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NeoGAF's Top/Essential Indie Games


Binding of Isaac is my answer. 118 hours clocked in thusfar for $2.50.

Other votes just take attention away from Isaac.
These 5 I can recommend without reservation. They are the best at what they do. If you want to play BoI, make sure to only get the original first and play for a while before adding the expansion.

Super Meat Boy
Cave Story
Legend of Grimrock
Binding of Isaac

The next 5 tend to be smaller or have a more narrow focus, or have some design problems (checkpoint system in MotN, one particular level in Runner that was too long). However I would still strongly recommend them if they look in the least bit interesting to you, because they are phenomenal in their element, and very good overall.

Bit.Trip Runner
Mark of the Ninja

The last 5 are all good and recommended, just not necessarily "strongly" recommended. They may have more significant problems with length, variety, or design (all 3 in Hotline Miami's case) but have some really fun stuff that makes them worth it.

Hotline Miami


Junior Member
I'm just going to list the ten games I've put the most time into on Steam (with one exception):

1) Skullgirls.
2) Dungeon Defenders
3) Europa Universalis III
4) AI War: Fleet Command
5) Terraria
6) The Binding of Issac
7) Dungeons of Dredmor
8) FTL
9) Mark of the Ninja
10) Don't Starve

Honorable MentionL
Basement Collection
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Critter Crunch
They Bleed Pixels

You guys should really get every game on this list. They're all cheap, and all promise dozens of hours in them (except maybe VVVVVV, which I beat in 4 hours but was totally worth it).


Hotline Miami
Super Meat Boy
Binding of Isaac

I'm sure there's more but that's what comes to mind right now. Closure especially is incredibly overlooked, I thought it was great.

Edit: Dungeons of Dredmor, goshdarnit! Knew I was forgetting stuff.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Legend of Grimrock
Mark of the Ninja
Hotline Miami
Frozen Synapse
Cave Story
Super Meat Boy
Spiderweb Software RPG's (Avernum, Avadon, Geneforge, Etc..)
Endless Space

Def Jukie

Super Meat Boy
Hotline Miami
Mark Of The Ninja
The Binding Of Isaac
Critter Crunch

I think these are the ones I've had the most fun with. Well, except Amnesia. I don't know if I'd call it fun but I love it just the same. Looking at this list makes me realize how amazing the music is in a lot of these games as well.

Honorable Mentions:
Lone Survivor
World Of Goo


Unconfirmed Member
I played To the Moon a couple of days ago, and the only thing I can say about it is: play it. For your own sake. Do yourself a favor and play it, if you haven't already.

And make sure to have a tissue or two at hand, that game definitely likes to cut onions.

Of course. Hotline Miami and the Bit.Trip saga are probably my favorite indie games.


Splosion Man
Castle Crashers
Binding of Isaac
They Bleed Pixels
Super Meat Boy
Bit.Trip series
Mount & Blade: Warband
Broken Sword 1,2
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Hotline Miami

Those who were indie:
Grand Theft Auto : Produced by DMA Design now Rockstar Games
Civilization : Created by Sid Meier and Bruce Shelley now Firaxis
Transport Tycoon Deluxe : Produced by Chris Sawyer

I'll probably add more as soon as I remember.


Matt Thorson's works never get the recognition they deserve on GAF.

Give Up Robot 1 and especially 2 were outstanding (Seriously, indiegames.com gave GUR2 their game of the year, yet I've never seen anyone else on here even mention it)

My favourite game of his is An Untitled Story.

Deepak Fights Robots and Runman by Tom Sennet are also great and get no love on these boards.

Runman:ROTW is what 2D sonic should be IMO.
So 10 games, i'm not entirely sure what constitutes Indie in the grand scheme of things and i'll probably end up throwing on something that isn't particularly Indie but oh well, just think of it as 10 quality downloadable titles, a lot of them from last year in fact.

Mark of the Ninja
MotN nails stealth in a 2D style, it has everything in the right place, the right visual and audio cues that tell you all you need to know about what guards can see and if you're out of sight, you have numerous tools at your disposal to either help stealth by silently or aid in your dispatching of enemies through force or even terror. The controls are snappy, there's freedom in how you tackle stages and a host of replay value on top of a game that has pretty solid length to begin with. The dark visual style really pushes the use of light and dark in regards to stealth and the game makes you feel powerful yet vulnerable if you happen to get caught out, so really it does a great job of making the player feel like a ninja alongside being incredibly satisfying to play.

Super Meat Boy

Bite size chunks of frantic platforming that's "tougher than a 2 dollar steak" as good old Jim Ross would say, hey the line seemed relevant if we're talking about Meat. SMB may share the same acronym as platformings most famous series but it's a completely different beast, the stages are short but devilish enough you could spend ages on a single one, SMB isn't so much trial and error as its just plain nasty in its regards to perfection, maybe a bit too much so in later stages which aren't for the weak of heart with the most minimal margins for error, frustration is however alleviated through the swift respawning of Meat Boy giving it that "just one more go" factor. Rich with content in a way that actually outdoes a lot of retail platformers, SMB may not be for everyone and it could use some more variety in hazards (there's only so many times I can be sliced up by saws) but it's a lot of bang for your buck and one of the best platformers from this generation.

Hotline Miami
It missed out on my GotY list last year because I arrived to the party a month late but it would've earned itself a high spot that's for sure. A relentlessly fast paced action game that's part puzzle in how you'll go about taking down the enemies and part execution in pulling it off without a hitch, very much a game of kill or be killed as you sweep through floors of buildings massacring every enemy, you yourself can get dropped in one fell swoop meaning that timing is crucial. It's another one of those just one more go games where death can be sudden yet your return to control is equally as swift. It's bloody yet oh so satisfying and one of the most purest gaming experiences i've played in a while, the music also fits like a glove.

A game of two halves, a world expedition collecting cubes on one side and a thinking out of the box puzzler on the other. Both sides have their merits but i'm actually pretty fond of the whole exploring side of things. Fez uses a perspective shifting twist on platforming as you effectively explore a 3D world in 2D, the ever expanding map is daunting at first but for me it became the games greatest joy, I was continually compelled onwards to see just how far I could travel, to see what locations I would stumble across next. Aided by a chilled out soundtrack and a colourful pixel visual style Fez is a pretty relaxing game outside of it's perplexing puzzles which are perhaps too smart for me.

Dust: An Elysian Tale
I use this comparison every time I mention this game but I feel it works so well, the area hopping smaller scale metroidvania style of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia combined with the lush visuals and quick stylish combat of Muramasa, take these and then give it a story focused flair with a touch of whimsy and you've got Dust.
Dust is an enjoyable all around package that ties things all together pretty cohesively, it might not outright excel in all the areas it dabbles in but it does a damn good job on the whole, this encompasses both gameplay and presentation here by the way, it's a fine outing worth looking into.

Cave Story
I have to think that this is one of the most famous Indie games and with good cause, an action platformer with some light exploration elements, I want to say Cave Story is like a game from the NES days made in the present (well present circa 2004 I think) but it's a bit more than that, while the retro visuals and music alongside its rather classic style gameplay certainly lean towards the past its other aspects like the story it tells give it a nice modern link as well. It's charming, tough at times but not unbeatable and available on a whole bunch of platforms in various forms these days so it's pretty accessible.


This game really got dealt a bad hand for myself initially, being someone who was waiting for the PSN version in PAL regions was quite an uneven process with delays and flawed (and pretty dead) online when it finally arrived, as such it's not really until now I feel that the game is truly finding its feet alongside the current campaign that's helping fund new characters among other things I think this is a game that's only going to get stronger which is pretty good for a game that is strong anyway. I'm not that great at fighters but I try my hand at numerous series to varying degrees of success, Skullgirls is one of the ones i've enjoyed the most this generation, the visual style, wonderful animation and superb soundtrack certainly help contribute to that but the fighting itself has a nice feel to it even if I still kinda suck at it. Each character feels unique and are a joy to play as, I think Cerebella might be my favourite grappling focused character i've played as in any fighter, the moves are crazy and the characters crazier, it may still be a bit limited now but hey I can finally see movelists in the menu so we're making progress!

Momentum doesn't get nearly as much use in platformers as you might expect, what with Sonic the Hedgehog always being so popular even in his weakest days. Dustforce takes a momentum focus and combines it with quick reflex athletics that push the players use of the characters abilities. Dustforce is pretty open ended allowing you access to a whole bunch of levels from the word go and performing well enough in these obstacle course earns you keys to open up more stages as the difficulty ramps up. I'll confess it got too much for me when reaching the later stages, Dustforce aims to really push mastery of its mechanics though this unfortunately leads to a lot of "spikes everywhere!" design at times but the road to this point is some pure platforming bliss. It's actually like a more mellow counterpart to Super Meat Boy at times, it can lean towards the same level of difficulty and fast paced style but its stages are longer, its overall atmosphere delivered by visuals and music is a lot more relaxed, it really helps get you in the zone so to speak.
It's got its flaws but Dustforce is worth playing for any platforming fan, there's something almost therapeutic about stylishly sweeping up leaves while all jumping through the woods and sliding down the slopes to the tranquil tunes.

I don't find it to be so strong in gameplay but the execution and presentation really help elevate this one, story is one of Bastion's big focus points yet it isn't intrusive thanks to the ongoing narration as you play. An isometric action game with simple yet effective combat and an ever increasing variety of weapons to mix and match to your playstyle. The tale told in Bastion is pretty intriguing, it's what drove me onwards to keep going, it's soundtrack is a strong one as well that really helps set the scene, I don't feel quite so strongly about the game itself as others on this list but I do think it's worth playing.

I can't decide between Braid and World of Goo for the tenth spot so no one gets it! they're both pretty smart but it's been a while since I played either and I can't remember that much to say about them.
I'm also guessing that Mighty Switch Force doesn't quite count as Indie because of Wayforward.
I'm also reminded that I haven't clicked with a single Beat Trip game, I must be missing something.

I've been meaning to get around to VVVVV and maybe To the Moon at some stage, they'll likely be next on my Indie list.
Matt Thorson's works never get the recognition they deserve on GAF.

Give Up Robot 1 and especially 2 were outstanding (Seriously, indiegames.com gave GUR2 their game of the year, yet I've never seen anyone else on here even mention it)

My favourite game of his is An Untitled Story.

Deepak Fights Robots and Runman by Tom Sennet are also great and get no love on these boards.

Runman:ROTW is what 2D sonic should be IMO.

Just tried Give Up Robot 1 and 2 (got to stage 40 in GUR2 in fact); they're the second (second and third?) surprisingly good AdultSwim indie game I've tried today (the other was Super House of Dead Ninjas, which is even better IMHO). What's up with that?

Also, I would be lying if I said I'm not itching to tally up the results, I think they're going to be pretty cool. Lots of both "greatest hits" and "hidden gems" in this thread. I love that limiting it to 10 games per poster really brings out the cream of the crop.


I guess freeware games made by hobby / independent devs also count as indie, right?

1. ZeldaClassic (actually more of an engine, it's the fangames created for it that made me spend 200+ hours on that one)
2. Knytt Stories (Also a lot of Fan content)
3. Cave Story (obviously)
4. Iji (Basically a 2d sideview shooter where many things you do actually have an effect in the game, plus tons of secrets and awesome soundtrack)
5. Ben There, Dan That! (One of the funniest adventure games I ever played)
6. Hero Core (Wonderful Retro-Metroidvania from the creator of Iji)
7. Mondo Agency (Wonderfully surreal and actually kinda scary)
8. Super Mario War (Always good for some multiplayer session. 2D Super Mario fighting game with tons of options, maps and characters)
9. La Mulana (I just love exploring)
10. Velsarbor (Excellent german RPG made with RPG Maker, wonderful spritework and fun battle system, shame it's only on demo status)

Honorable mentions:
Unterwegs in Düsterburg - German RPG made with RPG Maker. Never have I played a game that lets you continue in so many different ways, with so much optional stuff that a second playthrough can be really different)
Die Reise Ins All - Another german RPG Maker game with some excellent humor and unique characters.
The Underside - Cave Story clone with some improved game mechanics and some nice humor. Currently demo, but still 3-4 hours of gameplay.
Legend of Princess - Zelda clone from the dude who did Noitu Love. Stunning graphics and great gameplay (like Zelda II). Only one dungeon and you're through it in 45 minutes, but really high paced (you even defeat three bosses on your way!)
Eternal Daughter - Action / Adventure in 2D sideview with some nice graphics and music, but also one of the hardest games ever created. I'm still stuck at the castle.


I'd go with:

World of goo
Gemini Rue
Soulcaster 1/2
Puzzle Agent (if it counts)
Dear Esther
Zeno Clash


Treasure Adventure Game
Super Dust Force
Hero Core
Hotline Miami
Avernum Escape From the Pit
Avadon The Black Fortress
Suwapyon 2012
Book of Eschalon 1 and 2


Super Meat Boy
Hotline Miami
Bit.Trip Runner

Could I add Trials HD and Trials Evolution? I know Ubisoft bought the studio before Evolution was out but I think it was still made by just a few people.


I'm going to list ten random games for these two lists, plus a few titles before and after their years:

Serious Sam 3
Akai Shin Katana
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Dark Souls
Hard Corps: Uprising
Resident Evil 6
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Maybe not the 10 best indie titles, but among the best.

(EDIT: Thought I would spread out the developers more, so replaced some)


Just tried Give Up Robot 1 and 2 (got to stage 40 in GUR2 in fact); they're the second (second and third?) surprisingly good indie game I've tried today (the other was Super House of Dead Ninjas, which is even better IMHO). What's up with that?

Also, I would be lying if I said I'm not itching to tally up the results, I think they're going to be pretty cool. Lots of both "greatest hits" and "hidden gems" in this thread. I love that limiting it to 10 games per poster really brings out the cream of the crop.

I also love Super HODN!

I can't remember if lvl 40 is the end of GUR2's Hard Game? "Hard Game" in that game is actually an entirely new set of levels. And they are BRUTAL. Don't miss them!

You need to play Runman: Race Around The World next! It's made by both Matt Thorson and Tom Sennet, it's freeware, and it's fun as all hell. As I said above; it's what I wish 2D Sonic games played like.

Also, Untitled Story! It's like Metroidvania + a children's storybook, really nice level of difficulty, and dripping with charm. Gives me the warm fuzzies, kinda Knytt-esque.


I don't play much indie games but I must say that Little Inferno caught me off guard. Such a great little game. Highly recommended for Wii U owners as it's only $4.99 now.
I'm going to list ten random games for these two lists, plus a few titles before and after their years:

Serious Sam 3
Akai Shin Katana
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Dark Souls
Hard Corps: Uprising
Resident Evil 6
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Maybe not the 10 best indie titles, but among the best.

(EDIT: Thought I would spread out the developers more, so replaced some)

I think this is the best list in the thread so far.


Also. I wanted to repeat a couple that were already mentioned if someone's doing a tally:

Desktop Dungeons

Not sure if these were mentioned yet:

Mirror Moon
Tower Climb
Probabiltity 0

Tower Climb and Probability 0 are both rogue-like tower games, one goes up the other goes down. I heavily recommend them to fans of the genre.


You need to play Runman: Race Around The World next! It's made by both Matt Thorson and Tom Sennet, it's freeware, and it's fun as all hell. As I said above; it's what I wish 2D Sonic games played like.

Also, Untitled Story! It's like Metroidvania + a children's storybook, really nice level of difficulty, and dripping with charm. Gives me the warm fuzzies, kinda Knytt-esque.

Oh wow, I now remember Runman. Even played through it two times. I just love the soundtrack, made of Jazz and Swing from the 20s. I still have to finish an Untitled Story. I'm stuck somewhere.

So 10 games, i'm not entirely sure what constitutes Indie in the grand scheme of things and i'll probably end up throwing on something that isn't particularly Indie but oh well, just think of it as 10 quality downloadable titles, a lot of them from last year in fact.
Great post. I love to read such detailed stuff and appreciate your effort!


Should a Indie game thread really have games that have been published by companies such as MS, EA & Nintendo?

Most companies require you have a publisher to get the game on consoles. In the end these games are developed by just a handful of people though with minimal funding.

A lot have gone exclusive to MS and such for free advertising and such but many seem to regret it later on.
I'm going with:

Super House of Dead Ninjas (I'm currently addicted to speed running this)
Super Meat Boy
Frozen Synapse
Dungeons of Dredmor
Hotline Miami


Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Getaway To Nowhere
Crayon Physics
And Yet It Moves
Barkley: Shut and Jam Gaiden
The Ball
Zeno Clash
Witcher 2
Garshasp Monster Slayer (I am probably alone on this one)
Cheers! I feel that a list of names alone doesn't really explain what makes them "essential" to anyone who hasn't played them so even a sentence is worthwhile.

Yes, your post was awesome; would you care for making a similar writeup (or even me using that) for those that eventually end in the top and that you've played? :)

I guess freeware games made by hobby / independent devs also count as indie, right?

Of course; not only that, but free = best! There's a handful of free games in the ones I voted and the my "runners up" list.

I'm going to list ten random games for these two lists, plus a few titles before and after their years:

Um... not sure if I get the joke. :D Is it that you feel that people are voting for games that are not indie at all?
In any case, I value your input, could you please please remake the list to include only indie games (or at least non-obviously non-indie games)? :)

Witcher 2

CDProjekt is 112 employees, I'm afraid that straight out disqualifies them as "indie" by any reasonable metric. :D Could you replace that entry with a different one?

Also, for those of you that haven't posted a full ten list, could you go back and edit it to fill it up to ten? There is an important reason for that, and it's that people are allowed to post lists of 2-3 games, the most popular and visible ones will get wildly and artificially inflated in score; it also causes many "second tier" games to fall into obscurity. Similarly, for those of you that posted your list in several posts (Gilby?), could you edit the first one with all ten, then edit the second one to remove them? It's way easier for me to tally them afterwards this way. Thanks!


I'm sorry but Hotline Miami is not in your list and it's pretty much the sweetest indie game in a top 10 list.


Does Serious Sam 3 count as indie?

I always wish these sorts of threads required a justification for peoples' recommendations. I'll be including mine when I post my list after I get some sleep. If someone says something is the best, I want to know why. What good is a list if there is no visible reasoning behind it?

EDIT: A really good reason for CDProjekt not being included is because they're a publisher. If I remember right, they handle the distribution of all Blizzard games in Poland, for instance. Plus, they own GoG. So, yeah, Witcher wouldn't make sense.
I'm sorry but Hotline Miami is not in your list and it's pretty much the sweetest indie game in a top 10 list.

I haven't actually played it, which I realize is an omission in itself. The ultraviolent gameplay kind of puts me off a bit, but it has been so universally acclaimed that I do know I have to try it down the line eventually.

But perhaps you think I'm claiming my list to be the definite "best indie games" list? Not so, read the OP for details. :)


I don't know how useful this is, because I tend to only pick up games on the basis of GAF recommendations anyway, but:

Avadon: The Black Fortress
Binding of Isaac
Hotline Miami
Mark of the Ninja
Recettear (indie?)
Space Pirates and Zombies


update 1: some cleaning up, more honorable mentions, still thinking
update 2: some descriptions
update 3: banners and stuff


Will have to update a bunch of times but so far I have this (in no particular order):

- The Top 9 -


Digital: A Love Story ; the brilliant opera prima of Christine Love, it's a simple linear narrative game not unlike those browser clicky games, but the way it's contextualized in the BBS forums aesthetic makes it have such a feeling of participation that you really get caught in it and you feel the weight of your actions through and through. it's intense, in no small part thanks to the music, and emotional, it's great.


Braid ; the poster child of indie games, one of the first games to teach me that gameplay can also be narrative, and that it's in fact a more powerful tool than than traditional narrative. not only that, but the gameplay is constantly reinventing itself and pulling out mindfuck after mindfuck. can't have a top indie games list without braid.


Hotline: Miami ; one of my favorite games from 2012, it allowed itself to be ugly and grotesque and make you feel dirty and empowered at the same time, it's probably the first real psychopath simulator, it's scary and it's been stuck in my head ever since. also one of the best soundtracks ever.


VVVVVV ; the only platformer I think I've ever been any good at, it's just fun at its purest form, and a gameplay mechanic explored to its fullest, tied with an hypnotic soundtrack and an adorable 8 bit aesthetic.


The Void (half indie, half some russian publisher) ; a crazy russian game by a crazy russian developer, it's unconventional in pretty much every way, and it's just the right balance of eurojank and polish. the visual style and atmosphere are both fantastic, they're eerie and mysterious, and so is its gameplay. you'll spend a good chunk of your game time just trying to understand the best way to play it, while the game shamessly lies to you, confuses you and punishes you for not understanding. it's unrelentless, but then you get it, and it's such an amazing eureka moment. and then, the game lets go of your shackles and tells you "make your own destiny", and you do. probably my favorite indie game of all times.


Mount & Blade: Warband ; another one of my favorites because of the sheer freedom it gives you. warband as a game is a just a bunch of high level systems coupled with some of the most fun melee combat ever. you're allowed to do as you please, lead a gang of slavers, be a king, marry some creepy old dude to inherit his stuff, etc. the modding community is super supportive of this game, add a couple mods and you'll have even a bit more macro level combat tactics or even worldmap strategy stuff. it's also phenomenally janky.


Bastion (half indie, half WB) ; essentially a game that's more than the sums of its parts, every one of them is very refined and the complete package is thoroughly confident and enjoyable.


Mark of the Ninja (half indie, half MS) ; a very similar thing to Bastion, 2D stealth done right and polished on every front. very good ideas on visual cues for sound, vision, etc. too.


Analogue: A Hate Story ; the third Chris Love game, my second favorite of the bunch, and I just love how she made reading feel like gameplay. the story is like a puzzle you piece together one file at a time, and it's just a really creative story concept to begin with.


- Honorable Mentions -

Minecraft ; it's pretty great, but for some reason the square spiders frighten the fuck outta me
don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story ; the second Chris Love game, I like it a lot, it goes meta a couple times and it's amazing for it, but it didn't leave as strong an impression as Digital did.
Gemini Rue ; my favorite of the post golden age adventure games. characterization is great and ambientation too, and most puzzles have just the right difficulty.
Today I Die ; the big argie game, gotta have some national pride in here
Every Day The Same Dream ; a little cool italian game about daily minutiae, bureaucracy and alienation, it's really good.
Thirty Flights of Loving ; really liked this game, it's weird and basically no more than moving forward while the game jump cuts thorugh different scenes, but it's done with charm and confidence, and it's great
To The Moon ; very emotional story, I really dug the characters and writing but a lot of people didn't.
Lone Survivor
Dungeons of Dredmor
Super Hexagon
Does Serious Sam 3 count as indie?

They started as a four-employee company, and apparently they still consider themselves as so, so go ahead. My policy for this thread (to avoid derailing discussion) is that if a game is "disputably" indie, you can vote for it.

I do realize that "disputably indie" and "obviously not indie" are themselves arbitrary definitions and part of a continuum; this is an inherent problem; just use your best judgement. For example, I did not count Double Fine games as "indie" for my top ten list, but I do realize some would consider them as such. Just don't expect me to accept a game made by a company with 200 employees. :D

I always wish these threads required a justification for peoples' recommendations. I'll be including mine when I post my list after I get some sleep. If someone says something is the best, I want to know why. What good is a list if there is no visible reasoning behind it?

This is not a recommendations thread, but a vote thread. The objective is to tally up the votes to give new gamers into the indie scene a "very best of" list to start testing the waters. When I do the tally, the top ones should definitely have descriptions, images, videos, etc. Whether I get to do that (if I have the time), or scam others into doing that for my lazy ass, remains to be seen. :D

So, to sum it up, this thread is not yet in the stage meant to raise awareness for indie games yet. That will come later. :)

EDIT: A really good reason for CDProjekt not being included is because they're a publisher. If I remember right, they handle the distribution of all Blizzard games in Poland, for instance. Plus, they own GoG. So, yeah, Witcher wouldn't make sense.

I didn't have a clue that GoG was owned by them. This goes to show again what I really know of the indie scene, and how I'm probably not the guy to be doing this... :/

I don't know how useful this is, because I tend to only pick up games on the basis of GAF recommendations anyway, but:

Avadon: The Black Fortress
Binding of Isaac
Hotline Miami
Mark of the Ninja
Recettear (indie?)
Space Pirates and Zombies

Your list is 100% valid (solid list by the way, thanks a lot!) and in fact, one of the purposes of this thread is to gather "popular" games as well, the rationale being that they're popular for a reason (they appeal to a wide range of gamers).

One thing, though. If you're not sure if a game is indie or not, the very best thing you can do is research the fact (it doesn't have to be a detective work, just any bit of info that might shed light one way or the other), and actually include it with your post, so that other people that played the game can know it's fair game.

In this case, Recettear is 100% indie:

Wikipedia said:
Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale is a role-playing game developed by Japanese dojin maker EasyGameStation for the Windows operating system.

A dojin maker is the Japanese equivalent of an indie studio, perhaps even more "hobby" than what the definition of indie entails, so by definition, it's in. :)

Will have to update a bunch of times but so far I have this (in no particular order):
My favorites are bolded

Can you make that list 10-item? You can put honorable mentions later if you feel like it. I know it's hard, believe me. :/


Here's my top ten, in no particular order:

Super Hexagon
Super Meat Boy
Hotline Miami
Binding of Isaac


Starseed Pilgrim
Year Walk
Mark of the Ninja
Welltall, check your PM.

Holy crap man, you're way too awesome. Thanks a lot! :)

I just realized that yesterday I posted:

Just tried Give Up Robot 1 and 2 (got to stage 40 in GUR2 in fact); they're the second (second and third?) surprisingly good indie game I've tried today (the other was Super House of Dead Ninjas, which is even better IMHO). What's up with that?

When I meant to post:

Just tried Give Up Robot 1 and 2 (got to stage 40 in GUR2 in fact); they're the second (second and third?) surprisingly good AdultSwim indie game I've tried today (the other was Super House of Dead Ninjas, which is even better IMHO). What's up with that?



They started as a four-employee company, and apparently they still consider themselves as so, so go ahead. My policy for this thread (to avoid derailing discussion) is that if a game is "disputably" indie, you can vote for it.

I do realize that "disputably indie" and "obviously not indie" are themselves arbitrary definitions and part of a continuum; this is an inherent problem; just use your best judgement. For example, I did not count Double Fine games as "indie" for my top ten list, but I do realize some would consider them as such. Just don't expect me to accept a game made by a company with 200 employees. :D


This is not a recommendations thread, but a vote thread. The objective is to tally up the votes to give new gamers into the indie scene a "very best of" list to start testing the waters. When I do the tally, the top ones should definitely have descriptions, images, videos, etc. Whether I get to do that (if I have the time), or scam others into doing that for my lazy ass, remains to be seen. :D

So, to sum it up, this thread is not yet in the stage meant to raise awareness for indie games yet. That will come later. :)

That's not really my point. I feel like if someone honestly wants to say "this is one of the best," they should be able to explain why. As someone reading all the nominations, I want to learn more about them--even the games that don't make it.

In addition, being forced to think of WHY a game is on your list WHILE composing that list forces you to reconsider the list as you move along. For instance, my instinct is to toss Teleglitch on the list, but I haven't yet purchased it, and am not sure if I will. I've only played one level, and while the gameplay and visuals have sucked me in... it's just one level. So I should probably avoid putting it on a top/essential games list.
Aggressive Sokoban

Oh, hey Tekno! I've been wanting to get word from a moderator whether this thread is OK or not (as described a bit in more detail in the OP). I've PMed Aeana, is that enough for the time being?

The problem with this thread is you have nearly the same list in nearly every post.

That's actually part of the problem of past threads, and part of the point of this one; remember that the individual posts are NOT the point of the thread! When all those lists are tallied, you will only see each game once; anyone new to the scene can just see "oh, hey, Super Meat Boy (or whatever) is number one with 137 votes, it must be good", or work their way down the list skipping the games they know or games in genres thy don't like. Remember that when I tally the votes, every game will be accounted for (if there's like hundreds of games, I might make a cutoff point, say, games with at least two votes).

The very fact that ten games are required to be accounted for should make it easier for less known games to get into the list at respectable vote counts. Again, I urge you to look at the "Essential RPGs" list and see what a solid, comprehensive list it is. I just want the same for indie games.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The problem with this thread is you have nearly the same list in nearly every post.

Sort of. That makes this thread inherently uninteresting for people that already know their way around Indie Games. But as far as I understood that, its not meant to be for those people. This thread is supposed to create a list people could reference when someone asks for an entry point into Indie Games.

If you want more obscure, but good games, you need to delve deeper, like in the Indie Games thread:


We'll also vote on the best games each month and put those up as recommendations in the next thread.

The very fact that ten games are required to be accounted for should make it easier for less known games to get into the list at respectable vote counts. Again, I urge you to look at the "Essential RPGs" list and see what a solid, comprehensive list it is. I just want the same for indie games.

I dont think the same will happen here. The RPG list worked because it shared a common interest, Indies overall are too broad to do that. It will still be a nice list for people new to Indie Games however.
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