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New Cartoon Network Show featuring Elijah Wood:Over the Garden Wall Premiering F 2014

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listen to the mad man
I was at a convention today and found that one of the artists there was doing OTGW sketches. I think this show will be a nice little slow boil in terms of popularity, but when it gets there, it's going to be a real cult classic among the tumblr/fandom types.


So no plans for a DVD release at the moment according to Patrick McHale on twitter. Really do dope we eventually get that pilot sometime in the future.

There are no official plans yet to release Over the Garden Wall on DVD, but maybe someday! If it happens the pilot might be in the extras.

Also no plans for a full soundtrack or to extend the series at the moment.

There are no current plans to extend the series, or to adapt it into a stage show or anything like that. But you never know!

The crew and I would LOVE to see the full soundtrack released! In the end it'll be up to Cartoon Network though.
So no plans for a DVD release at the moment according to Patrick McHale on twitter. Really do dope we eventually get that pilot sometime in the future.


Also no plans for a full soundtrack or to extend the series at the moment.

oh god what D:

well, like stump mentioned, it seems to be gaining traction and due to its high quality will hopefully become a sort of cult classic. We'll get it on discs eventually, I'm sure. It's too good not to.


I'd love to have a physical copy.

A sequel... would have to have a pretty strong new premise to entice me. This mini-series knew what it needed to say and then said it. There wasn't really much left to be explored in terms of the main themes.


How do you even extend the series at this point? They would have to tell episodes prior to the ending. So flesh out the journey longer. Which, I would be okay with. Like they would just have to re-order episodes, and make them before the final episode (when it eventually came out on Blu Ray).

But I don't want them doing more after the ending. Nope.


Saw the first Chapter on Youtube and immediately bought and marathoned the whole thing. Wonderful show. That sort of whimsical-but-sinister dark children's fantasy is right up my alley.

I really hope this is successful enough to encourage CN to do this kind of thing more.

On the ending:
I hadn't really thought of The Unknown as purgatory, although that does make sense in retrospect. I honestly just sort of thought of it as some mysterious place that does exist, but is some kind of dream world Wirt and Greg ended up in after passing out. I believe The Beast is intended to represent despair. He can't actually do anything, but he constantly tries to get people to give up and turn into trees, like with all the impossible tasks he gave to Greg.

Great show!

Yeah, I think it is
Purgatory. Or if not that, just a place of death itself. Because if you notice, their entire journey takes place in seconds in the real world. It all takes place as Greg and Wirt are drowning. So time in the Unknown isn't the same as time in the real world. And they only went to the Unknown when they were drowning. But when they got out of there, it was only when they woke up and survived.


What a fantastic show. Kept me sucked in from start to finish. Loved just about everything about it. Great art (love the
), humor (love the
). Somehow this might wind up my favorite media thing of the entire year, would've never expected that. I didn't even know this existed until I saw Elijah Wood and Cartoon Network in the same sentence last night.


Are the places Greg and Wirt visit each episode part of one world, or are they different worlds all connected by the forest/unknown? I'm not sure which I believe.


This is awesome too! You work in the industry? Doing what / on what?

Just saw this now.
I'm currently working on some Character Design for Nickelodeon (something unannounced yet) and I'm drawing Uncle Grandpa comics for Boom Studios/ Cartoon Network.


Thoroughly enjoyed this, and immediately watched the first chapter again after finishing it and had a big smile on my face for all the little touches. The montage of the Unknown characters is super rewarding when you know their stories.

I hope this show is successful enough for Cartoon Network to consider the validity of the miniseries, and stories that are less slapstick and more serious in tone like this. It really reminded me of a Ghibli production in many ways, full of whimsy and sorrow but also beauty.


i watched this all the way through and absolutely loved it. i was amazed at how well they told a complete, satisfying story in the final two episodes, i was wondering till then why it was a mini-series and not a grimmer moodier take on open ended series like adventure time.

i want to rewatch it now. also for it to be a month ago so i could either go as wirt or put a teapot upside down on my head and go as a (greg) elephant for halloween. next year!


Just finished watching this tonight. So yeah, I'm going to need this on Blu-ray as soon as possible, if not sooner. Loved everything about it, but most of all the sense of mystery and eerieness. We don't get enough of that in cartoons.

Not sure how they could proceed with it or if they even should, but boy did we get ten fantastic little stories out of it.


Okay I discovered this show today and boy was it a delight. A top quality art-style, soundtrack & voice cast blended with a mix of deeply disturbing dark fairy tale and heartwarming comedy. What more can I wish for? Truly hope there will be a blu-ray / soundtrack release someday, but I fear Cartoon Network might consider it too small for that, they really don't release too many of those period. So uh, I wouldn't mind to be proved wrong on that Cartoon Network. Just sayin'

Really want to watch the pilot too, I've heard great things about it. >_<

Ending stuff:
Yeah, that definitely looked like a purgatory sort of situation to me. I do wish they fleshed out Beatrice's fate a bit more. Either she and her family were dying similarly to Wirt and Greg or they were all dead in the first place but what's more puzzling to me is why Beatrice was the only one to remember the Unknown out of the whole family. They did seem to be from a different era but since time seems to function differently in the Unknown that may not mean anything for all we know. Now Woodsman and his daughter I'm guessing really were dead simply because of his daughter's reaction at seeing him. I'm assuming he got stuck in purgatory because he refused to believe his daughter was gone already and fell for the Beast's tricks as a result. And because of that difference in reactions I'm going to choose to believe Beatrice and co did in fact survive. But hey, maybe I just liked Beatrice too much. :p


if this was released by disney as a movie this wouldve been hailed as like the best animated movie of the last 30 years or something


My review!!!

I would recommend for people like me to start on episode 5 and then if they are still interested, go back for the other ones. lol

It was kind of excruciatingly slow for me, where every 10-11 minute episode felt like 30 minutes. lol But maybe because it’s so full of somewhat irrelevant “stuff” going on (others will think it is full of charming, zany things, but I actually had little patience for it lol).

My husband walked in and said: “What is this, like a sedated Adventure Time?” And that is kind of amazingly apt as a description. lol So yes, if you wish Adventure time were a bit more sedated or melancholy, then this is may be your jam.

It had its moments, but for me, it’s much like Adventure Time or Bee and Puppycat: too much random/rambling in the pacing and the songs were very hit or miss—the best songs are the ones that namedrops the series’ name (ep. 6 and 10). Beatrice is probably the best character next to the horse.

7/10. lol I wouldn’t really watch this again it is too tiring.

It has very nice backgrounds and decent animation and voiceacting for the most part.
I was discussing with my friend about WHY I felt like it was so tiring to watch it it's probably because it tries to pack too many "things" that would be "neat!" or screencappable/gifable in.

And maybe these shows are made for the more distracted audience who would be texting mid-watching (even though an 11 minute episode!). So I perhaps watched it "Wrong". I physically SAT there and watched the episodes one after the other and felt like.. maybe this could have been better told in about 5 episodes instead of 10.. and a lot of my mental capacity was spent analyzing just random fluff.

My sister, who seemed to have a more positive impression than me, did agree it was a little bit rambly as well, but she also got up and did other things during the episodes and didn't feel like she missed anything.

So in conclusion, you probably need to be a little bit distracted to watch this for full enjoyment. lol That way you can "go back" and "always find new surprises!!!"
So you get bored by the series and consider "sedated Adventure Time" to be an apt description, then go on to conclude that the series was designed for people with low attention spans? I find that rather odd.


So you get bored by the series and consider "sedated Adventure Time" to be an apt description, then go on to conclude that the series was designed for people with low attention spans? I find that rather odd.

It's hard to explain actually
It's more sedated in that it's not crazy colourful with people transforming and candy in the sky etc. -- except for that one ep? lol
But it's still pretty non-sequitor all over the place.

It's like a long ramble to me. lol

I didn't get so much bored but impatient? It's very hard to explain, but all these highly-touted shows (AT, Bee and Puppycat, this, etc) are making me feel this way.
But it's probably because for my own tastes, I like a more cohesive, tight story that doesn't rely so much on "oh look, unique character being charming or quirky or cute" every few seconds. I like those aspects in smaller doses. Which is why I found this harder to "digest".


Finally got around to watching this from beginning to end.

I thought it was absolutely outstanding in every way, I'm in awe. Just.. wow. I hope CN doesn't let this die and puts out a disc release as well as a soundtrack. It really doesn't need a sequel bolted on to it, though, it's such a complete vision (and, at the same time, it almost reinvented itself in every episode while always maintaining its voice, its style).

..I won't lie, I miss it already. More people need to be made aware of this amazing effort.
It's been said a thousand times already but this really was a stunning show and a joy to watch. The stories, character actions, and, above all else, voice work was fantastic. I think setting it out as a small, self contained mini series afforded it a lot in terms of narrative and makes me wish more cartoons would take that approach.

As much as I loved the world I'm glad it's done though. A good show leaves you wanting more. But if they ever were to bring it back I'd like to see it with different characters, telling a different self contained story.


Sorry to necro-bump but I just watched the first two episodes and this really is wonderful.

It's like Moomins x Dark Souls x Ghibli.


The first two-three episodes are my favorite by far, but the ending is also pretty good. The resolution with the
is just fantastic, and the soundtrack. Hnghh
Just finished watching it.

What a wonderful show. Kinda felt like Studio Ghibli x Adventure Time. More people need to watch this.

So sad to read there won't be more of it. :(


Sonic handles my blue balls
Was only planning to see the first episode while eating and ended up seeing the whole thing in one sitting.

Such an amazing show. Was desperately looking for a cartoon that mixed both dark themes and lightheartedness after finishing Young Justice season 2 and this more than delivered. The mix of bleakness and piano music make it seem almost like the show exists in a dark souls-esque world but the humor it what makes it top notch. Superbly made, there were very subtle dialogue exchanges hinting at the events of episode 9. The last two episodes sealed the deal on it just being truly grand.

I wished there was more to the show, and that they somehow extended it to a full length series, but I dunno..maybe it being a tightly wrapped show is part of what makes it so perfect.


Just finished watching this. It's a beautiful atmospheric cartoon, but I can't help trying to search for some kind of metaphor or meaning... is there an overt one that I'm missing?
Saw a few episodes, I thought the voice work was just ok. That one creepy aunt lady however, she was terrible.

Maybe I'll go through the entire series. I do like how dark it looks.


Really shouldn't have ignored this last year. Missed a bit but I really enjoyed watching it and would gladly take more.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Saw a few episodes, I thought the voice work was just ok. That one creepy aunt lady however, she was terrible.

Maybe I'll go through the entire series. I do like how dark it looks.



Watched Chapter 7 the other night, it looks like something I'd really like. Is there going to be any physical release or re-run of all the episodes? I really want to watch this show.


Watched Chapter 7 the other night, it looks like something I'd really like. Is there going to be any physical release or re-run of all the episodes? I really want to watch this show.

Sadly no plans for a DVD/Blu-ray release from what I last saw and you just missed a marathon of the show last weekend.
You can get the show from these places though.
Google Play

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Oi I watched this on CN...had me balling during the last twelve minutes of the show. Loved the characters, love the acting, loved the high quality animation and character design, just an amazing show that I recommend everyone watch. CN is the GOAT network for animated shows right now.


Oi I watched this on CN...had me balling during the last twelve minutes of the show. Loved the characters, love the acting, loved the high quality animation and character design, just an amazing show that I recommend everyone watch. CN is the GOAT network for animated shows right now.

Late to the party bub.


A physical release would be perfect for this.

There's enough there for this show to get on top 10 lists. At times I almost thought it was shooting for too many tonal similarities to Adventure Time, but there was enough to differentiate it. The show definitely felt like a product of the same environment, not something that was directly inspired by.

I thought the ending was pretty good (even though we've seen it a million times), watched the series while falling asleep on the couch after work so I'm hoping to go through it again and actually pay attention.

This show is essentially total award bait; I hope it gets some attention.


I know, I never got around to watching it until a few days ago.

lol I just like messing with you because we bizarrely have the same avatar just a couple seconds apart in the cut scene. I love it. I always think you are me when posting. :p There has been a couple times where I wanted to change my avatar, but I end staying with this one because I. it's just an amazing shot anyways. II. It's funny that we both have the same avatar scene. :D
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