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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


The whole Ted Anderson thing seems like just another ridiculous shitstorm stirred up over nothing by a handful of particularly unhinged individuals. For a fandom so desperate to distinguish itself from children, it sure can act childishly some of the time.

"Princess Molestia"
(Yes, really...)

Because molestation is funny and should be made into a joke. Oh... wait. No. It is not.

I think that might be overstating it slightly. From what I saw it was a silly web comic about Celestia reimagined as a sleazy sex fiend to the annoyance or arousal of those around her (kinda like Captain Jack from Doctor Who by way of Quagmire from Family Guy). It never made light of anything resembling real-world sexual abuse from what I read.


It never was explicit, true. But it sure was uncomfortable. And quite antithetical to the tone of the show itself.

I do not mourn its loss, at all.


.... Context.


What... in THE hell

The first episode of "Friendship is Witchcraft" (a very prominent abridged-style parody series) had a gag involving ponies lifting a "Welcome Princess Molestia" banner for the arrival of Princess Celestia, and Twilight complained that Princess Molestia's visit was next week (the joke being, she's not mad at ponies for writing something horribly offensive, she's mad that they can't keep the schedule straight).

JJ, a very prominent fanartist, also draws porn on the side. When he became a fan of MLP, he also started drawing pony porn. He tries to hide it away from those who aren't deliberately looking for it, but stuff always gets out. At one point, Nicole Oliver (Celestia's voice actor, who knows and likes JJ but doesn't like porn at all, and is willing to draw a line between the two) accidentally posted some of JJ's implied porn, without realizing the implication. JJ adopted the character of Princess Molestia as some sort of evil sexually-molesting twin of Princess Celestia, and made a borderline explicit "Ask Princess Molestia" tumblr. The joke is in having a character who looks exactly like Princess Celestia acting in a way that is completely unlike Princess Celestia.

There was eventually a nasty backlash against JJ's art, and Hasbro officially asked JJ to stop, and he apparently agreed. Now he just makes the inoffensive "Ask Gamer Luna".

Some bullshit false outrage about that from people still pissed off about her outspokeness against the molesting tumbler and people are trying to drag her through the mud and bring Teddy down too.

Of course EQD won't mention that or post Cutospheres response...

This fandom really sucks sometimes.
To be fair, you didn't post her response either. I just spent a while looking, and I can't even find one. And they did post some of Ted's responses, which are the only relevant part.

IMO, Cutosphere is on the same level as JJ. Neither one officially belongs in MLP, but they both should have the right to say/draw whatever they want, and if you don't like it, don't look at it. Cutosphere (and others) screwed up by censoring JJ, and Ted screwed up by endorsing Cutosphere.

It never was explicit, true. But it sure was uncomfortable. And quite antithetical to the tone of the show itself.

I do not mourn its loss, at all.


"Princess Molestia"
(Yes, really...)

Because molestation is funny and should be made into a joke. Oh... wait. No. It is not. For some reason Hasbro had that tumblr shut down.

Sometimes I wonder if you guys feel uncomfortable seeing a picture of Joker (who murders and terrorizes a city while laughing) on the internet too...


And people wonder why I keep to myself regarding fandom interests and the like. What I mean is, I try my best to keep fandom and show seperate.

Started up re-watching the show all the way through again. I've done it before Season 3 started and before Season 4 started, so its turning into something of a yearly thing now.


Sometimes I wonder if you guys feel uncomfortable seeing a picture of Joker (who murders and terrorizes a city while laughing) on the internet too...

Eh, I don't think the comparison works.

The Joker is an insane, murdering villain of a show aimed at an older target audience. You expect him to have dark things about him on the Internet.

Princess Celestia rules on a show about friendship aimed at little kids. You don't really expect to find anything dark about her. Well, I know if it's on the Internet you will find something bad about anything, but Molestia completely changes what Celestia is...


Eh, I don't think the comparison works.

The Joker is an insane, murdering villain of a show aimed at an older target audience. You expect him to have dark things about him on the Internet.

Princess Celestia rules on a show about friendship aimed at little kids. You don't really expect to find anything dark about her. Well, I know if it's on the Internet you will find something bad about anything, but Molestia completely changes what Celestia is...

Ehh I don't see people calling for the writer to be fired when Twilight and Tirek had their big deathmatch at the end of season 4 though and that was canon; just saying.


Oh ok, googled the princess in question that was a thing, dunno whether I should consider that part of a social experimenter or to just be weirded out by it.

Oh well live and learn, living on the edge of tomorrow

Sometimes I wonder if you guys feel uncomfortable seeing a picture of Joker (who murders and terrorizes a city while laughing) on the internet too...
1) I also find the joker unpleasant, and I think thats the point of the joker, he is unpleasent. He murdered my favorite robin and paralized my favorite batgirl, it in a weird way made them both better characters when one came back to life and the other decided to be a human super computer. But yeah still unpleasant

2) I find molestation to be unpleasant, I'm not a fan when its played up for jokes either most of the time.

So you can have a character meant to be unpleasant , and then enjoy him for what that is. And what he contributes to the plot

And you can also have a character who is unpleasant played for jokes, and you don't have to appreciate that. Writing is dynamic .

you mean being show accurate


The first episode of "Friendship is Witchcraft" (a very prominent abridged-style parody series) had a gag involving ponies lifting a "Welcome Princess Molestia" banner for the arrival of Princess Celestia, and Twilight complained that Princess Molestia's visit was next week (the joke being, she's not mad at ponies for writing something horribly offensive, she's mad that they can't keep the schedule straight).

JJ, a very prominent fanartist, also draws porn on the side. When he became a fan of MLP, he also started drawing pony porn. He tries to hide it away from those who aren't deliberately looking for it, but stuff always gets out. At one point, Nicole Oliver (Celestia's voice actor, who knows and likes JJ but doesn't like porn at all, and is willing to draw a line between the two) accidentally posted some of JJ's implied porn, without realizing the implication. JJ adopted the character of Princess Molestia as some sort of evil sexually-molesting twin of Princess Celestia, and made a borderline explicit "Ask Princess Molestia" tumblr. The joke is in having a character who looks exactly like Princess Celestia acting in a way that is completely unlike Princess Celestia.

There was eventually a nasty backlash against JJ's art, and Hasbro officially asked JJ to stop, and he apparently agreed. Now he just makes the inoffensive "Ask Gamer Luna".

To be fair, you didn't post her response either. I just spent a while looking, and I can't even find one. And they did post some of Ted's responses, which are the only relevant part.

IMO, Cutosphere is on the same level as JJ. Neither one officially belongs in MLP, but they both should have the right to say/draw whatever they want, and if you don't like it, don't look at it. Cutosphere (and others) screwed up by censoring JJ, and Ted screwed up by endorsing Cutosphere.

Oh ok, upon further review I think I get the whole of this situation.

Sorry if I am kinda slow on this, as you may have noticed, primarily a sanic and pokemans guy. I like this, the horses It started out as a weird social experiment in many ways it still is, but I actually enjoy a lot of the media coming out of it. However the former in the two things I previously mentioned is exploding and that is hard not to pay attention to. There dysfunction in the sega house and no one knows what it wants to do or be. Thats another conversation for another place. Sorry if I'm not already caught up on what horse bro's do and whats going in in the fandom, I would analyze that expect if I could catch it when it happens, but these hedgehogs are on fire and I cannot look away.

Ehh I don't see people calling for the writer to be fired when Twilight and Tirek had their big deathmatch at the end of season 4 though and that was canon; just saying.

I think that should have and should happen more.
I think thats what the series should have expanded into rather than " monster high but not tho" because kids already have that. That whole conversation is best saved for another time.


Gold Member
"Princess Molestia"
Was any of this really explicit or truly evil?
In the spectrum of fandoms, lewd Tumblrs, and crazy sexualization of various properties, I recall this as being extremely benign.
There is far worse shit to come out of MLP than this.
Seeing a bunch of posts in this thread pop up at work (as a policy, I don't look in this particular thread at work) and then going over to ED and seeing the headline "Ted Anderson Let Go" on the sidebar (turns out that's just how the original headline was abbreviated) made me think more happened regarding that than it did.

My view on that is that it's probably for the best if future comics don't include cameos from fans, because that's just asking for trouble. I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of who's who in the fandom, but from what I can tell, the Manliest Brony is a pretty uncontroversial figure, but if he appeared in the comics, there would still be a fair number of people outraged about something. Hopefully the only outcome of this is that an explicit policy is made about this.

Anyway, Rainbow Rocks blu-ray will have the 8 online shorts and audio commentary. Speaking of that, it's a shame that for the show proper, only some episodes of the first season got commentary. It would be really nice to have commentary for season 4 episodes.


Gold Member
Seeing a bunch of posts in this thread pop up at work (as a policy, I don't look in this particular thread at work) and then going over to ED and seeing the headline "Ted Anderson Let Go" on the sidebar (turns out that's just how the original headline was abbreviated) made me think more happened regarding that than it did.
Maybe I'm not as plugged in as some other people, buy why would he willingly include an entity that supposedly despised this fandom, and thus the product that he was working on, intentionally? Then also be proud about it.

Was he duped or did he legitimately hate working on this product?
Maybe I'm not as plugged in as some other people, buy why would he willing include an entity that supposedly despised this fadom, and thus the product that he was working on, intentionally? Then also be proud about it.

Was he duped or did he legitimately hate working on this product?

He probably simply didn't realize Cutosphere was particularly controversial. And the key part of how Cutosphere "supposedly despised this fandom" is "supposedly". My understanding is that he (quickly looking through Round Stable's discussion, people are using "he", and I assume they'd be careful to use the correct pronoun) hates the part of the brony fandom that overlaps with the bad parts of anime fandom, i.e. the moe lovers that often act in misogynistic ways, but not the rest. He does show frustration with the rest of the fandom's tacit acceptance of them, though.


Kills Photobucket
Cutosphere is a she. A lot of people have signed up to those forums the last week as a result of this and probably don't know.


Was any of this really explicit or truly evil?
In the spectrum of fandoms, lewd Tumblrs, and crazy sexualization of various properties, I recall this as being extremely benign.
There is far worse shit to come out of MLP than this.

That was always my attitude too.

My view on that is that it's probably for the best if future comics don't include cameos from fans, because that's just asking for trouble. I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of who's who in the fandom, but from what I can tell, the Manliest Brony is a pretty uncontroversial figure, but if he appeared in the comics, there would still be a fair number of people outraged about something. Hopefully the only outcome of this is that an explicit policy is made about this.

Yup, one way or another there's a lesson to be learned here. Clearly there's some kinds of fan-interaction that just aren't worth risking.

Anyway, Rainbow Rocks blu-ray will have the 8 online shorts and audio commentary. Speaking of that, it's a shame that for the show proper, only some episodes of the first season got commentary. It would be really nice to have commentary for season 4 episodes.

Great that they're putting some effort into the Blu-Ray. As you say, hopefully this is something they might eventually carry over to FiM. I won't hold my breath, though.
Hmm, so this is another case of the modern internet petty rage demanding heads on pikes for something innocuous?

This is exactly the case; and really, this is what you should always assume at first for drama in any fandom.

Speaking of which, it actually has been a pretty long time since the last bit of fandom drama, hasn't it? I don't recall anything at all during season 4. Though actually, as I'm writing this, there is something wriggling in the back of my head about some group getting shut down in that time period, but I can't recall who.


This is exactly the case; and really, this is what you should always assume at first for drama in any fandom.

Speaking of which, it actually has been a pretty long time since the last bit of fandom drama, hasn't it? I don't recall anything at all during season 4. Though actually, as I'm writing this, there is something wriggling in the back of my head about some group getting shut down in that time period, but I can't recall who.

I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but the Fighting is Magic cease-and-desist might have been during that period.


My view on that is that it's probably for the best if future comics don't include cameos from fans, because that's just asking for trouble. I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of who's who in the fandom, but from what I can tell, the Manliest Brony is a pretty uncontroversial figure, but if he appeared in the comics, there would still be a fair number of people outraged about something. Hopefully the only outcome of this is that an explicit policy is made about this.

Now hold on, I dont particularly agree with this, this is like when when one kid messes up in the class room and the teacher takes stuff away from everyone. To hark back to exploding hedgehog factory, the sonic comics has been doing stuff like that for years hell they get fans to do art work for covers and junk. While the latter might be more benificial to a artistic career than the former, I don't think you should just take that out. Just look up who you putting in before you put them in if you really want to. Not trying to act smug , but if sanic can have weird ass fan characters with out all this, I know you all can do it.

Was any of this really explicit or truly evil?
In the spectrum of fandoms, lewd Tumblrs, and crazy sexualization of various properties, I recall this as being extremely benign.
There is far worse shit to come out of MLP than this.
Not a fan of molestation being played up for jokes, so like anything that depends on who you are speaking to .
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but the Fighting is Magic cease-and-desist might have been during that period.

No, that was definitely WAY earlier. It was shut down early 2013. Speaking of which, we haven't gotten any news from them in a while.

Now hold on, I dont particularly agree with this, this is like when when one kid messes up in the class room and the teacher takes stuff away from everyone. To hark back to exploding hedgehog factory, the sonic comics has been doing stuff like that for years hell they get fans to do art work for covers and junk. While the latter might be more benificial to a artistic career than the former, I don't think you should just take that out. Just look up who you putting in before you put them in if you really want to .
This isn't a case where it's something that's been done for a while and that fans liked that's being taken away. This is the very first time a fan figure has appeared in a comic itself as far as I recall (Mandopony did appear on an alternate cover), there has been no particular demand for this, and the people who didn't dislike Cutosphere's cameo generally didn't seem to care about it either. I don't think there's a problem with making a policy against it now.


No, that was definitely WAY earlier. It was shut down early 2013. Speaking of which, we haven't gotten any news from them in a while.

This isn't a case where it's something that's been done for a while and that fans liked that's being taken away. This is the very first time a fan figure has appeared in a comic itself as far as I recall (Mandopony did appear on an alternate cover), there has been no particular demand for this, and the people who didn't dislike Cutosphere's cameo generally didn't seem to care about it either. I don't think there's a problem with making a policy against it now.
I don't feel like you should take away potential fun moments later over some petty shit because some guy couldn't goggle for 5 minutes what they were putting in their book. I done seen some weird comic book shit that deserves mandates, this? Get some alcohol get a bandaid google for 5 seconds before you do it the next time and you will be fine.


Ehh I don't see people calling for the writer to be fired when Twilight and Tirek had their big deathmatch at the end of season 4 though and that was canon; just saying.

The fight was pretty tame though. It was more like a fight out of Dragonball. It looked pretty and flashy. I don't think they actually make physical contact when fighting. I can see why people wouldn't have issue with the fight. As long as there isn't gore and excessive violence, I think most people tend to overlook it... Sex has a bit of taboo (at least in America) so I think that is why there is a strong reaction to Mollestia.

Note: I've never read a single thing about Mollestia so I don't really know how bad it is.


Wow, amazing Celestia! 2snacks, right? He/she has a really great eye for making these models match up with the cartoon, far better than most of the others floating around the internet IMO. Texturing and animation are fantastic too, naturally.
I know the subtopic discussion has passed, but judging by the signature on that Fluttershy pic, I think she goes by "Cuteosphere" not "Cutosphere," as everyone seemed keen to spell it. The latter sounds a bit more violent and was confusing me.

Also, hi everyone. Been watching a lot of "Ponies" with the kids lately and I guess you could say I'm a fan.

Lots of mixed feelings about EG:RR, but it was entertaining enough, I'd say.
The scene where Twilight Sparkle assembles the portal machine in two seconds is both quite funny and eye-roll worthy. Also agree with some YouTube guy who says the villains look like some Monster High hybrid with those hair colors. Lots of fun in-jokes/cameos, but music wasn't awesome (and if I'm honest with myself, the MLP tunes have never been outstanding, just enjoyable enough to listen to once, during the show). Would probably watch it again, though.


Lovely work as usual, Myke!

Oh man, I love those prints. Quoting them due to amazingness:

I know the subtopic discussion has passed, but judging by the signature on that Fluttershy pic, I think she goes by "Cuteosphere" not "Cutosphere," as everyone seemed keen to spell it. The latter sounds a bit more violent and was confusing me.

Also, hi everyone. Been watching a lot of "Ponies" with the kids lately and I guess you could say I'm a fan.

Lots of mixed feelings about EG:RR, but it was entertaining enough, I'd say.
The scene where Twilight Sparkle assembles the portal machine in two seconds is both quite funny and eye-roll worthy. Also agree with some YouTube guy who says the villains look like some Monster High hybrid with those hair colors. Lots of fun in-jokes/cameos, but music wasn't awesome (and if I'm honest with myself, the MLP tunes have never been outstanding, just enjoyable enough to listen to once, during the show). Would probably watch it again, though.

Welcome! Always nice to see a new face.
Congrats on the EQD Spotlight Myke. Really like the Twilight and Pinkie art from your post.

Curious to those who've seen Rainbow Rocks, how would you compare it to the first Equestria Girls?
Congrats on the EQD Spotlight Myke. Really like the Twilight and Pinkie art from your post.

Curious to those who've seen Rainbow Rocks, how would you compare it to the first Equestria Girls?

I haven't seen it, but by far the unanimous opinion is that it's better than the first.


Curious to those who've seen Rainbow Rocks, how would you compare it to the first Equestria Girls?

It didn't seem like a major improvement to me, but then I liked the first movie well enough to begin with. Better villains, better pacing, but slightly more characters hanging around than the plot is comfortable juggling.
It didn't seem like a major improvement to me, but then I liked the first movie well enough to begin with. Better villains, better pacing, but slightly more characters hanging around than the plot is comfortable juggling.

I don't know about "better villains," though they definitely get more screen time than Sunset did in 1. This is more of a Sunset movie on the whole. One thing I really liked about the new film is animators' fetish for
the sinister smirks on the lead villain's face
. Also, keep an eye out for a random reference to
The LEGO Movie
, which I appreciated.
There are also these classics
There are other good ones, but it's hard to find specific fanart in this fandom when you don't remember the artist.
EDIT: And how could I forgot, Steamquestria's Twilight!
EDIT: And the shrug set I posted here.
Starting from this Round Stable post, there's pretty good evidence that the rumored Equestria Academy is actually just the French dub of Rainbow Rocks. Most importantly, there have been no American trademarks related to Equestria Academy, and there is a popular French music talent show called Star Academy (pointed out in a later post on that page), with several other things evoking the name with the format ___ Academy; Equestria Academy would just be another in that line.

That said, the ending of Rainbow Rocks and things that the show crew have said seem to make it clear that more Equestria Girls stuff is coming, but that will probably be later rather than sooner.

On that subject, it occurs to me that despite everyone saying that Rainbow Rocks gives hope that they are capable of doing more with Equestria Girls, it feels like there isn't much more they can do for big event movies. The first was the school dance, the second was the battle of the bands. The other big high school movie subject tropes are a visit to a foreign country (where another love interest is introduced for the lead who is never mentioned again after this movie), the hiking trip (where some characters get lost), and the beach trip (where one of the characters gets a curse somehow), none of which would really seem to benefit from the MLP characters. Plus, having a big event movie that bronies flock to theaters to watch be one involving the characters in swimsuits just seems like it would lead to discomfort and awkwardness for everyone. It does seem the best path to continue forward that would develop the stuff from Rainbow Rocks that people actually want to see developed would be to make a TV series.


I kinda wouldn't mind if they stopped doing it, I dunno it seems like they aren't penetrating that market at all.

Like I don't hang out with kids, I do hang with a lot of young women who like monster high, some peeps that have kids that like that stuff. I dunno maybe its too early to tell, but it seems like a call of duty clone vs call of duty situation. Where as, why do they your thing, if their thing already exists.

I dunno, like I hope whoever is working on gets paid, its successful in some sense, but I dunno if that's going anywhere
I kinda wouldn't mind if they stopped doing it, I dunno it seems like they aren't penetrating that market at all.

Like I don't hang out with kids, I do hang with a lot of young women who like monster high, some peeps that have kids that like that stuff. I dunno maybe its too early to tell, but it seems like a call of duty clone vs call of duty situation. Where as, why do they your thing, if their thing already exists.

I dunno, like I hope whoever is working on gets paid, its successful in some sense, but I dunno if that's going anywhere

For better or worse, Equestria Girls dolls have been selling extremely well, outselling both Barbie and Monster High, IIRC. Bit of a shame in the case of the latter, I feel, since from what I've seen, Monster High dolls are simply the superior product.

Also, Bronies! The Musical appears to be getting good reviews.
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