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New Castlevania Judgement Wii screens

Hotlinking 2560x1920 pictures = bad idea

This game looks like Bloody Roar 4, same engine?



drohne said:
really? the stupid wii spinoff is becoming kind of an institution

dq swords
sc legends
re umbrella chronicles
castlevania judgement
metroid prime
Hey, I thought Umbrella Chronicles was a fun little light gun game! Why hasn't more people come it it's defence??


I don't understand why people still want a 3D adventure game considering how bad the other castlevanias (in 3d) were. Also, 3D castlevania games have never looked great graphically.

Here's the PS2 game:


Seems Konami , like Namco (soul caliber legends) want to prove their franchises do not perform well on Wii by releasing shitty spinoffs.


drohne said:
really? the stupid wii spinoff is becoming kind of an institution

re umbrella chronicles

REUC's just as important to the plot as any numbered RE. Gameplay no longer ties the RE series together thanks to the changes over the years.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I dunno, I'm cautiously interested. Looks like it could be pretty cool. I really wanna see it in person.


The game looks great. I don't know what kind of crack the people are smoking in this thread, but I want some.:lol You're not going to get much better on the Wii, and this is a really solid effort from Konami, it trumps 99% of the titles on the system in terms of graphical detail. At least I know they're trying. Yeah, the concept is terrible, the art is questionable. But from a graphical standpoint, if all Wii games had graphics on this level, I would be satisfied.


hyperbolically metafictive
i might have liked umbrella chronicles if it had calibrated aiming like ghost squad or hotd. lightgun games without lightgun support are like something very pointless indeed that i can't think of at 6:05 in the morning


koam said:
I don't understand why people still want a 3D adventure game considering how bad the other castlevanias (in 3d) were. Also, 3D castlevania games have never looked great graphically.

Here's the PS2 game:

No one said it had to be 3D, nor have to look great graphically. First and foremost people were looking forward to an adventure game (regardless of it's visual nature). A lot of people praised the N64 titles and I happen to be amidst the few that enjoyed CV:CoD.


Jealous Bastard
i liked lament of innocence and would gladly take it a hundred times over before i lay a finger on a controller that is synced up to a castlevania fighting game.


Fewr said:
Too many people in this thread saying they don't care/won't buy/etc. We've read your opinions in the other thread. Are you trying to reassure yourselves?
This is the first time I've made comment about this game since it's announcement since I figured it would be best too wait for media, so no. :p

agrajag said:
You're not going to get much better on the Wii, and this is a really solid effort from Konami, it trumps 99% of the titles on the system in terms of graphical detail. At least I know they're trying. Yeah, the concept is terrible, the art is questionable. But from a graphical standpoint, if all Wii games had graphics on this level, I would be satisfied.
Sorry, but no.

Sadly, Nintendo themselves doesn't seem to care about the graphics front either, so third parties aren't in too much obligation to do too much on Wii.
I've already said all I can say on Simon's ridiculous outfit (and for that matter all the character design) so I'll leave it out here. But I believe those are simply the same shots that were featured in NP.


hirokazu said:
This is the first time I've made comment about this game since it's announcement since I figured it would be best too wait for media, so no. :p

Sorry, but no.

Sadly, Nintendo themselves doesn't seem to care about the graphics front either, so third parties aren't in too much obligation to do too much on Wii.

Sorry but no what? What graphical flaws do you see in this title? What game released on Wii looks much better than this (MP3 and SMG included)? What makes you think the Wii is capable of much more than this?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Tenbatsu said:
What if this game turns out really good?:lol
It will still be a bad idea regarding the franchise and the character designs will still look retarded. :(


dk_ said:
Argh my eyes...

Graphically I have seen worse. The game looks awful though

I really thought they would at least try to make a proper 3d Castlevania in the mold of God of War or something after the mediocre ps2 ones

This is just.. insulting really :(


Maybe this is just a mini-game that comes packaged with a real Castlevania game they are going to announce at/near E3. Right? RIGHT?!


Obata's character art is pissing me off. Everyone scared Kojima away, now I have to get a search party together.


I'm getting a Bloody Roar vibe from those shots. And that's not a bad thing either. Although they all don't look...eh...what the hell? Oiy. Well...Castlevania is known for many good things. Perhaps the soundtrack will be most excellent. For now, I'll concider this an renter until further notice.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
duckroll said:
Does anyone really want a Castlevania fighter?
*raises hand*

the genre needs blood infusion pronto. if we're to get new figther IPs i'd rather have them as castlevania spin-offs than another DOA/rumble roses #12345.

hirokazu said:
Am I wrong to say Soulcalibur II looks miles better than this?
miles - no. better - yes.

SCIII spanks it hard, though.


These images have done nothing, if not worsened my opinion of this tank-worthy game. The stupidly high resolution images are an eye-sore and the game seems to be seriously lacking in any style whatsoever.

Not to mention the graphics are fucking pathetic, seriously, it's about time we hung these bastards up by the scruff of the neck and beat them to death with our Wiimotes, fucking tossers, I'm sick of it.


haowan said:
You did this for way of the samurai 3 too. Personally I think you're just a bit strange

You expect me to say the graphics look awesome in Way of the Samurai on PS3 just because I posted a link to the shots? They look bloody awful for PS3.

Anyway sorry about the size of the pics, I cant resize as I'm at work right now. When I looked at the shots they were automatically resized for my browser. Had no idea they were actually that big :lol

It looks ok for a Wii game but this is the wrong direction to take it. I actually wouldnt mind a traditional Castlevania game even if its on Wii as the developers dont have a large budget for a Castlevania on 360/PS3 so the cutscenes and general polish wouldnt look so hot compared to the heavyweights and it would get blasted for it.

Obviously I would want a Castlevania game on 360 or PS3 instead with all that next gen gloss though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DeaconKnowledge said:
Here's one resized to 640x480 (Don't have time to do the rest.)

edit: beat.

Not the greatest, but the "First gen PS2" tripe being spewed is hyperbole at very least.

Really? I remember games like The Bouncer and Tekken Tag Tournament looking as good if not better than this shit.


Zefah said:
Really? I remember games like The Bouncer looking as good if not better than this shit.

It's a fucking joke, what the HELL is going on here, we have Nintendo releasing SMG in the FIRST YEAR and it's still the best looking title by a fucking mile, and yet 2nd year in we are no closer to having something that even remotely looks nice.
crowphoenix said:
Why does Dracs have nipple cannons?
Don't you know? It's the latest fad with villains.

I think the game looks nice but the outfit designs are ick. I actually like Takeshi Obata's artwork but these designs do not work for Castlevania. Also still disappointed it's a fighting game.


I'm so strangely excited for this. I... I can't explain it, I'm not even a huge Castlevania fan, and I don't generally like 3D fighters.

I just hope they put Arthur in.


agrajag said:
Sorry but no what? What graphical flaws do you see in this title? What game released on Wii looks much better than this (MP3 and SMG included)? What makes you think the Wii is capable of much more than this?
Well we disagree already. Yes I think MP3 and SMG both look than this. As does them GameCube games RE4 and Twilight Princess. And also not forgetting Soulcalibur II.

Although it's not as bad as SC Legends, I'm getting the same vibe from this game, flat lighting and all. I'll concede the textures are quite above the norm for Wii games, but that's about all. Not to mention the free AA these resized pictures give it as I've mentioned.


EDarkness said:
Why even bother with posting these screens if you're just gonna dog on the game and lay down some flame bait? I don't understand people....

Because this is a discussion forum and he has an opinion that can be...discussed? Heaven forbid someone be disappointed in screens they post. But no, you're right - everyone must cum violently over each and every screenshot they see before it's a good idea to post them.


hirokazu said:
Well we disagree already. Yes I think MP3 and SMG both look than this. As does them GameCube games RE4 and Twilight Princess. And also not forgetting Soulcalibur II.

Although it's not as bad as SC Legends, I'm getting the same vibe from this game, flat lighting and all. I'll concede the textures are quite above the norm for Wii games, but that's about all. Not to mention the free AA these resized pictures give it as I've mentioned.

Zelda? Really? Yeah, I don't think we'll ever reach any kind of catharsis if you think Zelda looks better than this.
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