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Movies you have seen recently?

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icarus-daedelus said:
He IS monotone. He does the same thing in almost every film; he occasionally dials it up (Training Day) or down (Glory) to suit the needs of the role, but by and large it's the same type of performance every time. American Gangster is a perfect example of this.

I liked him in Mighty Quinn, though. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, and one of the few films where I think he actually acted outside of his comfort zone.

He has proven on several occasions that he is not one-dimensional, it's not his fault that hollywood is unwilling to give him a role significantly different from his previous. I wont delve to far into the subject (Seems to be a sensitive subject on GAF), I'll just say he doesn't get nearly as many prime time roles as an actor of his caliber should. You're confusing his ability to act with hollywood's reluctance to give him these roles.


I watched Stranger Than Fiction the other day and I thought the first half was quirky and interesting, but towards the later half eh...not so much.

It didn't explain why this occurence came about, and even then, the way it just ended felt like they couldn't figure out what to do. I mean, the audience can predict it's either A or B, but the movie was quirky enough that it had the potential to take a completely different turn - but nope, very predictable ending and I was ultimately disappointed.


sat down this week and watched:


honestly i didn't enjoy it much, i hated most of the characters and the happy ending (which i know went against Welles' wishes) just seemed too out of place to me.


harSon said:
The subject doesn't need to be argued. To call Denzel Washington, one of the better actors in our life time, a monotone actor is simply asinine.

But its the truth.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Stardust - Awesome. Hard to believe I'll ever see a better fairytale. I don't have a bad word to say about it.


Guys, what should I watch tonight?

I'm in a mood for anything, so genre doesn't matter.

Black Hawk Down
The Producers
The Aviator
The Terminal


YakiSOBA said:
Guys, what should I watch tonight?

I'm in a mood for anything, so genre doesn't matter.

Black Hawk Down
The Producers
The Aviator
The Terminal

1. Black Hawk Down
2. Ray
3. The Aviator
4. The Terminal
5. The Producers (If it's the remake)

Anasui Kishibe said:

so fucking awesome

I fucking love you man. Johnny To rapes. If you loved The Mission then you need to watch Exiled, it's basically The Mission's spiritual successor. Pretty much the same actors as well.
Idiocracy. Fun and smart as hell, par for the course for Mike Judge. I don't think the quality of filmmaking here holds up well to scrutiny, but then it doesn't need to either.
Squirrel Killer said:
Next on tap is Olivier's [Hamlet].
'Twas not to be. The Maltese Falcon (1941) instead. While I liked it overall, the rapid dialogue delivery common in that time breaks the suspension of disbelief for me every single time.
harSon said:
I fucking love you man. Johnny To rapes. If you loved The Mission then you need to watch Exiled, it's basically The Mission's spiritual successor. Pretty much the same actors as well.

another To fan? that's awesome dude.
i watched Exiled, in which Anthony legendary Wong managed to kick even more ass. God I love Johnnie To, and Wong

have you ever watched Breaking News? It fucking rocks as well, although it doesn't reach the greatness of the unbeliavable Mission/ Exiled combo


Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

Damn, what a disappointment. I didn't understand what I was watching. That movie confused the hell out of me.

Also, David Jones' sucked. He used to be so cool in the second one.


Anasui Kishibe said:
another To fan? that's awesome dude.
i watched Exiled, in which Anthony legendary Wong managed to kick even more ass. God I love Johnnie To, and Wong

have you ever watched Breaking News? It fucking rocks as well, although it doesn't reach the greatness of the unbeliavable Mission/ Exiled combo

Yes I have, the majority of this mans movies are damned good. Fulltime Killer and PTU are excellent as well. The Election series is good as well, although I found 2 a lot better then the first. He really is an excellent director.


I watched Knocked Up. It sucked. 2 hours of watching no likable characters yell at each other. What a heap of shit.

I watched it for the first time since I was a kid and watched the DVD and it blew my mind.
The Goonies is all kinds of Awesome. I don't remember it being so funny.


Fast and the Furious This is something of a guilty pleasure of mine as me and my friends in college would watch this film, over and over again. I actually think it's shot really well still, but yeah-remains a guilty pleasure.

25th hour Wow, just finished watching this film now. For the first quarter of the film I couldn't get a handle on the characters and in the end they remained pretty ambigious, but god was it moving with some great performances and absolutely terrific score. Always been a huge Norton fan and he delivers again with some nice support performances (Philip Hoffman's face in the club scene after kissing his student-fucking priceless). Highly recc stuff.
harSon said:
Yes I have, the majority of this mans movies are damned good. Fulltime Killer and PTU are excellent as well. The Election series is good as well, although I found 2 a lot better then the first. He really is an excellent director.

Election and Election 2 are two awesome movies. I totally love the urban feeling To gives to his movies, it's almost if you were in HK with the characters. Who's that guy called, Simon Lam? He's incredible as well


Fragile; Great and atmospheric horror from Jaume Balaguero, who's one of my favorite genre directors. Even Calista Flockhart's presence couldn't ruin it. Although it has to be said, the movie was not one of the director's best works.
Near Dark; Immensely entertaining 80's vampire road movie. This was actually the second time I saw it, but the last time was over a decade ago.
Tideland; Absolutely marvellous...
It's your daddy's fault you were the way you were, not mine. 'Cause I loved you... lip smackin' little junkie baby. Irritable and hyperactive, you was, just twitchin' and spasms and convulsions. Your daddy blew smoke in your face to keep you quiet; you know that, mm hmm. I think it what damaged you, well don't blame me, cuz. I breast fed you forever... Jeliza Rose you know I love you, don't you? I'm sorry baby, I'm gonna do something real nice for you real soon some day, I promise.... What the fuck are you doin'? How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my chocolate, you little bitch?... Oh honey, I don't want you to leave me, Jeliza Rose. I can't get by without you, Jeliza Rose.
Saw IV; Somewhat entertaing, but wouldn't buy it.
1408; The first half was pretty good, but they ruined it in the latter half. Too much is too much.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End; Boring.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Boring.
Transformers; Boring.
Mr. Brooks; Ok, eventhough it features Kevin Costner in the lead role.


hiitman - 66% bad, 34% good.

Shoot'em up - worse then I hoped but still pretty awesome brainless fun.

Stardust - that's how you do fairy tale these days! Brilliant.

D-War - oh lol. So bad it's awesome.

Beowulf - lot smarter and richer then it loked from the trailers. Good stuff.


Duffclown said:

A local Art's theatre showed it a couple weeks ago. Without a doubt my movie of the year.

I just got back from this and holy shit was it awesome, best film this year. Kinda makes me proud to be Irish.



Just saw this the other day, coming from someone who would not consider themselves an outdoorsy type at all. I loved it.

Amazing cinematography, Interesting characters, Awesome soundtrack (Eddie Vedder).
Just such a great story, and based on a true one at that.

I really enjoyed it, recommend it to all.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Brilliant, brilliant, did I mention brilliant? Charlie Kaufman does it again and I really look forward to his directorial deubt with Synecdoche.

Eastern Promises I said this in the other thread, but I came away pretty dissapointed feeling the film went no where.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Melchiah said:
Fragile; Great and atmospheric horror from Jaume Balaguero, who's one of my favorite genre directors. Even Calista Flockhart's presence couldn't ruin it. Although it has to be said, the movie was not one of the director's best works.

As a fellow Balaguero fan, I enjoyed this, too. He consistently puts together some of the better atmospheric thrillers these days; I'm disappointed that his part of the Films To Keep You Awake series (and the series as a whole) hasn't being released in the US or UK, or, at the very least, with English subtitles somewhere. Hopefully [REC] gets an international release in the near future...
Flock said:

Just saw this the other day, coming from someone who would not consider themselves an outdoorsy type at all. I loved it.

Amazing cinematography, Interesting characters, Awesome soundtrack (Eddie Vedder).
Just such a great story, and based on a true one at that.

I really enjoyed it, recommend it to all.



Finally got the chance to finish the Lee Chang Dong collection I got a couple months ago.

Peppermint Candy - the lead actor did a great job of making me hate his guts. Still trying to convince myself that his actions were (somewhat) justified, though. Recommended.

Oasis - Not much to say other than wow. The water bottle scene in particular hit me like a ton of bricks. :lol So awesome.

Also watched The Taste of Tea yesterday and apart from the first 10-15 minutes of the film, I loved every second of it. Delightfully charming, quirky and random.


Unconfirmed Member
The other day I saw Live Free, Die Hard and 28 Weeks Later. LFDH was effing awesome. One of my favorite action movies ever, probably. 28WL... meh. It went way overkill with the violence, and
slaughtered the characters too fast for me to really care about them


Hail to the Chef
Bad Santa (n-th time, actually) 7/10 - makes me feel a bit sad everytime
Blade Runner Final cut 7/10 - yeah, well, no more alternate versions mmmkay?
The Muppets Christmas Carol awwww/10, 2nd sunday in advent movie, what to say?


louie said:
I just got back from this and holy shit was it awesome, best film this year. Kinda makes me proud to be Irish.

Haha, that's awesome. Wait, it was filmed in Ireland and did it just come out there? How late do you guys have to wait for releases?


Sin City God haven't seen this film since I originally saw it at the cinemas. Still holds up rather well with the film really carrying the attitude and atmosphere that goes with the source material. Rourke as Marv is bloody brilliant.

Rescue Dawn I haven't seen Herzog documentary but the film was pretty impressive. There are a few absolute stand-out scenes, with incredible tension that I was on the edge of my seat literally. One part I didn't like about the ending
First seemed a touch abrupt, but second no mention of the fate of the other prisoners, whom I latter hear protested to how the film potrayed them

Ghost in a shell Fantastic animation even though it's more than 10 year's old. Special mention to the score also is sensational particular the main theme.



Epic written all over it, Cate Blanchett at it's best, unmissable. A+++

I'm interested in The Brave One now, it's been a long time since I saw Jodie Foster.


Citizenship said:
I'm interested in The Brave One now, it's been a long time since I saw Jodie Foster.

I recently rewatched Inside Man, and I thought Foster as the film was a real treat. Arguably she doesn't have a large role but the little screen time she has, she dominates.


Junior Member
I went to see both Beowulf 3D and The Golden Compass yesterday. Very uneaven animation in Beowulf, but the 3D was awesome. Golden Compass was a nice little adventure. Too much killing for a "family" movie though, IMO.


Legends of the Fall ------ Very entertaining. Good job Hopkins/Pitt.

Shadowboxer ------- haha, what a badly bizarre film.
American Pshyco - Wow, i was floored by this movie, it was fantastic. I was a big fan of Christian Bale before but even by his standards this was a damn good performance.


master15 said:
I recently rewatched Inside Man, and I thought Foster as the film was a real treat. Arguably she doesn't have a large role but the little screen time she has, she dominates.

Looks interesting, Clive Owen never cease to amaze me, I'll be ordering it soon. I liked Contact, and I'm hoping that The Brave One is at least 'good', as Jodie Foster remains a classy favorite to me. I'm interested more about her personality\character in the movie, kind of unfamiliar to Jodie.

the poster looks good, though.



AdventureRacing said:
American Pshyco - Wow, i was floored by this movie, it was fantastic. I was a big fan of Christian Bale before but even by his standards this was a damn good performance.

The dark humour and satire are just marvelous. Plus there are so many quotable lines, it's hard to know where to start. Now go read the book if you haven't. (Much, much more violent but some cracking chapters).

Citizenship said:
Looks interesting, Clive Owen never cease to amaze me, I'll be ordering it soon.

Ditto here, well apart from Shoot em up, but that's another story :lol


Lock stock and two smoking barrels Say what you want about Guy Ritchie but I loved Snatch. Of course I understood it followed on from Lock Stock but I had never happened to track down and watch the film. It's certainly not as flashy or flows like the latter but I really enjoyed it.

Romeo must die A film that has performances and moments that transcend the 'action' genre. It's certainly one of Jet Li's better Western efforts.

Blade Runner: Final Cut First time I've seen Blade Runner. While the set-design, cinematography and lighting is fantastic I found nothing particulary compelling or involving as far as the characters and story was concerned. It started with a lot of promise but the middle act just dragged on and in the end I failed to really understand the almost universal praise the film seems to get.
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