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New York Cops Beat up Man as he tried to surrender

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El Odio

It's these stories especially that reinforce the idea that some of these cops joined the force just looking for an excuse to release some pent up testosterone. Seems like the guy just burst in there ready to take down potential terrorists or something.


So, random question: you ever see a movie where a guy holds someone at gunpoint, tosses handcuffs to them, and tells them to cuff themselves? Why is that not a thing for police IRL?

I mean, if you're afraid of his savage strength and obvious knife-fighting skills (other aside: the article doesn't mention if he had a knife on him when he was arrested?), surely you'd feel safer keeping your distance (even if he could obviously charge you like a linebacker) and thus you wouldn't have to resort to the entirely reasonable escalation demonstrated in this video.


aka IMurRIVAL69
So, random question: you ever see a movie where a guy holds someone at gunpoint, tosses handcuffs to them, and tells them to cuff themselves? Why is that not a thing for police IRL?

I mean, if you're afraid of his savage strength and obvious knife-fighting skills (other aside: the article doesn't mention if he had a knife on him when he was arrested?), surely you'd feel safer keeping your distance (even if he could obviously charge you like a linebacker) and thus you wouldn't have to resort to the entirely reasonable escalation demonstrated in this video.

Seems like it would be pretty tricky to cuff yourself behind your own back. Some people wouldn't know how to lock the cuffs. People could pretend they're cuffed when they're not locked. A good percentage of people getting arrested are inebriated.....
It's these stories especially that reinforce the idea that some of these cops joined the force just looking for an excuse to release some pent up testosterone. Seems like the guy just burst in there ready to take down potential terrorists or something.

That's what a "hero" does, right? Just kick in the door and fuck black I MEAN bad guys up, yeah?

They're just there to protect us, right? To uphold and heck, even enforce the law?
The man who held the knife is not the same man who was beaten. Or am I misinformed?

You are not.

Jennings, 24, and another unidentified man became embroiled in a dispute with an employee over the price of two slices of pizza.

Jennings told The News that the price was $3 and he was a dollar short, so he stepped outside and borrowed money from someone to cover the tab.

The criminal complaint alleges the unidentified man pulled out a switchblade knife, told the employee that he wasn’t paying and both men fled with the pizza and salt-and-pepper shakers. The employee called 911 and reported the food joint had been robbed.

Even assuming they treated Jennings as if he was the unidentified man, this:

Jennings raises both hands up, apparently surrendering. That’s when Officer Pearce Martinez runs up to Jennings, immediately launching three haymaker punches to the man’s head.

While Martinez is handcuffing Jennings without any difficulty, Lutchman is striking him with his baton and then drives Jennings head down into the counter with his elbow.

Is still completely uncalled for. That is not law enforcement in any way, shape, or form.


Reminded me of this scene

Love that scene because it's so true.


What the hell else could the guy have done to show he wasn't resisting arrest? He seemed 100% cooperative.


y, cops should be fired.

It's frightening to think that some people actually believe that jail time should be a consequence of petty theft.

excuse me, but since when is armed robbery a petty theft? are we forgeting here that he pointed a switchblade at another civilian here? i can't even...

its ok to hate on cops without diminishing the victims crime.
And absolutely nothing will be done about it.

ppl say this and that will happen, but we both know nothing will.

Kinda of like that cop who entered that naked womans house and got to retire with a pension with no criminal conviction. people where saying he'll get sued, the city will get sued etc. but nothing happens.

Even the most heinous cases, what happens? Wait a couple months for a DA statement, and another 6 for the trial, and then when it's all blown over and nothing happens we'll already have discussed 5 or 6 more of these cases.


Ugh, people need to be allowed to pull knives on other innocent people and not need to catch an ass whooping. Disgusting behavior by the cops, forget that the group pulled a deadly weapon over a fucking dollar, I'm sure it was their very first time and they don't need to show restraint anyways, everyone else does when dealing with them.


Why did the bald cop come out of no where and start to throw punches, he should have just started to cuff him while the brown cop was scaring him with the baton stick.
Also why did the guy step outside with the salt and pepper shakers with the pizza. If he was stepping outside to get money like he claimed, he should have just left them inside the store and told the workers he'll be back in a few minutes to pay for it.

Both sides seemed to have messed up.


So you saying he deserved to be beaten

Not by the cops, but yes, you go around pulling knives on people over a dollar, you deserve an asskicking. Unfortunately that's not the cops job, so they both need to go to jail.
Couldn't have asked for a better shot of the cop pummeling the guy. You can really see in his face that he doesn't give a damn. A deliberate, measured use of force isn't something you have to scrunch your face up over. The cop's just mad and you can tell.


Not by the cops, but yes, you go around pulling knives on people over a dollar, you deserve an asskicking. Unfortunately that's not the cops job, so they both need to go to jail.

Then why the other post? it was clearly victim blaming. Got to make up your mind, can't be both ways. Either the cops should be beating people for having a record or not, it is not a gray area issue


Shit like this makes me want to move to America, take him to court, and fucking ruin his life forever. Fuck that guy so much, real tough beating on a guy like that in your uniform when his hands are in the air.


Then why the other post? it was clearly victim blaming. Got to make up your mind, can't be both ways. Either the cops should be beating people for having a record or not, it is not a gray area issue

What victim blaming? I never said the store employee did anything, and I don't consider a knife-wielding assailant and his partner "victims". The cops were out of bounds here, but they go out of bounds all the time with all races that do stupid shit. Because of actual police brutality and wrongful murders, let's not try and lump every single police interaction with a minority into the same group. If the criminals were white, this wouldn't even be a thread, and if it were, you wouldn't be participating in it.


What victim blaming? I never said the store employee did anything, and I don't consider a knife-wielding assailant and his partner "victims". The cops were out of bounds here, but they go out of bounds all the time with all races that do stupid shit. Because of actual police brutality and wrongful murders, let's not try and lump every single police interaction with a minority into the same group. If the criminals were white, this wouldn't even be a thread, and if it were, you wouldn't be participating in it.

Please don't be that person.


What victim blaming? I never said the store employee did anything, and I don't consider a knife-wielding assailant and his partner "victims". The cops were out of bounds here, but they go out of bounds all the time with all races that do stupid shit. Because of actual police brutality and wrongful murders, let's not try and lump every single police interaction with a minority into the same group. If the criminals were white, this wouldn't even be a thread, and if it were, you wouldn't be participating in it.
Then why are you defending their brutally. Also read up on stop and frisk in new york, and bonus "Broken Windows".
Not by the cops, but yes, you go around pulling knives on people over a dollar, you deserve an asskicking. Unfortunately that's not the cops job, so they both need to go to jail.

This victim blaming?
$3 for 2 slices of pizza? That seems super cheap.

Never been to NYC?

When do cops realize they should act as though they're always being video taped? I can't imagine living with this, besides all the other reasons this is horrible how would you face your family or living in a community being known for this?

Two Words

What victim blaming? I never said the store employee did anything, and I don't consider a knife-wielding assailant and his partner "victims". The cops were out of bounds here, but they go out of bounds all the time with all races that do stupid shit. Because of actual police brutality and wrongful murders, let's not try and lump every single police interaction with a minority into the same group. If the criminals were white, this wouldn't even be a thread, and if it were, you wouldn't be participating in it.

There is ample evidence that black people are recipients of police brutality and higher prison sentences for similar crimes than other races.


So I'm lying that he wouldn't participate in it? Ok, let me verify:

Search > "Brady Becker"

Result: Cop Beats High School Kid So Bad Even the Cop’s Own Department said to file complaint


Search This Thread > "Slayven"

No results found.

I'm not concerning myself about what "Slayven" does on NeoGaf. I'm more focused on you doing the whole "If the criminals were white, this wouldn't even be a thread" spiel that you seem to be aiming at. It's foolish and not even remotely productive.


Then why are you defending their brutally. Also read up on stop and frisk in new york, and bonus "Broken Windows".

Yes, I know what those things are, considering I'm a minority and my people deal with those things, too. "Defending their brutality" is much different than just not feeling sorry for the "victim" in this case. Let's not marginalize real police corruption and brutality by now being outraged every time armed criminals or their partners get a black eye or some other booboo.


Ugh, people need to be allowed to pull knives on other innocent people and not need to catch an ass whooping. Disgusting behavior by the cops, forget that the group pulled a deadly weapon over a fucking dollar, I'm sure it was their very first time and they don't need to show restraint anyways, everyone else does when dealing with them.

Well, the whole pulling of a knife part is an allegation; not necessarily a fact. When the officers confronted the two suspects there is nothing to indicate either pulled a knife on them or was brandishing a knife at that time. So detaining them as they would someone suspected of having knife would have been fine (e.g pulling a gun, commanding them not to move and placing them in handcuffs). Rushing in and punching someone in the face over and over when that person isn't resisting arrest, but rather is actually entering the non-threatening posture of hands above his head is unnecessary and an excessive use of force.

Two Words

Yes, I know what those things are, considering I'm a minority and my people deal with those things, too. "Defending their brutality" is much different than just not feeling sorry for the "victim" in this case. Let's not marginalize real police corruption and brutality by now being outraged every time armed criminals or their partners get a black eye or some other booboo.
At that point, that person was simply a suspect. The cop was not punching a criminal proven of guilt. He was punching a black guy that fit the profile of an alleged crime that reportedly took place. It doesn't matter if he actually did anything or not. At that point, his guilt was undetermined and he was not treated that way.
Ugh, people need to be allowed to pull knives on other innocent people and not need to catch an ass whooping. Disgusting behavior by the cops, forget that the group pulled a deadly weapon over a fucking dollar, I'm sure it was their very first time and they don't need to show restraint anyways, everyone else does when dealing with them.

Anyone want to take bets on the one who pulled the knife having a record of crime?

Then why the other post? it was clearly victim blaming. Got to make up your mind, can't be both ways. Either the cops should be beating people for having a record or not, it is not a gray area issue

MVP posts racist stuff like this until he catches a ban. Then he goes away, comes back, and the cycles continues.
Yes, I know what those things are, considering I'm a minority and my people deal with those things, too. "Defending their brutality" is much different than just not feeling sorry for the "victim" in this case. Let's not marginalize real police corruption and brutality by now being outraged every time armed criminals or their partners get a black eye or some other booboo.



So I'm lying that he wouldn't participate in it? Ok, let me verify:

Search > "Brady Becker"

Result: Cop Beats High School Kid So Bad Even the Cop’s Own Department said to file complaint


Search This Thread > "Slayven"

No results found.
Damn son are you my Gaf PO?
Yes, I know what those things are, considering I'm a minority and my people deal with those things, too. "Defending their brutality" is much different than just not feeling sorry for the "victim" in this case. Let's not marginalize real police corruption and brutality by now being outraged every time armed criminals or their partners get a black eye or some other booboo.

You can't cherry pick systemic corruption and brutality. The one officer had it well in hand and the other guy came in like rambo and started beating the dude. There was no danger, there was no resisting. He just ran up and started clobbering the dude. That is the kind of shit people need to be afraid of and needs to be stopped.

If you want to live in that type of society more power to you, but it scares me to death.


MVP posts racist stuff like this until he catches a ban. Then he goes away, comes back, and the cycles continues.

Ah I was waiting until the racism thing came out. Eventually it always evolves into the actual bigots pulling the racist card on anyone who doesn't agree with them.

You can't cherry pick systemic corruption and brutality. The one officer had it well in hand and the other guy came in like rambo and started beating the dude. There was no danger, there was no resisting. He just ran up and started clobbering the dude. That is the kind of shit people need to be afraid of and needs to be stopped.

If you want to live in that type of society more power to you, but it scares me to death.

I want to live in a society where I don't risk getting stabbed while doing my job if I tell someone they're a dollar short.
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