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NeoGAF Candy Swap Summer 2011 Edition

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Hello, everybody!

GhaleonEB is a bit busy, Dega and I decided to take over this. So I'll give you guys the skinny for those not familiar with the neoGAF candy swap.

What's this about?

Very easy. Many members sign up, we match you randomly (or according to your regional preferences) and you send each other a huge ass package of candy. And you don't have to limit the definition of candy. Many of us also send pop cans, salty snacks or even these two boxes which my last partner sent me and I haven't had the heart to try out yet (but I will, probably as a result of any drinking game/dare).
And after that, you may be a sport and share pictures/video of the event with the rest of us.
The sign up deadline is July 16th, so if you are wondering about doing it or not, DO IT! The shipping deadline will be July 25th.

How can you get in?

Very easy. Post here. We need some details, though.

  • Your country of residence
  • Which country you would like to swap candy with.
  • Which candy you like
  • Which candy you dislike
  • Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia.

After you post that here, we will match you as close as we can to somebody of your preference.

If you want to involve a friend or somebody out of neoGAF, you can do it. Just remember to put their data on your post too, so we can parse it. Shopping time!

How will you know how much candy to send?

Very easy. We lay some ground rules and if you feel generous enough, you can go above and beyond the call of duty.

  • Get 20$ worth of candy. That's the minimum amount, of course, but if you and your partner agree on it you can get more. These swaps don't happen very often, so you might as well go the extra mile!
  • Just in case, keep your receipts for both the candy and the shipment. International shippings sometimes get lost and those are helpful to know that at least you tried.
  • Don't let dates slip. Ship by the deadline. Nobody wants to spend a long summer of bitter waiting.
  • Make sure that you wrap everything properly. Specially stuff you get in bulk. You don't want candy dancing freely all over the box.

International shipping may get expensive. In my experience, I always spend as much on candy as I spend on shipping (but you guys in the US have better flat rates for that). Here are some links for price calculation:

U.S. Postal Service Shipping Calculator
UPS Shipping Calculator
FedEx Shipping Calculator

What can you do to ensure a great swapping experience for you and your partner?


Very easy. Wrap everything tightly and neatly, preferably with bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts, so you can protect everything from bumps and heat. Also, remember that it's summertime. Chocolate or melty candy may wind up in a less than optimal condition. Usually it tastes great still, though. And also, surprise your partner with some variety. Very often, the best things are the ones you didn't even know they existed.

And that's pretty much all I can think of. I will start strong and put not only myself, but TWO MORE PEOPLE up for the swap. How about that.

J. M. Romeo

Country: Spain
Preferred partner: None.
Likes: Everything, specially cherry stuff.
Dislikes: Coffee candy, peppermint, spearmint, everythingming.
Allergies: Never heard of them.

Alba Emery

Country: Spain
Preferred partner: Japan
Likes: Fizzy fruity candy.
Dislikes: Cinnamon
Allergies: Nuts!

Carmen Mateos

Country: Spain
Preferred partner: None.
Likes: Gummy candy, salty stuff.
Dislikes: Oriental snacks, chocolate.
Allergies: are for the weak willed.

Also, for those interested in the history of this, here are some past swap threads.

March 08 thread

June/July 08 thread
February 09 thread
July 09 thread

Have at it! (But always in moderation :3)

A list of the current participants can be found in Post #6



Guh o_o i posted in the other thread

Country: USA
Preferred partner: anywhere but here
Likes: something new and yummy
Dislikes: poison
Allergies: none
I'm down for this. Do we post our information in the thread or PM you to put it in the OP?
Edit: Posting it here, then.

Jeff Bohac
Country: USA (Georgia)
Preferred country: None
Likes: Gummies, chocolates, hard candies, coconut, nuts, sour stuff
Dislikes: Marzipan, licorice, addictive substances
Allergies: Eggs? I don't know if that is very relevant.
goober said:
Guh o_o i posted in the other thread

Just post your details again. I'll try to have the other thread locked :/

This is the FINAL LIST. Will be updated when the matching is finished.

J. M. Romeo **
goober - USA (none)
Baggatoast - USA (none)
Dega - USA (none)
GhaleonEB - USA (EU)
adamsappel - USA (none)
CF_Fighter - USA (EU - AUS - NZ)
Diprosalic - Switzerland (US - JP)
Gemüsestäbchen - Germany (US - JP)
Kafel - France (All but Asia)
iamtheb - USA (none)
btothekw - USA (none)
ili0926 - South Korea (All but Canada)
Cyrillus - USA (All but Japan)
Dork Knight - USA (Asia)
nateeasy - USA (none)
8bit - Switzerland/Germany/France (US)
Tijnisch - Netherlands (All but US)
Coins - USA (none)
Nyrad - Austria (JP/Asia)
Jupiter - USA (none)
Ikkarus - UK (USA)
bPod - Canada (none)
SteveWinwood - USA (AU/Asia/Africa)
pettersson - Germany (USA)
Ryaaan14 - USA (none)
Babyhack * - Ireland (non-EU)
Hypertrooper - Germany (US/JP)
The Crawf - UK (USA)
EmmanuelMunoz - USA (US)
The_Technomancer - USA (Asia/DE)
mr_appleby - Australia (none)
PumpkinPie - UK (US/Asia)
Slurmer - USA (none)
luiztfc - Brazil (none)
ganbareneopokekun - Germany (JP/USA)
Tigel - Canada (none)
catmincer - New Zealand (EU/Asia)
LeaveItAlone - UK (none)
ChocolateCupcakes - USA (none)
a1m - Finland (JP/USA)
898 - USA/CA (JP)
Chairhome - USA (EU)
ShallNoiseUpon - USA (none)
Shiv47 - USA (none)
Qasiel - UK (USA/Asia)
IamMikeside* - UK (US/JP/China)
TurbulentTurtle - Hong Kong (All but USA/CA)
JLateralus - USA (none)
8BitsAtATime - USA/Mexico (none)
mblitek - Canada (EU/AU/NZ)
NJ Shlice - USA (none)
caffeinedreamer * - Japan (UK/Ireland)
Tea and Toast - UK (US/CA)
Brownmonkey - USA (none)
DavidDayton - USA (UK)
Fernando Rocker - Mexico (EU/AU/Asia)
srenity - USA (EU)
Darknessbear - USA (none)
Arsenic Yellow - USA (none)
Bearded Dudebro - USA (DE/CH/JP)
KungFuBill - UK (All but EU)
Litflynt912 - USA (UK/JP)
Crucified - Canada (none)
Machado - Venezuela (All but China)
InaudibleWhispa * - UK (none)
Gower - USA (Scandinavian countries)
God's Beard - USA (not Europe)
Hi-tekk - USA (Japan)
J Tourettes * - UK (USA/CA)
weeneo - Germany (All but EU)
TurbulentTurtle - Canada (none)
GK86 - USA (DE/JP)

each * means an added swapper for that person

Updated as of July 14th, 18 00 (GMT +1)

Username - Country of Origin (Preferred Countries)

As a general rule, if the country is listed as "none", it is understood that the swapper will prefer an overseas partner and never one from his or her same country.
oh man, i'd love to do this but i think i'll have to give it a miss this year. damn funds & looking for a place taking up my time. do you guys do a winter one?


Country: USA
Swap country: European preferred
Likes: Gummies, jellies, milk and dark chocolates, lollipops
Dislikes: Any nuts other than almonds and peanuts; black liquorice
Allergies: None

I am willing to swap on the heavy side (and probably will regardless). My kids always help with the selection process and we tend to collectively go overboard. :D

Thanks for doing this. Candy!
Thanks, Ghaleon, goober, Dega and baggatoast!

Giga, you're killing me! -_____-

Valhalla, you wish we would poison your candy.
Country: USA
Preferred partner: Any, but have already traded with Australia, Ireland and Holland.
Likes: Chocolate, local delicacies, unusual candy.
Dislikes: Would prefer not to get a lot of sour or hard candy, but a tiny portion is okay.
Allergies: None.

I like to think I am a very good Candy Swap trading partner. I fill a large flat-rate box to the brim. Here are the contents of my last 3 swaps:




And a video of ShinAlive unboxing my candy:
Country: USA
Preferred partner: Europe or Australia/New Zealand
Likes: Chocolate, nuts, caramels
Dislikes: Fruit, coconut, licorice, marzipan
Allergies: None.
i think i'm in. will have to go and check prices for this, seems expensive.

Country: Switzerland
Preferred partner: USA or Japan someone who likes chocolate :)
Likes: Chocolate, gummy things, very sweet stuff.
Dislikes: Fruit, coconut, nuts
Allergies: nuts.
I'm in!

Country: Germany
Preferred partner: USA or Japan.
Likes: Jelly / gummy sweets, sour stuff
Dislikes: Liquorice (KILL IT WITH FIRE!) + Marzipan
Allergies: None

(Edit: Forgot I also hated something else!)


I traded with J.M. last time (yes, I was responsible for the bugs). I had a blast and I'd love to do it again!

Your country of residence USA
Which country you would like to swap candy with. Any!
Which candy you like Gummies, but I'm not really picky.
Which candy you dislike Black Liquorice. Blech!
Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia. None! Well, even though I got the bugs I would have been too big of a wuss to try them myself. So I guess no insects?


Country: USA
Preferred partner: I can do the 4 pound flat rate box to anywhere in Europe, so just a smallerish trade than some of the stuff here
Likes: twizzlers, gummies, sours, chocolate/peanutbutter, toffee, pretty much everything
Dislikes: crazy exotic chocolates, INSECTS, coconut
Allergies: None

Can't :C
what's the best way to find out if the stuff you send is not available or common in the recipients country? i followed previous swaps and i often see very common candy sent between swappers.


Which country do you reside: USA
Which country you would like to swap candy with: Anywhere besides the US
Which candy you like: Down to try anything cept black liquorice.
Which candy you dislike: If i had to say prolly bugs and black liquorice.
Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia: Nope not that i Know of.
MrBig said:
Is it for to make some of the candy yourself, or should that be discussed with your partner?

Can't go much over the $20

It should be OK if you discuss it with your partner first. But I'm not sure about how homemade candy will arrive after a couple of weeks travelling inside a box.

Diprosalic said:
what's the best way to find out if the stuff you send is not available or common in the recipients country? i followed previous swaps and i often see very common candy sent between swappers.

Besides asking, you can always try specialty candy. I know of a great traditional store here in Madrid which makes a very very unique type of violet candy. There are knockoffs all over Spain but none of them taste even remotely close.

I'll probably send some of those.


I'm down.

Country: South Korea (I'm currently living there until August, well past the shipping date)
Preferred partner: Edit if it isn't too late: Don't want a partner from Canada since that's my country of origin!
Likes: Open to try anything; just something unique from your country!
Dislikes: See above.
Allergies: None.


That time of the year again huh? Not sure if I'll be doing it this year but I do love me some weird candy from Denmark though. Last swap was great.


I remember lurking last year's candy swap thread, and I'd love to try it this year!

Country: USA
Preferred partner: Not Japan (only because I've had a lot of different candy from there, and I'd like to try something new!)
Likes: Generally anything as long as it's not pineapple flavored.
Dislikes: Pineapple
Allergies: Penicillin (Not sure I'd want candy with penicillin in it anyway)

More than willing to look for specific candies if you have a preference, plus I live across the streets from a Lake Champlain Chocolates factory so expect to get some good chocolatey treats!
This sounds awesome! I'm totally up for it. Here's my infos:

Country: USA
Preferred partner: Any Asian country (preferably Japan or Korea)
Likes: I adore fruity/sour candy and *anything* with coconut. I also dig anything with nuts (favorites are pecans, cashews, and almonds). Also like to try bizarre flavor combinations, like Green Tea/Banana-flavored Kit-Kats, basically stuff you can't find here in America. Apart from the dislike of chocolate, I'll pretty much eat anything.
Dislikes: Chocolate (but will tolerate it if it's not the focal ingredient).
Allergies: None


Sounds like fun.

Country: USA
Preferred partner: Anything outside of North America
Likes: I like about anything. Big fan of gummies.
Dislikes: None
Allergies: None


Knows the Score
Country: Switzerland/Germany/France
Preferred partner: Anyone that can send me a Twinkie.
Likes: Anything.
Dislikes: None
Allergies: None


Neo Member
Your country of residence - The Netherlands
Which country you would like to swap candy with. - Any country that has candy that's pretty unknown to the rest. Not the USA though!
Which candy you like - I like sweet stuff, milky stuff (chocolat!) and sour stuff floats my boat too. But I'm OK with a lot of things!
Which candy you dislike - Everything that's bitter. Also, those bugs freak me out.
Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia. - I can survive any candy


Your country of residence: USA
Which country you would like to swap candy with: Any
Which candy you like: Sour stuff (im obsessed), suckers and chocolate
Which candy you dislike: Bugs
Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia: N/A



Country: Austria
Preferred partner: Japan/Asia
Likes: i'd like a good mix of everything except:
Dislikes: licorice, insects.
Allergies: None.


Country: US
Preferred partner: Anywhere but here
Likes: Gummi stuff, sour and hot stuff
Dislikes: none
Allergies: none


Any AUSGAF'ers done this before? How much was postage? I'm just curious because the postage from here to places like US can be pretty insane sometimes. I don't want to buy a whole lot of aussie goodies, pack it all up then find out it costs a crazy amount to ship the thing. If it's reasonable, then count me in(I'll wait for an answer first though. >_>).


Aw man, this sounds great, but I really don't have the money to do something like this right now. Now that I know it's a thing that happens regularly though, I'll try to participate next time.


Darklord said:
Any AUSGAF'ers done this before? How much was postage? I'm just curious because the postage from here to places like US can be pretty insane sometimes. I don't want to buy a whole lot of aussie goodies, pack it all up then find out it costs a crazy amount to ship the thing. If it's reasonable, then count me in(I'll wait for an answer first though. >_>).
I'm worried about shipping as well from the US. The medium sized flat rate USPS boxes are $50 to Europe and the like, while other places have it listed upwards of $200 for a 5-10 pound box
How often do these get held? I've always watched the previous ones and wanted to get in on it, but alas, wasn't a member. I should have some money to spare within the next few weeks, is there any aversion to juniors going in on these things?


I missed it last time so I'm in!

Your country of residence UK
Which country you would like to swap candy with. USA
Which candy you like All kinds to be honest, soft chewy sweets, hard candy, chocolate - it's all good!
Which candy you dislike Looking at the OP - Insects!
Which candy kills you on the inside, be it allergies or some sort of phobia. None that I know of


Sounds like fun, count me in

Country: Canada
Preferred partner: Don't matter
Likes: A little bit of everything
Dislikes: Fruit, black licorice, black chocolate
Allergies: None
I'd love to do this. It looks like there are lots of requests for Asia though.

Country: USA
Preferred partner: Aussieland or Asia, even Africa! (I've lived in Europe so I've had plenty of euro-sweets).
Likes: I love caramel and milk chocolate and fruit. Oh and nuget (I can't spell and I'm on my phone).
Dislikes: Not a big fan of dark chocolate or when salty meets sweet. I like sweet. I like salty. But when combined.
What will kill me: no food allergies, but the last time I had black liquoriche (still can't spell check on my phone) I threw up... really.


Eeny Meenie Penis
glaringradio said:
How often do these get held? I've always watched the previous ones and wanted to get in on it, but alas, wasn't a member. I should have some money to spare within the next few weeks, is there any aversion to juniors going in on these things?

Seems to be just whenever people don't want to wait anymore and someone steps up lol. I was thinking before that maybe twice a year could work but I'm not sure. I'm always up for it at least but don't know about the others..

I had to sit on the sidelines for the last one because my GAF account wasn't approved. I might have to sit this one out too since I'm in Hong Kong at the moment until early August. I might still participate though, since HK does have some crazier-type stuff... I'll think it over.
Looking forward to all the pictures and videos of the unboxing/tasting though.
MrBig said:
I'm worried about shipping as well from the US. The medium sized flat rate USPS boxes are $50 to Europe and the like, while other places have it listed upwards of $200 for a 5-10 pound box

Which places are the ones with really expensive shipping? We could try and arrange something for that, such as avoiding matches that become overly expensive.

TurbulentTurtle said:
I had to sit on the sidelines for the last one because my GAF account wasn't approved. I might have to sit this one out too since I'm in Hong Kong at the moment until early August. I might still participate though, since HK does have some crazier-type stuff... I'll think it over.
Looking forward to all the pictures and videos of the unboxing/tasting though.

Do it then! Asian countries tend to have some of the wackiest shit in terms of candy.

Anyway: bump for the morning crew!
Sweet, i'm in.

Country: Germany
Preferred Partner: USA (or non-EU)
Likes: almost everything
Dislikes: Coconut, Salt, Cinnamon, Insects
Allergies: none

woot, looking forward to this.


oh man i so wanna do this. Only chance you'll get to try Uruguayan candy as well.

Hope i have some money for goods and shippig after the steam sales D:


YES. Been eager to finally participate in this.

Country: US
Preferred partner: Anyone overseas.
Likes: Fruit flavored candies, milk chocolate, and peanuts, mmm.
Dislikes: Dark chocolate, anything too sour, BLACK FUCKING LICORICE.
Allergies: Nada!


Neo Member
Me in, have little to no candy left from last swap ( I got a lot)

Swapper: babyhack
Country: Ireland
Preferred partner: non europe
Likes: soft gummies and sours
Dislikes: nuts, peanuts, peanutbutter (I think you get what I don't like)
Allergies: not getting any candy

Ok girlfriend wants in if that's ok, she has done it before and was just a double swap on this account

Swapper: babyhack girlfriend
Country: Ireland
Preferred partner: non europe
Likes: all she wants is soar patch kids, Swedish fish and nerds
Dislikes: anything that is not soar patch kids, Swedish fish or nerds
Allergies: none

Sent just under 5kg of candy last time and some extra Irish presents as a memory of the swap
Tentatively putting my name here

Current Country: China
Preferred partner: Non-China and Non-US
Likes: variety
Dislikes: That sweet red bean stuff the Asians are all crazy about. I'm okay with crazy outlandish stuff like insects as long as you don't send me a package entirely filled with insects.
I don't have any candy allergies but I do have a fever and the only cure is well you get the idea

EDIT: nevermind, don't include me in this. Sadly, now is not the best time for me. Life sucks. :(
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