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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|


Before I played the game, I didn't see the difference between a horror and a thriller, other than maybe a horror has supernatural elements and a thriller does not. I'm obviously wrong in this assumption because hey, the damn box says thriller on it, and the game is full of supernatural elements.

I just think to myself, "the game scared the hell out of me the whole way through and I always felt tense, so this thing is a horror to me."
CrazedArabMan said:
Rockstar has you covered, well Old Max Payne that is, AW2 has so much potential to be one of the best games this generation based off of the best game of last year AW1. :D

yeah, i've seen that, though I didn't realize remedy had entirely sold the rights. it saddens me. i guess, to be more realistic, i'd like to see remedy taking on a protagonist who I find less annoying than alan, and max was the guy I thought of. I honestly found alan more annoying than barry, who all my friends hated. Unfortunately, alan wake's name is in the title, so it'd be hard to do alan wake 2: the sequel where you play as someone else. still, it was a great game, and i'd pay for AW2.


I do hope Remedy will deliver more exclusive Xbox 360 games in the future, not only Alan Wake (although I’m ready for a sequel).


Montresor said:
Before I played the game, I didn't see the difference between a horror and a thriller, other than maybe a horror has supernatural elements and a thriller does not. I'm obviously wrong in this assumption because hey, the damn box says thriller on it, and the game is full of supernatural elements.

I just think to myself, "the game scared the hell out of me the whole way through and I always felt tense, so this thing is a horror to me."



There ya go. As you can see, Alan Wake uses many of the themes and literary devices in the Psychological thriller genre. The horror is to highlight these things rather than take center stage.


I'm sure I already know the answer to this question is yes, but I'll ask anyway so I can be 100% safe. Will I be able to run save files for the main game and the DLC simultaneously without affecting achievement progress? For example, if I'm in the middle of my nightmare playthrough of the main campaign, I can load up The Signal to try out the Run-On Sentence achievement, fail that garbage a couple of times, and go back to the campaign with no problems, correct?

Generic said:


There ya go. As you can see, Alan Wake uses many of the themes and literary devices in the Psychological thriller genre. The horror is to highlight these things rather than take center stage.

Thank you.


Bullshit! I just beat The Signal without dying in one sitting and I'm at a neverending load screen! As soon as I beat the boss, I skipped the cutscene with B and now all I see is a black screen and a useless loading message. UGH!


Curufinwe said:
That really sucks.

I'm still waiting at the load screen, hoping this fixes itself. D=

I really want to get Run-On Sentence and No Punctuation out of the way ASAP, because I think it would be amazing to finish off this game on nightmare and have Wake Up Alan be the last achievement I get. It would just feel right.


Yes, I got the achievement! I was prepared to just let the thing sit for an hour, hoping the loading screen would end. But I read a thread on another forum and the topic creator had the EXACT same thing happen to him. He said he gave up, ejected the disc, put it back in, and had the achievement unlock at the main menu. Needless to say, I did the same thing, and Run-On Sentence popped on the main menu.

Whewww, feels good man.


And that's No Punctuation knocked out. 1400/1500 with just nightmare mode and nightmare manuscripts left.

I died twice trying to get No Punctuation. The first death was so silly. I was at the
tornado part, and I fell off trying to jump onto one of the floating bridges
. The second death was 5 minutes of game play away from the final boss. I wasn't paying attention to my health and some piece of shit slashed at me from behind when
I was climbing the mountain up to the lighthouse

I can't get enough of the game either. I'm taking my nightmare run nice and slow, only running to avoid Taken. But when things are quiet, I'm re-listening to any radio stations that happen to cross my path (same with the TVs), and I'm not skipping any cutscenes. And I'll be reading/listening to the manuscripts for the first time ever too, since with the nightmare manuscripts I'll be able to read an entire chapter's worth of exposition in each episode, rather than have three+ pages missing.

edit: I always play these games way too LTTP.


Man, I don't want to make a third post in a row, so I'll just edit this in.

Which part of nightmare did you guys find the hardest? I'm finding that trying to fight is sometimes nearly impossible. There were a couple of spots in episode 1/2 where I just had to book it and ran as much as I could to the nearest safe haven.

I'm worried that in the later episodes, I'll be wasting too many flares/flashbangs trying to book it to a safe haven, so much so that I might be left with nothing near the end of an episode. At this moment, I'm just about to start episode 3 on nightmare. Tense stuff.
Finally got around to finishing the DLC. Don't know why I didn't do it sooner, as what it lacked in plot, it made up for in sheer awesome level design and encounters. Developers take note, THIS is how you do "premium" DLC.

It's a shame this didn't sell massive numbers, it's easily one of the best single-player experiences of this gen. I really want a sequel (or more appropriately, season 2).


Montresor said:

Man, I don't want to make a third post in a row, so I'll just edit this in.

Which part of nightmare did you guys find the hardest? I'm finding that trying to fight is sometimes nearly impossible. There were a couple of spots in episode 1/2 where I just had to book it and ran as much as I could to the nearest safe haven.

I'm worried that in the later episodes, I'll be wasting too many flares/flashbangs trying to book it to a safe haven, so much so that I might be left with nothing near the end of an episode. At this moment, I'm just about to start episode 3 on nightmare. Tense stuff.

I found the standoffs to be the most difficult parts with Nightmare. That one gate or the helicopter scene for example. And yeah, there are parts where running to the light is much safer than fighting them. And use all the stuff you have, there will be enough tools lying around.

I already posted this in the CAG thread, but EU folks who want the Limited Edition for cheap - gameware is selling it for € 16.50 this weekend.


So, I noticed that stuff in gameplay videos from XBoxyde and the LCE were not in the game when I played it. The 2009 E3 gameplay video, for example. In the Follow Rusty segment, there was no text on the wall when I played it, Alan didn't say "something had taken Rusty, I had no choice hut to follow", there was no possessed oven or car in the back, the tree didn't fall, the going into the house, axe, house pushed out of cliff stuff was completelly different, etc. In the 2009 video, Alan gets out of the house as it's pushed off the cliff and fights the truck. I did get out of the house, but did not fight the truck. In the XBoxyde video, they stay inside the house, and it triggers a cutscene with the house falling around him and Alan diving back and "Alan, Wake up". In the 2009 video, he finds Rusty, goes to the lighthouse, tornado, "Alan, Wake up".

None of that happened to me. It would be one thing if I had been stuck, but I finished the game. How did I skip a huge chunk like that? I played the game one episode at a time, did not stop midway at all. To me, Rusty was taken and I never found him again. IIRC, I just spent a good 30 minutes in the woods, Lover's Peak, kidnapper. I remember "Alan, Wake up", End of episode. But I 100% did not go to the lighthouse, did not fight the truck, did not find Rusty.

Is it just because of the revised build, or what? I finished the game on normal, did not read any manuscript pages (was waiting to replay on nightmare, with pages, after I got the DLC, which I got in them last sale).


Frankfurt, I'm confused by your post. The simple truth is you kill Rusty in the middle of episode one and that's the end of it.

edit: Wait, who's Rusty? Gas station guy or Dr. Dolittle Copper? You kill the gas station guy in episode one.

If Rusty is the copper then my post changes to:

Frankfurt, I'm confused by your post. There is no truck and house falling sequence when you encounter Taken Rusty. The simple truth is you kill Rusty in the middle of episode two and that's the end of it.


Montresor said:
Frankfurt, I'm confused by your post. The simple truth is you kill Rusty in the middle of episode one and that's the end of it.
The section was changed during development, that's what he meant. I saw that part in some videos before launch and was also surprised how it played out in the final game. There are still trees falling, though (one of my favourite things in the game)


derFeef said:
The section was changed during development, that's what he meant. I saw that part in some videos before launch and was also surprised how it played out in the final game. There are still trees falling, though (one of my favourite things in the game)

Okay. I think I'll check out the video. Seems interesting enough. I was just confused by the end of his first paragraph I guess.

BTW... 1500/1500 in Alan Wake. =D
I really need to replay this game. One of my favorites games this gen and I've only played it once on normal. I should start another run sometime this week on Nightmare.


E3 2009 demo

Watching that was so fun. This game was not on my radar at all until I played it a couple of weeks ago, so it was interesting seeing what it would have been like to get hyped for this game before release. Thanks for nudging me towards a video like that Frankfurt. =)


I doubt it, but is this ever coming to PS3? I loved Heavy Rain a lot, and it looks like to be one of those games with a good story. At least PC sometime?
RPGCrazied said:
I doubt it, but is this ever coming to PS3? I loved Heavy Rain a lot, and it looks like to be one of those games with a good story. At least PC sometime?

In both cases sadly signs point to no. While MS don't own Remedy they published this (think Mass Effect 1) and they might own the IP itself; anybody know that? MS certainly poured a bit into this game, funds wise.

There was a PC version announced then cancelled. All signs here point to Remedy now working on a sequel, so it seems PC is off the cards. Real shame as more people should play this awesome and underrated game!


Does it matter in what order you play the DLC? I bought the writer on sale which I believe is the second dlc and am not sure I will vet the first dlc


Klocker said:
Does it matter in what order you play the DLC? I bought the writer on sale which I believe is the second dlc and am not sure I will vet the first dlc

Yeah, signal first then writer second.


I'm a little torn by this game. I keep playing it hoping for more, but I'm predicting every single story "twist". Its not thriller due to this and its not horror for me either.

I love seeing the visuals in the game, but I'm never startled in it...more like sighing with annoyance when an enemy, or flying object or tornado thing approaches. I like exploring, but there's nothing to really see. It's pretty much thermos hunt the game for me at this point.

I'm about through chapter 3 at this point, but not certain if it's worth staying with...


Adding a bunch of stuff to do during the day would take a huge dump on what made me like the game. If they had the option of opening drawers, taking showers, buying stuff in stores... Completelly different game right there.

Maybe it would be a nice game, but It wouldn't be the same game at all. When I heard they done away with open world, one year or two ago, I was disappointed. But now that I've played it, I'm glad it's not open. Open world games make me not give a shit about the plot (or anything at all). Just Cause, GTA, I'm always too busy wasting hours driving cars over NPCs, blowing shit up and laughing at easter eggs. How can I care about saving my wife when I'm over here dressed in scuba gear jumping out of the helicopter I've just stolen for no reason? Alan Wake is the first game I've cared about the damsel in distress, and there are dozens, maybe hundreds of those games out there.

Anyway, the different versions ofthe Rusty section are surprising, not because it's two different builds, but THREE different builds. Evil Rusty, good Rusty. Lighthouse, Rusty's home. Falling home on the inside, on the outside. Truck, no truck.

I quite liked the slow-mo stuff inside the falling house. I also don't even remember any parts in the lighthouse in the final game, either...

BTW, new avatar today.


shaowebb said:
I'm a little torn by this game. I keep playing it hoping for more, but I'm predicting every single story "twist". Its not thriller due to this and its not horror for me either.
Your only on chapter 3. There's no real twist until 4. And there's really no way to get the full implications of it until after you've beaten the game and thought about it a bit, so keep with it.


Frankfurt said:
BTW, new avatar today.
I noticed. And I love you because of that :)
I agree on almost everything you posted, but don't put too much gimmicks in the game. The core game is there, now advance on it with more variety and more exploration.
Just now getting in on this game. I am enjoying it, but does anyone else feel nauseous after playing for a couple of minutes? I can't tell if it's the environment or the movement of the character :/


Larsen B said:
I watched both seasons of Twin Peaks over the past month and the homages in Alan Wake really were numerous and ridiculous.

Just watched them as well though Netflix shows 3 I thought. But anyhow I loved it in retrospect thinking back to playing the game.

Bring on Alan Wake 2.


OdysseusVA said:
Just now getting in on this game. I am enjoying it, but does anyone else feel nauseous after playing for a couple of minutes? I can't tell if it's the environment or the movement of the character :/

I guess it's the movement? First I heard of it, but I can see it happening. When you change directions while moving, the camera is pretty wild.

Anyway, ran through The Signal couple days ago.
Loved the Barry and Alice stuff, but outside of that, not a big fan. Didn't like that they reused the typewriting effect. It was mind-blowing in the game, but reusing it cheapened it. It makes sense, the whole DLC chapter makes sense, but i felt like it wasn't necessary.
I hope the Writer picks it up, because The Signal kinda hurt the (amazing) ending of the main game, IMO.
"It's an ocean", then boom, David Bowie.
I finished the single player this weekend. The graphics were pretty good plus the use of light throughout the game reminded me of playing through a really long episode of Supernatural. Going through this thread it seems I now have to DL the additional chapters hopefully Alan Wake 2 is being produced.


The Writer was great, a LOT better than the Signal. Amazing set pieces there, very creative level design and overall mechanics. But I still feel it made the main game weaker.
I kinda wish we had never gotten the DLC and maybe even stopped at game one, no sequel.

Alice's voice was pretty different, though. There were moments I wondered if it was a sound-alike.


Played The Signal late last week and it reignited AW for me. Compact, concise, beautiful. Really enjoyed it.

About to jump into The Writer tonight. Just one question, I'm tempted to have a look at the achievement list. Are they spoiler safe?


Falt said:
Played The Signal late last week and it reignited AW for me. Compact, concise, beautiful. Really enjoyed it.

About to jump into The Writer tonight. Just one question, I'm tempted to have a look at the achievement list. Are they spoiler safe?

They're vague, but if you put two and two together... So I would say "don't".
FallingEdge said:
Just bought this game and finished Chapter 1. It is pretty fun and I am intrigued to see what will happen next.
you will get all your weapons taken away :)

repeatedly. so use them all when you have them.
Will do!

And even though I only watched the Giant Bomb endurance run of Deadly Premonition, I'm getting a similar vibe. One thing that I haven't quite understood yet is dodging. Sure, I sidestep and everything is in slow motion, but is there anything that I can actually do? A quick attack?

Hey You

Bought this off of Ebay last week and I'm really enjoying it. Spooky and a great source of entertainment.

I just finish Episode 3, how many are there in the main game?


Took advantage of Gamefly's Alan Wake deal this weekend. After using my reward coupons, the total was $6.17. Not bad, if I say so myself.

Looking forward to giving this another whirl.


Read the Alan Wake Files and Alan Wake Illuminated (will read the Alan Wake novel and the LE guidebook soon).

Alan Wake Files is interesting, but uneven. Some of the stuff is great, like the chapter from Alan's crime novel. Some is incredibly boring and pointless (the interviews with characters). Some is nice, but way too short (story of the town of Bright Falls). I feel like it covers too much ground and never actually goes in-depth into anything. It's more of a cute extra than anything. The production values are the best thing about it.

Illuminated doesn't look nearly as good as the Files, but the section about cut sequences puts it above of the Files. Barely, but in the end it's a more interesting book. It's pretty short, though, despite being larger. Lots of pics, not as pretty as the ones in Files, but nice to have. The section about Remedy is basically the same info as the extra DVD on the LE game.
I just realized why I liked Alan Wake's logo so much:






Don't think anyone pointed it out. Stephen King books have so many different covers that each book has a dozen different logos, though.

Anyway, I had no idea the Poets of the Fall video for War was actually an Alan Wake music video, with actual Wake (Villi) going through the woods with flashlight and stuff. Just another thing that should've been in the LE DVD, along with the Bright Falls episodes.
Frankfurt said:
Don't think anyone pointed it out. Stephen King books have so many different covers that each book has a dozen different logos, though.

Anyway, I had no idea the Poets of the Fall video for War was actually an Alan Wake music video, with actual Wake (Villi) going through the woods with flashlight and stuff. Just another thing that should've been in the LE DVD, along with the Bright Falls episodes.

Music video was made after the game came out I believe.
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