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NeoGAF is heating up!


I used to mix my time between Era and Gaf, but I got banned from Era a few months ago for disagreeing that racism against white English people is acceptable.

I'm glad to see the back of that place and very happy to see Gaf going from strength to strength.

i got banned for correcting a guy that said European countries are racist against each other. I asked how Germany can be racist towards France since they are both white. It was in a thread saying that Portugal should pay reparations to Africa. 🤦🏻‍♂️
I don't know where else to post this as i couldn't find the suggestion thread. I used search like a big boy and everything!


Have a sticky for the main three sub-forums that displays the posts with the most X reactions (LOL, Empathy, Thoughtful etc.) for the previous 24 hours, 7 days or whatever is most feasible.


Increase and encourage usage of reactions, while showing community members in high regard. For example, if a poster has the most 'Thoughtful' reactions, then the community can see what an intelligent response is, as well as showing off our more intelligent members. Likewise for lol reactions.

But wait, you thick twonk twat, people will then troll for lol reactions, i hear you say. Well, that comes down to the 'owner' of the threads to only pick out positive and funny comments, not those based on attacking or embarrassing another member

Just a thought




I know we love to meme about shitera (I love to do so often) but sometimes I feel guilty as a vast number of them are mentally extremely sick. Every week or two there is another guy making a thread about ending his life. They fume like crazy over the smallest shit which can't be healthy.

I genuinely wish they get all the meds they need or get into a relationship or something to get better and try to experience a normal life.
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Maybe it's time to close that REEEE topic now though. I think we got it all out of our system how ridiculous that forum is. Giving lunatics attention is just what they want anyway. There are enough crazies on the internet, if they all got their own topic..


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Maybe it's time to close that REEEE topic now though. I think we got it all out of our system how ridiculous that forum is. Giving lunatics attention is just what they want anyway. There are enough crazies on the internet, if they all got their own topic..

A lot of returning users (the relatively sane ones, not the screeching imploders) use that thread as a way to decompress and vent before integrating back with GAF. Many of them also have no idea how bad it is over there until they’re banned and see the daily insanity documented in our thread, since there is little to no transparency over there. It also keeps REE talk contained from the rest of the forum.
Just the usual, terrible place if you want to have a discussion, it's an echo chamber where you're not allowed to express any thoughts that doesn't align with theirs.
It's worse than that. There is a group of nut jobs who are looking to clout Chase by finding something that they can attack a games company, or a journalist over to get a retraction, or a game company to change something in their game so they can say they were the person who took on a company in the SJW wars and won.

There is a thread on there where some retard went through all the footage of Cyberpunk and took screen grabs of all the signs in the background to show how they were sexist and trans phobic and that CDPR needed to change that or else, and of course CDPR like a boss totally ignored them. And the amazing thing was when someone would say "I don't see an issue with it", boom, banned for downplaying sexism and transphobia concerns.
That site is a puddle of AIDS.

K' Dash

It's worse than that. There is a group of nut jobs who are looking to clout Chase by finding something that they can attack a games company, or a journalist over to get a retraction, or a game company to change something in their game so they can say they were the person who took on a company in the SJW wars and won.

There is a thread on there where some retard went through all the footage of Cyberpunk and took screen grabs of all the signs in the background to show how they were sexist and trans phobic and that CDPR needed to change that or else, and of course CDPR like a boss totally ignored them. And the amazing thing was when someone would say "I don't see an issue with it", boom, banned for downplaying sexism and transphobia concerns.
That site is a puddle of AIDS.

Lol I saw that thread, I just ignore most of those threads or anything that is not pure gaming.


It's worse than that. There is a group of nut jobs who are looking to clout Chase by finding something that they can attack a games company, or a journalist over to get a retraction, or a game company to change something in their game so they can say they were the person who took on a company in the SJW wars and won.

There is a thread on there where some retard went through all the footage of Cyberpunk and took screen grabs of all the signs in the background to show how they were sexist and trans phobic and that CDPR needed to change that or else, and of course CDPR like a boss totally ignored them. And the amazing thing was when someone would say "I don't see an issue with it", boom, banned for downplaying sexism and transphobia concerns.
That site is a puddle of AIDS.
It's even worse than that man. I was banned for stating that squats are a good way to grow the glutes in a thread in which the OP was saying that only fat girls can have big asses. No bullshit at all, and no my wording was not mean, insulting, or hostile in anyway. The place is full blown fucking nuts, and if anyone ever diverges from their narrative even the slightest bit, banned. Absolute insanity of the highest caliber.
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I used to mix my time between Era and Gaf, but I got banned from Era a few months ago for disagreeing that racism against white English people is acceptable.

I'm glad to see the back of that place and very happy to see Gaf going from strength to strength.
Yeah, the "it's ok to be racist as long as it's against white people", and the "it's ok to generalize and insult an entire demographic of people, so long as you're talking about military, police, or veterans" attitude over there was fucking disgusting. Bunch of fucking weak pussies who would be the first to go if not for the protection of our service members and our police forces sitting there saying all cops are bastards, and they somehow don't see the irony in it.

I wish there was a way to isolate who's saying ACAB on the internet and make sure that no policeman waste their time ever responding to their dispatch calls, we'll see how much they appreciate the lack of cops when "peaceful protesters" are breaking into their fucking window to set their house on fire.


Just come home with it!

If she gives you shit be like "What? You spend $500 on bullshit all the time. I been wearin the same fuckin jeans for 5 years. Don't fuckin start with me!"

Its not about the money.She knows how much time I will spend on it


I'm lucky if I can do more than 20 minutes a night gaming. Adult life baby. RIP my competitive gaming days.

What about gamifying your adult life? You can make it competition with yourself and others. I hear it could promote a more positively productive personal life. :messenger_hushed:


I bet they still lurk here or create a new account after a while, that's funny.

I imagine that's how migration would work. Once your current location becomes uninhabitable to people, they will either fight against it or (if the governing powers are too incompetent) they will seek greener pastures.

It's good to set more desirable examples to others. It helps everyone, if they open their minds.



I don't know if you've already answered this. But how did you let some insane people hijack your board. It was insanely crazy back in the day. Is there a whole backstory to this? I remember getting banned for telling those crazies that its ok for Japanese people to be Japanese... and enjoy their culture on GAF.


Gold Member
I used to mix my time between Era and Gaf, but I got banned from Era a few months ago for disagreeing that racism against white English people is acceptable.

I'm glad to see the back of that place and very happy to see Gaf going from strength to strength.

I got banned for saying that Ronaldo should get a conviction in court before they could call him a rapist.
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I don't know if you've already answered this. But how did you let some insane people hijack your board. It was insanely crazy back in the day. Is there a whole backstory to this? I remember getting banned for telling those crazies that its ok for Japanese people to be Japanese... and enjoy their culture on GAF.

Not to speak for him but GAF wasn't the only place that went batshit crazy in that 2014-2016 time period. reddit also shifted massively from being mostly libertarian to extreme left-wing. My theory is that people who are drawn to internet moderator positions tend to have highly authoritarian politics.

When their numbers are small they can only make incremental, barely noticeable changes without getting massive pushback, but over time, those add up and become accepted. And eventually, their numbers grow and they completely change the culture of the forums that they "police." Then the people who share their politics become more outspoken, they recruit more members similar to them, and it's all downhill from there.

The solution is to not let them get a foothold anywhere, really. O'Sullivan's Law says that to combat it you MUST make your organization explicitly right-wing, otherwise it will inevitably become left-wing.


Not to speak for him but GAF wasn't the only place that went batshit crazy in that 2014-2016 time period. reddit also shifted massively from being mostly libertarian to extreme left-wing. My theory is that people who are drawn to internet moderator positions tend to have highly authoritarian politics.

When their numbers are small they can only make incremental, barely noticeable changes without getting massive pushback, but over time, those add up and become accepted. And eventually, their numbers grow and they completely change the culture of the forums that they "police." Then the people who share their politics become more outspoken, they recruit more members similar to them, and it's all downhill from there.

The solution is to not let them get a foothold anywhere, really. O'Sullivan's Law says that to combat it you MUST make your organization explicitly right-wing, otherwise it will inevitably become left-wing.

Why can't people be in between? I don't like either the extreme right and left wing. I mean for fuck's sake why is gaming the last bastion of a political warzone when half these idiots don't even play games. Is the gaming community just this polarized? Or are most a bunch of sheep and simps? Thanks for the analysis so far.


Visualizing a little differently:

January 2018: 687 posts per day
January 2019: 2,409 posts per day
January 2020: 4,143 posts per day
September 2020: 8,208 posts per day

January 2018: 213 reactions per day
January 2019: 2,301 reactions per day
January 2020: 7,051 reactions per day
September 2020: 18,296 reactions per day

January 2018: 13 new threads per day
January 2019: 43 new threads per day
January 2020: 59 new threads per day
September 2020: 91 new threads per day

January 2018: 3,415 average concurrent online users
January 2019: 2,902 average concurrent online users
January 2020: 3,425 average concurrent online users
September 2020: 4,642 average concurrent online users
Interesting that the average user count is growing much slower than the other metrics, but I guess it makes sense that the people actually using the forum would be more active if the forum as a whole is more active.


Congrats to EviLore EviLore you did a great job rebuilding the Gaf community after the exodus.

I would also like to thank the community for being cool Gaf has welcomed back old posters with open arms from Era I starting to post more regularly here, at era I was always worried about being piled on for sharing my views even though they weren’t extreme.

Stay cool Gaf ✌️


Why can't people be in between? I don't like either the extreme right and left wing. I mean for fuck's sake why is gaming the last bastion of a political warzone when half these idiots don't even play games. Is the gaming community just this polarized? Or are most a bunch of sheep and simps? Thanks for the analysis so far.
Probably because gaming forums were some of the first social media to grow large in numbers, so other aspects of social life just kinda leak in.

I mean, hasn't GAF existed since like 1999? At that time there were only very crude forms of social media. And thats without going into MMOs or virtual spaces that existed even before that.
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Congrats to everyone involved with the forum!
Things were certainly quiet for a while.....but now it feels like it's back to full strength as the only place I need for gaming news/discussion.


I am reading some of the replies here on the last few pages and oh my god i am so glad i never registered on ResetEra, i do occasionally visit it as a guest to see what is going on there and i can easily guess which threads will be ones with a lot of banned users, then i would go there and see the ridiculous reasons that they claim to ban the users who slightly go against their point of view.
The whole point of forums is to create discussions or guides and talk with others about gaming, they cannot allow discussions to thrive due to extreme lack of diversity of thought. Ofcourse it also stinks of bias.
Another point is the few extremely...extremely..annoying users who are so self important that they act like some offended journalist all the time, they play the offended hero who is always offended on behalf of any group. Those kinda of users are the most annoying and obnoxious, not because they are articulate or smart...no they are far from that, but simply because of they bootlicking the mods to reporting to them any person who question their opinions.
You can feel it in those threads with the people who go along the masses and post a comment that contain few words, those people are just there to checklist their mission, that they contributed to the "whining thread" they created so mods and those "obnoxious" users can leave them alone.

I'm glad i was never part of that community, regardless of the few good threads that they make, they easily make up for it by equally amount shitty whining and complaining threads. I just hope that most developers ignore them and hopefully with time there will be no users left there except those whiners and their sucking mods.
If there is a website to be called SJW, its that one.


Loony separatist splinter group turns out to actually be Loony.
News at 10!

EviLore EviLore should gives the rights to Netflix to make a documentary.

A documentary ala Tiger King would be gold.

Some of the mods would probably be similar to Joe Exotic's husband(s). "Well to tell you the truth, I was never a trans furry otherkin at all! They just kept banning everyone who wasn't, and once I fursitioned over, my likes went through the roof!" :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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