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New Beauty and The Beast "belle" spot with a lot less autotune

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I think it's fine. In the original they could get away with professional singers but in a live action it's harder.

I like the art direction they took as well. They kept the bright colours which was in the original as well.


New Beast looks like ass, Gaston needs more roids and Emma would not have been my first choice for Belle...


But I'm in.
Will wait for release to judge but man if you are casting a musical please cast people who can sing. There are so many insanely talented people out there who can act better than Emma, can sing, and would kill for this role.


So, it's the cartoon, but with much less energy, due to live action.

The little girls removing the clothes from under Belle's feet as she comes through is a perfect example of what would work with animation, but just looks awkward in live action.
It's weird how the look of the film seems off, like its a cosplay version or something.

I can't put my finger on it, it gives off a weird low budget feel, while also obviously having great costumes etc. Maybe its the cinematography in this clip.

This looks like a very obvious set, and a small one at that. I'd like to see some grander shots of the town.

This is bomb written all over

Let's revisit this comment in about three months.


It's weird that, even though this scene has no CGI, I still get a sense of the uncanny valley from it. Something about the synced actions, costuming, and editing just feels off.

Blatantly-CGI clock tower. Cut to animatronic shutters that open while the actress behind them isn't actually touching them. "Bonjour" in unnatural poses while not reacting to each other like actual human beings. Then, lifeless steady-cam medium shots in obvious soundstage with flat lighting as Belle sings. Season to taste with disjointed, uninteresting cuts which fail to provide scene continuity.

Continue with awful blocking, cinematography, editing, and direction. I mean, in the short dialog scene at this point alone:

  • No body language to establish that that dude had lost something before Belle mentions it.
  • "I'm sure it'll come to me..."/"Where are you off to?" It's not like anyone wants to see the character who's speaking. Instead, lets show...
  • The worst shot/reverse-shot ever seen in a major motion picture. (Seriously? That's the take you used? Hope the defocused back of that dude's head got top billing on this...)
  • When did Belle pick up/take out whatever she fed that donkey?
  • Crappy cinematography when Belle fed the donkey means the editor has to bandaid the scene with a closeup to show that she fed something to said donkey. (Also, the donkey is now the only character to get a closeup in this clip.)
  • "To return this book[...]" This line delivery...yeesh. It's not like one of Belle's few concrete character traits is her bibliophillia, or anything. Also...
  • What book? The one you're not holding? Prop department couldn't find one?
  • "Sounds boring." Character with the visually distinctive, expressive face delivers a comedic one-liner with an amusing expression, and they go for the medium-long shot instead of a closeup. Brilliant.
Yeah... This does not look good.

Bonus: Just IMDB'd the Director/DP/Editor. Their body of work is... not inspiring. Why is Disney letting these people anywhere near their super-lucrative princess properties?


Was jungle book like this too? Carbon copy of the original? I know there is nostalgia but this reminds me of the Psycho remake oddly. Too much of the same l, making you compare it to the original, and it failing to live up to the memories
Emma Watson is just wrong for the part. And I am not saying that because she has bad acting and bad range. If they cast a good actress like Kristen Stewart for Belle, she would be wrong for the part too (except Stewart would be smart enough to turn down the offer.)
Emma Watson is just wrong for the part. And I am not saying that because she has bad acting and bad range. If they cast a good actress like Kristen Stewart for Belle, she would be wrong for the part too (except Stewart would be smart enough to turn down the offer.)

So you're saying that Emma Watson is a bad actress but Kristen Stewart is a good actress?!


I just watched the original recently and felt like with the remake of this scene they should do it in a single take. A single take would help build the momentum of the scene. At least up until the back and forth with Belle and Gaston. This scene is one of the few in the movie that actually makes sense for live action. If they can't get this one right, which it doesn't look like they have from what I just saw, then I can't imagine they're going to do the more difficult scenes well.


It's alright, but I watched animated version of this right afterwards and still preferred it. I'm with the people that think this really feels unnecessary


Blatantly-CGI clock tower. Cut to animatronic shutters that open while the actress behind them isn't actually touching them. "Bonjour" in unnatural poses while not reacting to each other like actual human beings. Then, lifeless steady-cam medium shots in obvious soundstage with flat lighting as Belle sings. Season to taste with disjointed, uninteresting cuts which fail to provide scene continuity.
Noticed that as well. Was that really the best take they got?
If anyone hasn't seen it, here's a really short clip of 'Gaston'. Doesn't convey much except that Josh Gad will probably be the best singer in the movie and that Gaston is not, in fact, as big as a barge.


It almost breaks my heart that this will make bililons of dollars and send the wrong message to the Disney executives. You just can't recapture the magic and the cartoonish dynamics of the 90s animation style - there is no charm in this at all. And yes, you can still hear how they ran Emma Watson's voice through the computer - it's definitely more subtle than the horrible, HORRIBLE clip from before, but still off and obvious.
I guess she's like ten years too old at this point but I'm still mad about Anne Hathaway not playing Belle.

Or Emmy Rossum.

I mean I am willing to give it a chance, I'm not writing it off by any means, I don't even think it's that terrible. I even like what they are doing on it, and this one clip sold me. I just have an insane attraction to Emmy Rossum, and she is operatically trained so, she would probably kill this role, plus she looks fairly close to belle.

I agree about the post earlier, musicals need to be done in long takes. I think this clip also hurts because they took from the middle of the song, so there is no introduction to her when she leaves her house and where the location of everything is. They also stop it before the hardest part of that opening number (which is the "Oh, isnt this amazing") which for me is going to be the "Can she do this, or not?"

I mean I had written off Cinderella, but then I saw it and I thought it was one of the best movies of 2015. So I have hope that Disney made the right decision.
La La Land has proved people don't care

It depends on the film. La La Land is a visually stunning original story that's technically executed and directed to damn near perfection that can overcome it's mediocre to OK singing and light themes due to its premise and characters.

For instance, you couldn't make a film like Dreamgirls with people that couldn't sing, not to mention you have the stage musical to compare against. The same with Beauty and the Beast, where comparisons can be made vocally to the animated film.

I think it's fine. In the original they could get away with professional singers but in a live action it's harder.

I like the art direction they took as well. They kept the bright colours which was in the original as well.

It's not harder, just cast actors that can actually sing or singers that can actually act.


Gold Member
Was jungle book like this too? Carbon copy of the original?

Ehh I think they changed and added enough to make it feel fresh. Also the CGI was pretty good.
But this so far looks like they really just made a real movie out of the cartoon.

Also every clip looks like it belongs to a cheap TV Movie.


Un Rama
Not feeling it at all. It just looks really flat and low energy.

I've said it before though Gaston will make or break this film for me.


But this so far looks like they really just made a real movie out of the cartoon.

This Beauty and the Beast film is 129 minutes long. The cartoon was 84 minutes long.

They are just selling nostalgia in the adverts. With 45 minutes of additional play time, there's going to have to be some new stuff in the film, but people want to see the familiar.


Will wait for release to judge but man if you are casting a musical please cast people who can sing. There are so many insanely talented people out there who can act better than Emma, can sing, and would kill for this role.

But they need to sell dolls with Emma's face


Blatantly-CGI clock tower. Cut to animatronic shutters that open while the actress behind them isn't actually touching them. "Bonjour" in unnatural poses while not reacting to each other like actual human beings. Then, lifeless steady-cam medium shots in obvious soundstage with flat lighting as Belle sings. Season to taste with disjointed, uninteresting cuts which fail to provide scene continuity.

Continue with awful blocking, cinematography, editing, and direction. I mean, in the short dialog scene at this point alone:

  • No body language to establish that that dude had lost something before Belle mentions it.
  • "I'm sure it'll come to me..."/"Where are you off to?" It's not like anyone wants to see the character who's speaking. Instead, lets show...
  • The worst shot/reverse-shot ever seen in a major motion picture. (Seriously? That's the take you used? Hope the defocused back of that dude's head got top billing on this...)
  • When did Belle pick up/take out whatever she fed that donkey?
  • Crappy cinematography when Belle fed the donkey means the editor has to bandaid the scene with a closeup to show that she fed something to said donkey. (Also, the donkey is now the only character to get a closeup in this clip.)
    [*]"To return this book[...]" This line delivery...yeesh. It's not like one of Belle's few concrete character traits is her bibliophillia, or anything. Also...
    [*] What book? The one you're not holding? Prop department couldn't find one?
  • "Sounds boring." Character with the visually distinctive, expressive face delivers a comedic one-liner with an amusing expression, and they go for the medium-long shot instead of a closeup. Brilliant.
Yeah... This does not look good.

Bonus: Just IMDB'd the Director/DP/Editor. Their body of work is... not inspiring. Why is Disney letting these people anywhere near their super-lucrative princess properties?

Yeah in the original movie I love the enthusiasm over the book she read. I really don't like this new version from what i'm seeing. I do not think this is going to even come close to the original movie.

and lmao I just realized she's not even holding a book!

They should've done their own thing with this movie, don't even copy the songs if you're not going to surpass them.
Feels very much like a stage play. It also seems like they're trying to capture the cartoonish energy of the original and not quite getting there. I'm a little disappointed that they opted for a bright, shiny facsimile of the animated version.
She seems very miscast

That is my biggest problem with the film. I have nothing against Emma but she does not fit the role at all IMO, either physically or vocally. It's very off putting to me because I've seen the animated version and heard the original songs so many times.


Why's she always making that weird face with her eyebrows and a smirk.

I really don't feel Emma Watson in this role.


Blatantly-CGI clock tower. Cut to animatronic shutters that open while the actress behind them isn't actually touching them. "Bonjour" in unnatural poses while not reacting to each other like actual human beings. Then, lifeless steady-cam medium shots in obvious soundstage with flat lighting as Belle sings. Season to taste with disjointed, uninteresting cuts which fail to provide scene continuity.

Continue with awful blocking, cinematography, editing, and direction. I mean, in the short dialog scene at this point alone:

  • No body language to establish that that dude had lost something before Belle mentions it.
  • "I'm sure it'll come to me..."/"Where are you off to?" It's not like anyone wants to see the character who's speaking. Instead, lets show...
  • The worst shot/reverse-shot ever seen in a major motion picture. (Seriously? That's the take you used? Hope the defocused back of that dude's head got top billing on this...)
  • When did Belle pick up/take out whatever she fed that donkey?
  • Crappy cinematography when Belle fed the donkey means the editor has to bandaid the scene with a closeup to show that she fed something to said donkey. (Also, the donkey is now the only character to get a closeup in this clip.)
  • "To return this book[...]" This line delivery...yeesh. It's not like one of Belle's few concrete character traits is her bibliophillia, or anything. Also...
  • What book? The one you're not holding? Prop department couldn't find one?
  • "Sounds boring." Character with the visually distinctive, expressive face delivers a comedic one-liner with an amusing expression, and they go for the medium-long shot instead of a closeup. Brilliant.
Yeah... This does not look good.

Bonus: Just IMDB'd the Director/DP/Editor. Their body of work is... not inspiring. Why is Disney letting these people anywhere near their super-lucrative princess properties?

Great post. The power of this scene comes from the amazing song and memories of the brilliant animated version. Watch it again with it on mute and the problems stand out like a huge sore thumb.

And as someone already said, this is one of the greatest songs in Disney's library. Easily underrated, if that is possible, and one of the most clever things ever put in a Disney movie.


Bonus: Just IMDB'd the Director/DP/Editor. Their body of work is... not inspiring. Why is Disney letting these people anywhere near their super-lucrative princess properties?

Seems Bill Condon brought his people with him.

The question is why hire Bill Condon in the first place.
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