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Movies You've Seen Recently |OT| July 2013

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1. Favorite Movie?
Terminator 2
2. Top Three Actors?
Nicholson and Pacino
3. How horrible is Avengers?
It is pretty boring, has none of the charm of the first Iron Man movie, no notable performances, Black Widow is there because they could not have a total sausage fest so they got Scarlet just to play that role. Only redeeming part was Hulk since Mark Ruf Ruf Ruffalo is pretty good. Not a fan of comics so no affinity for any of these characters.
4. How many films do you watch a year?
5. Favorite Genre?
Horror, actual horror not "comedy" horror like Shaun of the Dead or Cabin in the Woods, real horror, movies that try to scare you.
6. What is your favorite performance in film?
Tom Cruise in Born on the Fourth of July, Jack in The Shining, Alan Rickman in Die Hard and Bale in American Psycho
7. Who is your favorite director?

So i was wondering the other day, "what the hell happened to Michael Moore?", found out he made another movie (documentary obviously) after Sicko.

Now i do not share the same beliefs all the time with Moore, but i appreciate how entertaining his documentaries tend to be, despite tackling some pretty grim stuff like school shootings, 9/11 and what not.

Capitalism, A Love Story

Plenty of movies have been made about this, especially in recent times due to all the attention it has garnered. And it felt pretty much like Moore made this because he figured this was something people cared about now and he could ride that interest.

The movie was nowhere near as good as Bowling for Columbine, my personal favorite docu of his, nor as funny as Fahrenheit.
Just watched Man of Steel finally. If I wanted to be polite I'd merely call it average, but since it's the first movie that's made me feel frustrated in recent memory I'll go ahead and call it a clusterfuck.

Seriously, what a horrible experience that was. My senses grew numb from the first five minutes, everything felt forced, artificial and soulless, and I couldn't care less about anything that was happening in the entire film.
The very few times the movie actually had something remotely interesting going on, the editing (obviously done by someone with severe ADD) made the prospect of actually following the story or developing any drama impossible.

Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit or something, but honestly, I thought this movie was embarrassing.
The cinema was full of people who were laughing or audibly cringing/sighing throughout the entire movie though, so I guess I'm not entirely alone on this.



1. Favorite Movie?
Aliens. Yes, not Alien.

2. Top Three Actors?
Top three as in favorite, not as in best acting: Leonardo DiCaprio, Woody Harrelson, Edward Norton. And I watch everything with Emma Stone because she's hot as fuck.

3. How horrible is Avengers?
Semi horrible.

4. How many films do you watch a year?
I'd guess 1 or 2 a week, so around 75.

5. Favorite Genre?
Sci Fi, preferably post-apocalyptic stuff. Like Children of Men. Fuck yeah.

6. What is your favorite performance in film?
Javier Bardem in No Country.

7. Who is your favorite director?
Danny Boyle. I can't help it, I like everything he makes.


So what movies are we all looking forward to in the fall to come? These mediocre popcorn films have depressed me, and if Pacific Rim stinks, I might not be able to cope.

Twelve Years a Slave. Massive Steve McQueen fanboy, so super excited about that.

As for films I have seen recently; two notable revisits.

Firstly Robot and Frank. Such an understated and brilliant little film. Bobs along a gentle pace but I enjoyed every minute of it. Langella is terrific too.

Secondly, the polarising Cloud Atlas. I read the book a number of years ago and when I saw the film in the cinema loved it. I was worried I wouldn't like it as much but second time round I still really enjoy it. It does some issues, but overall really well acted and engaging throughout.


rewatched ROSEMARY'S BABY and it is still creepy and unsettling and hilarious. watching John Cassavettes squirm is such a delight. 8/10.

though i checked letterboxd afterwards and noticed that Borgnine gave it a 1.5. which equals to a 3/10.
what the heck dude i want to argue with you right now

also i watched JOHN CARTER. 3/10
No Fahrenheit 451 love?

Okay: Klein's first movie doesn't connect with me, but I really enjoy Mr. Freedom. It's got enough cinematic zaniness to work as a literal comedy and enough modulation in style to say something about the reality Mr. Freedom's ended up in. Pleasence is fucking spooky in this one—his image as Dr. Freedom distorting and breaking at random is the most memorable part for me. I feel like it runs out of steam when Mr. Freedom has a long, poorly-mic'd rant with Moujik Man, but then Red Chinaman just pops in like the comic caricature he is to great effect. It's all completely surface-level, meaning that any "serious" stuff usually falls flat, but there's not a lot of that later on anyway. The whole movie's well-paced and manages to keep itself running high with ideas to the end ("Actually, that's the medium one!"). ****/*


Melbourne International Film Festival is starting and I just booked my tickets for Mood Indigo on the 26th.:) going see it with my brother and dad.

So for the record: http://miff.com.au/program-sessions/2013/7/27 July 27th, 28th, 29th, 2nd August, 3rd August, 4th August, 10th August and the 11th August are the main dates I can make. Thinking of seeing two more films. Got Frances Ha and The Act of Killing on the cards, but wondering if there's anything else that's worth seeing.:)


Some new stuff:

Trance - Looks like Boyle, cast and crew had some fun on this one. Very stylish, well told story that looks fantastic but could have used some more depth and less twists. ****
Evil Dead - Soulless garbage. Make-up effects were nice *½
Leviathan - I have no idea/10

Fast Five + Fast & Furious 6 - ***½
Good stuff. Muscular dudes in tight shirts that ooze testosterone, attractive females, sweet rides, roaring engines, thrilling chases and solid action scenes all make a pretty perfect recipe for some brainless fun.
Melbourne International Film Festival is starting and I just booked my tickets for Mood Indigo on the 26th.:) going see it with my brother and dad.

So for the record: http://miff.com.au/program-sessions/2013/7/27 July 27th, 28th, 29th, 2nd August, 3rd August, 4th August, 10th August and the 11th August are the main dates I can make. Thinking of seeing two more films. Got Frances Ha and The Act of Killing on the cards, but wondering if there's anything else that's worth seeing.:)

Ain't Them Bodies Saints
Mistaken For Strangers (if u like The National)
The Congress
The Past
The Spectacular Now
All is Lost
Prince Avalanche
Speed Racer

I will try and remain positive and note down the aspects of the film I enjoyed:

1) It looked pretty

Edit:Just realised this thread isn't what I think it is. Story of my life.
Speed Racer

I will try and remain positive and note down the aspects of the film I enjoyed:

1) It looked pretty

Edit:Just realised this thread isn't what I think it is. Story of my life.

Don't hold back, it's a piece of shit. And it's the perfect thread to say it.

Just received the LP of your avatar. It's nice.


Ain't Them Bodies Saints
Mistaken For Strangers (if u like The National)
The Congress
The Past
The Spectacular Now
All is Lost
Prince Avalanche

Think I'll try and see on the following dates + times.

July 27th

http://tix.miff.com.au/s_THECONGRESS.htm - 9 pm.
http://tix.miff.com.au/s_THEPATIENCESTONE.htm 1:30 PM
http://tix.miff.com.au/s_MANILAINTHECLAWSOFLIGHT.htm 4.00 PM

August 10th

http://tix.miff.com.au/s_WHENISAWYOU.htm 1:30 PM
http://tix.miff.com.au/s_FRANCESHA.htm 4:00 PM
http://tix.miff.com.au/s_THESPECTACULARNOW.htm 11:00 AM

All Is Lost looks really good but it's FUCKING expensive. Costs like $73-90 because it's a closing night film (wat?)

Not guaranteed to have money for all these. (plus tickets might get sold out by the time I do). Really want to see The Congress. And despite looking really fascinating I don''t think I'll be able to watch the ACT OF KILLING since I just realized I have something on during August 3rd.

Out of those I've actually seen (and loved) Ain't Them Bodies Saints, The Spectacular Now and Mistaken. I liked Prince. The rest I've heard great things.


Mistaken for Strangers looks like DVD material despite been a huge The National fan. Mainly because it's like a 1-hour commute to see these films, and I generally aim for the most visually appealing films before anything else in case of MOOD INDIGO and THE CONGRESS :p
Mistaken for Strangers looks like DVD material despite been a huge The National fan. Mainly because it's like a 1-hour commute to see these films, and I generally aim for the most visually appealing films before anything else in case of MOOD INDIGO and THE CONGRESS :p

Ah, then you can certainly save Mistaken. It'll probably just be released online anyway. Those two sound good!
Based off of the Trufautt recommendations from yesterday, I watched Shoot the Piano Player. Loved it. In particular, I loved the scene with the two gangsters and Fido in the car talking about his scarf. Great mix of humor and drama. Thanks for the recommendation, GAF.

I'm gonna check out his other films that are on Hulu Plus for now, starting with The Last Metro.
A Field In England was weirder than I expected. Will need to sleep on it before I form an opinion. But yeah, didn't expect the lighter tone mixed with the English Civil War psychedelic madness.

A bit of Valhalla Rising, Aguirre, and Jodorowsky.

Haha they're playing Jodorowsky's El Topo next. Very appropriate.


A Field In England was weirder than I expected. Will need to sleep on it before I form an opinion. But yeah, didn't expect the lighter tone mixed with the English Civil War psychedelic madness.

A bit of Valhalla Rising, Aguirre, and Jodorowsky.

Haha they're playing Jodorowsky's El Topo next. Very appropriate.

You're killing me. Have to watch this asap.


A Field In England was weirder than I expected. Will need to sleep on it before I form an opinion. But yeah, didn't expect the lighter tone mixed with the English Civil War psychedelic madness.

A bit of Valhalla Rising, Aguirre, and Jodorowsky.

Haha they're playing Jodorowsky's El Topo next. Very appropriate.

My hype.

Over the moon now.


World War Z: Exceeded Expectations given it's tumultuous history, Executes tension quite well, but at the heart of it it's a fairly standard zombie movie. I haven't read the book and don't intend to.

Now You See Me: A fun movie with some solid twists. It mostly moves at a mile a minute, which makes the slower moments a bit dull, given the characters are likeable but not tremendously deep. Not breaking any new ground in cinema history, but a good movie to watch with some friends.


Heat - I heard really good things about this and I really enjoyed it. So many good actors. I was hoping for more out of the ending though. Also, I see where Nolan got his inspiration for that scene in TDK.
Heat - I heard really good things about this and I really enjoyed it. So many good actors. I was hoping for more out of the ending though. Also, I see where Nolan got his inspiration for that scene in TDK.

you were hoping for more out of one of the best endings of all time!? dat soundtrack and final shot is so nice.



More like Stroker/10

Chanwook Park directed the shit out of this and Mia Wasikowska is a fantastic actress.

The Master

With certain movies, I like to play the waiting game. This was one of those, and I was not disappointed. I loved it, and I think PT is one of the best directors in the world and it's incredible to think he wrote it too. Phoenix delivers a tour de force performance, and I cannot comprehend how he wasn't recognized by his achievement here.

I think everyone should see this movie, and maybe you won't even like it but it deserves to be seen. From acting, to writing, to cinematography etc this a movie where the talent involved is at the top of its game.


More like Stroker/10

Chanwook Park directed the shit out of this and Mia Wasikowska is a fantastic actress.

I have stoker on the to watch list too.


you were hoping for more out of one of the best endings of all time!? dat soundtrack and final shot is so nice.

lol. I just felt it was dragging on for too long. During the scene, I predicted that
Pacino would kill De Niro, but was hoping that somehow both of them could live.
lol. I just felt it was dragging on for too long. During the scene, I predicted that
Pacino would kill De Niro, but was hoping that somehow both of them could live.

"You know, we are sitting here, you and I, like a couple of regular fellas. You do what you do, and I do what I gotta do. And now that we've been face to face, if I'm there and I gotta put you away, I won't like it. But I tell you, if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow, brother, you are going down."

"There is a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down? Cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. We've been face to face, yeah. But I will not hesitate. Not for a second."

There's no way one of them wasn't going to die after that exchange.
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