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Movies You've Seen Recently |OT| March 2017

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Some of these years are impossible, haha, so I had to go two for those.

1987 - Evil Dead 2 / Full Metal Jacket
1988 - The Naked Gun: Files From The Police Squad!
1989 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / Do The Right Thing
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - JFK / Barton Fink
1992 - Unforgiven
1993 - Schindler's List
1994 - The Lion King
1995 - Heat
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Boogie Nights
1998 - The Big Lebowski / Happiness / The Thin Red Line (that's an insane year)
1999 - The Matrix
2000 - Gladiator
2001 - The Royal Tenenbaums
2002 - Minority Report
2003 - Oldboy
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (it pains me not to say Life Aquatic, but this film means too much to me)
2005 - A History of Violence
2006 - Children of Men
2007 - There Will Be Blood
2008 - Let The Right One In
2009 - (500) Days of Summer
2010 - Scott Pilgrim vs the World
2011 - The Adventures of Tintin
2012 - Frances Ha
2013 - Blue Is The Warmest Color / Blue Ruin
2014 - Nightcrawler (I regret saying Boyhood was my #1 back in the day, Nightcrawler deserves it)
2015 - Carol
2016 - The Edge of Seventeen
2017 - Logan (so far... but we all know The Last Jedi's taking it, like come on)

...my Spielberg bias is showing.
Fun game. There's some stuff here that I'd need to revisit that I only watched once during time of release. TFW you think you have eclectic taste but are actually pretty basic.

1987 - The Princess Bride
1988 - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
1989 - Crimes and Misdemeanors
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - Naked Lunch
1992 - Glengarry Glen Ross
1993 - Manhattan Murder Mystery
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1995 - The Usual Suspects
1996 - Bottle Rocket
1997 - Boogie Nights
1998 - Happiness
1999 - American Beauty
2000 - American Psycho
2001 - The Man Who Wasn't There
2002 - City of God
2003 - American Splendor
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 - The Squid and the Whale
2006 - Pan's Labyrinth
2007 - There Will Be Blood
2008 - The Wrestler
2009 - The White Ribbon
2010 - Blue Valentine
2011 - The Future
2012 - Moonrise Kingdom
2013 - Inside Llewlyn Davis
2014 - Boyhood
2015 - About Elly (US release)
2016 - Manchester By The Sea

Edit: '87 represent!


An exercise in which I realize I watched mostly garbage for the first 20 years of my life, and all my favorite films are pretty much pre-1980. I'm very bad about watching current stuff, and haven't gone back at all really to anything from the 90's and early 2000's.

1989 - Kiki's Delivery Service
1990 - Trust
1991 - The Double Life of Veronique
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - Sonatine
1994 - Chungking Express
1995 - Before Sunrise
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Princess Mononoke
1998 - Rushmore
1999 - Eyes Wide Shut
2000 - In the Mood for Love
2001 - Mulholland Drive
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Lost in Translation
2004 - Shaun of the Dead
2005 - Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
2006 - Pan's Labyrinth
Tokyo Drift
2007 - Hot Fuzz
2008 - Still Walking
2009 - Fish Tank
2010 - Certified Copy
2011 - Drive
2012 - The Master
2013 - The Double
2014 - Whiplash
2015 - Carol
2016 - The Lobster

Yes, I did pick Hot Fuzz over There Will Be Blood. Shut up.
Our taste are quite similar. Tokyo drift on that list has earned you a respect +1 and fistpump


I hope I won't forget anything, but here we go...
I'll also bold the movies that entered my top 20~.

1996 - Primal Fear
1997 - Lost Highway
1998 - The Big Lebowski
1999 - American Beauty
2000 - Requiem for a Dream
2001 - Donnie Darko
2002 - Adaptation
2003 - Oldboy
2004 - The Machinist (but probably Eternal Sunshine, after I'll watch it)
2005 - Sin City
2006 - The Departed
2007 - There Will Be Blood
2008 - The Chaser
2009 - Enter the Void
2010 - I Saw the Devil
2011 - Drive
2012 - The Master
2013 - Only God Forgives
2014 - Birdman
2015 - Sicario
2016 - The Neon Demon


1993 - Schindler's List
1994 - The Lion King
1995 - Toy Story (Se7en close behind)
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Titanic
1998 - The Thin Red Line
1999 - The Matrix (Magnolia close behind)
2000 - Memento (Requiem for a Dream close behind)
2001 - Spirited Away
2002 - Spider-Man
2003 - Lost in Translation
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 - The New World (Batman Begins close behind)
2006 - Children of Men (The Fountain and Pan's Labyrinth close behind)
2007 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men close behind)
2008 - The Dark Knight
2009 - Coraline
2010 - Black Swan
2011 - The Tree of Life
2012 - Moonrise Kingdom
(TDKR close behind)
2013 - 12 Years a Slave
2014 - Gone Girl
2015 - The Revenant
2016 - Manchester by the Sea


Just took a quick look at my top rated movies of the year, I'm sure if I would look at it in depth there's stuff to be changed. Purely going by IMDb year of release.

1989 - When Harry Met Sally...
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - The Double Life of Veronique
1992 - Hard Boiled
1993 - Jurassic Park
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1995 - Heat
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Boogie Nights
1998 - The Thin Red Line
1999 - Eyes Wide Shut
2000 - In the Mood for Love
2001 - LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring
2002 - LotR: The Two Towers
2003 - LotR: The Return of the King
2004 - The Incredibles
2005 - The New World
2006 - Children of Men
2007 - There Will Be Blood
2008 - Let the Right One In
2009 - A Serious Man
2010 - Beginners
2011 - The Tree of Life
2012 - The Master
2013 - Gravity
2014 - Whiplash
2015 - Embrace of the Serpent
2016 - The Handmaiden


Ah, that leaves out most foreign (foreign to the US anyway) films though.

Oh man, you're right. For those I'm not super certain on. I guess one way is to go by year on Letterboxd, though that would be a lot of work since it's poster lists and plus they typically put festival dates as the movie's release, so that causes extra work.
I love this movie! The remake could have been so much better but it dropped the ball on the happy ending among other annoyances. There is a TV show that popped up in the 80's or 90's that continued the original movie 30-40 years later which I liked too. It got pretty violent for a TV show but was a cool take on aliens that survived the germs back in the day.

I believe you're referring to The Tripods, which I know about but have never so much as seen a still of.

But I think the remake is amazing (BWAAAP) and watching what it was based on just made me appreciate David Koepp's efforts to integrate the novel more while telling a much more serious take on genocide that much more. The remake ends the same way the novel does, and for the same reason Wells ended on that: the hubris of technology. Also the red weed as part of the Martian 'no fucks given' terraforming is back in, which is a big part of their motivation.
Ending it on 'a miracle from god' seemed like twisting it into religious propaganda to me. I get why they did it, but I don't like religion being forced on a story that doesn't require it. Certainly when the original author didn't use it.

But I am fine with it being there when there is a reason for it, as in:

Red Planet Mars (1952) - I'm kind of going on a '50s binge here (most of these being on youtube helps a lot), but despite this not being the movie I expected it to be, due to complete lack of actual space stuff, this was surprisingly good for what is essentially a 50s religious movie. However, it doesn't start out that way nor does it treat either science or Russians for that matter with severe disrespect. Particularly a scene between a Russian scientist and his Moscow handler is a really fun exchange. In fact most of the writing in this is pretty clever, and if the movie appears to derail towards a Christian motif, the theme is itself no different from that of Watchmen (1985), which has very similar beats and resolution. So in this case, it had a good reason for being there, and it's an amusing movie regardless.

Also, picking Hot Fuzz over There Will Be Artsyfartsy is completely natural. As for those who picking wrong: Shame.gif
How can y'all even remember what movie came out in what year?

I was thinking the same thing. I have trouble making a list about last year, much less about 30 years ago.

I can undoubtedly say though that the best movie of 1986 (when I was born) was Big Trouble in Little China.
1986 - Blue Velvet
1987 - Evil Dead 2
1988 - Die Hard
1989 - Santa Sangre
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - Short Cuts
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1995 - Ghost In The Shell
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Boogie Nights
1998 - Happiness
1999 - Magnolia
2000 - In The Mood For Love
2001 - The Royal Tenenbaums
2002 - City of God
2003 - Oldboy
2004 - Shaun Of The Dead
2005 - Brick
2006 - The Prestige
2007 - Zodiac
2008 - Man On Wire
2009 - Moon
2010 - Black Swan
2011 - The Artist
2012 - The Cabin In The Woods
2013 - Side Effects
2014 - Birdman
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - The Lobster

I was thinking the same thing. I have trouble making a list about last year, much less about 30 years ago.

T Dollarz

Down as fuck for this list, sounds fun. Here I go...

1987 - Raising Arizona (Coen Bros.)
1988 - Akira (Katsuhiro Otomo)
1989 - Sex, Lies, and Videotape (Steven Soderbergh)
1990 - Miller's Crossing (Coen Bros.)
1991 - Barton Fink (Coen Bros.)
1992 - Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino)
1993 - Dazed and Confused (Richard Linklater)
1994 - Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)
1995 - Se7en (David Fincher)
1996 - Fargo (Coen Bros.)
1997 - Boogie Nights (Paul Thomas Anderson)
1998 - The Big Lebowski (Coen Bros.)
1999 - American Beauty (Sam Mendes)
2000 - Memento (Christopher Nolan)
2001 - Ocean's Eleven (Steven Soderbergh)
2002 - Punch-Drunk-Love (Paul Thomas Anderson)
2003 - Kill Bill: Vol 1 (Quentin Tarantino)
2004 - Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright)
2005 - Batman Begins (Christopher Nolan)
2006 - The Prestige (Christopher Nolan)
2007 - Zodiac (David Fincher)
2008 - The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan)
2009 - Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino)
2010 - The Social Network (David Fincher)
2011 - The Raid: Redemption (Gareth Evans)
2012 - Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino)
2013 - Inside Llewyn Davis (Coen Bros)
2014 - Boyhood (Richard Linklater)
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller)
2016 - Arrival (Denis Villeneuve)

I'm only considering films that I've watched since I've been in my twenties, basically. I'm 25 and I figure it's a good way of cutting out films that I remember more of as an idea rather than the actual film itself. In certain spots I skew more towards what would be my "favorite" of that year, in terms of ongoing watchability, rather than simply trying to quantify what I think was the "best" film of that year. Of course, you can see a lot of favoritism in many of my god tier directors! It's really weird too, some years multiple masterpieces and impossible to choose, others nothing really stands out and you just pick a "really good" film.


2007 - There Wil Be Blood
2008 - The Dark Knight
2009 - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
2010 - Inception
2011 - The Tree of Life
2012 - The Dark Knight Rises
2013 - The World's End
2014 - Interstellar
2015 - Mad Max
2016 - 10 Cloverfield Lane
So the cut of Voyage of Time that I saw was slightly different from the regular IMAX version. This one was 40 minutes long instead of 45 and featured no narration at all. I thought it was pretty sweet, since I liked the creation scenes in Tree of Life a lot, and seeing that stuff on a massive IMAX screen was suitably vertigo inducing. Definitely the most poetic educational IMAX movie you are likely to see, though without narration I obviously didn't know what everything was, but I thought they did a good job of contextualizing things through the editing.

Malick himself is super soft spoken and awkward, so it makes sense why he doesn't like to do interviews so much but he had some interesting things to say. One thing that surprised me was that he said that a lot of the spirituality and soulfulness of this and tree of life isn't really drawn from religion so much as the grandeur of the physical laws of the universe.

He also said he has a ton of stuff left over from this project he'd like to use for something else since he wants to do more nature documentaries, but he said they're harder to get produced (understandably) and he wanted to make a documentary on bioluminescence but David Attenborough beat him to the punch.

A lot of the space scenes in the movie weren't artistic CG renders either, but actual number driven simulations created by scientists that the VFX team just helped bump up the resolution for IMAX.

Oh, Malick was there for a Q&A? Cool. Thanks for the details.
When it comes to big monster films, I've never been a huge *dad joke jingle* fan. Got nothing against them either mind, but of the few I've seen with that King Kong from 2005 and Godzilla in 2014 in mind, it doesn't wet my biscuits. Kong Skull Island fell into that exact same catagory. Didn't hate it, didn't love it, at best it got from a big shrug.

At least its a pretty simple set up. In the last days of the Vietnam War, John Goodman's Randa, head of a monster hunting agency who persaudes the US government to give him a military force to escort him to a uncharted island where he thinks he'll find a monster to prove he hasn't been crazy about his ideas like people think. The military escort is mostly disposable kong fodder, but they're led by Samuel Jackson as Colonel Packard, whose still smarting over the loss in Vietnam.
Tom Hiddleston is a former SAS officer who's apparently a really good tracker which doesn't make sense or logical reason but ok, Brie Larson is a war photographer, or as her character says 'An anti war photographer), and John C Reilly is a downed American pilot whose been stuck on Kong's island for nearly 3 decades when our guys eventually show up or get pulled out of the sky by Kong.

Now here's the thing. There's a whole bunch of other characters more, but they're so weak and underdeveloped, I couldn't tell you more than that about them, and that goes for the characters played by the aforementioned actors as well. Disposable military guys to be chow for Kong is fine, but it feels like there's characters the film wants you to be aware of and care about the fates of, and it just doesn't happen. With the sole exception of John C Reilly, who not only has a character but also a backstory, a proper personality, and is really superbly acted, they're all boring carictures, blank slates, impossible to be invested in. It's a real shame considering the acting talent involved here.

The result of that is to make the whole story feel boring, dull, unengaging, which again, is a real shame, cos it feels like there could be potential for a much better film here, they just miss it. You could cut about 90% of these characters from the film, rework the thing a bit, and have a much better viewing experience.

All that leads up to the monster fights when they come, being the sole redeeming feature of the film, they look really fantastic to watch, the special effects are fantastic, and there's enough of them to not feel disappointed at the lack of them. Doesn't stop the film feeling like a dull boring slog overall though.

At the very least it looks nice. There's some excellent monster designs so it never feels like anything is being repeated or leaned upon. Kong himself looks pretty cool. It also sounds great, not just with great music, but great sound effects for the island, the monsters, and Kong.

It's a real shame this turned out to be such a let down, cos it always seems a giant monster picture should be so easy to do! Maybe I'll try watching some of the earlier ones...

Also last point, John Reilly really is a great actor isn't he. I see him in something like Stepbrothers, and it really throws me when you see him acting his trousers off so well in stuff like this.

I'm super eager to watch The Love Witch next.
I really need something like Letterboxd to track stuff like this. I'm terrible with dates, remembering what came out when, etc.
That being said, as best as I can:

1984 - Ghostbusters
1985 - Police Story
1986 - Peking Opera Blues
1987 - Predator
1988 - Akira
1989 - Tetsuo, the Iron Man
1990 - To Sleep with Anger
1991 - Raise the Red Lantern
1992 - Lessons of Darkness / Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (tough year to choose)
1993 - Farewell My Concubine
1994 - Vive L'Amour
1995 - Dead Man
1996 - Kids Return
1997 - Hana-bi (Fireworks)
1998 - The Thin Red Line / After Life (two of my all time favorites, hard to choose)
1999 - The Matrix
2000 - The Vertical Ray of the Sun
2001 - Mulholland Drive / Millennium Actress (another tough year to choose)
2002 - Talk to Her
2003 - The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi
2004 - Tropical Malady
2005 - The New World
2006 - Paprika
2007 - Flight of the Red Balloon
2008 - 35 Shots of Rum
2009 - Symbol
2010 - Soul Kitchen
2011 - Certified Copy
2012 - Oslo, August 31st
2013 - Upstream Color
2014 - We are the Best!
2015 - The Assassin
2016 - Things to Come
I'm but a babe...

1996 - Secrets & Lies / Trainspotting
1997 - Starship Troopers
1998 - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas / Happiness / Festen
1999 - Ratcatcher
2000 - In the Mood for Love / Sexy Beast
2001 - Mulholland Drive
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Dogville
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 - Grizzly Man
2006 - Pan's Labyrinth
2007 - There Will Be Blood
2008 - Let the Right One In / Wall-E / The Wrestler
2009 - A Serious Man
2010 - Black Swan
2011 - The Tree of Life
2012 - Amour / The Master / Holy Motors
2013 - Inside Llewyn Davis
2014 - Under the Skin
2015 - Inside Out
2016 - Moonlight
1994 - Chungking Express
1995 - Before Sunrise
1996 - Breaking the Waves
1997 - Gummo
1998 - Rushmore/Thin Red Line
1999 - Rosetta
2000 - In the Mood for Love
2001 - Mulholland Drive/Waking Life
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Lost in Translation
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the SPotless Mind
2005 - The New World
2006 - Paprika
2007 - There Will Be No Country for Jesse James
2008 - Love Exposure
2009 - A Serious Man
2010 - Certified Copy
2011 - Tree of Life
2012 - Moonrise Kingdom/The Master
2013 - Her/Inside Llewyn Davis
2014 - Boyhood/Inherent Vice
2015 - Mad Max/Carol
2016 - Paterson/The Handmaiden

I'm boring and kinda cheated. Oh well!


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
I started making a letterboxd list of my favorite movies by year and it was the most boring list imaginable. I had no idea I was so uninteresting. I toyed with the idea of second favorite but it was still lame.


I believe you're referring to The Tripods, which I know about but have never so much as seen a still of.

But I think the remake is amazing (BWAAAP) and watching what it was based on just made me appreciate David Koepp's efforts to integrate the novel more while telling a much more serious take on genocide that much more. The remake ends the same way the novel does, and for the same reason Wells ended on that: the hubris of technology. Also the red weed as part of the Martian 'no fucks given' terraforming is back in, which is a big part of their motivation.
Ending it on 'a miracle from god' seemed like twisting it into religious propaganda to me. I get why they did it, but I don't like religion being forced on a story that doesn't require it. Certainly when the original author didn't use it.

But I am fine with it being there when there is a reason for it, as in:

Red Planet Mars (1952) - I'm kind of going on a '50s binge here (most of these being on youtube helps a lot), but despite this not being the movie I expected it to be, due to complete lack of actual space stuff, this was surprisingly good for what is essentially a 50s religious movie. However, it doesn't start out that way nor does it treat either science or Russians for that matter with severe disrespect. Particularly a scene between a Russian scientist and his Moscow handler is a really fun exchange. In fact most of the writing in this is pretty clever, and if the movie appears to derail towards a Christian motif, the theme is itself no different from that of Watchmen (1985), which has very similar beats and resolution. So in this case, it had a good reason for being there, and it's an amusing movie regardless.

Also, picking Hot Fuzz over There Will Be Artsyfartsy is completely natural. As for those who picking wrong: Shame.gif

Never heard of Tripods...

This is the WotW series. It wasnt terribly popular but I loved it.



big ander

Managed to make tough cuts until I was only cheating for two years:

1992-Reservoir Dogs
1993-Dazed and Confused
1994-Three Colors: Red
1995- Safe
1996- Fargo
1997- Contact
1998- The Thin Red Line (tied with) The Big Lebowski
1999- Eyes Wide Shut
2000- Dancer in the Dark
2001- Wet Hot American Summer
2002- Decasia
2003- The Saddest Music in the World
2004- Before Sunset
2005- Dave Chappelle's Block Party
2006- Syndromes and a Century
2007- Once
2008- Hunger
2009- Dogtooth
2010- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
2011- The Tree of Life (tied with) Girl Walk // All Day
2012- Holy Motors
2013- Stoker
2014- Boyhood
2015- The Duke of Burgundy
2016- Paterson
2017- John Wick 2
So many without the will to kill their darlings and narrow it down to one a year. Be ruthless, people. There can be only one, etc.

Oh, Malick was there for a Q&A? Cool. Thanks for the details.

Yeah, it was part of the environmental film festival in DC. They screened Tree of Life back when that came out and apparently he showed up for that as well.


1991 - Silence of the Lambs
1992 - Reservoir Dogs (I don't even like the movie that much to be honest but it's the only movie from that year I can recall lol)
1993 - Groundhog Day
1994 - Pulp Fiction
1995 - Seven
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Life is Beautiful (rough year to choose, there's also Contact, Gattaca and Good Will Hunting)
1998 - The Truman Show
1999 - American Beauty
2000 - American Psycho
2001 - Amélie
2002 - City of God
2003 - The Last Samurai
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 - Batman Begins
2006 - Blood Diamond (by far the toughest year for me: Babel, The Departed, Casino Royale, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The Lives of the Others)
2007 - Hot Fuzz
2008 - The Dark Knight
2009 - District 9
2010 - Incendies
2011 - Drive
2012 - The Hunt
2013 - About Time
2014 - The Raid 2
2015 - Star Wars The Force Awakens
2016 - The Nice Guys


1994 - Chungking Express
1995 - Before Sunrise
1996 - Breaking the Waves
1997 - Gummo
1998 - Rushmore/Thin Red Line
1999 - Rosetta
2000 - In the Mood for Love
2001 - Mulholland Drive/Waking Life
2002 - Punch-Drunk Love
2003 - Lost in Translation
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the SPotless Mind
2005 - The New World
2006 - Paprika
2007 - There Will Be No Country for Jesse James
2008 - Love Exposure
2009 - A Serious Man
2010 - Certified Copy
2011 - Tree of Life
2012 - Moonrise Kingdom/The Master
2013 - Her/Inside Llewyn Davis
2014 - Boyhood/Inherent Vice
2015 - Mad Max/Carol
2016 - Paterson/The Handmaiden

I'm boring and kinda cheated. Oh well!



First post in the thread, but liking the whole post your favorite video from each year since you were born thing, so I did it.

1984 - Ghostbusters
1985 - The Goonies
1986 - Highlander
1987 - Adventures in Babysitting
1988 - Bloodsport
1989 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
1992 - My Cousin Vinny
1993 - Tombstone
1994 - Lion King
1995 - Toy Story
1996 - A Time to Kill
1997 - The Fifth Element
1998 - Saving Private Ryan
1999 - The Matrix
2000 - Gladiator
2001 -The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
2002 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2003 -The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
2004 - The Incredibles
2005 - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
2006 - The Prestige
2007 - Hot Fuzz
2008 - Iron Man
2009 - Avatar
2010 - Tangled
2011 - Captain America
2012 - The Avengers
2013 - Pacific Rim
2014 - Guardians of the Galaxy
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


This is fun.

2017 (so far) - Staying Vertical
2016 - Manchester by the Sea
2015 - Creed
2014 - Interstellar
2013 - Blue is the Warmest Color
2012 - The Master
2011 - Margaret
2010 - Scott Pilgrim
2009 - A Prophet
2008 - 4 Months, 3 Weeks, & 2 Days
2007 - Zodiac
2006 - Children of Men
2005 - Brokeback Mountain
2004 - Eternal Sunshine
2003 - 28 Days Later
2002 - Y Tu Mama También
2001 - The Piano Teacher
2000 - In the Mood for Love
1999 - Eyes Wide Shut
1998 - Saving Private Ryan
1997 - Boogie Nights
1996 - Fargo
1995 - Before Sunrise
1994 - Chungking Express
1993 - Jurassic Park
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1991 - The Silence of the Lambs
1990 - Goodfellas
1989 - When Harry Met Sally
1988 - My Neighbor Tottoro
1987 - The Princess Bride
Lezz do it

1989 - The Killer
1990 - Goodfellas
1991 - The Double Life of Veronique
1992 - Hard Boiled
1993 - Naked
1994 - Chungking Express
1995 - HEAT
1996 - Secrets & Lies
1997 - Contact
1998 - The Thin Red Line
1999 - The Insider
2000 - Snatch
2001 - Mulholland Drive
2002 - City of God
2003 - Tokyo Godfathers
2004 - Collateral
2005 - The New World
2006 - Miami Vice
2007 - The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
2008 - The Good, The Bad, The Weird
2009 - Black Dynamite
2010 - The Social Network
2011 - The Tree of Life
2012 - The Act of Killing
2013 - The World's End
2014 - Whiplash
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - Hunt For The Wilderpeople

Wasn't too tough. Putting this together made me realize that I have a lot I still need to see from 2008-2014.

Also, 2007 was amazing.


This took a while for obvious reasons...

1976 - Marathon Man
1977 - Black Sunday
1978 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
1979 - Alien
1980 - The Empire Strikes Back
1981 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 - Blade Runner
1983 - The Right Stuff
1984 - Blood Simple
1985 - Brazil
1986 - Blue Velvet
1987 - The Untouchables
1988 - My Neighbor Totoro
1989 - Henry V
1990 - The Hunt for Red October
1991 - Dead Again
1992 - Unforgiven
1993 - Fearless
1994 - Chungking Express
1995 - Heat
1996 - Fargo
1997 - L.A. Confidential
1998 - The Big Lebowski
1999 - The Insider
2000 - In the Mood for Love
2001 - Spirited Away
2002 - 24 Hour Party People
2003 - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
2004 - Collateral
2005 - The New World
2006 - Casino Royale
2007 - Michael Clayton
2008 - Love Exposure
2009 - In the Loop
2010 - Black Swan
2011 - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
2012 - Cloud Atlas
2013 - Snowpiercer
2014 - Inherent Vice
2015 - Sicario
2016 - Moonlight

[ in flat tone ] the other one is Boyhood. Do you want to talk about how awesome Boyhood is? Please tell us all about it, we're all really excited to hear.

Also, I should get on Letterbox because I have no idea what movie with what year I watched.
Though I will say:

1970: Colossus: The Forbin Project
1976: Network
1979: Alien

It's the more recent years where shit gets hard.


for those who put Whiplash for 2014. you did good

Inherent Vice is fucking amazing. Give it 2-3 more years and it'll widely be considered the misunderstood masterpiece it was at release.

I see the word "misunderstood" and the phrase "ahead of it's time" thrown around when a good director releases a bad movie. It has it merits but after watching inherent vice twice. I have to say the flaws out weighed the good. I would give yah another rant about that movie, but we had a discussion about this that lasted like 2 pages 2 months ago.

the good news is most of the time I dog a movie, we end up making list.

Mi goreng

Quickly banged this out so it's all probably incorrect. I have the haziest of memories.

2017 I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore (likely to change)
2016 Arrival x The VVitch
2015 Mad Max
2014 Under The Skin
2013 12 Years A Slave x Prisoners
2012 Holy Motors
2011 Shame
2010 True Grit
2009 Inglorious Basterds
2008 The Good, The Bad, The Weird
2007 The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
2006 Children of Men
2005 King Kong
2004 Birth
2002 Gangs of New York
2001 Mulholland Dr
2000 Sexy Beast
1999 Eyes Wide Shut
1998 The Big Lebowski
1997 Good Will Hunting
1996 Fargo
1995 Heat
1994 Dumb & Dumber
1993 Schindler's List
1992 Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
1991 Barton Fink
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