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Movies you have seen recently?

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I just finished watching this:


The science of sleep.

I really loved it. I went into knowing it wasn't going to be as good as enternal sunshine but it was a good film with alot of charm.


Vard said:
Le Samourai

Pretty awesome. I found the story itself to be simple yet very... intriguing. It slowly built up over time. Some great shots; I loved the way the city looked and was depicted. A hit-man (why is this as one word censored on GAF; the movie?) with the samurai way of life is a nice mix.

Thats the movie that inspired the director of the movie I mentioned above (Ghost Dog). If you liked Le Samourai I recommend you watch it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Armitage said:
Just saw The Big Lebowski for the first time. Enjoyed it but not as much as I thought I would.
I was bored the first time I saw it. Now it's my favorite and most re-watchable movie ever. Watch it again in a little while, it grows on you.
Armitage said:
Just saw The Big Lebowski for the first time. Enjoyed it but not as much as I thought I would.

I find it a pretty common thing with Coen's particular style, because it happened to me for all their movies. I started with Raising Arizona and the first time I was bored to tears..some chuckles here and there but definitely hated it. Then rewatched it a couple of times and laughed out loud until the final credits.


I saw Stardust. It was good but it missed that final spark of genius to make it great. CGI was dodgy at times. But yeah...the only movie this year, aside from Ratatouille, to give me that "Hollywood magic" vibe I remember from my childhood.

idiocracy - funny, but also sort of scary as i could see it becoming fact
the host - pretty good family story...oh with a monster
ghost dog - ehhhhhhh it's ok
o brother where art thou? - amazing


bggrthnjsus said:

idiocracy - funny, but also sort of scary as i could see it becoming fact
the host - pretty good family story...oh with a monster
ghost dog - ehhhhhhh it's ok
o brother where art thou? - amazing

I like the Coen brothers and everything, but no... just no.
Kind of an old movie, but I watched Kicking and Screaming since it was on TBS today and it was actually pretty funny imo. Exceeded my expectations.

I really need to watch some of the movies I picked up on black Friday:
- The Goonies
- Shawshank Redemption
- Batman Begins
- 300

Even though I've seen 'em all, they're all solid movies.
Way too many. I like watch two movies every night before I go to sleep when I'm at home.


12 Monkeys
Wild Hogs
Live Free or Die Hard
Ghostbusters II
Blazing Saddles
Clerks II
Kung Fu Hustle
The Incredibles
Spider-Man 3
The Big Lebowski
Princess Mononoke
The Wedding Crashers


I saw (a movie about #47, which aparently gets auto-censored on this board) last Wednesday and thought it was a pretty fun movie to watch. Mindless violence and crazy gunplay rule! The hooker chick who got naked in it was also impressive...and she spoke real Russian.

K0NY said:
I saw ****** last Wednesday and thought it was a pretty fun movie to watch. Mindless violence and crazy gunplay rule! The hooker chick who got naked in it was also impressive...and she spoke real Russian.


Gangs of New York Easily my least favourite Scorsese film, it really lacks the punch and depth you've come to expect from the director. Everything from the MTV-editing of the opening battle, to some pretty dubious casting and performances from the supporting characters really makes for uninspiring viewing. Daniel Day Lewis is the only shinning light, but even his performance can’t save the film.

Miami ViceEnjoyed this a lot less of repeat view. The film really, really drags itself half-way in, and Gong Li's broken English really drives me insane. Still some nice elements and moments, plus gorgeous cinematography make this palatable, but it's no Collateral or Heat.


Tropa de Elite A semi real movie on the BOPE, special police force unit, in Rio de janeiro. Based on a book and accounts of a sociologist and 2 former BOPE policemen. Really interesting and sorta freaky to watch. Really good movie


Anyone seen *deep breath* The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford yet?

I hear it's like... perfection.


LoTR: The Two Towers.

Its Sunday
Was snowing figured make it a movie day.

Was between watching that for second time or Return of the Jedi or w/e the 2nd Star Wars movie is.

Two Towers awesome movie but sure don't need to tell folks that.


Broken Flowers Interesting little film. I haven't seen any of Jarmusch's work apart from Coffee and Cigarettes (Which I really liked) but Bill Murray get's by this film saying very little. Liked how the film didn't give in to a typical ending either.

Snake Eyes I've been watching a lot of DePalma films of late but the camera work and style in Snake Eyes is pure bliss for fans. Sure the story is a little sketchy on repeat viewings, but just look at the camera dance!
Saw There Will Be Blood last week, I think Daniel Day Lewis is a lock for the Best Actor Oscar, and Paul Dano could end up getting a Best Supporting nom.

It's my personal favorite of the year so far and I've seen No Country, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead and all the other contenders.

Before The Devil Knows You're Dead by the way, is one of the most unrelentingly bleak films I've ever seen in my life, and whoever the cinematographer was didn't seem to have much experience shooting digitally. They used the Panavision Genesis camera which looked great in a few movies like Reign Over Me, but in this film it makes it look so low budget with the drab colors and the blooming whites.

Lumet does know his shit though and did an amazing job with the material he was presented, I still can't believe an 83 year old man directed it.. and all the actors outdid themselves, especially Philip Seymour Hoffmann, Albert Finney and the amazingly hot Marisa Tomei who spends more time naked than not in this movie.
Yixian said:
Anyone seen *deep breath* The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford yet?

I hear it's like... perfection.

If you're a fan of Terrence Malick's movies (The Thin Red Line, Days Of Heaven, The New World, Badlands) then you will love it. If you have a short attention span, you will hate it.


Hail to the Chef
All on DVD:
The Experiment 9/10 - makes you uncomfortable
Bad Santa 8/10 - same
Nightmare before Christmas 10/10 - our traditional first sunday in advent movie, to make up for the uncomfortable movies.
Amarcord : Watched it twice in 36 hours, loved it both times. Definitely one of the best Fellinis. So many memorable moments, and such a loveable structure. An incredible experience.

Renoir's The River : I liked it a lot, but I can't say I loved it as much as I thought I would, especially with Scorsese raving about it. Still, a really nicely shot movie and interesting characters.

Ocean's 13 : Really great fun, really well shot, incredible set design. All action movies should be done like this.

Heat : Watched it for the second time, and it holds up really well. Definitely a man movie, about men, for men. Very, very strong and influential cinematography as well.


I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry - Funnier then I thought it would be. The scenes with David Spade really made me :lol

Dan in Real Life - A lot more serious then the trailers showed but still pretty decent.

The Darjeeling Limited - Loved it.

Oceans 13 - Liked 11 but thought 12 was boring as hell. Thought this one would be worse but I liked it more then 12.


demon said:




Just saw this film for the first time tonight. Great, great film.

Max Schumacher: Why is it that a woman always thinks that the most savage thing she can say to a man is to impugn his cocksmanship.
Diana Christensen: I'm sorry I impugned your cocksmanship.
Max Schumacher: I gave up comparing genitals back in the schoolyard.

polyh3dron said:
If you're a fan of Terrence Malick's movies (The Thin Red Line, Days Of Heaven, The New World, Badlands) then you will love it. If you have a short attention span, you will hate it.

Well, I am. Badlands is very good. But the Assassination of... is just devoid of life it seems. I wouldn't recommend it to fans of Malick films, it's missing something.


Yixian said:
Anyone seen *deep breath* The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford yet?

I hear it's like... perfection.

Read the thread. Several of us have raved about it already.


Just got back from seeing Michael Clayton last night. I thought that it was a great movie, truly. Sadly I also think it's one that most people raised on typical Hollywood fair won't appreciate. Maybe the best cast movie I've seen in years. See it before it leaves theatres.


only george clooney can combine sexy nespresso commercials with making awesome movies. i've seen parts of it, and it did look really good to me. he's doing some great stuff lately.


Once Upon a Time in the West - watched last night. Great, great movie. Although I was a little down in the sense that the story wasn't as epic as I thought it was going to be. I was expecting something along the lines of Once Upon a Time in America level of epicness having seen that first.

sub question.. Charles Bronson was badass in this movie, but I've never seen him in anything before.. what else does he have worth checking? I heard decent things about the Death Wish movies.


Bitches love smiley faces
Michael Clayton - I though was very well done but the ending was just too Hollywood, wrapping everything in a neat little package. And there's also some questionable logic in that
they used a car bomb to try and kill him. That has got to be the most suspicious way to end a persons life and threatens their clandestine operation. It makes no sense that they chose that as an option to silence him

Le Cercle Rouge - I netflix'd due to ridiculous amount of adulation in the caper thread. I really wasn't that into it while watching it (probably because I just got off work) but thinking about how "the heist was only successful because these people met, but ultimately they were fucked because they met" made me appreciate it more.


Recently watched:

Deja Vu: I'm a sucker for Denzel Washington, but damn it if he doesn't play the exact same character in all his movies. Not a bad thing, really, but more an observation. Anyway, I thought it was a pretty good movie. The only thing that kept it from being great was the ending.
The happy ending was obviously bolted on, since EVERYTHING ELSE in the movie points to the fact that Denzel's character had tried and failed to save the girl. Producers didn't have the balls to do the 12 Monkeys ending.

Night at the Museum: Very fun movie! So many great moments, but I think Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rourke kicking ass was the most surprising.

Little Miss Sunshine: Meh for most of the movie, although the climax to the movie makes me feel guilty for laughing at it so hard.

Closing Escrow: Pretty good. It's a mockumentary, although it's not nearly to the caliber of, say, Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, or This Is Spinal Tap. I watched the free preview on HDNET Movies a couple months ago.

Cashback: Beautiful movie. Wife and I really enjoyed it. Another HDNET preview.

Ratatoille: Last movie we saw in the theaters. Awesomely good. A giant step up from the rather mediocre (but still good) Cars.


gblues said:
Deja Vu: I'm a sucker for Denzel Washington, but damn it if he doesn't play the exact same character in all his movies. Not a bad thing, really, but more an observation.

Thankfully it's the coolest character ever.


Bought and watched Hard Boiled for the first time the other night. Awesome stuff, especially considering when it was made. Also, Chow Yun-Fat calls a baby a "little pisspot."


Kastro said:
sub question.. Charles Bronson was badass in this movie, but I've never seen him in anything before.. what else does he have worth checking? I heard decent things about the Death Wish movies.

ya good western for sure

my favorite Bronson movie is Death Wish 3, but its pure camp and cheese, its more like a comedy, for Bronson flick i would check out the mechanic


Bitches love smiley faces
yacobod said:
my favorite Bronson movie is Death Wish 3, but its pure camp and cheese, its more like a comedy, for Bronson flick i would check out the mechanic
Death Wish 3 is so awesome... and answers the question, what if Conan O'Brien was a gang leader.


Have had nothing but time thanks to Strep Throat. Been catching up on some movies.


I always thought this was a crime movie, but it was far from it. Which is a good thing IMO. I personally liked it more then the Hughes Brothers previous efforts (Menace 2 Society and From Hell). Pity they aren't doing films anymore, I think they had a lot of potential.


Really powerful movie. I recommend this movie 100%


Extremely good movie.


Pretty damn good. This old man is bad ass.


Johnny To is one of my favorite directors, and this movie is on par with his previous efforts. Actually, this movie flat out fucking owns. Awesome shit.

Schnicktick said:
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Great movie. I think I'll check some more of Leone's.

Please fucking do man. He is one of my favorite directors of all time if not my favorite. A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, and Once Upon a Time in America. They are all masterpieces IMO. This man was a genius. Not to mention the fact that Lee Van Cleef is a complete bad ass.


gblues said:
Deja Vu: I'm a sucker for Denzel Washington, but damn it if he doesn't play the exact same character in all his movies. Not a bad thing, really, but more an observation. Anyway, I thought it was a pretty good movie. The only thing that kept it from being great was the ending.

The Mighty Quinn, The Hurricane, Glory, Training Day, Philadelphia, Fallen, Malcolm X... etc. Poor observation. He plays cops/detectives a lot, but to say he plays the exact same character is being a bit too liberal with the hyperbole.


Dali said:
The Mighty Quinn, The Hurricane, Glory, Training Day, Philadelphia, Fallen, Malcolm X... etc. Poor observation. He plays cops/detectives a lot, but to say he plays the exact same character is being a bit too liberal with the hyperbole.

Sooooooo underrated, Denzel should have won the Oscar for best actor that year. Only reason the movie gets so much unwarranted hate is the controversy surrounding Rubin Carter.


Alien First time I've seen the film the entire way through. I watched the 2003 Directors Cut on the Alien box set and was pretty darn impressed. For a film nearly 30 years old, visually it holds up pretty darn well. I was surprised how 2001-esque it felt at times (Particulary like 5-6 minute opening with no dialogue). Unfortuntely I knew all about the chest-bursting scene before-hand but the Ash revelation was just as shocking.

Rurôni Kenshin: Romantic Tales from the Meiji Era Great animation, pretty cool little story. I had watched the TV series but the OVA is far, far superior. Fight scenes are fast and brutal. Beautiful score also.


icarus-daedelus said:
Great argument. You've completely changed my mind.

The subject doesn't need to be argued. To call Denzel Washington, one of the better actors in our life time, a monotone actor is simply asinine.
I agree actually. I really like Denzel, but he just plays Denzel Washington in every movie. Everybody loves Morgan Freeman, rightfully so, but he also plays Morgan Freeman in every film just like post-Godfather 3 Pacino.
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