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New super hot Final Fantasy XV CG character renders (Cidney, Iris, etc.)


Also, Cid looks horrible. Worst mainline Cid design by far IMO.



Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Honest question: Is Cindy even an important character in FFXV? How does this game treat its major female characters in terms of designs, characterizations, and what-have-you?

Also, I quite distinctively remember that there are those that defend the ridiculous design of Ashe and Fran in FFXII by saying that other people in that game also dresses that way--saying that in that world, the way they dress is really not that weird. Can the same defense be used towards Cindy? Is her design really that ridiculous when we have a guy in the same universe basically baring his chest and six packs all the time and even work as a personal bodyguard to the king and nobody even bats an eye?

Well, to tell you folks the truth, I personally think her accent offends me more than her clothing, hahaha.


Still more clothes than Rikku lol

Joking aside, I think Cindy's half zipped jacket showing the bikini really makes it forced fan service. Kinda similar to Eva from MGS3.
Imo should've fully zip them up / unzip them or go all the way and just have her wear bikini.

Also black boots. Those whites are gonna get dirty so fast lol.

Ravus' outfit is so overdone. Cid's is the opposite lol
Iedolas's outfit looks awesome though.


Well, to tell you folks the truth, I personally think her accent offends me more than her clothing, hahaha.

Agree. Her accent makes me want to play the game in jp.

That accent sounds so fake and forced and I hear country people everyday out here in da south.

Nice wellies. And there's no shame in that. I appreciate that he's prepared in advance to cross some muddy terrain during his travels.
I dont understand how anyone could approve this design choice, Its horrible!
Opinions...how do they work? It's here and it hadn't been changed no matter how many discussions about how Cindy is a terrible design. For those who can't accept that and are attacking the others who enjoy it, then get a large roll of tape and tape the screen wherever she is (or something similar to that) and hope for the best that whoever is the new director/designers won't add this "travesty" to the 16th game. You can hate her I understand that, but don't go screaming about status quo and how those who like it are sexist or the dumbest people ever. You're just making it a thousand times worse.
They all look hideous. Worst character designs in a mainline FF ever. I hope they let the artist who did the designs for XIV do the next single player FF, XIV designs are beautiful.


FYI: some days ago Roberto Ferrari (Cindy's character designer) replyied to me saying that his initial concept for how he designed her was to have a smoking hot babe with the brains, but unaware of her own sex appeal.
I guess he did went a bit overboard with the visual sexiness, but imho i didn't find her actions or words exceptionally sexy, if anything i kinda see the whole naive/cheerful aspect when she talks.
Opinions...how do they work? It's here and it hadn't been changed no matter how many discussions about how Cindy is a terrible design. For those who can't accept that and are attacking the others who enjoy it, then get a large roll of tape and tape the screen wherever she is (or something similar to that) and hope for the best that whoever is the new director/designers won't add this "travesty" to the 16th game. You can hate her I understand that, but don't go screaming about status quo and how those who like it are sexist or the dumbest people ever. You're just making it a thousand times worse.
lmao this persecution complex
FYI: some days ago Roberto Ferrari (Cindy's character designer) replyied to me saying that his initial concept for how he designed her was to have a smoking hot babe with the brains, but unaware of her own sex appeal.
I guess he did went a bit overboard with the visual sexiness, but imho i didn't find her actions or words exceptionally sexy, if anything i kinda see the whole naive/cheerful aspect when she talks.

Isn't that part of the sex appeal, that she's weak and timid like the Asian female stereotype?


That's a final fantasy character all right.

EDIT: Christ, the more I look at his coat, the more gaudy and overdesigned it looks.

Ravus is awful. But I have to say, this is definitely the best he's looked so far, easily. In-game and Kingsglaive are both terrible.

Only Kid Ravus is actually good.

kinda surprised Iris was important enough to get a CG render tbh

I hope we get to see what she looks like at the end of the story, 10 years later.

I completely agree, but just a few things (Just because specifics bug me);
1. I agree that the anti-grav boobs are super dumb, but I really don't get why people bring up "looking like a pornstar"(note: this is for anything, not just Cindy). Seriously, pornstars have so many different body types and shapes that the phrase "looking like a pornstar" means basically nothing. But I get it, you meant the whole fake-and-perky boobs thin-young-woman archetype.
2. IIRC Cindy actually does everything in the shop, not just helping. According to Cid, he legit has nothing to do "since Cindy took over the garage" so he just casually upgrades your gear to kill time. Also, its implied by NPC comments that
Cindy's dad is dead and that Cid was considering closing the Garage before Cindy took over

Seriously, though, my only problem with Cindy is the costume. Otherwise she's a generous, if slightly greenhorn and naive working woman. Too bad she's not dressed for the job :/

Agreed. The worst thing about Cidney's design is that I actually really like the character. If she was just a throwaway "sexy" NPC, I wouldn't care as much.


Ravus is awful. But I have to say, this is definitely the best he's looked so far, easily. In-game and Kingsglaive are both terrible.

Only Kid Ravus is actually good.

I sort of liked the Jaime Lannister / Liquid Snake-ish direction they took in Kingsglaive as far as his face was concerned (at least more than the ingame model), but I agree that the hideous coat was still an eyesore; even moreso due to the more realistic art direction; and especially in contrast to the fantastic casual outfit they gave Luna. It might have been intentional to bring him more in line with the rest of the Niflheim characters' costumes stylistically, but that doesn't make the end result any more aesthetically pleasing.

I hope we get to see what she looks like at the end of the story, 10 years later.

I'm cool with Cidney's design. Sure....its totally not practical and out of place in any real situation, but this is a videogame. If you don't like that much then just don't buy the game.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Ravus is the best Final Fantasy design ever made.


Unconfirmed Member
As expected with any Cidney/Cindy picture posted in an FFXV thread, the thread goes downhill fast. The funny thing is how passionately people are arguing both ways over a character who will be in the game for maybe 5% of it. Also, people who are getting tired of it, expect threads a year or more later looking back on the character saying Now that the dust is settled, Cindy's probably the most embarrassing gaming character.

I think if people instead celebrated or encouraged the better female designs in the game over criticizing the terrible ones, these arguments would go more smoothly. Maybe if you sent a message to the FFXV staff and said 'I really like X character's design, hope you make more like that in the future' instead of sending negative comments over a character you don't like, it might give them positive reinforcement over the right designs instead of negative reinforcement over the wrong ones, which end up with people blocking others or simply not releasing content in the west. But, what do I know, this isn't my topic to argue and I don't like getting too involved in it either.
Could be wrong, but it looks like they made the design of Iedolas Aldercapt resemble its Kingsglaive appearance a bit more. God, I hope David Gant reprises his role in this game. He easily was the best part of that movie! His character and acting there were much more interesting than the standard dark and gloomy version in past trailers of this game.


Junior Member
ITT: straight guys think Cindy is hawt and wish women would just shut up with their annoying whining about "equality" and "representation". Check out those melons tho, phwoar!

I'm about as straight as you can get for a guy and I think Cindy's design is atrocious. Can I get a cookie?

Well you said it yourself.
Super hot woman is a problem. A game full of men is another problem.

Cindy is corny, not more corny than your usual anime Japanese games. I think people just want to grab a chance to shit on FFXV, and Cindy is the low-hanging fruit. At least FFXV won't take all the girls in the game to the beach or hotspring for fanservice (yes I'm looking at you Persona/Fire Emblem/Trails or whatever your favorite Japanese game is except Dark Souls). Cindy is this NPC that you won't see often after the first chapter but she's the worst thing ever. Yet my waifu, despite wearing a swimsuit, is immaculate.
That kind of fanservice at least has appropriate context with regards to what the girls would naturally wear as they play at the beach, or hotspring. It makes sense that they are scantily clad at those locations, as people would in real life. Cidney? She dresses like a trashy stripper. In broad daylight. At work as a car mechanic. Like, really?


The combo of exposed bra, short shorts, and bare middriff is just ridiculous looking for a mechanic.

I like Cor's outfit, minus the design on the boots.
lmao this persecution complex
Really wrong about that assumption as I don't have any personal saying on her myself. But sorry about that. Just don't know what to say anymore since this thread isn't supposed to be all about Cindy but the others as well. Also I'm really tired about all this bashing over a certain character so I took the defensive route. But I'll drop out of this thread and just go to the other FFXV ones.
I'm assuming most consider it pretentious. Personally, I'm not bothered, my wife is a technical writer.
Again, it's bizarre that using elevated vocabulary is considered "pretentious."
Well you said it yourself.
Super hot woman is a problem. A game full of men is another problem.

Cindy is corny, not more corny than your usual anime Japanese games. I think people just want to grab a chance to shit on FFXV, and Cindy is the low-hanging fruit. At least FFXV won't take all the girls in the game to the beach or hotspring for fanservice (yes I'm looking at you Persona/Fire Emblem/Trails or whatever your favorite Japanese game is except Dark Souls). Cindy is this NPC that you won't see often after the first chapter but she's the worst thing ever. Yet my waifu, despite wearing a swimsuit, is immaculate.
So you think the people complaining about Cindy don't have similar disregard for waifu fanculture?

Uh huh. Makes sense.
Honest question: Is Cindy even an important character in FFXV? How does this game treat its major female characters in terms of designs, characterizations, and what-have-you?

Also, I quite distinctively remember that there are those that defend the ridiculous design of Ashe and Fran in FFXII by saying that other people in that game also dresses that way--saying that in that world, the way they dress is really not that weird. Can the same defense be used towards Cindy? Is her design really that ridiculous when we have a guy in the same universe basically baring his chest and six packs all the time and even work as a personal bodyguard to the king and nobody even bats an eye?

Well, to tell you folks the truth, I personally think her accent offends me more than her clothing, hahaha.
I don't think his design is great either since it seems like fujoshi bait, like the rest of the cast. That said, there's something at least slightly more sensible about a bodyguard flaunting his body versus a mechanic wearing clothes that flaunt her tits and ass.


People hating so much on Cidney's english voice make me sad :C

I'm one of the weeaboos who think the japanese voices are vastly superior, but Prompto and Cidney are amazing, imo.

Her outfit is trash, but her personality, face and voice are all great, to me. To the point where I feel disappointed she's not straight up "the Cid" in this game. Though, with the theme of newer generation of King-related people being the children of the ones who were around Regis, she might as well be.

I sort of liked the Jaime Lannister / Liquid Snake-ish direction they took in Kingsglaive as far as his face was concerned (at least more than the ingame model), but I agree that the hideous coat was still an eyesore; even moreso due to the more realistic art direction; and especially in contrast to the fantastic casual outfit they gave Luna. It might have been intentional to bring him more in line with the rest of the Niflheim characters' costumes stylistically, but that doesn't make the end result any more aesthetically pleasing.

Yeah, makes sense, but even compared to Niflheim people, Ravus is easily the worst. I really really hope he makes it up as a character, because it seems like he'll be a very important one.

And what do you mean, Iris will become Ifrit? D:


Ravus is awful. But I have to say, this is definitely the best he's looked so far, easily. In-game and Kingsglaive are both terrible.

Only Kid Ravus is actually good.

I hope we get to see what she looks like at the end of the story, 10 years later.

Agreed. The worst thing about Cidney's design is that I actually really like the character. If she was just a throwaway "sexy" NPC, I wouldn't care as much.

I still like Assassin's Creed ravus better :(

And yeah, i love cindy's voice, attitude and she has an awesome hairstyle, the fact that her clothes could be not so hard to fix(from a tecnical standpoint at least) is just depressing :|
Really, not even the dragon lady is looking that tacky :|
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