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New Nintendo 3DS Hardware Info (Conference At 10 PST/1 EST Today)

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richisawesome said:
Yep. And 1.5gb will be more than enough to start with IMO. Beats the 512mb on the Wii, doesn't it? :lol

Can't believe I'll finally be putting a preorder deposit down on this thing next week once the release dates and pricing are announced. Once I do that, the waiting game is on.

I seriously dont understand why Nintendo hasnt stealth increased the Wii storage space to at least 1 GB.
jamesinclair said:
I seriously dont understand why Nintendo hasnt stealth increased the Wii storage space to at least 1 GB.

Because they already see the VC/WiiWare on the Wii as a kind of failure.
Hopefully, with the 3DS, they'll greatly increase their online structure so that it isn't a chore.


richisawesome said:
If Nintendo do go along with a 'Virtual Handheld' service (of which they blatantly will do), Gameboy/GBC/GBA and Virtual Boy games are a total no-brainer.
I could easily see them doing a Virtual Handheld, and just not bothering with VB due to the slimness of the library. Personally, I'd pay for Wario Land, but nothing else.


ILikeFeet said:
you are assuming I know alot about computers. :lol but no, I meant what functions would be included since people are saying Nintendo has something big in terms of OS.
In short: you can pretty much put anything in 500MB. Text, photo and sound editors, phone and social apps, calendar, mail, browser, small games, anything. What takes much place is video, sound and large images. As long as they don't put videos and hours of high-quality sound, they're nearly only limited by their ideas. I hope they'll come with some interesting ideas (if the 500MB are indeed for OS use)


Cow Mengde said:
How the hell is the DS "underpowered"? The graphics were a natural progression of the consoles.

DS = N64
3DS = Gamecube + 360/PS3 level shaders

The DS only seems underpowered because the PSP jumped the gun. It like releasing the Jaguar (not saying the PSP is a Jaguar mind you) during the 16 bit days. Otherwise, the DS is perfectly in line with the evolution of the system.

I really hope you are right here. If I can get a game that looks like Rogue Squadron, Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, RE4 and Metroid Prime on the 3DS, that is more than enough for me.
TestOfTide said:
how about we wait until after we have seen more than just character models in environments ranging from small and narrow to nearly non-existent.



Yup, looks pretty awesome, even when horribly compressed and stretched.


Death Prophet
GDGF said:
People are selectively dodging both that video and the interview that has a point by point breakdown of the graphical features.
Fucking graphics, how do they work?
No really how do they work ;_; Most of this is lost on me.

EDIT: I remember reading that Engadget said that MGS 3D wouldn't be an update or something, but a straight port. What ever came of this? Or was it just a nightmare? :lol


brain_stew said:
It can? Then where's the evidence? Theoretical specs are worthless and all of the really impressive Xbox games had mediocre geometary counts and ran at 30fps (at best). Which Xbox games were pushing the same levels of geometary as the Jak or God of War games while running at 60fps? Does everyone forget the God awful framerate of the Xbox conversion of MGS2?

The titles that people were most impressed with on the Xbox just weren't doing anything particularly incredible in terms of geometary and framerate. Doom 3 and Riddick looked fantastic but they were both 30hz titles with low end PS2 (or worse) levels of geometary.
What the hell is this crap. Rallisport Challenge 2 was dancing circles around any PS2 game.


Vinci said:
Hell no. We're comparing it to the iPhone, the iPad, and ... the PSP. And it doesn't look good compared to any of them! =(

What the hell are you talking about? Are people ignoring everything we've seen just to be a negative bitch?
TestOfTide said:
this. Which is even worse because you would expect a console focused on showing 3D to be able to show lots of polygons in 3D instead of less polygons with effects made to make them look flat and effects which we still aren't sure will look as convincing in 3D as they do in 2D.

the good news about this is that the engine looks to be amazing for things that are more closed spaced or fixed area like street fighter, splinter cell, resident evil, etcetera. There is also the benefit that for fixed camera angled, pre-rendered backgrounds, you can make said pre-rendered backgrounds look like 3D backgrounds simply by taking advantage of the 3D effect.

But I was hoping that the thing would at least be able to make games that have huge scale and lots of polygons. The kind of scale we saw in Halo 1 would not be possible on the 3DS it seems. From the looks of mario kart 3DS, we can't even get polys comparable the mario kart games on the wii and gamecube. Instead of aiming to try and make a 3D starfox assault we get starfox 64 with updated textures.

Perhaps the only silver lining to all this is that they could make some amazing looking scale in games if they decided to make the 3D screen blank and display the gameplay in the bottom, 2D screen. But only homebrew makers are going to try and do something as unsellable as that.

Well the scale and draw distance in Kid Icarus was pretty damn impressive and I guarantee you that game will be running at a perfect 60fps. Sure the models were low poly but some of the environments were huge and went on for virtual miles. If you halve the framerate in a game like that to keep the same impressive scale but double the vertex count of the models and then start making better use of the fixed function shaders to mask the poly counts of the models and I really don't think you're all that far away from something like Halo. We'll see. Actually if we're talking about Halo you can go ahead and triple that polycount because sure as shit wasn't a 30fps title :lol I think people have a pretty poor memory of just how horrific the framerate in Halo was at times. It stuttered like a motherfucker at times and was in the <20fps for prolonged periods of gameplay.


paid requisite penance
Well, there's something we've established with this thread: it's got the power to render Vinci's sarcasms undetectable.
Fantastical said:
Does the 3DS have more Pikmins than the Wii? Approximately how many Gamecubes is the 3DS?

It's a GC and an XBox duct taped together!

Kilrogg said:
Well, there's something we've established with this thread: it's got the power to render Vinci's sarcasms undetectable.

And most people technologically ignorant.


I'm getting so hyped, cant wait till the Kid Icarus game. I dont care about the graphics, I just want Pit to come out of the screen and start flying around in my living room.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Fantastical said:
Does the 3DS have more Pikmins than the Wii? Approximately how many Gamecubes is the 3DS?

3DS uses all the Gamecube's Red and Blue Pikmin to generate the stereoscopic 3D.

It has twice as many Yellow Pikmin as the Gamecube to generate modern shader effects.


Fantastical said:
EDIT: I remember reading that Engadget said that MGS 3D wouldn't be an update or something, but a straight port. What ever came of this? Or was it just a nightmare? :lol

That Engadget thing was written by someone who apparently needs to have a talk with Jules Winnfield about the English language.
Green Scar said:
The 3D effect would probably suck balls compared to actual made-for-3DS games though. Same way that the movies with 3D added in post-production aren't gonna look as good on 3DS as the actual games either.

Wait, why? The technology is fundamentally the same: two cameras that offer a slightly different angle. It's really nothing like movies with the 3D added in post-production.
redbarchetta said:
Wait, why? The technology is fundamentally the same: two cameras that offer a slightly different angle. It's really nothing like movies with the 3D added in post-production.

Ah. My mistake, I know nothing about VB hardware :lol I assumed 'coz it was older, it'd be worse.


Death Prophet
GDGF said:
That Engadget thing was written by someone who apparently needs to have a talk with Jules Winnfield about the English language.
Thank the lord. That would be the worst decision since no online play for Lara Croft at launch.


Green Scar said:
Ah. My mistake, I know nothing about VB hardware :lol I assumed 'coz it was older, it'd be worse.

The virtual boy in concept was a solid idea. The problem was to make it full color was incredibly expensive. So they settled on the Hellish red. It was basically a tech idea developed too early.


Fantastical said:
EDIT: I remember reading that Engadget said that MGS 3D wouldn't be an update or something, but a straight port. What ever came of this? Or was it just a nightmare? :lol

no that isn't true. the game's title wont be updated. it will stay MGS3: Snake Eater


Kilrogg said:
Well, there's something we've established with this thread: it's got the power to render Vinci's sarcasms undetectable.

Not just this thread. Seems like either my sarcasm talents are far below what I believe them to be, or people genuinely just think I'm stupid enough to utter my quips honestly.

Oh well.
I ask everyone so disapointed with the 3DS specs this. If this game is so easy then produce me a set of specifications that can:

1)Deliver ~10 hours battery life in high end 3D games on a system with 2 screens and a small ~800mah Lion battery.
2)Fit into a very small form factor.
3)Cost significantly less than $200 to produce so that the hardware can be sold for a profit at launch.
4)Deliver full BC with the NDS without introducing any extra superfluous chips.
5)Allow a small development team to produce better visuals than Resident Evil: Revelations in under 2 months.
6)Deliver these visuals without compromise in full stereo 3D.

Go on, if this game is so easy, then design me a system that meets all those goals because if your proposed system can't then it is a completely unfeasible design that isn't even worthy of discussion. Designing an impressive and well suited portable system is not as simple as picking the fastest hardware on the market. Your beloved ~$800 iPhone 4 with its sub 3 hour battery life in 3D games isn't proving jack shit, no matter how much RAM it has.

Put your money where your mouth is or quit your whining. I'm waiting.

To everyone else that actually understands why these specifications are completely reasonable, feel free to requote this post in response to anyone whining incessently over paper specs. I'll be doing the same.


Willy105 said:
That's their specs, but not the graphics they produced.

From SNES you had Mode 7, which blew people away. From N64 you had AA and texture filtering, which blew people away. From Gamecube you had this at launch:


And now with 3DS we have stereo 3D.
Rogue Leader on 3ds with co-op would be the greatest star wars game ever. Too bad about Factor 5.


Permanent Junior Member
I think you should be asking Sony how they'll counter a number of those points, because I'm counting on them to under-deliver on both battery life and price with PSP2.


seems to me like it's a very well balanced set of specs based around meeting the needs of a quality dedicated portable games system, which means not compromising on price, battery life, size, heat, and totally typical of nintendo's usual excellent hardware design. predictably impressive.


Cow Mengde said:
How the hell is the DS "underpowered"? The graphics were a natural progression of the consoles.

DS = N64
3DS = Gamecube + 360/PS3 level shaders

The DS only seems underpowered because the PSP jumped the gun. It like releasing the Jaguar (not saying the PSP is a Jaguar mind you) during the 16 bit days. Otherwise, the DS is perfectly in line with the evolution of the system.

Ive always felt like the DS=N64 comparison was always a bit odd, where as GBA games mostly look better than SNES games, the DS has trouble with 3D engines and everything always looks blocky(low poly+lack of texture filtering correct?). Maybe I'm wrong, havent really looked into, Im just saying the 3DS seems like it is a bit more competitive in the hardware department since it appears to be capable visuals superior to the Gamecube.
Mutagenic said:
I think you should be asking Sony how they'll counter a number of those points, because I'm counting on them to under-deliver on both battery life and price.

Yeah, but it's a phone! So it's all good!
Empty said:
seems to me like it's a very well balanced set of specs based around meeting the needs of a quality portable games system, which means not compromising on price, battery life, size, heat, and totally typical of nintendo's usual excellent hardware design. predictably impressive.

Well at least I'm not the only one that can see the bigger picture. :D

Raw clockspeeds and theoretical polygons per second figures are very far down the list on what makes an impressive dedicated portable gaming device.
Bit-Bit said:
Rogue Leader on 3ds with co-op would be the greatest star wars game ever. Too bad about Factor 5.
I'm not sure I've actually thought about how ridiculous this would be to both see as well as play, but its too bad we will probably never be given the chance. I'd pay top dollar for such a remake.


abstract alien said:
I'm not sure I've actually thought about how ridiculous this would be to both see as well as play, but its too bad we will probably never be given the chance. I'd pay top dollar for such a remake.

Tie Fighter vs X-wing is a decent sub, no? Damn, I love that game.
Instro said:
Ive always felt like the DS=N64 comparison was always a bit odd, where as GBA games mostly look better than SNES games, the DS has trouble with 3D engines and everything always looks blocky(low poly+lack of texture filtering correct?). Maybe I'm wrong, havent really looked into, Im just saying the 3DS seems like it is a bit more competitive in the hardware department since it appears to be capable visuals superior to the Gamecube.

Eh, while the N64 was definitely a much faster system theoretically I find the NDS delivers much more pleasing 3D. The N64 design was such just horendously hamstrung by all manner of bottlenecks, 15fps 3D with 2KB textures just isn't very appealing and no amount of trilinear filtering is going to change that. The fact that damn near every 3D game on the NDS ran at a perfect 60fps with AA means it delivers a much better gaming experience.
Instro said:
Ive always felt like the DS=N64 comparison was always a bit odd, where as GBA games mostly look better than SNES games, the DS has trouble with 3D engines and everything always looks blocky(low poly+lack of texture filtering correct?). Maybe I'm wrong, havent really looked into, Im just saying the 3DS seems like it is a bit more competitive in the hardware department since it appears to be capable visuals superior to the Gamecube.

What? Mario 64 DS looks much better than the original 64 version



Chet Rippo said:
What? Mario 64 DS looks much better than the original 64 version


The character models had more polygons, yes, but it did not look better. The colors were subdued and the textures were very bad. If it had AA and texture filtering like the N64, it would be better looking.

Mario 64 DS and Diddy Kong Racing are usually used as examples on how it's not as good as the N64 graphically for 3D games.


brain_stew said:
Eh, while the N64 was definitely a much faster system theoretically I find the NDS delivers much more pleasing 3D. The N64 design was such just horendously hamstrung by all manner of bottlenecks, 15fps 3D with 2KB textures just isn't very appealing and no amount of trilinear filtering is going to change that. The fact that damn near every 3D game on the NDS ran at a perfect 60fps with AA means it delivers a much better gaming experience.
I see you haven't been playing Square Enix's DS games. :p


Willy105 said:
The character models had more polygons, yes, but it did not look better. The colors were subdued and the textures were very bad. If it had AA and texture filtering like the N64, it would be better looking.

Mario 64 DS and Diddy Kong Racing are usually used as examples on how it's not as good as the N64 graphically for 3D games.

My DS 3d games look great on the little screen. It doesn't look like Vaseline is everywhere, and it doesn't look like every game takes place in San Fran (FOG!)

I don't know which system is more powerful, but I find 3d games to be much more appealing on the DS compared to the N64
antonz said:
Components in the device could perform much better than Nintendo is allowing off the bat. My Macbooks GPU for instance has been delibertly lowered in clockspeed etc to meet goals set by Apple for battery life etc.

I find it hard to believe Nintendo would spend the extra cash to have ARM who makes their Arm11 and advertise 467Mhz as their lowend make a new chip just for Nintendo that is far weaker. Its much more likely Nintendo took that 467Mhz Chip and lowered its speed to meet goals.

hang on, these aren't 467MHz chips that nintendo is gimping, and not getting the full bang for their buck as a result. ARM licenses it's processor designs out to companies that have them made to spec. I doubt very much if the 3DS system can support a much higher clock than what is specified. if it can, then they are uncharacteristically selling themselves short.
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