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Movies you have seen recently?

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bggrthnjsus said:

it was probably the most ridiculously awesome thing i've ever seen. zombies! samurai! swordfighting! guns! continuity glitches! fighting! ridiculous gore! the only thing it needed was titties and explosions.

It was fun for an hour, but it definitely dragged on too long after those 60 minutes.
Solo said:
Finally caught The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. Move over, Zodiac, ye have been dethroned as best movie I have seen this year thusfar. I dont know if Im ready to say its a masterpiece, but its darn close. Andrew Dominick seems to be the next Malick, both in terms of his filmmaking style, and also in temrs of his less-than-prolific output (2 films in 7 years).

Pretty shots with no life to them. Badlands was much, much.... much better.

The one good scene it had was the actual assasination. And the shots around the trainrobbery were beautiful. The rest just felt dead to me. It should have been shorter with a stronger focus on the relationship between Jesse and Robert to heighten the impact of that one (assasination) scene.


Fallout-NL said:
Pretty shots with no life to them. Badlands was much, much.... much better.

The one good scene it had was the actual assasination. And the shots around the trainrobbery were beautiful. The rest just felt dead to me. It should have been shorter with a stronger focus on the relationship between Jesse and Robert to heighten the impact of that one (assasination) scene.

Fair enough, to each their own. I found it to be full of life, and I would actually be down for a longer, slightly more fleshed out director's cut, to be honest :lol I felt another, say, half hour of running time, adding some more Bob Ford/Jesse James scenes, and some more scenes fleshing out the Dick Liddle, et al. characters.

But Badlands has Martin Sheen. So it wins there.

Anyways, yeah. For me, its up to either There Will Be Blood or No Country For Old Men to knock Jesse James off my movie-of-the-year pedestal.

I saw it two weeks ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. Easily the best film I've seen in theatres this year. See it!


Klaxon said:
Good Night and Good Luck: David Strathairn would make me gay.

i liked it; and i'm glad they kept it 90 minutes instead of stretching it to 120 minutes like most movies nowadays.


icarus-daedelus said:
It has the best cinematography I've seen in a long, long time; I can't speak for others (like FalloutNL) but I was engaged through the entire running time, moreso than in most shorter films I've seen this year. The photography, music, performances, writing, direction... just impeccable. The only problem I had with it walking out of the theater was the narration, which was really dry, but upon reflection I think it fits.

You can speak for me. Word to everything you said here.

icarus-daedelus said:
Same! I watched Boogie Nights yesterday, too, so I'm extra pumped for TWBB. Too bad it'll likely go to wide distribution in January. :(

I am so pumped too. And yes, it sucks waiting for it to go wide. I already know that my local theatre isnt getting No Country (or at least, they dont yet), which sucks balls. TWBB coming here also seems sketchy at best. And Jesse James never went wide period; it played at 200 theatres at its peak. I just happened to luck into finding one of the very few theatres playing it, while half way across the country.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?

2 Days in Paris:Very funny and entertaining. Delpy is charming as always. Anyone who liked Before Sunrise and Before Sunset (and how can you not) will probably also like this a lot.


Voleurs de Chevaux:I dunno, it's not that bad, but I think most people would think it's pretty boring, and a little too realistic/grim for most people.


Empties: This movie is totally awesome. It's the first Czech movie I've ever seen, and I want more now. It's a strange mix of comedy, drama, slice-of-life, and in a way reminds me of the Italian cinema in its glory days.


California Dreamin'This movie has received a lot of praise on festivals, but didn't really move me. The concept was pretty interesting, but the movie drags on and on and on... Should've cut out some more.


Hallam Foe: This one's totally worth viewing. Has the dude from Billy Elliot, Sophia Miles, and is generally speaking fucking awesome.


I have seen some really good flicks lately:

Dot The I - Awesome
Sunshine - Awesome
The Green Butchers - Awesome (And GERMAN!)


The Prestige - Excellent

I think I saw someone on page 2 watch this movie and they didn't like it, but I thought it was really well done. I espeically liked the twists it had along the way with the final reveal at the end.

Definitly worth the watch.


icarus-daedelus said:
My theaters get NCFOM this upcoming Wednesday, the 21st (along with the billion or so other movies coming out then), so there's a good chance that yours might, too, provided you live in a moderately large city..

Hmmm.... interesting. I just checked out the 9th, saw it wasnt there, and figured that was it. Ill have to check out the Wednesday the 21st listings.

icarus-daedelus said:
It's coming out in the US December 26th, which says to me that they're releasing it in a few theaters in LA and NY to qualify it for Oscars before (possibly, hopefully) giving it a wider release later in January (like studios did with Pan's Labyrinth and Children of Men earlier this year.).

I hope this is the case. I caught both Pan's and CoM this way, in early January.

icarus-daedelus said:
Yeah, Warner Bros. seems to have dumped it, which is not only unfortunate but odd considering that it had a $30 million budget and has been in post-production hell (rumours of studio re-edits abound) for quite a while. I can't really blame them, though; it's a bit too good for Oscars and way too artsy for most of the moviegoing public. Still, if there was a god, this thing would have awards season wrapped up. Oh well.

Even stranger is that its release came right on the heels of 3:10 to Yuma, which did astoundingly well for a western in 2007. I would have figured that seeing that film succeed would have been all WB needed to market the hell out of Jesse James.

Oh well, I got to see it on the big screen, so I am happy. Now we just need it on HD DVD (BRD too, since its Warner). One nice thing about it never going wide/bombing is that it will see home video in no time at all.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Solo said:
One nice thing about it never going wide/bombing is that it will see home video in no time at all.

February 5th. An HD version wasn't specifically mentioned yet, but it's a given.
Branagh's Hamlet. Although I much prefer Helena Bonham Carter's Ophelia from the Zeffirelli version and Doyle's score seems at times to be a direct copy of his Henry V score, Branagh's portrayal of Hamlet, which, as the 101 Reasons to Watch Branagh's Hamlet list (cue eye rolling) says, is not "a man who couldn't make up his mind," really makes this version. It was as epic as I remembered it. Lots of amazing touches large and small. I had forgotten the ridiculous absurdity of the English Ambassador's line, which might have been the first time Shakespeare has made me actually laugh out loud.

Next on tap is Olivier's.


300 - There seems to be some sort of political msg in between the lines, but it was visually pleasing. I enjoyed it.

Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut - Awesome, pure awesome.

The Prestige - Good stuff, very much enjoyed it.


Last thing I watched was a revisiting of The Proposition. Still incredible. Its got this whole mood to it that I cant even really explain, save for to say that I really dig it.
Movie: Three Times
Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Year: 2005

What an infinitely beautiful film. I'd imagine that quite a bit of people would hate it because it is extremely slow moving and it has very little dialogue. I just thought it was masterfully done.


I watched No Country for Old Men today and loved it. This and Jesse James are my most enjoyed movies of the year, so far. Javier Bardem is amazingly creepy in the movie. He had some people nervously giggling when he would engage in conversation throughout the movie. Very great stuff.
I watched Live Free or Die Hard tonight. My facial expression didn't change from :| until
Bruce was fighting Maggie Q and the whole guy beating up a girl dynamic came into play
, which was funny. Overall the film was pretty good, though.

I'm watching No Country tomorrow. Can't wait.


Bitches love smiley faces
Caught Transformers and Ratatouille over the weekend.

Surprised to find that I actually ended up enjoying Transformers. I guess the only way you can make a Michael Bay movie palatable is to add giant robots. Loved the fan service they put in ("One shall stand and one shall fall") but they barely showed any of the last Optimus/Megatron fight. And I still cringed at most of the Bayisms.

Ratatouille was terrific and I expected nothing less from Brad Bird.


Spider-Man 3.

I actually liked it. And want more.

I wish I could do the Peter Parker Strut down Main street as well as him.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Kind of embarrassing, but I just saw Blade Runner for the first time. Excellent film. Great performances, beautifully shot, just as beautifully scored, thought provoking...and it seems clear to me that he
is a replicant. Then again, I never saw the original version without the unicorn "memory"

I don't know if this counts as a movie, but the new Futurama was pretty good. It's just like a longer, average episode of the TV series. If you liked that, you should like this, if you didn't, won't change your mind.


Hail to the Chef
Stranger Than Fiction - 8/10 solid entertainment, great performance by Will Ferell and Emma Thompson.

PotC 3: 7/10 a bit rushed, but nice to watch once.

Jungle Book 40th anniversary ed. awwwwwww/10 OH NOSTALGIA, was one of the first movies I saw in theaters. PQ is impressive.
I finally saw Underworld. What a piece of crap!

They developed an interesting enough mythos/backstory, but the plot and character motivations were nonsensical, and the vampires were total wimps.

The blantant ripping-off of the style of the Matrix movies didn't help.

I had low expectations, but this flew in well below them.


This weekend I watched The Mist, No Country for Old Men, and Close Encounters on Blu Ray.

The Mist and No Country for Old Men were great and of course Close Encounters is excellent.
no country for old men, which was awesome
then i went home and watched o brother where art thou, which was also great
then i watched the host, which was pretty good too. can't decide how good, but it was a good watch


Last movie I watched was Hairspray and omg, maybe best movie I seen this year. Completely infected with joy of that movie, delivered as modern day musical on all fronts.
icarus-daedelus said:
Worst of all, it's really boring and takes itself way too seriously. It's bad, but in an actually bad way and not just a "so bad its good way."

Yeah, I was expecting at least mindless entertainment. I wasn't entertained, even accidentally.


Watched the Machinist last weekend. Incredible performance by Bale. Rest of the cast was pretty good too. I liked it, although I'm not sure I fully understand it.

Also recently watched American Gangster, and I was somewhat disappointed. It really wasn't fleshed out enough, too many characters that just didn't seem right. Great performances by Washington and Crowe.

Oh, and I watched 3:10 to Yuma recently. That movie is made of win and awesome.


I watched Next with Nic Cage and Jessica Biel... pretty standard time travel... seeing future stuff... with typical reboot ending...


Transformers - One of the worst pieces of cinematic trash I have ever seen. Loud, obnoxious, incomprehensible. I was honestly offended by how useless this movie was.

Ratatouille - Great animated feature, with a big heart. Very original, playful, charming, and satisfying.

American Gangster - A wonderful, controlled performance from Washington, and the blurring of moral boundaries and corruption made this one very fascinating to watch. Enjoyable, with amazing performances.


Alucard said:
Transformers - One of the worst pieces of cinematic trash I have ever seen. Loud, obnoxious, incomprehensible. I was honestly offended by how useless this movie was.

Ratatouille - Great animated feature, with a big heart. Very original, playful, charming, and satisfying.

American Gangster - A wonderful, controlled performance from Washington, and the blurring of moral boundaries and corruption made this one very fascinating to watch. Enjoyable, with amazing performances.

:lol :lol

Fuck you Michael Bay! :lol


The Mist - Good until the overly cynical end. The novella ending is far better... but hey; the cinema audience of today wants closure.

The Warriors - Wow, how did I miss this party? :)

Futurama the Movie: Bender's Big Score - To many jokes fell flat. The characters also felt alien (not space alien alien) on several occasions. I mean, they weren't reacting to things like the usually did in the show. It was a letdown :(

(EDIT 1) Oh yeah. Spiderman 3 - I watched half the movie then turned it off... ungh...
(EDIT 2) Totally forgot about Ratatouille - Instant classic.


California' Dreamin[endless]
Pretty interesting movie it has some really good acting with a very cynical story. Worth watching for sure!
I just saw " No Country for Old Men" last night and it was excellent. The assassin character Anton is the most interesting and intriguing character in recent memory. Woody Harrelson's character is almost as interesting, but his part is fairly short.

The acting was outstanding and the Coen brothers once again perfectly portray a regional demographic in the U.S. (much like in Fargo). I loved every minute of this film
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