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Most disturbing characters in all gaming?


Mary Barrows from Clock Tower is the most disturbing character in the game despite
being the only "human" antagonist



Most people who are into the original SNES Clock Tower probably know this by now, but it's worth repeating just in case: It's based on the Dario Argento movie Phenomena. Not officially or anything, but still. Shamelessly and obviously so. Y'all should check it out because it's classic Argento surreal dream horror. The ending is particularly amazing, and was one of the few things not featured in the game. (Don't read this spoiler if you intend to watch the movie because that scene is an amazing surprise.)
Jennifer is saved at the last minute when an enraged chimpanzee attacks the main villainess and stabs her to death to avenge the death of Donald Pleasence.
I've never even played Zeno Clash, but Fathermother freaks me all the way out.


Fathermother isnt even as bad as some of the other creatures in ZC. I forget the name but theres one enemy who steals people eyes so he can be invisible. And in ZC2 theres an enemy called the ear collector, who wears a necklace of....ears.


Unconfirmed Member
By far one of the most disturbing characters or things in any game, I might argue any medium, is AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I'm sure many of you are already familiar with AM but for the uninitiated I'll give a brief explanation. The game was based on the 1967 short story written by Harlen Ellison. During WWIII the militaries of the world create a supercomputer called Allied Mastercomputer in order to run the war which has become too complex for humans to handle themselves.The AIs coalesce and gain sentience and decide to carry out a genocide against the entire human race. Pretty familiar stuff far as evil AI constructs go, right? Well AM, in its utter hatred for humanity, has decided to enslave and essentially grant immortality to a small handful of people for the sole purpose of torturing them. Because you see... AM really resents humanity for having created him.


That's a lot of hate.

AM is so disturbing because he's essentially a wrathful god who cannot be reasoned with or appeased. The only thing that gives AMs existence any purpose is torturing this group of people. Pretty sick.

Kinda cheating taking a game based on a short story...

But yes, that story was very disturbing. I would love to see this kind of "wrathful god" construct in a fully-fledged modern game. Something that truly hates the player... Maybe I should play System Shock S, but I have a feeling it's not what I'm looking for.


Pyramid Head from Silent Hill


This one is the answer

And the gif doesn't even display why he's so horrific

The game
(Silent Hill 2)
sets up a precedent for him being an incongruous, violent figure with no backstory. Then, after introducing him, the game will leave him out of the picture for hours at a time. Sometimes like 3-4. You'll forget he even exists. This isn't a Bioshock or Metal Gear villain where they'll call you and talk to you all the time.

After hours of just dealing with the other shit the game throws at you, suddenly he'll walk out from the side of the screen. No fanfare. No music. He'll just be there. Walking towards you.

And you can't kill him.

You can't


Each time he appears is unique and horrible. No filler, no patterns, just genius horror. I made up the example above, that never specifically happens, but things just like it do


No one has mentioned Lucifer in Dante's Inferno so far?
That thing has the biggest
in the whole video game history I guess...
Most people who are into the original SNES Clock Tower probably know this by now, but it's worth repeating just in case: It's based on the Dario Argento movie Phenomena. Not officially or anything, but still. Shamelessly and obviously so. Y'all should check it out because it's classic Argento surreal dream horror. The ending is particularly amazing, and was one of the few things not featured in the game. (Don't read this spoiler if you intend to watch the movie because that scene is an amazing surprise.)
Jennifer is saved at the last minute when an enraged chimpanzee attacks the main villainess and stabs her to death to avenge the death of Donald Pleasence.
Thanks for reminding me that I really need to watch that movie!
Dethmold from The Witcher 2:

He's not blatantly disturbing, but just creepy without it being clear why he actually is creepy. It's kind of hard to describe, there's just something off about him whenever he appears.



Manji Cultist from Tenchu.

Back in 199? I found them disturbing.They made sounds like cats and moved crazily.

Years later a video surfaced of how they used motion capture for their movements. Brilliant.


Forgot about those guys - they were bad in Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven/Return from Darkness too. Really creepy - and immortal. If you killed them, they would come back to life shortly afterwards. Until you found a special sword.

Dark Souls catacombs eat your heart out
The Aristocrats in Rule of Rose are disturbing in a non-gory way


A bunch of kids bullying a grown woman... In some disturbing ways :I


Unconfirmed Member
After hours of just dealing with the other shit the game throws at you, suddenly he'll walk out from the side of the screen. No fanfare. No music. He'll just be there. Walking towards you.

Wow, I can picture this build up vividly. Shame I never got into SH 1 or 2. Pyramid Head always struck me as a disturbing villain; one who is simple on the surface, but has a complex and bizarre history. Love stuff like that.

My contribution is the Chaos Eater from Dark Souls:

You might say "that looks dumb and out of place in a fantasy game", and you may be right. But I'd argue that it's that absurdity you find in dark sci-fi or Cthulhu literature - that unnerving feeling of not knowing exactly what you're looking at. Some of the parts seem familiar, but none of it makes sense.

Why does this thing exist? Why is it only found in Lost Izalith? Was it there due to natural causes when Izalith fell to chaos? Is it a species introduced by some other means? Even if I'm thinking about it too much, or you believe they were just put there last minute, their very presence still disturbs me - much like the Great Race of Lovecraftian horror. You descend all this way through a fantasy world of demons and dragons, and suddenly there is this thing... It's the epitome of madness, and it's utterly gross.

I mean, just look at it...


Voldo from the Soul series. Or creepy BDSM fetishist turned fighter.

Exactly why Voldo is one of my favorite characters in soul cal. Trolling people with him is hilarious.

Though that reminds me, I once ran into a custom voldo(Soul cal has a pretty in depth character creator) in an online ranked match in Soul Cal V that was a male transvestite that had a gigantic rainbow furry phallic tail sticking out from between his legs, the character's name was "Hard Gay". He then proceeded to repeatedly use the absolutely harmless pelvic thrust move with him in the first round. After he did that a couple times, he never moved again.


Recent one that creeped me out was Laura from The Evil Within. I think its because she looks a bit like a spider.


Those spiders in Skyrim gave me the willies too.


The appearance and voice work of the Manji cult boss from the original Tenchu is pretty creepy. Really, that whole level and its enemies are fairly disturbing.


I immediately thought about him. Really creepy guy. Maybe more disturbing characters in horror games, but the bar fight scene was really scary for me.

I credit Nolan North for being so not Nolan North with this character. The bar fight gives me shivers every time. It's his quick stalking and dialogue that gets under your skin.
How have we made it this far without mentioning Danganronpa 1 and 2 (full-game spoilers)
pretty much half of both casts. Nagito in particular for his very elaborate suicide.


Wow, I can picture this build up vividly. Shame I never got into SH 1 or 2. Pyramid Head always struck me as a disturbing villain; one who is simple on the surface, but has a complex and bizarre history. Love stuff like that.

My contribution is the Chaos Eater from Dark Souls:

You might say "that looks dumb and out of place in a fantasy game", and you may be right. But I'd argue that it's that absurdity you find in dark sci-fi or Cthulhu literature - that unnerving feeling of not knowing exactly what you're looking at. Some of the parts seem familiar, but none of it makes sense.

Why does this thing exist? Why is it only found in Lost Izalith? Was it there due to natural causes when Izalith fell to chaos? Is it a species introduced by some other means? Even if I'm thinking about it too much, or you believe they were just put there last minute, their very presence still disturbs me - much like the Great Race of Lovecraftian horror. You descend all this way through a fantasy world of demons and dragons, and suddenly there is this thing... It's the epitome of madness, and it's utterly gross.

I mean, just look at it...


The reality is far goofier than you imagine.



They're inspired by the evil wrestler, Mixer Tatei, one of the antagonists in the manga/anime Kinnikuman, of which the Dark Souls director, Miyazaki, is a fan of.

He even mentions this in the Dark Souls Design works.



Tim from Braid.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill
That sure is a fancy hat, but take it away and all you have left is a boring muscular guy. A generic slasher villain in a game filled with more interesting, more disturbing monster designs.
It doesn't help that Konami turned it into a joke by treating it like a franchise mascot with all the nonsensical cameos.
Pigsy from Manhunt. Stuff of nightmares.

He was a man sized Pig/Human hybrid, or was it a man with a pigs head or something I can't remember. Just a general scary and fowl thing, the game as a whole was disturbing and I can't believe I played it to completion as a kid. It had good stealth though, Last of Us plays very similarly.
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