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Movies you have seen recently?

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Absolutely pathetic part deux
Fallout-NL said:
Strange, I thought it was one of the least memorable westerns out there. An attempt at 'art-western' which failed due to the lack of substance. The actual assasination made a beautiful scene, but that was pretty much it. It felt like the rest of the movie had no idea where it wanted to go.

Seraphim Falls was a lot better imho.

Your review sounds like my review for the Proposition. I have a need to rereview it though for I have been in the mood to re-evulate it. I haven't seen Seraphim Falls yet but will get around to it soon. I hope that There Will Be Blood will rule all. I still get the shimmy shakes when I watch the trailer. Most anticipated film of the year.



Missed it in Cannes. Great film.



Extremely charming movie. I really liked it. There were a few moments where I was like, 'Ha, that character is so totally going to do XXXX' and sat there smirking, waiting for it to happen. (For example,
I thought Michael Douglas' character was going to steal his student's manuscript and pass it off as his own
.) But the script really surprised me -- there weren't any cop-out moments, or at least what I thought would be. And there were really funny moments -- the
for one. :lol

First time I've seen it, but I'll see it again. The story meanders a bit and goes into some weird side-stories at times, but it works somehow and ends up giving the film its charm. It's gone onto my list of Nice Movies. :)


You Wonder Boys viewers:

Read the book! Chabon is awesome.

I liked both the movie and the book. Pretty rare feat there.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow

The Shout, a absolutely underrated, mesmerizing little film about a man with the ability to kill with a shout, and the manipulation and obsession that takes place when he enters the lives of a married couple. It's perfectly off-kilter, disorienting and unsettling, all very reminiscent of Nic Roeg, Peter Weir and Polanski.


Yes, Wonderboys is beautiful. To me it's as much a classic as American Beauty, never got why it didn't get similar praise.

I've recently discovered and been rewatching Brick, such a fantastic unique little gem...

I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys movies like Donnie Darko (I know, it's a totally different movie but it's the same level of 'alternative' film and has similar production values which is why they feel like they're in the same category to me).


In the mouth of madness
The Machinist
Silent Hill

I'm sorta in a horror/psychological thriller mood lately. Plus started playing Silent Hill again. I going to try and play 1 to 4 straight through.


Why not watch a movie better than those three then, which also just happens to be the movie that Silent Hill owes pretty much everything to, Jacob's Ladder?


Solo said:
Why not watch a movie better than those three then, which also just happens to be the movie that Silent Hill owes pretty much everything to, Jacob's Ladder?

I think I have watched Jacob's Ladder over 10 times. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. I though Silent Hill was decent movie and The Machinist was the best thing I've seen since the last Christan Bale film. :D
Dan in Real Life.. I would of opted for "Dan in land of imaginary stuff" if they released it. I mean come'on Steve Carrell.. I have yet to laugh at any of his films since.. 40 year virgin.
Apocalypto.... it's an okay movie but there is one scene at the beginning really caught me off guard and had me laughing so damn hard. <<<< RED HAWT DAWG scene>>>>

I haven't laugh that hard since i watched Mrs. Doubtfire back in the mid 9o's.


Jade Knight 08 said:
Apocalypto.... it's an okay movie but there is one scene at the beginning really caught me off guard and had me laughing so damn hard. <<<< RED HAWT DAWG scene>>>>

I haven't laugh that hard since i watched Mrs. Doubtfire back in the mid 9o's.

I caught the last half of it on the weekend. Surprisingly funny film. :)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I thought Apocalypto was surprisingly good.

I've recently seen:

A Tale of Two Sisters: good film, fairly creepy. I thought it was going to be scarier.
I'd say by the time they were having that first meal around the table, for whatever reason I kinda guessed one of them was already dead. I was a little disappointed it was one of those OMG TWIST endings, but whatever. I don't understand what the hell was going o when those two people came over for dinner.

Dead Alive: finally saw this movie. Crazy, crazy shit.

1408: Good, not great.
I actually really enjoyed it up until the room started getting really crazy. I liked the suspense and feeling of dread when he was first in the room more than when the room actually started going nuts. And he beat it with fire? Really?



This movie proved once again that Al Pacino is my all time favourite actor...


The movie is ok, not brilliant but not bad either

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Just saw Order of the Phoenix, I enjoyed it a lot. Definitely the best Potter film. I always said it'd be better than Goblet, because even though the book's longer, it's a much more straightforward story with fewer "set pieces", if you like, to include.

Even with as good a conversion as this though, I can't help wishing I could just tweak the film here and there, I could just make it so much better. I imagine everyone thinks that with adaptations of books they love though, and every one of us would "just tweak it" in a different way, until the only way all of us could be happy is to make a 10 hour long film with exactly the same scenes and dialogue as the book.
Watched Inside Man last night on HD-DVD. I was very impressed. Best Spike Lee movie I've ever seen. Probably the most approachable of his movies and probably his best photographed.


Finally caught The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. Move over, Zodiac, ye have been dethroned as best movie I have seen this year thusfar. I dont know if Im ready to say its a masterpiece, but its darn close. Andrew Dominick seems to be the next Malick, both in terms of his filmmaking style, and also in temrs of his less-than-prolific output (2 films in 7 years).


i saw sunshine, and overall i liked it. the twist in the final act is, well, kinda lame, but i didn't mind it that much. the soundtrack is great, too.


Junior Member
bud said:
i saw sunshine, and overall i liked it. the twist in the final act is, well, kinda lame, but i didn't mind it that much. the soundtrack is great, too.
Great movie until the final act, for sure. Truly stunning and beautiful.

Watched Live Free or Die Hard last night, very very solid and enjoyable action movie. If you're expecting something other than a summer action movie then don't watch.


"Brazil" for the first time recently.

Last night I watched "Kung Fu Hustle" again. I love that damn movie.

A few weeks ago I saw "Romeo + Juliet" for the first time too.

Oh, and "The Science of Sleep". I am impressed by all of these quality films.
Mr. Brooks. Worst fucking climax EVER. I felt completely cheated.

For those who didnt see it, heres what happens (spoilers duh):

So hes able to put all the murders on dane cook, then kills and disposes of him. Would be fine if they ended here, but they dont. Instead they go on to wrap up some lame cop b-story. Since this adds 10 mins to the movie, they needed something exciting to wrap on. So Cosner comes home, and hugs his daughter goodnight. All of a sudden she stabs him in the throat with scissors. a total "WTF" moment that was never seen comming... only it ends up being all a dream. His death scene lasted a couple minutes as the movie builds drama/tension, then next thing they show is him waking up in bed. Now the entire movie wasnt a dream mind you, just that last 5 mins. It's like they knew there movie had a boring ending, so instead of flexing some talent, they throw in the worst fucking device possible. Total bullshit imo.


Cobb- One of the better sports bio pics i've seen. The movie challenged me at every moment- As odd as this is to admit, Ty CObb is maybe my most hated sports figure, despite having never seen him pLAY. I despise the man based purely on hearing his exploits.

I think anyone watching the film won't have thier opinion of Cobb changed either way-if you don't like the guy, there's enough there to justify it, and vice versa. That being said there's some great lines and great moments. Tommy Lee Jones was great.


Hotel Rwanda - Great movie with awesome performances. It really captures the mood well without actually commenting too much or being heavy handed. Overall it created a strong feeling of how unsettling and unjust the entire event was, while still being uplifting at the end. Good stuff.

Untouchables - I haven't seen it since VHS days, and finally got time to watch the blu-ray I bought some time back. It's every bit as violent, entertaining and well shot as it was when it was first released. The violence actually shocked me because when watching old movies that I remember being "really violent" the effect is usually muted. Great mob movie though, entertaining to the end.

Lust, Caution - Caught this in the cinema yesterday. Amazing movie. The acting, script and cinematography is awesome, and yes - the sex is everything hyped about and more. Hell, the sexual scenes were pretty much porn, I wouldn't even say borderline porn. I saw Tony Leung's balls for christssake. The show is a lot more of a character study of the era (WW2 Shanghai/Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation) rather than a thriller, and works amazingly to that effect. Definitely reminded me of Jin-Roh too, for those that have seen that.

The Host: Man does the tone change from horror to kooky comedy a lot. Terrible when the director doesn't even bother to set a mood.

DOA: Obviously over the top in a Charlies Angels sort of way. Not successful as a movie but as an excersise in cotton candy style. Terrible in near everyway as a film but I never found it boring.

Black Sheep: Yes, the New Zealand killer mutant sheep movie. Once again, purposefully silly and does make an effort to be as ludicrous as possible. Never really goes right off the rails like a Sam Raimi movie would though.


Hail to the Chef
Planet Terror (R1) 8/10 - just corny over the top action. I want Machete released as soon as possible :(.


I've watched these within the last couple of days...

The Omen (1976)
Really good thriller/mystery/horror. The score is perfect and really enhances the movie's creepy atmosphere.

Dark City
The Matrix was definitely inspired by it, but 9 years after its release the film doesn't feel as original. I still enjoyed it though. There are so many Billy Corgan look-a-likes in the film.

Harold and Maude
I found it to be an enjoyable quirky comedy. I like the Cat Stevens soundtrack too.

Easy Rider
A 1969 movie which stars Dennis Hopper (he directed it too), Peter Fonda, and Jack Nicholson. It's a counterculture biker road trip movie which almost feels like opening up a time capsule.
Just saw Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Burtons best until they get to the chocolate factory and then the movie settles into a dull routine. Room to room, kid to kid, tied together with a shallow character arc for Willy.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Solo said:
Paging Hota :lol

Seriously, Tony's man-parts in HD, first day purchase guaranteed.

Danielsan said:
Saw [Me and You and Everyone We Know] today
A quirky indy flick. Pretty enjoyable.

If I had a "most despised" movie list, this would be numero uno.


icarus-daedelus said:
I fully endorse and agree with this post.

You saw and loved it too (I havent been following this thread as close as I should have)? Excellent. I can't imagine someones first experience with this film being DVD; the cinematography has to be seen on the big screen to be believed. SEE THIS ONE IN THEATRES, PEOPLE!

Also, for all the talk of how great Casey Affleck's performance was (and it was incredible, don't get me wrong), I actually think it was Pitt that impressed me the most. I was expecting a role in which he mostly brooded around and said little. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had most of the dialogue, and turned in a performance worthy of standing alongside his work in 12 Monkeys.
The last movies I saw were American Gangster (opening night) & Willow last Saturday night.

I hadn't seen Willow since I was probably 10 or something - totally forgot how epic that movie was.

it was probably the most ridiculously awesome thing i've ever seen. zombies! samurai! swordfighting! guns! continuity glitches! fighting! ridiculous gore! the only thing it needed was titties and explosions.
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