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Neil Armstrong has passed away

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Passing of a legend. While he was the first on the moon, humanity's greatest achievement to date, he remained humble until the last, realizing that the work of millions through thousands of years of prior great achievements culminated with that step.


Kills Photobucket
Which version of the From the Earth to the Moon DVDs have the original aspect ration? I bought the Signature Edition set a couple years ago, but the series was cropped and zoomed for widescreen in that release.

I think only the original DVD release. Came in a silver slipcase.



A true legend in our time. It is sad that we won't be sending someone to another planet for a while. R.I.P. Neil, you earned it.
A hero for the world, you are not just a icon of achievement of one nation but of the greatest achievement of the history of mankind it has ever reached, and the dreams of humanity.

To know I you were still here when I grew up and yet I was never fortunate enough to meet you, it does hurt and I actually cried tonight.

May you rest in peace Mr. Neil Armstrong.
Only home now but I heard this earlier on and it really depressed me for the rest of the night.

To think that in a couple of decades time, there will be no one alive on earth that has set foot on the moon is just crazy to me. It's so sad that we aren't pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve.


Googled it. I have no interest in these sort of things... Is there footage of the other spacedudes walking on the moon?

EDIT: Watching footage of Apollo 17 right now. I still think that the physics look weird. And a waving flag? What.

This isn't the thread to start that shit.
All of the BS claims about it being fake have been disproven, Flag shaking, shadows, stars not visible, etc x10. ALL of it has been explained.


I was just looking up the moon. Sucks hard that we lost one of humanity's greatest.

I checked my phone late in the afternoon after having a great day, and this just bogged it down a bit.

Because when you die you become worm food and there is nothing after?

Fuck you, man. This isn't the thread to discuss this. Take your business over to Atheism vs. Theism.

Ban Puncher


Here's to you and your massive set of stones, Mr. Armstrong.

A true man's man.

I may never walk on the moon but I will do the next best thing - dedicate my life to the school of Buzz Aldrin and thumping 'Moon Truthers' wherever possible.


It seems like there are all kinds of "celebrities" these days, yet today marks the passing of someone who truly deserves reverence. Someone who accomplished something not just for self, nor king or country, but something that celebrates what human beings are capable of and a feat that lets us dream bigger than we could ever imagine.

I actually heard about Neil's passing on the sports radio station that I happened to have on. volume was low and I started to piece together what they were talking about and instantly listened in. Saddening as it was to hear the one neat moment to this was rather than treat it as a brief headline the two hosts essentially stopped the show and finished the last 30-45 minutes just talking about Armstrong, landing on the moon, and space in general. Then they fielded calls about it, having people who were alive then to call in and talk about where they were when it happened and what it meant to them.

Even though it's only one media outlet, in my car it was nice to have the world sort of stop for a guy that deserves it.
So I went out on the balcony to look at the moon tonight and, I swear, I saw a shooting star take off headed straight for the Moon.

I gave it a salute and then started to cry. It was beautiful.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
He was a true living legend.

Only eight remain alive, a living testimony of one of the greatest endeavours of our race.

Neil... test pilot, astronaut and a man with balls of steel.

This... this is sad.

Rest in Peace, Neil.
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