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New Too Human pics


TheExodu5 said:
You're the only one who's that paranoid here. No one said Mass Effect was shit. I'm buying it when it comes out on the PC next month.
I was talking about peoples attitude last year before it was released, it was one of the most named off games in the "November Failure" thread and got alot of heat before it released(most from people who only own a 360) just like Too Human is now.

Even now the game has been confirmed by the latest reviews to be a steady frame-rate along with running @ 720p with 4x AA.

My real question though is why are people who only own a Ps3 and seem like they have no intent whatsoever of ever owning a 360 even in a thread that's about a 360 exclusive?


probune said:
They look nothing alike. One has retarded looking robots and the other has meatheads with giant guns.

OK so replace Baldur with Marcus Fenix and the Goblins with Locust and you would think you were staring at a 'lost' Gears of War level. Seriously people, the look is basically the same (so if you like how one looks and not the other then you're not being objective).

Honestly I think the demo for Too Human will serve the same purpose that the Crackdown demo did: prove that the game is not crap to a whole lot of people.


AdmiralViscen said:
A lot of hardworking programmers put their blood sweat and tears into this.

Can we get a 3 month ban please?
*Looks at Amir0x's posts in this thread*

Yeahhhhhh, don't think that is happening.


godhandiscen said:
Those screenshots are not the bullshots you are used to see from other devs. You cannot recognize the AA because you are too used to bullshots, but the game has been countless of times confirmed to be running at native 720p with 4xAA ever since GDC.

Hmm actually I'm re-examining the top pic...there's definitely some AA going on (you can see a bit of color degradation where the edges are).

If you look closely at the bear's upper right arm on the second pic, you can actually see there's only 2x AA being applied. There is only 1 stage of color degradation or "blending" at every jagged edge, which says to me that this is 2x AA.

soldat7 said:
OK so replace Baldur with Marcus Fenix and the Goblins with Locust and you would think you were staring at a 'lost' Gears of War level. Seriously people, the look is basically the same (so if you like how one looks and not the other then you're not being objective).

Honestly I think the demo for Too Human will serve the same purpose that the Crackdown demo did: prove that the game is not crap to a whole lot of people.

The look is very similar...however, I think the design of the robots is using too much complexity and amplifying any aliasing problems present.


soldat7 said:
OK so replace Baldur with Marcus Fenix and the Goblins with Locust and you would think you were staring at a 'lost' Gears of War level. Seriously people, the look is basically the same (so if you like how one looks and not the other then you're not being objective).

...I don't even know why I'm in this thread any more.
Mifune said:
Don't IGN shots often look like they have no AA? I think we've been through this before.

Spirit of Jazz said:
The IGN pic compression really doesn't help on that front.

This will be a pretty interesting release to say the least (when it finally comes). Subjectivity is a bitch.


Ariexv said:
My real question though is why are people who only own a Ps3 and seem like they have no intent whatsoever of ever owning a 360 even in a thread that's about a 360 exclusive?

I have an interest in:

1) games
2) visuals (I'm a graphics whore)
3) RPGs

I've never counted myself out of owning a 360 because I'm still interested in BD, LO, and Tales of Vesperia. Believe it or not, this game actually interests me, since I'm a big fan of Diablo 2.


Ariexv said:
My real question though is why are people who only own a Ps3 and seem like they have no intent whatsoever of ever owning a 360 even in a thread that's about a 360 exclusive?

What the fuck does it matter that it's a 360 exclusive? This is a video game, and we're in a video games forum. Just because exodus doesn't have the cash to buy another console means he can't talk about it? Does it offend you so much that he doesn't like this game's visuals?


probune said:
What the fuck does it matter that it's a 360 exclusive? This is a video game, and we're in a video games forum. Just because exodus doesn't have the cash to buy another console means he can't talk about it? Does it offend you so much that he doesn't like the visuals for this game?

Fixed for great truth! :lol


Neo Member
probune said:
What the fuck does it matter that it's a 360 exclusive? This is a video game, and we're in a video games forum. Just because exodus doesn't have the cash to buy another console means he can't talk about it? Does it offend you so much that he doesn't like this game?

Perhaps if his post history suggested it was just a "cash" issue and not some sort of bias then yeah I would agree...but I see a few RROD comments in unrelated threads.
soldat7 said:
OK so replace Baldur with Marcus Fenix and the Goblins with Locust and you would think you were staring at a 'lost' Gears of War level. Seriously people, the look is basically the same (so if you like how one looks and not the other then you're not being objective).

Honestly I think the demo for Too Human will serve the same purpose that the Crackdown demo did: prove that the game is not crap to a whole lot of people.

They're not really close. Completely different art styles.



Then again, I'm of the opinion that the graphics would be easily overlooked if the game was marketed correctly. You don't market an 'epic' RPG with nearly 100% gameplay screens with no context. You have to give players a sense of the story's scope. SK has completely failed in this regard to make the protagonist or any of the secondary characters look remotely interesting. Bioware spent a ton of time promoting each character/race in the game before Mass Effect finally launched. The moment the game switches over from SK's borderline incompetent hands to Microsoft Gaming Studio's marketing machine, Too Human will be seen in a much more positive light.


rune_74 said:
It is kind of sad how he endorsed all this.

Hey, I'm a big believer in Too Human, but the detractors are welcome to their opinion. And let's face it...these pics are not too impressive. Thankfully most of what I've seen about the game elsewhere is.

I really think TH is gonna be treated like Eternal Darkness upon release. Glowing reviews all over the place, divisive as fuck amongst the hardcore. It will sell about a million copies more than that game, though.


rune_74 said:
Perhaps if his post history suggested it was just a "cash" issue and not some sort of bias then yeah I would agree...but I see a few RROD comments in unrelated threads.

How many fucking times do I have to say it...I AM INTERESTED IN THIS GAME! And no, I don't have the cash for a 360, and won't till the Fall at the very earliest. And god forbid I the visuals for a game in which I am genuinely interested.


rune_74 said:
Perhaps if his post history suggested it was just a "cash" issue and not some sort of bias then yeah I would agree...but I see a few RROD comments in unrelated threads.

OH SHIT. Red ring jokes? This shit just got real.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Then again, I'm of the opinion that the graphics would be easily overlooked if the game was marketed correctly. You don't market an 'epic' RPG with nearly 100% gameplay screens with no context. You have to give players a sense of the story's scope. SK has completely failed in this regard to make the protagonist or any of the secondary characters look remotely interesting. Bioware spent a ton of time promoting each character/race in the game before Mass Effect finally launched. The moment the game switches over from SK's borderline incompetent hands to Microsoft Gaming Studio's marketing machine, Too Human will be seen in a much more positive light.
This game could be 4months+ away, I expect a month maybe 2 before release we'll see alot more.


probune said:
When you're comparing this game to Mass Effect in terms of performance, you're setting the bar too low.

That may be true, but Mass Effect had enough going for it that I didn't mind the tech problems and just enjoyed the hell out of the game (midway through a 3rd playthrough and have spent about 60-70 hours on it). I don't see why Too Human, if it provides good skill trees, fun loot and all that other fun stuff, cannot do the same. Diablo 2, which is one of my favorite games of all time, was not graphically amazing (even when released) and did not run particularly smoothly at all times (single player lag was one of the main reasons I remember dying).

I think that people so ready to dismiss the game for bad graphics, which I don't think are particularly good or bad, are missing the forest for the trees. If the game provides the addictive thrill of leveling up, finding amazing loot and customizing the heck out of a character then whether the textures are top notch or not will hardly matter. I think the game will turn out better than a lot of people in this thread think, and I think it will find an audience. It's entirely possible that I'm just drinking the kool-aid, but as someone that wants a modern console Diabloesque experience I'm hopeful that it turns out well.
MrHicks said:
i feel like im getting worn out with this game and its not even out
all these endless "new screens" and "new trailer" or "new dev diary" posts
release it fast or my intrest is totally logging out


something about your avatar and this post really bothers me. i dunno quite what it is yet though.
looks tragically similar to UTIII

which is not a bad thing per se..unless you aren't into goth-futuristic generic shitty design. Lack of detail, dizzy textures, horrendous color palette. To me, several posts later, these graphics remain atrocious and I guess only those who don't know fuck about art style and actual graphical beauty would enjoy it calling the style "Z0Mf fantastwyck!"


kmfdmpig said:
That may be true, but Mass Effect had enough going for it that I didn't mind the tech problems and just enjoyed the hell out of the game (midway through a 3rd playthrough and have spent about 60-70 hours on it).

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot while I played it, but after, I looked back and honestly had a hard time thinking of anything outside of the narrative that I thought was really, really outstanding about the game. And even the narrative was pretty generic, but enjoyable, sci fi, so it's not like they really hit that out of the park. It's definitely a sum of the parts sort of thing.

I don't see why Too Human, if it provides good skill trees, fun loot and all that other fun stuff, cannot do the same. Diablo 2, which is one of my favorite games of all time, was not graphically amazing (even when released) and did not run particularly smoothly at all times (single player lag was one of the main reasons I remember dying).

I think that people so ready to dismiss the game for bad graphics, which I don't think are particularly good or bad, are missing the forest for the trees. If the game provides the addictive thrill of leveling up, finding amazing loot and customizing the heck out of a character then whether the textures are top notch or not will hardly matter. I think the game will turn out better than a lot of people in this thread think, and I think it will find an audience. It's entirely possible that I'm just drinking the kool-aid, but as someone that wants a modern console Diabloesque experience I'm hopeful that it turns out well.

Yeah, I did say this in my original post. It looks hideous but if it's a good Diablo style game I'll buy it in a heartbeat. This thread actually got Exodus interested in the game since he previously didn't know anything about it until I told him about it. Hell, one of his favorite games is Disgaea and that game doesn't exactly have good graphics, at all.


Neo Member
Anasui Kishibe said:
looks tragically similar to UTIII

which is not a bad thing per se..unless you aren't into goth-futuristic generic shitty design. Lack of detail, dizzy textures, horrendous color palette. To me, several posts later, these graphics remain atrocious and I guess only those who don't know fuck about art style and actual graphical beauty would enjoy it calling the style "Z0Mf fantastwyck!"

That was so witty, keep going.
Ariexv said:
This game could be 4months+ away, I expect a month maybe 2 before release we'll see alot more.

Unless MS takes the reigns immediately, I don't see it.

Dennis and co managed to keep the 'good' build of Eternal Darkness in the closet at E3 2002, preferring to demo an older, unfinished, limited version for the public "to prevent spoilers". The game was torn to shreds, despite positive hands-on impressions of the near completed game at a private SK event nearly a month before that. The final build was met with nearly universally positive reviews - and bombed horribly.

Sound familiar?

I can totally see Denis inviting Matt-IGN, Too Human.net, and a select few others to play the final build, letting them post their glowing impressions, dicking around with the rest of us all the way up to launch, gimping the demo, and then watching in stupified awe as the game's out of the gate sales don't match its glowing reviews.

Denis' head is wrapped so far around his "I told you so" mentality and SK's traditional spoiler-free marketing that he will sooner let the game get buried under a mountain of negativity than show anything remotely interesting.

This is NOT how you promote a game with a 30 million dollar budget. They've been teasing us with screens of the SAME AREA for damn near 2 years. I've seen what the cave looks like. I know what Baldur's HUD looks like. I know what the goblins look like. I know about the skill trees. I know about SK's design philosophy. If the game is coming out this year, it's time to stop talking about why we should be excited, and give us something concrete.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Then again, I'm of the opinion that the graphics would be easily overlooked if the game was marketed correctly. You don't market an 'epic' RPG with nearly 100% gameplay screens with no context. You have to give players a sense of the story's scope. SK has completely failed in this regard to make the protagonist or any of the secondary characters look remotely interesting. Bioware spent a ton of time promoting each character/race in the game before Mass Effect finally launched. The moment the game switches over from SK's borderline incompetent hands to Microsoft Gaming Studio's marketing machine, Too Human will be seen in a much more positive light.

It's a hard thing to ask of though, how do you market a Diablo styled RPG to the masses without boring them? Also I dare say a lot of the screens are do to them being contracted to give IGN action screens. Though I do feel your being far too harsh, a lot of the media recently released has covered both RPG elements and characterisation. In fact I think the videos focused on cut-sceens have all shown interesting characters from Mimir's backtalking and jabs at Tyr to the slutty mentalness of the slutty mental N.O.R.M and Baldur taking no shit from her. I mean they're lacking the back story Bioware were showcasing, but I think they've shown a more interesting cast and interactions between them.

Edit: Okay, I pretty much agree with your newest post though, like I said I'm expect more variety in enemies and environments, I'd really like to see them.


Spirit of Jazz said:
It's a hard thing to ask of though, how do you market a Diablo styled RPG to the masses without boring them?

I don't know but they could start by marketing the game in general. I'm constantly surprised by how many people have no idea what this game is even among people who post on gaming forums. And that's a really, really bad sign.
probune said:
I don't know but they could start by marketing the game in general. I'm constantly surprised by how many people have no idea what this game is even among people who post on gaming forums. And that's a really, really bad sign.

Why? I feel that has been marketed enough for us folks, I mean it was the focus of their last media event and GDC. Surely it's not SK's fault for people not listening to the coverage? (especially given how much of it was on 1up) That said maybe more marketing will kick in when we come up to the games release, I think Dennis has even gone on about how important it is for them to get a decent demo out so people know what it is.


former Navy SEAL
Amir0x said:
there's something about the way they designed the visuals in this title

it's like every single texture is difficult to look at, even if they are functional. I can't quite know what to focus on, everything is so individually awkward!

Yes this. Visually it's a mess. I think it will look somewhat better in motion, though.
almost 6 pages, of backand forth bickering. nobody is listening to each other, so why continue? I think this game looks great and fun. I'm buying it. I could care less that some people think it looks like 'shit', please don't buy it and stay out of the official thread.


Scottlarock said:
almost 6 pages, of backand forth bickering. nobody is listening to each other, so why continue? I think this game looks great and fun. I'm buying it. I could care less that some people think it looks like 'shit', please don't buy it and stay out of the official thread.

This thread needs to be locked and Too Human threads should be a bannable offense.

But I guess people like Amirox get a kick out of them.


Scottlarock said:
almost 6 pages, of backand forth bickering. nobody is listening to each other, so why continue?
Hah! This is pretty much par for the course for any Silicon Knights/Too Human thread on GAF.

Only exception was during the positive response at GDC. Then the haters had to really work hard.

I imagine some things will change once the demo is released.
TheExodu5 said:
Yes it is. That's what marketing is all about.

And what can marketing do beyond having showings at GDC, exclusives on the game, press events that are covered on all major gaming sites, a blog on IGN and Dennis having appeared on the number one gaming podcast here multiple times? Anybody here who's ignored it already had their interest in Too Human shattered by the E3 fiasco that it's going to be impossible for the marketing or they've not even tried to make any effort into looking into it and expect to know what it is. They've really done all they can do for the Internet massive up to this point, beyond an official site of course which I'm sure we'll see that closer to the title release.
thetrin said:
No, apparently he is actually the The Flash, and the world moves at a pace half the speed for him.

Taking pictures must be a bitch


And yeah I want to like this game but I cringe at every shot released. It just looks like crap. The art style is bland in all the shots I have seen and that weird shimmering on the models annoys me.


CrapSandwich said:
Yes this. Visually it's a mess. I think it will look somewhat better in motion, though.

Honestly. Have you people not downloaded the three HD videos from Marketplace? You see the game in motion and you are free to pause and look at just how 'bad' the graphics are.

People act as if we've never seen any HD footage of the game. We have and my only personal complaint is with the animation. A pretty major quibble but certainly not a subjective "The game looks like shiz" comment.

Here are some screens from Gamersyde. I swear those guys are the only ones putting decent screens into the tubes that comprise the internets:



Looks simply TERRIBLE compared to Gears, amirite?
Although Baldur's face does seem to look goofy most of the time :)


soldat7 said:
Honestly. Have you people not downloaded the three HD videos from Marketplace? You see the game in motion and you are free to pause and look at just how 'bad' the graphics are.

People act as if we've never seen any HD footage of the game. We have and my only personal complaint is with the animation. A pretty major quibble but certainly not a subjective "The game looks like shiz" comment.

Here are some screens from Gamersyde. I swear those guys are the only ones putting decent screens into the tubes that comprise the internets:



Looks simply TERRIBLE compared to Gears, amirite?
Although Baldur's face does seem to look goofy most of the time :)

Honestly, you're fighting an incredibly uphill battle.

Long Development Time + Xbox 360 game = Gaf group mentality of hatred.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Taking pictures must be a bitch


And yeah I want to like this game but I cringe at every shot released. It just looks like crap. The art style is bland in all the shots I have seen and that weird shimmering on the models annoys me.

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