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Neil Druckmann: The Last of Us movie has 'kind of entered development hell'

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i actually think games like assassins creed work better than the last of us for movies.


The story in naughty dogs games are undeniably better. Which is why i think it works. Last of us is such a cool story, if the movie was anything but THAT story, its just a zombie movie.

Assassins creed looks like they used it just as the jumping off point, like the inspiration, to make a wholly original story.

That, to me, would work better than copy and pasting what naughty dog did great already

Hmm I hope you're right but at the moment I see AC being and performing akin to Prince Of Persia


i don't want Ellen Page to play her. she's just too old now. Maisie Williams is better but she's almost 19 now. Ellie is 13/14.

i think a movie would be cool but if they can't work it out then no big loss. we still have the game.


Dreams in Digital
'Kind of development hell.'


'Until they take a film based on my game seriously, they can fook right off with those half assed scripts.'


I want Naughty to cockblock whatever they seem to be the problem as much as possible and let still be at step one until THEY are happy.



The Last of Us represents the best this generation of the gaming medium has to offer. It should just stay as a great game; it doesn't need to aspire to being a movie. It has already 'made it'.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Nobody could have seen this coming! /s
Lol, of course it was never Gonna be actually made.
The game is already movie enough, so not really up for an adaption.

If TLOU was a game in which the entire game was all cutscenes with just one QTE or something at the end, and it was still as successful as TLOU was, they would still make a movie based on it. It makes no difference what the game was or what it was about, it's just that a lot of people know about it and there's a chance to make more money off of the brand. It's a joke that anyone working on this has any interest in actually creating something worthwhile.


Hopefully, after AC movie bombs the studio will scraps the plan.

I can see why people wouldn't want a movie of the last of us - no need for it

but... "hopefully after AC bombs.." dude what if the AC film is actually good? give it a chance...


Manu Bennett is the perfect Joel.


He has the looks, the voice, the body and is cool as hell. He is perfect.

The game is already movie enough, so not really up for an adaption.
The game is a game. And nothing else.



The Last of Us represents the best this generation of the gaming medium has to offer. It should just stay as a great game; it doesn't need to aspire to being a movie. It has already 'made it'.


I don't agree that it's the best that the generation has to offer but it has achieved peak storytelling in its medium. Adapting to the big screen would offer it nothing but a larger audience, preventing people from experiencing it in the way it was initially made.


Adapting to the big screen would offer it nothing but a larger audience, preventing people from experiencing it in the way it was initially made.
It's an interesting story. So it could be a nice experience for people who don't play games but like (horror) movies. And people who already played the game could be interested (like me).
It's an interesting story. So it could be a nice experience for people who don't play games but like (horror) movies. And people who already played the game could be interested (like me).

Nothing about the story is fresh or surprising other than how well it was done with a video game. It would probably work fine as a TV series, as the game kind of uses the beats of a The Walking Dead type show.


I'd be interested in seeing some of these rejected scripts, after all the fucked up story propositions Valve got for a Half-Life movie.


Nothing about the story is fresh or surprising other than how well it was done with a video game. It would probably work fine as a TV series, as the game kind of uses the beats of a The Walking Dead type show.

yeah the fact that it was accomplished within a game is what makes it special


Glad to see they're involved to the degree that they have control. Still don't think this movie is needed.

Needed? Interesting choice of words. In what way would any movie be necessary?

I think fans of the game want to share this story and these characters with their loved ones who don't game. A movie is the best way to do that. So, if we want this story to reach a far bigger audience than just PlayStation gamers, it needs a movie.

So, I guess the movie is needed.
I really don't understand why they would ever want to make this a movie. As others have said it already is a movie but better. It's not like taking something like Warcraft and making it into a movie.
That's fine. I don't really think anyone would really care too much. Just leave Druckmann alone Sony and let him concentrate on making games.
Video games don't need to be made into movies to be legitimized or be "real art". I don't see the appeal of video game movies at all.


Good, was hoping for this outcome, if you must make a movie in that universe use other characters instead.


Good was hoping for this outcome, if you want to make a movie in that universe use other characters.

This, can we have a movie about how it all started with other people? And it ends with explosion that happens outside Joels house in the beginning of the game.


On one hand is have liked to see a live version of it.

On the other hand, Hollywood would probably shit all over it as they tend to do with adaptions. Especially video game based projects.


I was never interested in a movie of The Last of Us, but it's still refreshing just to see a developer admit that something is in dev hell. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Valve has got to get on Druckmann's page with this kind of earnestness.


I didn't think the story would make a very interesting movie without the tension of the gameplay, so I can see the difficulty.

Yeah... it's honestly been done before (or similar enough stories) with all the other zombie media too.

I think Uncharted has more potential as a film (even if that is very derivative of Indiana Jones).


I'm surprised no one had mentioned David cage yet?

I second the opinion that the best medium for those stories are best left to gaming rather than movies. But then again, who knows, the tomb raider movie did wonders for the franchise and Jolie so perhaps this is another way to keep Nathan in the mind of people who don't know about him.

Question though, are they going to make uncharted a family friendly modern Indian Jones type or... With regards the last of us, I think the walking dead, the road already done those which also inspired the game.


Gold Member
Good that they're not letting anything happen until it's JUST RIGHT. Which may never happen. And that's ok.


wtf... I didn't even know it was a thing for that long. I'd say we are beyond development hell.
That's pretty short for beyond development hell...pretty normal.

For example, a new Mortal Kombat movie has been in the works since early 2000 and set to start filming since then as a sequel. Then put back, then cancelled, then changed studios, then new writer, then new director. Now the latest is that is a reboot with James Wan (Saw, Conjuring, Furious 7) producing.

16 years. XD


For you.
ah yes, like every other game movie ever. I feel like they announce a shitload of them all the time and almost none of them ever come out.


ah yes, like every other game movie ever. I feel like they announce a shitload of them all the time and almost none of them ever come out.

Didnt Ridley Scott announce a Monopoly movie a few years ago or was I just high?

Admittedly not video games but I still thought it fucking weird


I'm not upset about this at all. I thought the whole movie idea was pretty suspect when they already nailed the characters in the game.

No need for a movie adaption. Especially when the story was designed to have the characters grow closer and more attached over your hours of playtime. I just don't see how it would have worked well as a movie.
'Kind of development hell.'


'Until they take a film based on my game seriously, they can fook right off with those half assed scripts.'

No, it means studios don't want to spend the money to make it properly. Until a video game movie hits critically and commercially, all of these projects will continue to sit on the shelf.
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