptly killed everyone on the planet within 30 minutes."

On the plus side, Humanity will instantly become the punch line to most jokes delivered by Alien Stand-Up Comedians, so at least we'll have a lasting legacy in the Universe.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Seeing how easily irritable he is with that baby story, I can't imagine how dangerous this guy could be with nuclear weapons in hand.

"Oh, you dare piss me off Egypt? Nuke 'em!"


No Scrubs
How frustrating must it be to be a journalist right now? You write a piece on something dumb Trump said, and by the time it's published, it's old news because he's said half a dozen things that are way worse.

Depends on how often you need to publish. Once a day? Yea it'll be annoying. Four times a day? This shit is golden.
I firmly believe that this is just strategy adopted from his Wrestling career.
He is playing the bad guy to make sure Hilary gets over. The main goal is for Hilary to get over, and whoever benefits from that. ;)


Yeah, no. This man is a threat to the entire world. Trump supporters are complicit in supporting a dangerous man. Fuck them all.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
To be fair if you just use all nukes on everything there won't be any nukes left to fear and everyone will be equally radiated. Seems fair imo Trump 2016.


I basically choked on me coffee reading this. And that's in spite of the fact that I already assumed Trump today be this dense and dangerous - it's just so shocking to actually read it spelled out like that, I can't pretend that I'm just being paranoid anymore. Jesus Fucking Christ.

A nuclear Holocaust would solve global wealth inequality, overpopulation and even reverse climate change. It's not all bad!


Ok, I will disregard your cryptic internet-symbolism and look at this as 100% confimation.
If noone can come up with better solutions for the world's major problems, I think we should stick to nuclear warfare.


To play Devil's advocate, here in the UK:

Theresa May has declared without hesitation that she would order a nuclear strike to kill hundreds of thousands of people if she thought it was necessary.

The Prime Minister gave the blunt reply during a parliamentary debate on the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons programme, which many suspect was staged by the government for the sole purpose of drawing attention to the rift between Jeremy Corbyn and a majority of Labour MPs.

Ms May was challenged by the SNP’s George Kerevan, who asked: "Are you prepared to authorise a nuclear strike that could kill hundreds of thousands of men, women and children?”

Ms May replied with one word: “Yes.”


We are so fucked.


He really shouldn't be privy to these briefings... -___-

I literally just woke up and Trump's already managed to top all his previous bullshit from yesterday.

I really think they should just print up basic Wikipedia articles or high school level history textbooks before he gets classified briefings


This is just insane. Americans please reconsider your third party/Republican votes if you go that way. Holy shit someone like this has world wide consequences.
Could we get a Trump supporter in here to defend this? I'm curious how you can rationalize.


SpeedyBlueDude and TeamAllucard how can you support this genuine madman ? How can anyone with 2 braincells support him ?

I hope your gun laws are worth it when Syria gets nuked, Europe has fought a war with Russia/ was annexed or nuked into oblivion and a trade war with China has made your economy suffer.

Wake up you fucking idiots.
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